- Can we stop reinventing the wheel in blue-green infrastructure planning'
Using value-focused thinking to enable transferability of a multicriteria planning support system-
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Abstract: Publication date: December 2024Source: Landscape and Urban Planning, Volume 252Author(s): Sandrine Lacroix, Martijn Kuller, Garance Gougeon, Justine Petrucci, Florence Lemieux-Chalifour, Alexandre Rioux, Danielle Dagenais, Françoise Bichai
- Using a location-based game to collect preference information for urban
and rural forest planning-
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Abstract: Publication date: December 2024Source: Landscape and Urban Planning, Volume 252Author(s): Philip Chambers, Tuulikki Halla, Harri Silvennoinen, Teppo Hujala, Jukka Tikkanen
- Enhancing climate adaptation: Integrating place-based risk perceptions and
coastalscape values using Q+PPGIS-
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Abstract: Publication date: December 2024Source: Landscape and Urban Planning, Volume 252Author(s): Malcolm S. Johnson, Vanessa M. Adams, Jason Byrne
- Prediction of the impact of sea level rise in coastal areas where the tide
embankments have been constructed-
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Abstract: Publication date: December 2024Source: Landscape and Urban Planning, Volume 252Author(s): Menglin Xu, Hajime Matsushima, Xiangmei Zhong, Yoshihiko Hirabuki, Kohei Oka, Hinata Okoshi, Haruko Ueno
- The right fit: Acceptance of nature-based solutions across European cities
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Abstract: Publication date: December 2024Source: Landscape and Urban Planning, Volume 252Author(s): Ulrike Pröbstl-Haider, Alice Wanner, Magdalena Feilhammer, Nina Mostegl, Kornelia Dabrowska
- Wild or neat' Personal traits affect public preference for wildness of
urban lakeshores in France and China-
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Abstract: Publication date: December 2024Source: Landscape and Urban Planning, Volume 252Author(s): Chaozhong Tan, Wendy Y. Chen, Yucheng Su, Alan Fritsch, Pao Canu, Yixin Cao, Alvin M. Vazhayil, Karl M. Wantzen
- The effect of peri-urban parks on life expectancy and socioeconomic
inequalities: A 16-year longitudinal study in Hong Kong-
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Abstract: Publication date: December 2024Source: Landscape and Urban Planning, Volume 252Author(s): Di Wei, Yi Lu, Yuxuan Zhou, Hung Chak Ho, Bin Jiang
- Optimized green infrastructure planning at the city scale based on an
interpretable machine learning model and multi-objective optimization algorithm: A case study of central Beijing, China-
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Abstract: Publication date: December 2024Source: Landscape and Urban Planning, Volume 252Author(s): Hongyu Chen, Yuxiang Dong, Hao Li, Shuangzhi Tian, Longfeng Wu, Jinlong Li, Chensong Lin
- Corrigendum to “What determines preferences for semi-natural habitats in
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 17 August 2024Source: Landscape and Urban PlanningAuthor(s): Beatrice Schüpbach, Sören Weiss, Philippe Jeanneret, Mihály Zalai, Márk Szalai, Oliver Frör
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Abstract: Publication date: December 2024Source: Landscape and Urban Planning, Volume 252Author(s): Chen Gong, Shuhua Li
- Widely valued but differently experienced; understanding relationships
with greenspace in the CBD-
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Abstract: Publication date: December 2024Source: Landscape and Urban Planning, Volume 252Author(s): Jennifer Atchison, Cole Hendrigan, Hugh Forehead, Kris French, Eliza de Vet
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Abstract: Publication date: December 2024Source: Landscape and Urban Planning, Volume 252Author(s): Megan J. Grace, Jen Dickie, Phil J. Bartie, David M. Oliver
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Abstract: Publication date: November 2024Source: Landscape and Urban Planning, Volume 251Author(s): Haoran Ma, Yan Zhang, Pengyuan Liu, Fan Zhang, Pengyu Zhu
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differences based on a novel concept for a walkable city-
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Abstract: Publication date: November 2024Source: Landscape and Urban Planning, Volume 251Author(s): Manuel Köberl, Michael Wurm, Ariane Droin, Oana M. Garbasevschi, Mathias Dolls, Hannes Taubenböck
- The association between maintenance and biodiversity in urban green
spaces: A review-
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Abstract: Publication date: November 2024Source: Landscape and Urban Planning, Volume 251Author(s): Xinlei Hu, M.F. Lima
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Abstract: Publication date: November 2024Source: Landscape and Urban Planning, Volume 251Author(s): Meredith Frances Dobbie, Megan Anne Farrelly
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Abstract: Publication date: November 2024Source: Landscape and Urban Planning, Volume 251Author(s): Valérian Fraisse, Cynthia Tarlao, Catherine Guastavino
- Public perceptions of multiple ecosystem services from urban agriculture
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Abstract: Publication date: November 2024Source: Landscape and Urban Planning, Volume 251Author(s): Hui ZHAO, Mysha CLARKE, Catherine G. CAMPBELL, Ni-Bin CHANG, Jiangxiao QIU
- The relationship between urban greenery, mixed land use and life
satisfaction: An examination using remote sensing data and deep learning-
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Abstract: Publication date: November 2024Source: Landscape and Urban Planning, Volume 251Author(s): Sebastian Bahr
- How funding scarcity and ineffective governance tools inhibit urban
greenspace provision: An exploration of municipal greenspace managers’ insights-
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Abstract: Publication date: November 2024Source: Landscape and Urban Planning, Volume 251Author(s): Chris Boulton, Aysin Dedekorkut-Howes
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transfer learning technique to investigate impacts of urban road landscapes on driving performance-
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Abstract: Publication date: November 2024Source: Landscape and Urban Planning, Volume 251Author(s): Wenyan Xu, Jibo He, Lan Luo, Bin Jiang
- Gaps in the implementation of urban forest management plans across
canadian cities-
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Abstract: Publication date: November 2024Source: Landscape and Urban Planning, Volume 251Author(s): Camilo Ordóñez Barona, Anusha Jain, Melissa Heppner, Annick St Denis, Daniel Boyer, James Lane, Catherine Edwards, Peter Duinker, Tenley Conway
- Corrigendum to “Association of urban green space with metabolic syndrome
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 20 July 2024Source: Landscape and Urban PlanningAuthor(s): Yi Sun, Yunli Chen, Yuanyuan Huang, Yan Luo, LiPing Yan, Sailimai Man, Canqing Yu, Jun Lv, Chuangshi Wang, Jun Wu, Heling Bao, Bo Wang, Liming Li, Hui Liu
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retrofits can multiply ecological connectivity benefits-
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Abstract: Publication date: November 2024Source: Landscape and Urban Planning, Volume 251Author(s): Thami Croeser, Sarah A. Bekessy, Georgia E. Garrard, Holly Kirk
- A content analysis of urban forest management plans in Canada: Changes in
social-ecological objectives over time-
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Abstract: Publication date: November 2024Source: Landscape and Urban Planning, Volume 251Author(s): Camilo Ordóñez Barona, Annick St Denis, Jackson Jung, Corinne G. Bassett, Sylvain Delagrange, Peter Duinker, Tenley Conway
- Comparison of the impact of school environment on body mass index,
physical fitness, and mental health among Chinese adolescents: Correlations, risk factors, intermediary effects-
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Abstract: Publication date: November 2024Source: Landscape and Urban Planning, Volume 251Author(s): Yuchao Lun, Hui Wang, Yifan Liu, Qi Wang, Tianbao Liu, Zenglin Han
- How do residential open spaces influence the older adults’ emotions: A
field experiment using wearable sensors-
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Abstract: Publication date: November 2024Source: Landscape and Urban Planning, Volume 251Author(s): Weijing Luo, Chongxian Chen, Haiwei Li, Yongqi Hou
- Exploring the spatial trade-off effects of green space on older people’s
physical inactivity: Evidence from Shanghai-
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Abstract: Publication date: November 2024Source: Landscape and Urban Planning, Volume 251Author(s): Siyu Miao, Yang Xiao
- How can networks address barriers to nature-based solutions' The case of
agriculture and construction in the Netherlands-
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Abstract: Publication date: November 2024Source: Landscape and Urban Planning, Volume 251Author(s): Maryse M.H. Chappin, Maarten J. Punt, Helen S. Toxopeus, Nina van Tilburg, Cathy L. de Jongh, Hens A.C. Runhaar, Godelieve H.J. Spaas
- After-sealing life in urban soils: Experimental evidence of resilience and
efficiency of ectomycorrhizal inoculation-
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Abstract: Publication date: November 2024Source: Landscape and Urban Planning, Volume 251Author(s): Authier Louise, Mallet Lucas, Taudière Adrien, Violle Cyrille, Richard Franck
- Community garden management for resilient cities: A case study in suburban
Tokyo during the COVID-19 pandemic-
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Abstract: Publication date: November 2024Source: Landscape and Urban Planning, Volume 251Author(s): Naomi Shimpo
- Green Enough' A dose-response curve of the impact of street greenery
levels and types on perceived happiness-
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Abstract: Publication date: November 2024Source: Landscape and Urban Planning, Volume 251Author(s): Pablo Navarrete-Hernandez, Niloufar Kiarostami, Dicheng Yang, Alp Ozcakir