Abstract: Background and Objective: The candidate’s skill and mastery of competencies by the grades highly depend on the school’s performance. No studies were yet found in Tanzania dealing with the 5 significant variables together in a multivariate vector approach even though studies separately considering some of the variables were found. The general objective of the study was to cluster the secondary schools of Simiyu Region of Tanzania according to their performance. Materials and Methods: The study is based on data available from 44 secondary schools selected from the Simiyu Region of Tanzania. As 34 Government schools and 10 private schools were involved and 18/28 urban schools and 26/133 rural schools were considered. The performance of schools was analyzed by applying multivariate tools, descriptive statistics, discriminant function and Mahalanobis distance. The performance of schools considered five variables-Number of students who sat for the examination (Sat), number of students who passed the examination (Pass), Grade Point Average (GPA), regional ranking (RR) and national ranking (NR) of schools. Results: Linear discriminant function 1 is more appropriate to classify the schools as per their performance. Stacked histogram 1 is efficient to perform the disjointing of three groups of schools without duplication or omission. The GPA and RR are the most influencing factors leading to the performance of schools. Most of the private schools were classified as high performing while 2/3rd of government schools were lacking in moderate performance. The number of students enrolled and sitting in the examination affects the rate of performance. Conclusion: The GPA contributes a higher part to the assessment of performance. Among the 44 schools under consideration, 14 were classified as high performing. The authorities and education institutes can adopt strategies to improve GPA and RR to secure high rankings in performance. PubDate: 18 July, 2023
Abstract: Background and Objective: Most of the patients of CKD in Tanzania due to lack of knowledge and fear of the treatment cost keep away from modern medicine and are trapped to death even in younger years. The aim of this study was to develop survival models for hemodialysis patients by determining cofactors influencing the mortality of dialysis patients. Materials and Methods: A sample of 171 dialysis patients admitted to Muhimbili Hospital in 2015 and followed up to 2018 were studied. Basic prevalence was determined and the survival model on parametric semi-parametric and non-parametric methods was found. The Cox CPH and Kaplan-Meier model are used in analysis to identify the significant survival curves on smoking, alcohol habit and HIV status. Results: Out of 171 patients, 148 survived between 0-500 days, 20 survived between 501-1000 days and only 3 patients survived in 1000+ days. Factors affecting survival are sex, increased number of dialysis, blood transfusion and alcohol consumption. Log-normal distribution was the best parametric fit for the data and the average survival time was 268 days, while the CPH model exhibits alcohol habit and the number of dialysis as significant covariates. The KM curve and rate of mortality curve depict the significant difference under smoking, alcohol consumption and HIV-infected patients and log rank tests validated it. Conclusion: The CKD and dialysis treatment are more common in males in Tanzania and few survive after three years of treatment and follow-up. Increased number of dialysis, lack of hygienic blood transfusion and alcohol intake are leading many CKD dialysis patients to death. PubDate: 07 October, 2023
Abstract: Several studies have discussed the non-linear exponential Diophantine equations. In this paper, two exponential Diophantine equations, given by (22m+1-1)+ 19n+31p+37q = z2 and (22m+1-1)+19n+31p+37q+43r = z2 have been discussed. Their whole number solutions have been discussed. PubDate: 03 June, 2023
&rft.title=Asian+Journal+of+Mathematics+&+Statistics&rft.issn=1994-5418&rft.date=2023&rft.volume=">Solution of the Surd Diophantine Equation x n + y n + z n + t n = u n
Abstract: In this study, the Diophantine equation x n + y n + z n + t n = u n has been discussed for some positive integral values of n and for rational numbers of the form n = 2 p , p is a prime number. Integral solutions of Diophantine equation have been obtained for n = 2 , 3 , 4 , 2 3 and 2 5 . PubDate: 03 June, 2023