JournalTOCs is a Current Awareness Service (CAS) where you can discover the newest papers coming directly from the publishers as soon as they have been published online.
JournalTOCs is for researchers, librarians, students and anyone who's looking for the latest or most current papers published in the scholarly literature with international coverage.
JournalTOCs is a free service for individual users.
JournalTOCs *Premium* is a customised version for institutions, available at very economic licence rates. It is a current awareness alert system built with the customers in mind because their feedback is what steers its continuous development.
JournalTOCs *Premium* is being used by large and small research centres and libraries worldwide. It has many features, including an admin interface (super-user account) to ensure that each customised version exactly matches the needs of each customer.
For more details, or to setup a trial of JournalTOCs *Premium* for your institution go to Customise
JournalTOCs is the biggest searchable collection of scholarly journal Tables of Contents (TOCs). It contains articles' metadata of TOCs for over 26,280 journals directly collected from over 3359 publishers.
JournalTOCs has taken special care to include all the highest rated journals in their fields, guaranteeing quality results. See Selection Criteria.
Coverage includes titles from:
JournalTOCs pulls together a database of Table of Contents (TOCs) from scholarly journals and provides a convenient single "one stop shop" interface to these TOCs.
JournalTOCs is a spin-out of the JournalTOCs-API Project, which was funded by the JISC Rapid Innovation Grants in 2009. It is based at the School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Heriot-Watt University.