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Bell Labs Technical Journal
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  • The future of Augmented Intelligence

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      Authors: Sean Kennedy;Chris White;
      Pages: 1 - 18
      Abstract: Throughout history, humankind has distinguished itself by its application of intelligence to solve critical problems and overcome innate limitations. Though one often thinks of intelligence as an individual trait such as high IQ or education level, the story of intelligence is equally about the development of collective cognitive capabilities and enhancers that enable the advancement of society. These capabilities, such as verbal and written language, calendars, physics and the internet, provide a distinct evolutionary advantage leading to disruptive step changes in both individual and societal intelligence. This article articulates the evolution of capabilities like these throughout human history and shows how historical patterns foretell future trends that serve to direct current research aimed at augmenting human intelligence.
      PubDate: THU, 31 DEC 2020 14:06:49 -05
      Issue No: Vol. 25 (2020)
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