Subjects -> AERONAUTICS AND SPACE FLIGHT (Total: 124 journals)
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- Brazil on the Spot: Special Edition and Future Research and Policy
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Authors: Andrea Felippe Cabello, Lúcia Helena Michels Freitas, Michele Cristina Silva Melo Pages: 79 - 79 Abstract: New Space, Volume 12, Issue 2, Page 79-79, June 2024.
Citation: New Space PubDate: 2024-06-11T07:00:00Z DOI: 10.1089/space.2024.0029 Issue No: Vol. 12, No. 2 (2024)
- Brazil’s First Steps in the Commercial Space Launch Sector: What Has
Been Done in the Past Two Years'-
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Authors: Thaís de Araújo Pedrosa, Andrea Felippe Cabello, Michele Cristina Silva Melo Pages: 80 - 87 Abstract: New Space, Volume 12, Issue 2, Page 80-87, June 2024.
Citation: New Space PubDate: 2024-03-27T07:00:00Z DOI: 10.1089/space.2023.0026 Issue No: Vol. 12, No. 2 (2024)
- Developing a Sustainable Financial Framework for Emerging Spacefaring
Nations: The Case of Brazil-
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Authors: Sidney N. Nakahodo, Lucas Fonseca, Alan L. Pereira Pages: 88 - 100 Abstract: New Space, Volume 12, Issue 2, Page 88-100, June 2024.
Citation: New Space PubDate: 2024-06-12T07:00:00Z DOI: 10.1089/space.2023.0017 Issue No: Vol. 12, No. 2 (2024)
- Space Industry in Argentina, Brazil, and India: How Are Emerging Countries
Joining New Space'-
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Authors: Patrícia de Oliveira Matos Pages: 101 - 112 Abstract: New Space, Volume 12, Issue 2, Page 101-112, June 2024.
Citation: New Space PubDate: 2024-03-15T07:00:00Z DOI: 10.1089/space.2023.0045 Issue No: Vol. 12, No. 2 (2024)
- The Transformation of the Brazilian Space Program: A Shift Toward New
Space Initiatives-
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Authors: Arthur D. Bahdur Pages: 113 - 125 Abstract: New Space, Volume 12, Issue 2, Page 113-125, June 2024.
Citation: New Space PubDate: 2024-04-09T07:00:00Z DOI: 10.1089/space.2023.0046 Issue No: Vol. 12, No. 2 (2024)
- Integrating Scenarios of Contemporary Education: Space as a Journey
Vehicle to New Realities and as a Grounding Tool to Address Earth Problems -
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Authors: Priscila Correia Fernandes, André Luiz Lopes Magela, Liana Kalczuk Pages: 126 - 134 Abstract: New Space, Volume 12, Issue 2, Page 126-134, June 2024.
Citation: New Space PubDate: 2024-03-08T08:00:00Z DOI: 10.1089/space.2023.0054 Issue No: Vol. 12, No. 2 (2024)
- Overview of Small Satellite in Latin America and the Caribbean
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Authors: Leonardo Julio Chagas Souza, Victor Tadeu Ribeiro Baptista, Rafael Paiva Lôbo, Gabriel Frazão, Pedro Kaled Cás, Danilo Sakay Pages: 135 - 139 Abstract: New Space, Volume 12, Issue 2, Page 135-139, June 2024.
Citation: New Space PubDate: 2024-06-11T07:00:00Z DOI: 10.1089/space.2023.0049 Issue No: Vol. 12, No. 2 (2024)
- Using Technology Readiness Assessment to Map Brazil’s Space Sector
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Authors: Ademir L. Xavier, Aline B. Veloso Pages: 140 - 151 Abstract: New Space, Volume 12, Issue 2, Page 140-151, June 2024.
Citation: New Space PubDate: 2024-04-08T07:00:00Z DOI: 10.1089/space.2023.0030 Issue No: Vol. 12, No. 2 (2024)
- A Safety and Competitive Analysis of Alcantara Spaceport
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Authors: Rafael P. Lôbo, Victor Tadeu R. Baptista, Leonardo J. C. Souza, Gabriel S. Frazão, William Reis Silva Pages: 152 - 169 Abstract: New Space, Volume 12, Issue 2, Page 152-169, June 2024.
Citation: New Space PubDate: 2024-06-11T07:00:00Z DOI: 10.1089/space.2023.0051 Issue No: Vol. 12, No. 2 (2024)
- Surveying the Landscape for Promoting Safety, Transparency,
Accountability, and Equitable Access in Commercial Space Tourism-
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Authors: Tavish Pattanayak Abstract: New Space, Ahead of Print.
Citation: New Space PubDate: 2024-08-27T07:00:00Z DOI: 10.1089/space.2024.0008
- The Sky Is Not the Limit, Not Anymore
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Authors: Simonetta Di Pippo Abstract: New Space, Ahead of Print.
Citation: New Space PubDate: 2024-07-30T07:00:00Z DOI: 10.1089/space.2024.0032
- Is the Lunar Economy Solely for the Space Industry' Opportunities for
Nonspace Companies in Lunar Infrastructure Leveraging Technological Synergies-
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Authors: Christophe Bosquillon, Lari Cujko, Gidon Gautel, Derek Webber, Andrea Conconi, Mattia Pianorsi, Simonetta Di Pippo, Edoardo Vittori Abstract: New Space, Ahead of Print.
Citation: New Space PubDate: 2024-07-25T07:00:00Z DOI: 10.1089/space.2023.0057
- Survey of Space Professionals’ Perception of Satellite Cybersecurity
from 2012 to 2022: Decision-Makers’ Thoughts on Satellite Cybersecurity Evolving-
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Authors: Rachel C. Jones Abstract: New Space, Ahead of Print.
Citation: New Space PubDate: 2024-07-25T07:00:00Z DOI: 10.1089/space.2024.0015
- How Spaceports Can Enable the Space Economy
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Authors: George C. Nield Abstract: New Space, Ahead of Print.
Citation: New Space PubDate: 2024-07-25T07:00:00Z DOI: 10.1089/space.2024.0031
- Digital Exploration of the Forever Frontier that is Space: Pathfinder for
a Future Space Economy'-
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Authors: James B. Garvin, Paul McDonagh-Smith Abstract: New Space, Ahead of Print.
Citation: New Space PubDate: 2024-07-23T07:00:00Z DOI: 10.1089/space.2024.0013
- The Paradigm Shift of NewSpace: New Business Models and Growth of the
Space Economy-
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Authors: Walter Peeters Abstract: New Space, Ahead of Print.
Citation: New Space PubDate: 2024-07-11T07:00:00Z DOI: 10.1089/space.2023.0060
- Funding New Space Companies in Equity Markets: Assessing the Risk and
Uncertaintyof Newly Listed Public Companies-
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Authors: Simonetta Di Pippo, Leonella Gori, Mattia Pianorsi, Clelia Iacomino, Pasquale Ivano Lorusso, Filippo Latino Abstract: New Space, Ahead of Print.
Citation: New Space PubDate: 2024-05-10T07:00:00Z DOI: 10.1089/space.2023.0059
- Lost in Space: A Framework Analysis on the Space Sector in Iceland
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Authors: Magnús Skjöld, Danielle Elizabeth Beauchemin, Bjarni Már Magnússon, Helene Kroell, Juan José Colorado Valencia Abstract: New Space, Ahead of Print.
Citation: New Space PubDate: 2024-03-08T08:00:00Z DOI: 10.1089/space.2024.0011