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- Scientific Attitude and Its Effect on Students’ Productivity
Authors: S. Fatonah, Z. K. Prasetyo, A. D. Utami, U. Chasanah, L. Lusiana, V. V. Siregar
First page: 658
Abstract: There are seven indicators of scientific attitudes: curiosity, respect for data/facts, critical thinking, discovery and creativity, open-mindedness and cooperation, perseverance, and sensitivity to the environment. Scientific attitudes correlate with productivity. However, the relation between productivity and each scientific attitude indicator are unexplored. This study aims to determine the effect of indicator of scientific attitudes on undergraduate and postgraduate students’ productivity. The research method used is quantitative with a correlation approach. Data was collected using questionnaires that distributed via Google Forms. The research respondents were randomly selected by distributing Google Forms in the WhatsApp group. The respondents of this study totaled 101 respondents consisting of 44 undergraduate students, 50 postgraduate students and 7 doctoral students. From the research results, the indicators of scientific attitude that correlate with undergraduate students’ productivity are respect for data/facts, critical thinking, as well as discovery and creativity. Meanwhile, indicators of scientific attitude that correlate with postgraduate students’ productivity are curiosity, respect for data/facts, critical thinking, discovery and creativity, as well as perseverance. The overall scientific attitudes got a significance level of 0.050, indicating a significant correlation between the scientific attitude indicator and the productivity of undergraduate students. The significance level of the scientific attitude toward the productivity of postgraduate students was 0.003, so there is a significant correlation between scientific attitudes toward the productivity of postgraduate students. This study concludes that the effect of a scientific attitude on the productivity of postgraduate students is greater than that of undergraduate students. Hence, scientific attitudes influence students’ productivity.
PubDate: 2024-01-07
DOI: 10.15294/jpii.v12i4.47727
Issue No: Vol. 12, No. 4 (2024)
- Problem-Based Learning Model: Its Effectiveness in Improving Creative
Thinking Skills of Students with Different Academic Abilities
Authors: S. Suciati, S. Silvita, O. Prasetyo, M. D. Fauziah, K. D. Santika, A. M. Norawi, H. T. Rahman
First page: 672
Abstract: This study aims to: 1) Test the effectiveness of using simple and complex problem-based learning models in improving students' creative thinking abilities; 2) Test the effectiveness of simple and complex problem-based learning models in improving students' creative thinking skills based on different academic abilities. This research is quasi-experimental with a pretest-posttest nonequivalent control group design involved 96 students grade VII taken by cluster random sampling included a control class with a simple problem-solving model (PSS), experimental class 1 using the Creative Problem Solving (CPS) learning model, and experimental class 2 using the IDEAL-Problem solving (IPS) learning model. The hypothesis test using N-Gain Score and ANCOVA. The results showed: 1) problem-based learning models are generally effective in improving students' creative thinking abilities. PSS learning model (N-Gain 46%, less effective); IPS learning model (N-Gain 60% is quite effective; CPS learning model (N-Gain 71% effective). The order of effectiveness of the three learning models is CPS, IPS, PSS.; 2) Problem-based learning models are generally effective in improving students’ creative thinking abilities with different academic abilities. The percentage of effectiveness of the three models is the PSS is ineffective (20.13%) or less effective (34.38%); IPS is quite effective (62.50%); CPS is effective (43.75%). Based on the study's results, it can be concluded that 1) Problem-based learning models (PSS, CPS, IPS) can improve students' creative thinking skills. 2) The CPS is most effective in improving students' creative thinking skills.
PubDate: 2024-01-12
DOI: 10.15294/jpii.v12i4.44752
Issue No: Vol. 12, No. 4 (2024)
- Scientific Literacy and Environmental Awareness through Undergraduate
Student Worksheets Based on Socioscientific Issues
Authors: S. Hanifha, M. Erna, A. M. Noer, C. A. Talib
First page: 504
Abstract: Scientific literacy and environmental awareness are skills needed in the 21st century. Therefore, education must provide these skills. This research aims to analyze the effect of SSI-based undergraduate student worksheets on chemical thermodynamics. Pre-experimental research with a pretest-posttest control group design was employed to compare SSI-based and science-based undergraduate student worksheets. Chemistry education students at FKIP Universitas Riau for the 2022/2023 academic year were selected as samples. The experimental and control groups were established based on the homogeneity of their previous academic scores. This study evaluated two outcome variables: scientific literacy ability and environmental awareness. The research instrument is a scientific literacy test using scientific literacy description questions and environmental awareness questionnaires. Scientific literacy test scores were analyzed using the Independent Sample T-test, and environmental awareness questionnaire results were analyzed using the Mann-Whitney U-Test. Increased scientific literacy and environmental awareness of students were analyzed using the N-gain test. The results showed that the experimental group's scientific literacy and environmental awareness were significantly higher than the control group. Therefore, it can be concluded that SSI-based undergraduate student worksheets effectively increase scientific literacy and environmental awareness.
PubDate: 2023-12-29
DOI: 10.15294/jpii.v12i4.45817
Issue No: Vol. 12, No. 4 (2023)
- Improvement of the Professional and Methodical Training of Future Physics
Authors: G. Nyssan
First page: 514
Abstract: The relevance of this study is conditioned by the fact that the law on education in the Republic of Kazakhstan was updated in 2020, which allows for considering the training of a future physics teacher from a new perspective. The purpose of this study is to develop and introduce instructional foundations for improving the system of professional and methodical training of future physics teachers in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Several models of this system are considered in detail: structural and multilevel. It has been proven that the basis of the system of methodical training for a future physics teacher is the course “Methods of teaching subjects (physics)”. For this purpose, the following research methods were used: analysis and synthesis, design, logical analysis, and the positions of scientific objectivity, systematisation in the study of the professional and methodical training of future physics teachers in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The paper provides a detailed description of the analysed discipline (goals, objectives, principles of choosing the content and design of pedagogical material, and features of the organisation of the educational process). This study provides vital insights into the development and implementation of improved training systems for future physics teachers in Kazakhstan. By focusing on both theoretical and practical aspects of teacher training and aligning them with labor market demands, it sets a precedent for creating more effective and adaptable educational frameworks. These advancements not only enhance the professional competencies of future physics teachers but also promise to elevate the quality of physics education in the region, ultimately contributing to the betterment of educational standards and practices.
PubDate: 2023-12-29
DOI: 10.15294/jpii.v12i4.45415
Issue No: Vol. 12, No. 4 (2023)
- Improving Climate Literacy of High School Students through Physics
Teaching Materials based on STEM
Authors: A. Hakim, S. Efwinda, P. Damayanti, M. Syam, O. Mutmainah, A. Norsaputra
First page: 526
Abstract: Climate change is a problem that has received attention from various countries around the world. Climate change disrupts the balance of the ecosystem, which, if allowed to continue, can threaten the continuity of life on Earth. In education, addressing the challenges of learning about climate change can be done by selecting appropriate teaching materials. This study aims to examine Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) based physics teaching materials on climate change developed and designed to improve the climate literacy of high school students. The research uses the Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation (ADDIE) Model. The teaching materials developed are then implemented in learning climate change in high school students. The research design was one group pretest-posttest with a sample of 37 high school students in Indonesia. The sampling technique used cluster random sampling. The instrument used was a test technique for the aspects of knowledge and action consisting of 30 multiple-choice questions and a questionnaire for the attitude aspect comprising 15 statements. The results show that the STEM-based physics teaching material on climate change improves the climate literacy of Indonesian high school students, with an average N-Gain score of 0.51 in the moderate category. Based on these results, it can be concluded that STEM-based teaching materials on climate change materials can be used to improve the climate literacy of high school students.
PubDate: 2023-12-29
DOI: 10.15294/jpii.v12i4.43188
Issue No: Vol. 12, No. 4 (2023)
- The Effect of Robotics Experiments on the Scientific Literacy of Junior
High School Students in Bengkulu Province
Authors: A. Mayub, A. Setiawan, F. Fahmizal, R. W. Wardaya, L Lazfihma, H. Johan, E. Nursaadah
First page: 538
Abstract: This research describes students' scientific literacy, motivation to learn science, and science teachers' responses after participating in the "Robotic Experiment." The research uses experimental methods, which include interactive lectures, demonstrations, simulations, question and answer, animations, and robot assembly. Research data was obtained using questionnaires and interviews with 100 students and 25 science teachers from SMP N 6 Seluma, SMP N 2 Bengkulu, SMP N 8 Rejang Lebong, SMP N 2 Kepahiyang, and SMP N 4 Rejang Lebong. The school prepared a simple electronics/robot laboratory for the five research subjects in this research activity. Robotics experiments can motivate students at junior high schools in Bengkulu to learn science, increase students' scientific literacy, and science teachers' responses to the experiment, each with a score of 4.02 (motivated category), 3.99 (good category), and 3.98 (good response category). The school aims to pursue this robotics experiment further in the future to stimulate students' curiosity about science learning inside and outside the classroom.
PubDate: 2023-12-29
DOI: 10.15294/jpii.v12i4.44991
Issue No: Vol. 12, No. 4 (2023)
- The Role of Self-Concept in Modulating the Effectiveness of Nature-Based
Science Instruction
Authors: A. Jatmiko, A. Asyhari, I. Irwandani, S. Soeharto
First page: 552
Abstract: This study investigates the intersection between academic self-concept and the efficacy of Nature-Based Science Instruction (NBSI) in shaping the educational experiences of future science teachers. A mixed-methods design, encompassing the Academic Self-Concept Questionnaire and Nature-Based Science Instruction Assessment, enabled a comprehensive exploration of this dynamic. The research found that self-efficacy and self-competence, key components of self-concept, significantly determine the success of NBSI. These elements shape and are shaped by the learning environment, with reflective practices within NBSI notably enhancing academic self-concept and learning outcomes. The study's conclusions provide new insights into educational psychology, emphasizing the necessity of incorporating psychological factors into science curriculum development for more effective pedagogical strategies.
PubDate: 2023-12-29
DOI: 10.15294/jpii.v12i4.48287
Issue No: Vol. 12, No. 4 (2023)
- Gamification in the STEM Domain Subject: The Prospective Method to
Strengthen Teaching and Learning
Authors: J. Arlinwibowo, N. Ishartono, Y. Linguistika, D. Purwoko, S. Suprapto
First page: 564
Abstract: Several meta-analysis studies related to game-based learning or Gamification have been carried out by various researchers. However, there is still a scarcity of studies specifically elucidating the extent of Gamification's impact on STEM domain subjects. Therefore, this research aims to summarize various research results related to the influence of game-based learning in improving student learning outcomes in STEM domain subjects. This research was a meta-analysis using the standardized group contrast design with a random model. Research data were from articles published in Scopus-indexed journals or proceedings. The inclusion criteria in this research were articles published between 2014 – 2023 in English, quantitative type data with a contrast group design containing control and experimental groups, complete data (n, mean, SD), and research focused on STEM domain subjects. The data collection process used the PRISMA method. To ensure data quality, researchers conducted publication bias analysis using the fail-safe N method. The moderator variables were continent, stem domain, era, developing competency, game type, and education level. The results find that Gamification has a positive impact on student learning outcomes, as indicated by an effect size value of 0.5492 [0.3943; 0.7041] with a confidence interval of 95%. Gamification does not provide a significant positive difference in the moderator variables continent, era, developing competence, and game type. For STEM domain subjects, Gamification is highly recommended to be applied. For the educational level, Gamification is most recommended to be implemented in elementary school.
PubDate: 2023-12-29
DOI: 10.15294/jpii.v12i4.48388
Issue No: Vol. 12, No. 4 (2023)
- From Farm to Classroom: Tubers as Key Resources in Developing Biology
Learning Media Rooted in Banten's Local Culture
Authors: S. M. Leksono, S. Kurniasih, P. Marianingsih, S. Nuryana, J. S. Camara, R. A. Z. El Islami, N. Cahya
First page: 575
Abstract: This study aims to investigate the diversity of tuber plants used as food by the people in Banten, which are then used as learning content based on local potential. To achieve this goal, we conducted a research and development (R&D) method to create various media using the information of tubers diversity in Banten. In the first stage, we collected data on the diversity of tuber plants cultivated by residents in Banten province and their uses. In the second stage, we developed various forms of learning media from the diversity data and the status of plant utilization. Data on diversity was obtained by conducting field observation and interviews with 373 respondents: tuber farmers, traders, intermediaries, processed makers, souvenir shop owners, and homemakers in Banten. Data were analyzed using the descriptive-qualitative method. Information about the diversity of types of tubers, their use for food, and their processing techniques then use as the content on learning media of Biology subject for senior high school on biodiversity, ecosystems, and biotechnology concept. We customize content development to support Biology classes using the Kurikulum Merdeka. The results showed that there were 16 species of tubers used as food, belong to 11 families, such as Dioscoreaceae, Euphorbiaceae, and Convolvulaceae which used as a staple food, snacks, and vegetables. The results of the media development analysis show that diversity data can be applied to various types of multimedia learning media in the biological sciences. While these materials may complement the learning of Biology, careful consideration must be given to the advantages and disadvantages of each medium to ensure that they are appropriate to the learning goals and circumstances of the learners.
PubDate: 2023-12-29
DOI: 10.15294/jpii.v12i4.48278
Issue No: Vol. 12, No. 4 (2023)
- The Evaluation of a Technology-Embedded Solar Energy STEM (SESTEM) Module:
A Pilot Implementation of Modern Teaching Tool for Diploma Science
Authors: F. L. Supian, S. W. Tho, Y. Y. Wong, M. S. Mohd Azmi, N. J. Hosman, R. Ratnawulan, A. F. Al Naim
First page: 590
Abstract: Utilising an excellent teaching tool is vital for students' education nowadays. In contrast to the traditional teaching way, Technology-Embedded Solar Energy STEM (SESTEM) module was created as a modern teaching tool for physics subject. In order to develop and evaluate the students’ perception towards the complete SESTEM module, developmental research and technology acceptance model (TAM) were applied in this research study. 52 randomly selected diploma students from Sultan Idris Education University (UPSI) were involved as respondents in this work. After the development of the SESTEM module using the analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation (ADDIE) model, the perceptions of students as respondents towards this module were evaluated based on the TAM via questionnaire. Based on the responses from the respondents, the majority of the respondents demonstrated positive attitudes and behaviour intention, as well as agreed that the SESTEM module was useful as a teaching tool. Besides, the respondents showed a positive technological acceptance towards SESTEM module. The respondents' acceptance was contingent on the employment of technology for educational purposes in the future. Consequently, SESTEM module could be utilised by educators as a contemporary tool for enhancing student learning for future benefits.
PubDate: 2023-12-29
DOI: 10.15294/jpii.v12i4.43994
Issue No: Vol. 12, No. 4 (2023)
- Electronic Portfolio Assessment Instruments in Improving Students'
Creative Thinking Skills
Authors: T. Rahmawati, T. Mulyaningsih, N. Nahadi, H. Suhanda, W. K. Lee, H. A. Aziz, S. Anwar
First page: 598
Abstract: The objective of the study is to determine the stage of the process of developing electronic portfolio assessment instruments and obtain a valid and reliable electronic portfolio assessment instrument that can be used as an alternative effective assessment in improving students’ creative thinking on redox reaction materials. The research method employed was Research and Development (R&D) with a 4-D development model: define, design, develop, and disseminate. The data sources for this study were obtained from chemistry education lecturers, chemistry teachers, and eleventh-grade students in one of the high schools in Bandung. The instruments used in this study were interview guidelines, instrument content validation sheet, task assessment observation sheet, creative thinking skills assessment task and rubric, portfolio assessment rubric, pre-test and post-test questions and rubrics on chemical reaction equations that have tested for validity. The developed electronic portfolio assessment instrument was realized in a task and assessment rubric based on 21st-century creative thinking indicators. The results reveal that the developed electronic portfolio assessment instrument has good quality because it fulfils the valid requirements with a CVR value of 1.00 and fulfils the reliable requirements with a Cronbach Alpha value of 0.702-0.982. Electronic portfolios can be used as one of the assessment tools for science learning. The developed electronic portfolio assessment instrument may promote students’ creative thinking on redox reaction material based on the N-Gain 0.72 with the high category and has good effectiveness based on the N-Gain 0.61 with the medium category. Based on the category of mastery learning, the effectiveness is 9.66%.
PubDate: 2023-12-29
DOI: 10.15294/jpii.v12i4.45639
Issue No: Vol. 12, No. 4 (2023)
- Physico-Chemical and Biological Water Quality of Tuntang Estuary, Demak,
Central Java as A Base for Sustainable River Management
Authors: Y. Danurrachman, M. Maryono, Fuad Muhammad, T. R. Soeprobowati, P. Maas
First page: 611
Abstract: The estuary, downstream of the river, accumulates pollutants from upstream and marine. Tuntang is one of the major rivers in Central Java, 139 km length from Rawapening Lake, and ends in the Java Sea. Mangroves are the dominant riparian vegetation in the downstream and estuary of the Tuntang River. This research analyzes the water quality and pollution index (PI) of Tuntang Estuary, Demak. Water samples were collected from four sites in February (wet season) and September 2022 (dry season) and were analyzed for temperature, TDS, pH, BOD, COD, DO, nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, TN, TP, Cd, Cu, Pb, Cr, fecal coliform, and total coliform. The water quality parameters of Tuntang Estuary in the dry season exceeded the threshold for Class I-III, such as TDS in T1 ((2530 mgL-1), BOD (4.06-5.12 mgL-1), COD (28.32-102 mgL-1), DO for Class I and II (3.93-4.28 mgL-1), Pb at T1 and T3 in the wet season, and T1 in the dry season, and Cr for Class I, II, and III (>. 0.05 mgL-1), Pb (T1), and Cr for Class I, II, and III (>. 0.05 mgL-1). In contrast, in the wet season, BOD (4.37-7.15 mgL-1), Pb (T1 and T3), fecal coli, and coliform exceeded the threshold. The TN (0.83-2.48 mgL-1) and TP in the wet season (0.45-0.53 mgL-1 at T1 and T1) indicated that Tuntang Estuary was in the eutrophic condition. Based on the PI method, the water quality of Tuntang Estuary is good to slightly polluted for Class I, II, and III. The sustainable river management that is appropriate to be developed for the Tuntang River is conserving the mangrove ecosystem in the Tuntang Estuary.
PubDate: 2023-12-29
DOI: 10.15294/jpii.v12i4.48413
Issue No: Vol. 12, No. 4 (2023)
- Differentiated Instruction Scenario on Physics Learning: Reflection of
Readiness and Future Implementation
Authors: G. S. Putra, A. Pribadi, S. Zakiyah
First page: 625
Abstract: This study has successfully constructed the scenario of differentiated instruction (DI) on physics learning as a reflection of readiness and future implementation through undergraduate students’ beliefs. Differentiated instruction (DI) is an approach that enables teachers to plan strategically to meet the needs of every student. However, differentiated instruction in physics may or may not challenge its users in reality as it depends on beliefs and views about the nature of science, instruction, and pedagogical content knowledge. This quantitative-qualitative study involved 56 undergraduate students and consisted of three main stages: preliminary, analysis, and rendition. In the first and second stages, we found a strong negative correlation between the proportion of mathematics-conceptual knowledge of the topics and the possibility of implementing differentiated instruction (r =-0,576). Meanwhile, belief in self-proficiency is directly proportional to the DI implementation possibility (r = 0.828). In conclusion, we created two scenarios based on analysis, representing the current reality of how DI will be implemented and future implementation expectations. Moreover, this research strengthens the theory that beliefs influence the possibility of using differentiated instruction. We suggest a demand for an effective introduction to differentiation instruction during science teacher preparation programs and leading professional learning that may support the development of undergraduate students at the beginning of their careers.
PubDate: 2023-12-29
DOI: 10.15294/jpii.v12i4.48545
Issue No: Vol. 12, No. 4 (2023)
- Engklek Games Ethnoscience-Based Learning Material (EGEBLM) to Improve
Students’ Physics Concept Understanding and Learning Motivation
Authors: E. Hariyono, I. A. Rizki, D. A. Lestari, N. F. Citra, A. N. Islamiyah, A. I. Agusty
First page: 635
Abstract: Understanding concepts is essential in physics education, as this subject emphasizes the practical application of concepts over rote memorization. This approach helps prevent students from occurring misconceptions. Moreover, learning motivation can raise enthusiasm for learning physics to achieve the expected goals. However, evidence suggests that both variables show low levels. Therefore, this study aims to develop valid, practical, and effective Engklek game ethnoscience-based edutainment learning materials (EGEBLM) to improve students' physics concept understanding and learning motivation. This research utilizes the 4D type (Define, Design, Develop, Dissemination) to fulfill the quality test of the developed learning materials. The sample of this study involved 29 high school students at level XI. The EGEBLM test design used a non-equivalent control group design. Data were analyzed using descriptive and statistical tests, including N-gain, t-test, and MANOVA. The results reveal that EGEBLM is declared valid in content and construct in each component, including syllabus, lesson plans, teaching materials, student worksheets, test instruments, and response questionnaires. Observations indicate that each learning approach's syntax can be effectively implemented (> 3.00), rendering it suitable for educational applications. EGEBLM also meets effective criteria based on descriptive and statistical tests (p < 0.05) to enhance conceptual understanding and learning motivation, receiving positive feedback from students to this learning. This learning model combines collaborative discovery learning activities with traditional Engklek games that they have applied everyday, enabling students to understand physics concepts easily and meaningful learning experience. This research has implications as an innovative method in learning physics edutainment, offering an accessible, cost-effective, enjoyable approach while also preserving the Engklek cultural context.
PubDate: 2023-12-29
DOI: 10.15294/jpii.v12i4.43941
Issue No: Vol. 12, No. 4 (2023)
- The Effect of Virtual Reality Game Based Learning to Enhance STEM Literacy
in Energy Concepts
Authors: A. Widiyatmoko, R. Nugrahani, A. Yanitama, M. Salma Darmawan
First page: 648
Abstract: STEM literacy is a competency that students must have in the 21st century. The aim of this research is to analyze the effectiveness of Virtual Reality-Game based Learning (VRGBL) to enhance junior high school students' STEM literacy. This research is Quasi Experimental Design. The sample for this research was students at Junior High School Class VIII G (experimental class) and Class VIII H (control class) of SMP Negeri 27 Semarang for academic year 2023/2024 odd semester period. The data analysis of this research was focused on the effect of VRGBL on students' STEM Literacy on energy concept. The result of the study shows that STEM literacy for 8th-grade students consists of four components: science literacy, technology literacy, engineering literacy, and mathematic literacy. The results revealed that there is a significant different between the control and experimental group that is Mexp = 83.59, SDexp = 7.54, Mcon = 65.48, SDcon = 7.89, t = 0.00, sig < 0.05. The research results showed that VRGBL is effective in enhancing students' STEM literacy in energy concepts with N-gain in the experimental class of 0.57 in the medium category compared to the control class of 0.28 in the low category.
PubDate: 2023-12-29
DOI: 10.15294/jpii.v12i4.48265
Issue No: Vol. 12, No. 4 (2023)