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Encyclopaideia - Journal of Phenomenology and Education
Number of Followers: 1  

  This is an Open Access Journal Open Access journal
ISSN (Print) 1590-492X - ISSN (Online) 1825-8670
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  • Paulo Freire: la memoria e la speranza

    • Authors: Jorge Osorio Vargas
      Pages: I - III
      PubDate: 2021-12-20
      DOI: 10.6092/issn.1825-8670/13626
      Issue No: Vol. 25, No. 61 (2021)
  • Le adolescenze. Direzioni culturali controcorrente per uno sguardo
           pedagogicamente fondato alle adolescenze

    • Authors: Pierangelo Barone, Alessandro Tolomelli, Fulvia Antonelli
      Pages: 1 - 2
      PubDate: 2021-12-20
      DOI: 10.6092/issn.1825-8670/13621
      Issue No: Vol. 25, No. 61 (2021)
  • The unequal dimensions of adolescence. An analysis through the lens of
           social class

    • Authors: Fulvia Antonelli
      Pages: 3 - 14
      Abstract: The article aims to reflect — also through some ethnographic examples — on the experience of adolescence in the light of a category, that of social class, rarely used explicitly in pedagogical research. In some contexts, being working-class adolescents has a decisive influence on the relationship with the school, as well with the urban environment and the imaginations of self for adolescents, while it tends to be removed by the actors of educational processes. The interpretative axis of social class helps to reincarnate the theoretical construct of adolescence in the variety of material experiences that subjects have of being adolescents, favoring a clearer vision of the effects that inequalities have on life transitions and suggesting new directions of educational intervention.
      PubDate: 2021-12-20
      DOI: 10.6092/issn.1825-8670/12503
      Issue No: Vol. 25, No. 61 (2021)
  • Adolescent desires. Between teen dramas, online pornography and sexual

    • Authors: Giuseppe Burgio
      Pages: 15 - 24
      Abstract: Through the analysis of the contents of the most recent and popular teen dramas, of the diffusion of online pornography and of data from surveys on adolescent sexuality, we hypothesise how today's adolescents live an increasingly carefree sexual behaviour with respect to the choice of sexual objects, more free from ethical and social norms, in a completely changed relationship with an adult world no longer seen as a more or less controversial reference point. This panorama urges us to renew the theoretical lenses through which we look at an adolescence that is completely different from previous ones with regard to its relationship with sexuality.
      PubDate: 2021-12-20
      DOI: 10.6092/issn.1825-8670/12564
      Issue No: Vol. 25, No. 61 (2021)
  • Migrant youth. Challenges to the reception and inclusion of young people
           ‘in transit’

    • Authors: Marta Salinaro
      Pages: 25 - 34
      Abstract: This paper considers the condition of single adolescent migrants who arrive in Italy to explore the pedagogical tools that are useful to foster their growth in the new context and to trace the obstacles encountered in this process. It also examines the actions aimed at promoting the “Best interest of the child” principle, particularly in supporting the delicate transition from adolescence to adulthood, through the advancement of educational development, sense of belonging, and active participation in the host society.
      PubDate: 2021-12-20
      DOI: 10.6092/issn.1825-8670/12509
      Issue No: Vol. 25, No. 61 (2021)
  • Adolescence does not exist. Guidelines for a Pedagogical Problematicism of

    • Authors: Alessandro Tolomelli
      Pages: 35 - 43
      Abstract: Adolescent crisis is a phenomenon that often has been correlate with the difficulty by teenagers in giving form to the desire. From the scientific literature in the educational field on this subject, it emerges there is a plurality of factors that limit the space of desire in adolescence. Furthermore, the re-signification of the “risk” as an initiatory rite with the lacking of mediation and community presence witnessing the “passage” to the adult phase, could push the teenager to put in danger his/her health and life. This behavior subtends a lacking of meaning for the personal project of adulthood. In this scenario, questioning the traditional models of prevention of youth unrest becomes an important pedagogical achievement. In order to develop a new intervention approach not based on the enemy to avoid, but on the desire to be “regenerated” (Barone, 2005), this article identifies the main directions for an education proposal based on the Pedagogical Problematicism paradigm.
      PubDate: 2021-12-20
      DOI: 10.6092/issn.1825-8670/12714
      Issue No: Vol. 25, No. 61 (2021)
  • Evolution of a concept. Postmodern adolescence

    • Authors: Pierangelo Barone
      Pages: 45 - 51
      Abstract: The main thesis that is discussed in this article is based on the criticism of the prevalent interpretative models of adolescence developed during the twentieth century. Models that today appear inadequate in grasping the socio-cultural and educational transformations that deeply mark the ways of experiencing adolescents born in the second millennium. The effects of the historical and social practices that shape the adolescent experience in the 2000s represent an essential key to understanding the forms that the adolescent system assumes because of social, cultural, economic, historical, and material changes.
      PubDate: 2021-12-20
      DOI: 10.6092/issn.1825-8670/12948
      Issue No: Vol. 25, No. 61 (2021)
  • First year experiences of emergence remote learning at a university

    • Authors: Lawrence Meda
      Pages: 53 - 66
      Abstract: COVID-19 forced many institutions of higher learning to make a sudden switch from face-to-face classes to emergency remote learning. This move was welcomed with mixed reactions by first year students. The purpose of this study was to investigate first year students’ experiences of emergency remote learning amidst the time of the global pandemic of COVID-19 in the United Arab Emirates. The study adopted a qualitative approach within an interpretivist paradigm and it was conducted as an exploratory case study in a federal university. Three hundred and ninety two open-ended questionnaires were completed by first year students about their experiences of emergency remote learning. Data was analysed using content analysis. It was concluded that the best way to judge the validity of emergency remote learning is by taking context into consideration. The use of different online teaching strategies help cater for diverse needs of first year students and reduce dropout rates.
      PubDate: 2021-12-20
      DOI: 10.6092/issn.1825-8670/12386
      Issue No: Vol. 25, No. 61 (2021)
  • Theater, Childhood, Education

    • Authors: Roberto Farnè
      Pages: 67 - 79
      Abstract: Children love theater without knowing that they “do theater”, without someone teaching them to “play a part”: representing roles and situations is a spontaneous and natural playful dimension. We can call this “animation”, a characteristic feature of childhood: in the proper sense it means “giving life” (movement, communication) by impersonating roles or creating scenarios with toys. Theater becomes a pedagogical device when it recognizes and enhances these assumptions by acting on two levels: on the one hand, making theater with children and young people, soliciting their communication and interpretative skills, as a laboratory that, starting from the body, involves all languages. On the other hand, making theater for children, producing shows able to enter a relationship with the imagination of children, as an aesthetic experience; at its best it is experimental theater.
      PubDate: 2021-12-20
      DOI: 10.6092/issn.1825-8670/12909
      Issue No: Vol. 25, No. 61 (2021)
  • Colonialism and decolonization in the writings of Paulo Freire

    • Authors: Mariateresa Muraca
      Pages: 81 - 96
      Abstract: The paper argues that the theme of cultural and racial oppression is present throughout Freire’s work. In particular, it explores Paulo Freire’s contribution to the discussion of colonialism and decolonization. To this purpose, first of all it takes into consideration some writings elaborated between the end of the 1950s and the 1970s, enhancing the dialogue with authors such as Albert Memmi, Frantz Fanon and Amílcar Cabral. Then it focuses on concepts which, although not directly linked to the analysis of colonialism, can help reinvent and expand Freire’s proposal in a decolonial key. The last part is dedicated to Freire’s influence on decolonial pedagogy and intercultural critical pedagogy, developed in recent decades starting from the Latin American context.
      PubDate: 2021-12-20
      DOI: 10.6092/issn.1825-8670/13455
      Issue No: Vol. 25, No. 61 (2021)
  • Daniele Bruzzone, Lucia Zannini (a cura di), Sfidare i tabù della cura.
           Percorsi di formazione emotiva dei professionisti, Franco Angeli, Milano,
           ISBN 9788835110743, 163 pagine, 2021

    • Authors: Natascia Bobbo
      Pages: 97 - 99
      PubDate: 2021-12-20
      DOI: 10.6092/issn.1825-8670/13482
      Issue No: Vol. 25, No. 61 (2021)
  • Elena Madrussan, Formazione e musica. L’ineffabile significante nel
           quotidiano giovanile, Mimesis, Milano, ISBN 9788857574790, 182 pagine,

    • Authors: Irene Papa
      Pages: 101 - 102
      PubDate: 2021-12-20
      DOI: 10.6092/issn.1825-8670/13520
      Issue No: Vol. 25, No. 61 (2021)
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