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  All the important publishers and learning societies provide Table Of Contents (TOC) RSS feeds for their journals.

Over 26,243 journals from 3359 publishers now make available TOC RSS feeds. Does yours? If yes, you can submit your journal to JournalTOCs.

JournalTOCs endeavours to include every important journal as well as promising new titles. Therefore, only journals that meet our Selection Criteria are accepted.

Suggest a journal for JournalTOCs:

Before completing the form, make sure that your journal meets our Selection Criteria. The journal will not be considered if it doesn't meet the following requirements.

  Selection Criteria
    Mandatory Requirements:
  1. The journal must be publishing TOC RSS feeds for its most recent issue.
  2. The journal has published at least four issues or volumes in the last TWO previous years.
  3. The journal is CURRENTLY and regularly publishing PEER-REVIEWED research articles online.
  4. The journal must have an editor, an editorial board and a peer-review system.
  5. The journal has ISSN numbers.
    Additional Requirements:
  1. The journal has an international diversity (e.g. Editors come from different institutions and authors are from different countries.)
  2. The articles published in the journal have DOI identifiers.
  3. The journal is registered with relevant organizations (e.g. CrossRef, COPE, LOCKSS)
If your journal meets the requirements listed above, you can complete this form:

Journal Title *
Print ISSN *   At least one of the ISSNs is required.
Electonic ISSN *
Journal Homepage URL *
Journal TOC RSS URL *
Your Name
Your Email Address *


I don't know what an RSS feeds is
RSS is just a text file format. RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication.

The file format of RSS files follows the rules set for XML files. So RSS files are just simple XML files that contain news or announcements about a product, service or a journal. RSS files are also called RSS feeds because they are used to syndicate news and other web content. They "feed" other web pages and RSS readers.

Why should I have an RSS feeds for my journal TOC?
Because we will use your journal TOC RSS feeds to identify your new issues or articles.
All the important publishers and learning societies provide TOC RSS feeds for their journals.

If you want to know how the TOC RSS feeds of these publishers look like, take a look these examples:

PNAS: http://feeds.feedburner.com/pnas/SMZM?format=xml
IJTM: http://www.inderscience.com/current_issues/ijtm.rss
The Lancet: http://rss.sciencedirect.com/publication/science/4886
JAMA: http://jama.jamanetwork.com/rss/site_3/67.xml
PLoS ONE: http://feeds.plos.org/plosone/PLoSONE?format=xml
The current TOCs of these journals are part of JournalTOCs.

The nice thing of having RSS feeds for your TOCs is that your content can automatically be distributed in many places on the web; which means you get a much wider audience for your content. The only thing you need to do is to keep an up-to-date copy of your journal TOC RSS feed on some place of your web site.

I don't know how to create a TOC RSS feeds
If you want to have full control on the format and content of your RSS feeds, the best option for you is that your IT team create, maintain and host your journal TOC RSS files. However, if that it's not possible you can use online tools to generate RSS feeds from your journal TOC web pages. Tools such as Feedburner, Feed43, Feedity, PAGE2RSS, Balluche and FeedWind. We don't endorse any of these tools because a good RSS feed requires understanding the content that you are syndicating.

Publishers using the OJS (Open Journal Systems) submission system can easily produce TOC RSS feeds for their new or current issues. They only need to make sure that the OJS option to generate RSS feeds is enabled. RSS feeds have been enabled by default from OJS 2.2.3 onwards. Read how to enable TOC RSS feeds with OJS.

Why should I add my journal to JournalTOCs?
JournalTOCs is about making your journal TOCs available in a more convenient manner with no extra cost for you.

If your journal TOC RSS feeds are indexed by JournalTOCs, our users will be made aware of your new issues almost as soon as they have been published. There are so many electronic journals now that most of your potential subscribers won't come to your site every day. By being part of JournalTOCs, you are in front of them constantly, improving the chances that they'll find your articles and visit your journals.

How can JournalTOCs help publishers reach more readers and new subscribers?
* We increase the chances that they visit your site through to an article that catches their eye.
* We improve your publications' visibility and reach, brand awareness and subscription chances without any extra cost for you.
* We enable sharing of your TOC RS feeds by web developers wanting to easily incorporate your TOCs into their own websites.
* As we use the Dublin Core and PRISM standards for metadata exchange, we enhance and present your even invalid RSS feeds in a standard and consistent format.

I publish dozens of journals. How could I add them together in one go?
If adding journals one by one using the above form is not efficient for you, you are very welcome to email the URLs for your journal TOC RSS feeds to journaltocs@hw.ac.uk. You normally should enclose in your email a file with the list of your journals. Please kindly include the title, print-ISSN number, electronic-ISSN number, homepage URL and the RSS URL for each journal. You can use any file format such as text, MS Excel and CSV but the preferred format for your file is MS Excel.

School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences
Heriot-Watt University
Edinburgh, EH14 4AS, UK
Email: journaltocs@hw.ac.uk
Tel: +00 44 (0)131 4513762
Fax: +00 44 (0)131 4513327
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