- Balancing predictability and flexibility through operation
volume-constrained visual flight rule operations in low altitude airspaces Authors: Adriana Andreeva-Mori Abstract: The advancement in uncrewed aircraft systems such as small drones and advanced air mobility vehicles such as Electric Vertical Take Off and Landing aircraft (eVTOL) has called for airspace integration at low altitudes of both traditional aircraft, such as helicopters and new entrants, such as drones and eVTOL. Currently, the trajectories and necessary buffers around them of flights operating under visual flight rules are not possible to predict. This research proposes the use of flight mission characteristics to model the trajectory and evaluates temporal, lateral and vertical deviations to define the safety buffers which can be used to generate operation volumes, geo-fencing such low-altitude flights and separating them from other traffic in a safe and efficient manner. Real flight test data obtained for the purposes of this study and pilots’ interviews assure high fidelity and practicability of the proposal. PubDate: 2024-03-19T00:00:00Z
- Grand challenges in aerospace engineering
Authors: Ramesh K. Agarwal PubDate: 2024-03-04T00:00:00Z
- Model-based manoeuvre analysis: a path to a new paradigm in aircraft
flight dynamics Authors: B. Shayak, Sarthak Girdhar, Sunandan Malviya Abstract: We propose a closed-form system of nonlinear equations for the pitch plane or longitudinal motions of a fixed-wing aircraft and use it to demonstrate a possible path to the unification of theoretical flight dynamics and practical analysis of aircraft manoeuvres. The derivation of an explicit model free of data tables and interpolated functions is enabled by our use of empirical formulae for lift and drag which agree with experiments. We validate the model by recovering the well-known short period and phugoid modes, and the regions of normal and reversed command. We then use the model to present detailed simulations of two acrobatic manoeuvres, an Immelmann turn and a vertical dive. Providing new quantitative insights into the dynamics of aviation, our model-based manoeuvre analysis has the potential to impact both the academic flight dynamics curriculum and the ground training program for pilots of manned and unmanned aircraft. Possible consequences of future model-centric pilot training may include improved safety standards in general and commercial aviation as well as expedited theoretical course completion in air transport. PubDate: 2024-02-22T00:00:00Z
- Air traffic inefficiencies and predictability evaluation using route
mapping—the Tokyo International Airport case Authors: Adriana Andreeva-Mori Abstract: Air traffic inefficiencies lead to excess fuel burn, emissions and air traffic controller (ATCo) workload. Various stakeholders have developed metrics to assess the operation performance. Most metrics compare the actual trajectories to some benchmark ones to calculate excess time or distance. This research is inspired by cellular automata (CA) and develops a combined time-distance lateral inefficiency and predictability metric using discrete space and time mapping on published flight routes. The analysis is focused on Tokyo International Airport, but uses only track data and published routes, which makes it easily applicable to any other hub airport worldwide. The mapping and velocity analyses are used to investigate when and where ATCos are most likely to intervene to provide save separation. A metric which can be adjusted to evaluate both traffic flow predictability and efficiency is proposed. This metric can be applied to better understand current traffic and enable future improvements towards seamless air traffic flow management. PubDate: 2024-02-20T00:00:00Z
- NOx formation processes in rotating detonation engines
Authors: Caleb Van Beck, Venkat Raman Abstract: High-fidelity simulations of RDEs with H2-Air-NOx chemistry are employed to study NOx emissions in such devices. Discrete injection of gaseous hydrogen fuel and continuous injection of air oxidizer is used at various mass flow rate conditions in several 3D RDE simulations to understand resulting NOx production behaviors. Simulations are also performed for two different injector configurations, one in which air is injected axially into the detonation chamber [Axial Air Inlet (AAI)] and one in which air is injected radially [Radial Air Inlet (RAI)]. It is seen that the AAI RDE produces much less NOx than the RAI RDE, mainly due to the weaker waves seen in this system as a result of parasitic combustion losses from product gas recirculation. Parasitic combustion does lead to NOx formation in its own right, but the emissions levels from this process are negligible compared to emissions stemming directly from detonation processes. In regards to detonation strength in particular, it is generally seen that detonation strength increases with increasing mass flow rate, in turn increasing peak pressure, peak heat release and NOx emissions levels. Nevertheless, even the highest recorded NOx levels at the combustor exit in this study remain on the same order of magnitude as compared to gas turbine exhaust emissions levels, supporting the claim that significant differences between detonative and deflagrative combustion do not necessarily lead to significant differences in NOx levels. Overall, this study provides greater understanding into the behaviors of NOx formation in RDEs and how these behaviors are affected by changes in operating parameters. PubDate: 2024-02-01T00:00:00Z
- Editorial: Pressure Gain Combustion technologies for a Greener propulsion
Authors: Simone Salvadori, Paolo Gaetani, Guillermo Paniagua PubDate: 2024-01-04T00:00:00Z
- Overtaking collision avoidance for small autonomous uncrewed aircraft
using geometric keep-out zones Authors: Nathaniel C. Hawes, Jay P. Wilhelm Abstract: Autonomous uncrewed aircraft will require collision avoidance systems (CASs) designed with autonomy in mind as they integrate into the increasingly crowded national airspace system. Current uncrewed aircraft CASs typically require a remote pilot to execute avoidance or to provide poorly defined guidance that does not benefit autonomous systems. The Path Recovery Automated Collision Avoidance System (PRACAS) re-plans flight paths to autonomously adjust for collisions using path planners and keep-out zones (KOZs), but it does not currently detect or mitigate overtaking collisions. This work investigates the effect of geometric KOZs on overtaking scenarios for autonomous uncrewed aircraft. KOZ shapes were developed by relating relative velocities and turn rates of aircraft in overtaking scenarios and were tested using PRACAS. The operational ranges for approach heading, relative velocity, and look-ahead time were then determined. The set of KOZs that were developed prevented intruder aircraft from entering the minimum separation distance of one wingspan from the mission aircraft in overtaking scenarios with look-ahead times between 5 and 12 s, relative velocities of 2–20, and approach angles between 110° and −110° measured from the heading of the main UAS. Minimum separation was maintained for low-speed encounters with relative velocities between 1.1 and 2.0 for look-ahead times between 2 and 8 s for all approach angles. With look-ahead times ranging from 5 to 8 s, overtaking collisions of all tested approach angles and relative speeds are handled with more than twice the separation required for success, showing that the KOZs developed are feasible in possible autonomous CASs. PubDate: 2023-12-18T00:00:00Z
- Trajectory generation based on power for urban air mobility
Authors: Russell A. Paielli Abstract: A method of generating trajectories based on power is proposed for Urban Air Taxis. The method is simpler and more direct than traditional methods because it does not require a detailed aircraft model or a flight control model. Instead, it allows the user to specify the route, the static longitudinal profile (altitude as a function of distance), and a power model to determine the progress in time along that profile. The power model can be determined from a recorded or simulated trajectory of the same aircraft type. This capability allows a trajectory to be generated or reshaped to avoid conflicts while preserving the basic performance characteristics. Net or excess power is defined as the rate of change of mechanical (kinetic and potential) energy, and it is modeled as a function of airspeed. The time steps between discrete points in space along the trajectory are used to yield a specified power as a function of airspeed, and they are determined by solving a cubic polynomial at each point. An elliptical profile is used to generate an example trajectory. The dependence of trip flight time on various parameters is analyzed and plotted. PubDate: 2023-10-11T00:00:00Z
- Grand challenges in intelligent aerospace systems
Authors: Kelly Cohen PubDate: 2023-09-12T00:00:00Z
- Editorial: Enabling technologies for advanced air mobility
Authors: Krishna M. Kalyanam, Kelly Cohen PubDate: 2023-08-11T00:00:00Z
- Comparison and synthesis of two aerospace case studies to develop
human-autonomy teaming requirements Authors: Güliz Tokadlı, Michael C. Dorneich Abstract: This paper developed human-autonomy teaming (HAT) characteristics and requirements by comparing and synthesizing two aerospace case studies (Single Pilot Operations/Reduced Crew Operations and Long-Distance Human Space Operations) and the related recent HAT empirical studies. Advances in sensors, machine learning, and machine reasoning have enabled increasingly autonomous system technology to work more closely with human(s), often with decreasing human direction. As increasingly autonomous systems become more capable, their interactions with humans may evolve into a teaming relationship. However, humans and autonomous systems have asymmetric teaming capabilities, which introduces challenges when designing a teaming interaction paradigm in HAT. Additionally, developing requirements for HAT can be challenging for future operations concepts, which are not yet well-defined. Two case studies conducted previously document analysis of past literature and interviews with subject matter experts to develop domain knowledge models and requirements for future operations. Prototype delegation interfaces were developed to perform summative evaluation studies for the case studies. In this paper, a review of recent literature on HAT empirical studies was conducted to augment the document analysis for the case studies. The results of the two case studies and the literature review were compared and synthesized to suggest the common characteristics and requirements for HAT in future aerospace operations. The requirements and characteristics were grouped into categories of team roles, autonomous teammate types, interaction paradigms, and training. For example, human teammates preferred the autonomous teammate to have human-like characteristics (e.g., dialog-based conversation, social skills, and body gestures to provide cue-based information). Even though more work is necessary to verify and validate the requirements for HAT development, the case studies and recent empirical literature enumerate the types of functions and capabilities needed for increasingly autonomous systems to act as a teammate to support future operations. PubDate: 2023-07-18T00:00:00Z
- Platooning in UAM airspace structures: applying trajectory shaping
guidance law and exploiting cooperative localization Authors: Melody N. Mayle, Rajnikant Sharma Abstract: A novel control technique for the platooning of aerial vehicles is here introduced, and its stability is analyzed. The controller applies a missile guidance law that was initially adapted for path-following and subsequently extended to platooning. The positions of all agents within a platoon employing this controller are estimated by exploiting cooperative localization, and these estimated positions are fed back into the controller. Using simulation, the agents within a platoon are demonstrated to follow their desired path and avoid collision, even in environments with intermittent Global Positioning System signals and limited sensing ranges. PubDate: 2023-06-12T00:00:00Z
- Traffic management protocols for advanced air mobility
Authors: Christopher Chin, Victor Qin, Karthik Gopalakrishnan, Hamsa Balakrishnan Abstract: The demand for advanced air mobility (AAM) operations is expected to be at a much larger scale than conventional aviation. Additionally, AAM flight operators are likely to compete in providing a range of on-demand services in congested airspaces, with varying operational costs. These characteristics motivate the need for the development of new traffic management algorithms for advanced air mobility. In this paper, we explore the use of traffic management protocols (“rules-of-the-road” for airspace access) to enable efficient and fair operations. First, we show that it is possible to avoid gridlock and improve efficiency by leveraging the concepts of cycle detection and backpressure. We then develop a cost-aware traffic management protocol based on the second-price auction. Using simulations of representative advanced air mobility scenarios, we demonstrate that our traffic management protocols can help balance efficiency and fairness, in both the operational and the economic contexts. PubDate: 2023-05-17T00:00:00Z
- Interval observers design for systems with ostensible Metzler system
matrices Authors: Dušan Krokavec, Anna Filasová Abstract: This paper attempts to resolve the problem concerning the interval observers design for linear systems with ostensible Metzler system matrices. Because system dynamics matrices are partially different from strictly Metzler structures, a solution is achieved by constructing a composed system matrix representation, which combines pre-compensated interval matrix structures fixed with a prescribed region of D-stability and the reconstructed strictly Metzler matrix structure, related to the original interval system matrix parameter definition. A novel design procedure is presented, which results in a strictly positive observer gain matrix and guarantees that the lower estimates of the positive state variables are non-negative when considering the given system structure and the non-negative system state initial values. The design is computationally simple since it is reduced to the feasibility of the set of linear matrix inequalities. PubDate: 2023-05-10T00:00:00Z
- Predicting sUAS conflicts in the national airspace with interacting
multiple models and Haversine-based conflict detection system Authors: James Z. Wells, Manish Kumar Abstract: In this paper, a conflict detection system for small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (sUAS), composed of an interacting multiple model state predictor and a Haversine-distance based conflict detector, is proposed. The conflict detection system was developed and tested via a random recursive simulation in the ROS-Gazebo physics engine environment. The simulation consisted of ten small unmanned aerial vehicles flying along randomly assigned way-point navigation missions within a confined airspace. Way-points are generated from a uniform distribution and then sent to each vehicle. The interacting multiple model state predictor runs on a ground-based system and only has access to current vehicle positional information. It does not have access to the future way-points of individual vehicles. The state predictor is based on Kalman filters that utilize constant velocity, constant acceleration, and constant turn models. It generates near-future position estimates for all vehicles operating within an airspace. These models are probabilistically fused together and projected into the near-future to generate state predictions. These state predictions are then passed to the Haversine distance-based conflict detection algorithm to compare state estimates and identify probable conflicts. The conflicts are detected and flagged based on tunable threshold values which compare distances between predictions for the vehicles operating within the airspace. This paper discusses the development of the random recursive simulation for the ROS-Gazebo framework and the derivation of the interacting multiple model along-with the Haversine-based future conflict detector. The results are presented via simulation to highlight mid-air conflict detection application for sUAS operations in the National Airspace. PubDate: 2023-05-10T00:00:00Z
- Numerical and boundary condition effects on the prediction of detonation
engine behavior using detailed numerical simulations Authors: Takuma Sato, Caleb Van Beck, Venkat Raman Abstract: High-fidelity numerical simulations of an experimental rotating detonation engine with discrete fuel/air injection were conducted. A series of configurations with different feed-plenum pressures but with constant equivalence ratio were studied. Detailed chemical kinetics for the hydrogen/air system is used. A resolution study for the full rotating detonation engine (RDE) system simulation is also conducted. Two kinds of boundary conditions, a total pressure boundary and a constant mass flow rate boundary, are used to assess the effects of the inlet boundary. As mass flow rate is increased, the total pressure boundary causes more error in the axial pressure distribution while the constant mass flow rate gives a better solution for all cases ran. The simulations confirm experimental findings, and reproduce qualitative as well as some of the quantitative trends. These results demonstrate that a) fuel-air mixing is highly non-uniform within the detonation chamber, leading to variations in local equivalence ratio, b) the fuel and oxidizer injectors experience significant backflow as the detonation wave passes over, but recover at different rates which further augments the inefficiencies in mixing, and c) parasitic combustion in the mixing region makes the detonation wave weak by extending the reaction zone across the wave. PubDate: 2023-04-26T00:00:00Z
- Rotating detonation combustors for propulsion: Some fundamental, numerical
and experimental aspects Authors: Bruno Le Naour, Dmitry Davidenko, Thomas Gaillard, Pierre Vidal Abstract: Propulsion systems based on the constant-pressure combustion process have reached maturity in terms of performance, which is close to its theoretical limit. Technological breakthroughs are needed to develop more efficient transportation systems that meet today’s demands for reduced environmental impact and increased performance. The Rotating Detonation Engine (RDE), a specific implementation of the detonation process, appears today as a promising candidate due to its high thermal efficiency, wide operating Mach range, short combustion time and, thus, high compactness. Following the first proofs of concept presented in the 1960s, the last decade has seen a significant increase in laboratory demonstrators with different fuels, injection techniques, operating conditions, dimensions and geometric configurations. Recently, two flight tests of rocket-type RDEs have been reported in Japan and Poland, supervized by Professors Kasahara (Nagoya University) and Wolanski (Warsaw University), respectively. Engineering approaches are now required to design industrial systems whose missions impose efficiency and reliability constraints. The latter may render ineffective the simplified solutions and configurations developed under laboratory conditions. This requires understanding the fundamentals of detonation dynamics relevant to the RDE and the interrelated optimizations of the device components. This article summarizes some of the authors’ experimental and numerical work on fundamental and applied issues now considered to affect, individually or in combination, the efficiency and reliability of the RDE. These are the structure of the detonation reaction zone, the detonation dynamics for rotating regimes, the injection configurations, the chamber geometry, and the integration constraints. PubDate: 2023-03-30T00:00:00Z
- A formulation of industrial conceptual design optimization problem for
commercial transport airplanes with turboelectric propulsion Authors: Hikaru Takami, Shigeru Obayashi Abstract: A conceptual design optimization problem for commercial transport airplanes with turboelectric propulsion, with a reasonable fidelity and comprehensiveness suitable for industrial purposes, is formulated, in order to allow for proper assessment of the benefits of turboelectric propulsion. As a sample problem, we carry out conceptual design optimization of a turboelectric propulsion airplane concept in a conventional tube-and-wing configuration with a turbofan and an associated electric fan on each (i.e., left and right) wing, varying the performance of the turboelectric propulsion devices. The results indicate that proper assessment of the benefits of the turboelectric propulsion can be carried out using the formulated optimization problem. The findings from the sample problem, including notable benefits of the turboelectric propulsion and the performance crossover point where the fuel efficiency of an airplane with conventional propulsion and that of an airplane with turboelectric propulsion cross over, are also presented. PubDate: 2023-03-10T00:00:00Z
- Evaluation of a computational strategy to model transitory injection in
rotating detonation combustors Authors: Pierre Hellard, Thomas Gaillard, Dmitry Davidenko Abstract: The efficiency of a Rotating Detonation Combustor (RDC) strongly depends on the transitory injection process of fresh reactants in the combustion chamber: poor propellant mixing induces losses of combustion efficiency and consequently low detonation speed and unstable detonation propagation. Moreover, dilution of fresh reactants with burnt gases during injection increases the deflagration losses and decreases the pressure gain provided by the detonation. Numerical simulation can help design an efficient injector to reduce these losses. In this study, the modeling strategy previously proposed by ONERA to simulate the transitory injection process is applied to two existing experimental RDC (from Nagoya University and TU Berlin) and one in-development RDC from ONERA. The computational domain represents only one injection element, convenient for a parametric study at low computational cost. A custom initial condition is used to model the expansion process of burnt gases past a detonation wave. The initial condition parameters are discussed and a method is proposed to correctly set them. The TU Berlin RDC is studied in more detail: mixing efficiency up to 70% is obtained, and 5% of deflagration losses are estimated according to the assumptions of the simulation. Based on the numerical results, detonation speed was evaluated at various distances from the injection plane taking into account the heterogeneities of the fresh mixture. The measured speed lies within the predicted range. PubDate: 2023-02-23T00:00:00Z
- A multi-fidelity model management framework for multi-objective aerospace
design optimisation Authors: Ben Parsonage, Christie Maddock Abstract: This paper presents a multi-fidelity meta-modelling and model management framework designed to efficiently incorporate increased levels of simulation fidelity from multiple, competing sources into early-stage multidisciplinary design optimisation scenarios. Phase specific/invariant low-fidelity physics-based subsystem models are adaptively corrected via iterative sampling of high(er)-fidelity simulators. The correction process is decomposed into several distinct parametric/non-parametric stages, each leveraging alternate aspects of the available model responses. Globally approximating surrogates are constructed at each degree of fidelity (low, mid, and high) via an automated hyper-parameter selection and training procedure. The resulting hierarchy drives the optimisation process, with local refinement managed according to a confidence-based multi-response adaptive sampling procedure, with bias given to global parameter sensitivities. An application of this approach is demonstrated via the aerodynamic response prediction of a parametrized re-entry vehicle, subjected to a static/dynamic parameter optimisation for three separate single-objective problems. It is found that the proposed data correction process facilitates increased efficiency in attaining a desired approximation accuracy relative to a single-fidelity equivalent model. When applied within the proposed multi-fidelity management framework, clear convergence to the objective optimum is observed for each examined design optimisation scenario, outperforming an equivalent single-fidelity approach in terms of computational efficiency and solution variability. PubDate: 2023-02-07T00:00:00Z