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Scientific Journal of Nursing, Midwifery and Paramedical Faculty
Number of Followers: 2  

  This is an Open Access Journal Open Access journal
ISSN (Online) 2476-4841
Published by Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences Homepage  [3 journals]
  • The relationship between pain score and change in physiological indices of
           premature neonates under ventilation

    • Authors: Zahra Khalili
      Abstract: Background & Aim: Tracheal suctioning is one of the ways to clean and open the airway in infants admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit that can be with many negative consequences such as pain, decrease in arterial oxygen saturation, pneumonia, heart rhythm disorder, change In the rhythm and number of respiration and sepsis.
      Materials & Methods: This is a descriptive correlational study with IR.UMSHA.REC.1395.424 ethical code, was performed on 120 preterm infants in neonatal intensive care unit of Besat and Fatemieh Hospitals of Hamedan. Firstly, before suctioning the patient, the heart rate index of the newborn that needed to be suctioned was registered by the researcher in three shifts based on the findings of the direct monitoring of the infant. The heart rate index was re-recorded during suction. Data were analyzed using descriptive and regression tests.
      Results: Infants with a catheter of 6 to 9 french were suctioned at 80 to 85 suction pressure. In 26% of cases, the suctioning standards for the duration of suction, standard pressure and proper size of the catheter were not observed. There was a significant difference between the change in heart rate index and pain score (P=0.001).
      Conclusion: Failure to observe suction standards in premature infants can lead to changes in heart rate index and increase their basic needs, which can impair the recovery process of preterm infants.
  • Medication errors in nursing students

    • Authors: Gholamhosein Fallahinia
      Abstract: Background & Aim: Internship nursing students are at risk of making medication errors due to their independence in practice. In order to protect the patient, identification of a drug error is necessary. The purpose of this study was to investigate the pharmacological errors of interns nursing students in the field.
      Materials & Methods: This descriptive study was conducted on 87 undergraduate nursing students in Hamedan Nursing and Midwifery Faculty, who had not completed their period of study. The data were collected using a questionnaire containing demographic information and error probability (33 items) based on a 5-degree Likert scale (from very low to very high). The analysis was done using descriptive and inferential statistics.
      Results: Most of the students were 23.24 ± 1.69 years old and had a mean score of 16.06±0.99. The most likely occurrence of errors in intern nursing students was in the field of multi-drug infusion in both cases regardless of medication interactions and giving the medication by wrong number.
      Conclusion: The results of this study showed that there was a risk of medication errors in nursing students. Therefore, educational authorities should use strategies to prevent medication errors in their training program.
  • Pregnancy in the non-communicating rudimentary horn of a unicornuate
           Uterus: a case report of Saghez

    • Authors: Reza Ghanei Gheshlagh
      Abstract: Background and Aim: Pregnancy in the Non-communicating Rudimentary Horn of a Unicornuate Uterus is very rare and dangerous that often after uterine rupture, hemorrhagic shock or peritoneal hematomas detected.
      Case presentation: In this report, a 36-year-old woman with abdominal pain and gestational age of 17 weeks with the pre-shock was admitted to the hospital. The patient was transferred to the operating room because of abdominal bleeding and a vertical incision was made under spinal anesthesia. Horns evolved apart without causing damage to the uterus.
      Conclusion: Pregnancy in a rudimentary horn carries severe risk to the mothers. It is recommended that immediately surgery in a rudimentary horn is made even if unruptured.
  • Study of the quality of Hermeneutic phenomenology studies in nursing

    • Authors: Mohsen Adib-Hajbagheri
      Abstract: Background & Aim: The number of nursing researchers who use phenomenology studies and especially hermeneutics in their research is increasing. The validity of these studies has always been sought by researchers to judge the accuracy of the research, the methods of study and its findings. Therefore, in this study, the quality of Hermeneutic phenomenology studies in nursing was investigated.
      Materials & Methods: This study is a descriptive study conducted through extensive search of Proquest, PubMed, Web of Science and Scopus databases. In this study 220 eligible articles were reviewed. The quality of papers was reviewed based on the researcher-made checklist derived from the Guba and Linck criteria.
      Results: The findings show that the minimum score earned by articles was 52.33 out of 69.9 and the maximum was 135.18 out of 140. 15% of the articles were of high quality, 52% had a moderate quality and 33% had poor quality. Moreover, the findings also showed credibility at 42%, transferability at 85%, dependability at 54%, and confirmability at 59% of cases were observed.
      Conclusion: Most of the reviewed phenomenology articles had a moderate quality. Most of the articles were moderate in terms of transferability, dependability and confirmability and were inadequate in terms of credibility.
  • A Survey of spirituality attitudes and spiritual care of nurses in
           Vellayat educational and therapeutic center in Qazvin in 2016.

    • Authors: Mohammad hossein Mafi
      Abstract: Background & Aim: Paying attention to the spiritual dimension of care, make a significant difference in the physical, psychological and social consequences of the disease. The attitude and awareness of the nurses towards spiritual care and spirituality can play an important role in the implementation of this care. Therefore, the present study was conducted with the goal of determining of spiritual attitudes and care of the nurses in Vellayat Educational and Therapeutic Center in Qazvin in 2016.Materials & Methods: This survey was a descriptive cross-sectional study. 189 nurses from Vellayat Educational and Therapeutic Center in Qazvin were entered into the study through the census methods. To measure the attitudes of spirituality and spiritual care among nurses, spirituality and spiritual care measures were used. After collecting data, descriptive and inferential statistics were analyzed using Spss.18 Software.
      Results: The average total score of the attitudes to spirituality and spiritual care was (56.59±10.70) and nurses were in the moderate level. CCUs with the average and standard deviation (65.00 ±11.40) and chemotherapy at (63.66±5.71) had the highest score and the operating room wards at (49.25±3.02) and the heart ward at (52.40±12.17) had the lowest score.
      Conclusion: Considering the importance of spiritual care, it is suggested to provide training to change the attitudes of nurses and the role of religious teachings in care. Also, it may be possible to provide high quality care for patients by reducing the burden of work and better management.
  • The Effectiveness of Sentimental Cognitive Therapy on Reducing Test
           Anxiety in Nursing Students of Islamic Azad University, Birjand, in 2018

    • Authors: Elahe Ahangari
      Abstract: Background & Aim: Test anxiety is a common phenomenon among students and is one of the problems of educational system. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of cognitive therapy based on self-talk in reducing the test anxiety in nursing students of Islamic Azad University of Birjand.
      Materials & Methods: This research was a semi-experimental study, using pre-test and post-test with control group. The statistical population of this study was all nursing students of the Islamic Azad University of Birjand who were studying at this college in 2018. In this research, the students were selected by cluster sampling method. Among them, 30 subjects who were the highest in the Test Anxiety Inventory (TAT) were selected as the sample and randomly divided into two groups of 15 experimental and control groups. The experimental group received 10 sessions of 1 hour self-talk educational program and the control group did not receive any special treatment. Anxiety questionnaire was used to collect data.
      Results: The results showed that there was a significant difference between the test anxiety in the experimental group and the control group after the experimental intervention (teaching self-talk strategies) at a meaningful level (P≥0.05). Mean and standard deviation of the test anxiety score in the two experimental groups and control were 53.03 ± 6.78 and 46.96 ± 10.25, respectively.
      Conclusion: Therefore, cognitive therapy based on self-talk can be effective in reducing the test anxiety of nursing students of Islamic Azad University of Birjand and can be considered as a treatment method.
  • Evidence-based review in the field of developing critical appraisal tools
           for quantitative studies

    • Authors: Camelia Rohani
      Abstract: Background & Aim: Selection of an appropriate critical appraisal tool is an important part of evidence-based practice. The aim of the present study was to do a systematic review of articles according to existing evidence in databases in the field of developing critical appraisal tools for quantitative studies from 2006 to 2016.
      Materials & Methods: A systematic review was performed on the critical appraisal tools for quantitative studies between 8 to 12 January 2016 in the PubMed, ProQuest, Ovid, Web of Science, Scopus and Cochrane databases using keywords in the MeSH and based on inclusion and exclusion criteria.
      Results: Of the 1100 retrieved articles, 19 articles were only remained in the study. Workshop, Delphi technique, a panel of experts and exploration method have been used for development of the critical appraisal tools for observational studies (STROBE, STROBE-NI, RECORD, STROME-ID, STROBE-nut AXIS, STROBE-ME, CORE), clinical trials studies (CONSORT and different types, STRICTA, SPIRIT, CA of RCTs of NPs), interventional studies (QI-MQCS), case studies (CARE and SCARE). Also, a general assessment tool (CAT) and a special tool for assessment of the psychometric characteristics of the studies (COSMIN) were presented.
      Conclusion: A number of useful critical appraisal tools have been identified in this review; however, the validity and reliability of the tools did not show enough attention in these studies. Researchers and referees should be aware of the selection of a simple, valid and reliable critical appraisal tool during the writing of the quantitative articles or evaluation of them can be a useful guide.
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