- The case of a threatened medicinal tree with optimistic prospects under
climate change Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 54Author(s): Annae M. Senkoro, David Draper Munt, Charlie M. Shackleton, Ana I. Ribeiro‑Barros, Robert A. Voeks
- Evolutionary distinctiveness and conservation priorities for vascular
endemic plants on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 54Author(s): Hua Zhang, Dongdong Qiu, Yanpeng Zhu, Taotao Han, Yueheng Ren, Shengxiang Yu
- Cardamom (Amomum tsaoko) agroforest is important habitat for skywalker
hoolock gibbon (Hoolock tianxing) in Mt. Gaoligong, Yunnan, China Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 54Author(s): Ahebota Hazitai, Han-Lan Fei, Chang-Yue Zhu, Ru-Xue Li, Li-Xiang Zhang, Peng-Fei Fan
- The leaf litterfall pattern in an old-growth evergreen broad-leaved forest
and its implication for leaf litter mixing studies Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 54Author(s): Yuanjie Xu, Qingping Li, Yinxixue Pan, Yizhi Wang, Xiping Cheng, Xiaowen Hu, Jinhua Qi, Zhiyun Lu
- Short-term effects of restoration measures on vegetation community and
soil characteristics of an Achnatherum inebrians-type degraded alpine grassland in the Eastern Qilian Mountains Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 54Author(s): Yanzhu Chen, Jingjing Xu, Changlin Xu, Qingqing Hou, Caiyan Yang, Xiaojun Yu
- Young dove trees tend to invest more biomass in vegetative and
reproductive organs than old trees at the twig level Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 54Author(s): Zhengchuan Liang, Gang Xie, Yuhang Ren, Qiaoying Zhang, Qinsong Liu, Tingfa Dong, Wenjuan Xu, Xiao Xu
- Seed dispersal effectiveness by greater one-horned rhinos and domestic
bovids of a megafaunal fruit Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 54Author(s): Balram Awasthi, Kim R. McConkey, Naresh Subedi, Babu Ram Lamichhane, Sasith Tharanga Aluthwattha, Jin Chen
- Successional stages in Mediterranean grasslands differ in the quality of
ecosystem services in urban greenspaces Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 54Author(s): José Ramón Quintana, Javier Fernández-Sanjulián, Sergio González-Ubierna, Miguel Ángel Casermeiro, Miriam G. Torija, Teresa Alía, Antonio Vázquez de la Cueva, José Antonio Molina
- Land use influences the diet of chacma baboons (Papio ursinus) in
South Africa Abstract: Publication date: Available online 26 July 2024Source: Global Ecology and ConservationAuthor(s): E. Kennedy Overton, A. Bernard, P.C. Renaud, G. Hall, C. Guerbois, H. Fritz, F. Prugnolle, V. Rougeron
- Distribution characteristics of hydraulic habitat indicators for fish in
typical compound channels in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 54Author(s): Liang Zhong, Yanan Zhou, Zichen Zhao
- Ecological performance determines phenological responses of butterflies in
Northern Austria Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 54Author(s): Melanie Löckinger, Wolfgang Trutschnig, Werner Ulrich, Patrick Gros, Thomas Schmitt, Jan Christian Habel
- Overlap between priority conservation areas and natural assets appeals to
a shared responsibility for global primate conservation Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 54Author(s): Li Yang, Tao Chen, Lu Zhang, Tien-Ming Lee, Peng-Fei Fan
- Resurrecting a locally extinct species from Jordan: Pre-germination
treatments affect seed dormancy, germination dynamics and seedling survival in Rosa pulverulenta. Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 54Author(s): Mohammad M. Al-Gharaibeh, Halim Adil Bakhit, Shifaa Masadeh, Dávid Nagy, Christoph Rosche
- Influence of nature reserve road traffic disturbance on soil carbon
Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 54Author(s): Jia Song, Zhenzhen Hao, Jiaxin He, Qilang Le, Junyong Ma
- Genomic differentiation and interoceanic population structure of two large
pelagic scombrid species Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 54Author(s): P. Weist, H. Kusche, OK Tørresen, M. Hermida, EP Lopes, S. Jentoft, R. Hanel
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herpetofauna in a global hotspot: The Mountains of Southwest China Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 54Author(s): Yuanfei Wang, Xiuqin Lin, Puyang Zheng, Yinmeng Hou, Gang Wang, Yuzhou Gong, Guocheng Shu, Jianping Jiang, Jianghong Ran, Feng Xie
- An integrated assessment of niche partitioning reveals mechanisms of
coexistence between mesocarnivores Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 54Author(s): Ana Luisa Barros, Diogo Raposo, João David Almeida, Hugo Jesus, Maria Alexandra Oliveira, Carlos Rodríguez Fernandes, Darryl I. MacKenzie, Margarida Santos-Reis
- Genetic network analysis uncovers spatial variation in diversity and
connectivity of a species presenting a continuous distribution Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 54Author(s): Cory Fournier, Micheline Manseau, Bridget Redquest, Leon Andrew, Allicia Kelly, Dave Hervieux, Troy Hegel, Gigi Pittoello, Vicki Trim, Dennis Brannen, Paul Wilson
- Light-averse behaviour of attic-dwelling bats when commuting through urban
areas Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 54Author(s): Christine Reusch, José Bernardo Vindas-Picado, Carolin Scholz, Uwe Hoffmeister, Christian C. Voigt
- Acoustic deterrents for Red Fox Vulpes vulpes and threatened shorebird
clutch survival on sandy beaches Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 54Author(s): Finn Saurine, Julia Ryeland, Kasun Ekanayake, Grainne S. Maguire, Michael A. Weston
- Landscape connectivity loss after the de-escalation of armed conflict in
the Colombian Amazon (2011–2021) Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 54Author(s): Jesica López, Yuyang Qian, Paulo José Murillo-Sandoval, Nicola Clerici, Lars Eklundh
- Evolution of the CYP2B subfamily gene in primates and its
relationship to diet Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 54Author(s): Ping Feng, Fanglan Shu, Song Wang, Tuo Kan, Xinyue Liang, Qihai Zhou
- Spatial-temporal evolution of compound dry-hot events and their effects on
vegetation vulnerability in Inner Mongolia Grassland Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 54Author(s): Rina Wu, Buyun Liu
- Use of native and human-modified habitats by different mammal guilds in
West Africa Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 54Author(s): Aina Rossinyol-Fernàndez, Djunco Dabo, Francisco dos Reis Silva, Raquel Oliveira, Sambú Seck, Ana Rainho, Mar Cabeza, Ana Filipa Palmeirim
- Prioritizing Amazon Forest conservation: Assessing potential biomass under
climate change Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 54Author(s): Mayara Soares Campos, Luciano J.S. Anjos, Everaldo B. de Souza, Francisco Gilney Silva Bezerra, Aline Maria Meiguins de Lima, David Roberto Galbraith, Marcos Adami
- Role of local markets in illegal wildlife trade and conservation efforts
for trafficked species Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 54Author(s): Agbatan Marc Koutchoro, Ogoudje Isidore Amahowe, Laurent Gbenato Houessou, Toussaint Olou Lougbegnon
- Temporal and spatial variation of morphological traits and genetic
structure in Phengaris teleius myrmecophilous butterflies following habitat and climate changes three decades after reintroduction Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 54Author(s): Daniel Sánchez-García, Irma Wynhoff, Joanna Kajzer-Bonk, Anna Sztencel-Jabłonka, Piotr Nowicki, Luca Pietro Casacci, Magdalena Witek
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networks: The cost-effective comparison among multiple conservation scenarios Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 54Author(s): Faxiang Hu, Kunyuan Wanghe, Xinle Guo, Shahid Ahmad, Aihua Fu, Menghan Deng, Shiwei Lin, Xiaofeng Luan
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anatomical traits of Populus euphratica Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 54Author(s): Shuai Shao, Guanjun Li, Jianming Wang, Yin Wang, Mengjun Qu, Hang Zhao, Weilin Zhu, Jingwen Li
- Associations between urbanization and avian communities in the
Afrotropics: Evidence from taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic diversity Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 54Author(s): Adewale G. Awoyemi, Yahkat Barshep, Shiiwua Manu, Juan Diego Ibáñez-Álamo
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citizen science and artificial intelligence Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 54Author(s): Santiago Gutiérrez-Zapata, Simone Santoro, Manuel Emilio Gegundez-Arias, Nuria Selva, Javier Calzada
- Conservation-oriented management benefits the Black-faced Spoonbill, an
endangered migratory waterbird Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 54Author(s): Mu-Ming Lin, Richard A. Fuller, Luke Gibson, Ying Chen, Chi-Yeung Choi
- Strengths and opportunities in gopher tortoise population modeling: Reply
to Loope et al. Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 54Author(s): Brian Folt, Michael Marshall, Jo Anna Emanuel, Michelina Dziadzio, Jane Cooke, Lourdes Mena, Matthew Hinderliter, Scott Hoffmann, Nicole Rankin, John Tupy, Conor McGowan
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within a fragmented butterfly population Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 54Author(s): Irene Piccini, Irene Pellegrino, Davide Bellone, Marco Cucco, Viviana Di Pietro, Flavio Mignone, Martina Nasuelli, Simona Bonelli
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to atmospheric circulation factors in Yinshanbeilu, Inner Mongolia Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 54Author(s): Sinan Wang, Quancheng Zhou, Yingjie Wu, Fuqiang Wang, Mingyang Li, Yanjie Zhang
- Identifying priority corridors and bottlenecks for three threatened large
Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 54Author(s): Amirul Hakimi Zanuari, Kamaruddin Zainul Abidin, Mohammad Saiful Mansor, Ho Yi Wan, Syarifah Nur Afni Syed Abdullah, Pazil Abdul-Patah, Shukor Md Nor
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stakeholder engagement in biodiversity conservation Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 54Author(s): Andrea Rizzardi Orlandi, Roberto Ambrosini, Diego Rubolini, Andrea Romano, Luigi Orsi, Mattia Brambilla, Alessandra Costanzo
- Global climate change increases the risk of invasion and the expansion of
paper mulberry in the subtropical region Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 54Author(s): Muhammad Waheed, Łukasz Walas, Shirin Alipour, Fahim Arshad, Muhammad Azhar Jameel, Manzer H. Siddiqui, Saud Alamri, Shiekh Marifatul Haq, Rainer W. Bussmann
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medicinal plant Bergenia scopulosa (Saxifragaceae): Evidences from chloroplast genomes and ecological niche analysis Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 54Author(s): Qi-Jing Zhang, Xuan-Ye Wu, Xuan Wang, Ao-Shuang Yang, Xing-Ya Zhang, Wei-Min Zhao, Jian-Fang Li, Zhong-Hu Li
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on morphological and molecular markers Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 54Author(s): Kai Ma, Guangxiang Tong, Lanlan Zhang, Huizhi Sun, Mingliang Wei, Cheng Zhao, Baoquan He, Jiasheng Yin, Yongquan Zhang
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ecosystem service bundles Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 54Author(s): Xiangyun Shi, Hao Xia, Takashi Machimura, Takanori Matsui, Chihiro Haga, Qianna Wang, Hongyi Pan, Li Peng
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Duriez et al. Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 54Author(s): Miguel Ángel Farfán, Francisco Díaz-Ruiz, Jesús Duarte, Adrián Martín-Taboada, Antonio-Román Muñoz
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turtles on Xisha Islands, South China Sea Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 54Author(s): Ting Zhang, Chenglong Zhang, Yunteng Liu, Yupei Li, Yangfei Yu, Jichao Wang, Liu Lin, Hai-Tao Shi
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of central and eastern Washington, United States Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 54Author(s): Olivia V. Sanderfoot, Morgan W. Tingley, Sarah B. Bassing, Joseph K. Vaughan, Nicole A. June, Beth Gardner
- Inflated predictions from a flawed model influenced the decision to deny
federal protection for the gopher tortoise Abstract: Publication date: Available online 16 July 2024Source: Global Ecology and ConservationAuthor(s): Kevin J. Loope, H. Resit Akçakaya, Kevin T. Shoemaker
- A novel method to measure the impact of water quality on judgement bias in
wild juvenile fish Abstract: Publication date: Available online 16 July 2024Source: Global Ecology and ConservationAuthor(s): Rafael Freire, Christine J Nicol
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distribution of invasive plant species richness across the Loess Plateau Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 54Author(s): Guan Liu, Ying Liu, Yueni Zhang, Jinghua Huang, Guoqing Li, Sheng Du
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effects on early plant fitness Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 54Author(s): Sarah Bürli, Andreas Ensslin, Markus Fischer
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chlorophyll-a and algal cell density: A national view of China Abstract: Publication date: Available online 11 July 2024Source: Global Ecology and ConservationAuthor(s): Xizhi Nong, Lanting Huang, Lihua Chen, Jiahua Wei, Ronghui Li
- Diversity and seasonal variability of Heterobranchs in Tulamben waters,
Bali, Indonesia Abstract: Publication date: Available online 10 July 2024Source: Global Ecology and ConservationAuthor(s): Rhesi Kristiana, Z.H Kharisma Ayu, Fadillaisyia Riandani Putri, Rahmadi Prasetyo, Dio Dirgantara, I Wayan Mudianta, Mariyam Shidha Afzal
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priority hotspots in and out a network of protected areas Abstract: Publication date: Available online 9 July 2024Source: Global Ecology and ConservationAuthor(s): Emilia Pafumi, Claudia Angiolini, Simona Sarmati, Giovanni Bacaro, Emanuele Fanfarillo, Tiberio Fiaschi, Bruno Foggi, Matilde Gennai, Simona Maccherini
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structure but has little effect on fungal communities Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 54Author(s): Xiangzhou Zheng, Aiai Xu, Yan Lin, Huangping Wang, Hong Ding, Yiqun Wu, Yushu Zhang
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conservation in and around a biodiverse National Park, northern Ethiopia Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 54Author(s): Esayas Embaye Kidane, Seyoum Kiros, Abadi Berhe, Zerihun Girma
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poaching threat Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 54Author(s): Rong Hou, Jan F. Gogarten, Martin Golooba, Urs Kalbitzer, Dorothy Kirumira, Patrick A. Omeja, Emmanuel A. Opito, Rafael Reyna-Hurtado, Dipto Sarkar, Charles Tumwesigye, Colin A. Chapman
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(Paerargyrops edita) to La Niña event in the northern Beibu Gulf, South China Sea Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 54Author(s): Liangming Wang, Yan Liu, Changping Yang, Binbin Shan, Dianrong Sun, Yongsong Qiu
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management: The case of the invasive Red Sea swimming blue crab Portunus segnis Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 54Author(s): Guillaume Marchessaux, Raouia Ghanem, Amani Chaffai, Wafa Rjiba Bahri, Nicoletta Marsiglia, Vojsava Gjoni, Jamila Ben Souissi, Gianluca Sarà
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human-wild boar conflicts in northern Iran Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 54Author(s): Alireza Eshtiaghi, Saeid Naderi, Alireza Mohammadi, Ho Yi Wan
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in a Mediterranean-type ecosystem after fire Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 54Author(s): Jessyca A.S. Santos, Sabina Villadangos, Queila S. Garcia, Sergi Munné-Bosch
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conflict Abstract: Publication date: Available online 6 July 2024Source: Global Ecology and ConservationAuthor(s): María Montero-Botey, Emanuel Kivuyo, Noah Sitati, Ramón Perea
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the Mau Forest Complex, Kenya Abstract: Publication date: Available online 6 July 2024Source: Global Ecology and ConservationAuthor(s): Evance O. Ouya, Brian O. Otiego, Johnstone K. Kimanzi, Arielle W. Parsons, Paul W. Webala, Adam W. Ferguson
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Atlantic forest landscapes Abstract: Publication date: Available online 4 July 2024Source: Global Ecology and ConservationAuthor(s): Bráulio A. Santos, Fredy Alvarado, José Carlos Morante-Filho
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tropical wet-grassland ecosystem Abstract: Publication date: Available online 4 July 2024Source: Global Ecology and ConservationAuthor(s): Anita Devi, Monika Sharma, Ruchi Badola, Syed Ainul Hussain
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recolonised area Abstract: Publication date: Available online 2 July 2024Source: Global Ecology and ConservationAuthor(s): Lorenzo Lazzeri, Irene Belardi, Giada Pacini, Niccolò Fattorini, Francesco Ferretti
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diversity patterns of angiosperm woody plant communities along latitudinal and elevational gradients in East Asian islands Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 54Author(s): Shuyin Huang, Takayuki Shiono, Junichi Fujinuma, Buntarou Kusumoto, David Zelený, Yasuhiro Kubota
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and sizes Abstract: Publication date: Available online 2 July 2024Source: Global Ecology and ConservationAuthor(s): Jinfeng Zhang, Xingfu Yan, Buddhi Dayananda, Jiming Cheng, Yonghong Luo
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and temperate grasslands in China Abstract: Publication date: Available online 2 July 2024Source: Global Ecology and ConservationAuthor(s): Mi Zhang, Na Wang, Zhenya Liu, Xiaobing Yang, Yi Jiang, Derong Xiao
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secondary tropical forest of Hainan Island, South China Abstract: Publication date: Available online 29 June 2024Source: Global Ecology and ConservationAuthor(s): Dexu Zhang, Xuming Qi, Shuai Liu, Kening Lu, Yuan Chen, Wenxing Long
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in a Temperate Desert of Central Asia Abstract: Publication date: Available online 29 June 2024Source: Global Ecology and ConservationAuthor(s): Danchen Sheng, Tong Liu, Hanyue Wang, Wenxuan Zhao, Shengtianzi Dong, Shiyu Diao, Tiantian Qin, Zhifang Xue
AND THE SPECIALIZATION OF THEIR INTERACTIONS WITH PLANTS IN THE TROPICAL ANDES Abstract: Publication date: Available online 28 June 2024Source: Global Ecology and ConservationAuthor(s): Jaime Andrés Carranza-Quiceno, John Harold Castaño, Sandra Bibiana Muriel-Ruiz, Pietro Kiyoshi Maruyama Mendoça, Inge Armbrecht
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social factors on fans and fandom in Tibetan macaques Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 54Author(s): Juan Chen, Peipei Yang, Qixin Zhang, Wenbo Li, Xi Wang, Jinhua Li
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Peruvian Amazon: Basic analysis of geographic products & predictors Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 54Author(s): Brian Crnobrna, Irbin B. Llanqui, Anthony Diaz Cardenas, Patrick Champagne, Grober Panduro Pisco
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services in urban forests Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 54Author(s): Rahim Maleknia
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Saxony, Germany Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 54Author(s): Vanessa Meier, Georg Leitinger, Janette Walde, Erich Tasser
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enhancement in Yueqing Bay, East China Sea Abstract: Publication date: Available online 27 June 2024Source: Global Ecology and ConservationAuthor(s): Chen Song, Peng Chen, Wuyang Lu, Huajun Zhang, Qingxi Han
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wild Chinese pangolins and its conservation implications Abstract: Publication date: Available online 26 June 2024Source: Global Ecology and ConservationAuthor(s): Nick Ching-Min Sun, Flora Hsuan-Yi Lo, Fang-Tse Chan, Kuei-Shien Lin, Kurtis Jai‑Chyi Pei
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in the Eastern Forest Transect of China Abstract: Publication date: Available online 26 June 2024Source: Global Ecology and ConservationAuthor(s): Shuang Pang, Bin Hua, Wei Yang, Shuhan Zhang, Yupeng Guan, Keyu Bai, Carlo Fadda, Rong Mao, Yang Zhang, Ximei Zhang
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increasing threat of pine wilt disease in China Abstract: Publication date: Available online 25 June 2024Source: Global Ecology and ConservationAuthor(s): Haoxiang Zhao, Xiaoqing Xian, Nianwan Yang, Jianyang Guo, Lilin Zhao, Jianghua Sun, Juan Shi, Wan-xue Liu
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functional diversity and its implications for the conservation of Chinese orchids Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 54Author(s): Qinghua Zhan, Lingling Tan, Yangyang Liu, Yadong Zhou, Boyun Yang
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benefits of mangroves in China Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 54Author(s): Chen Xu, Zhenshan Xue, Ming Jiang, Xianguo Lyu, Yuanchun Zou, Yi Gao, Xiaoyu Sun, Dan Wang, Ruxu Li
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asynchrony in an alpine meadow on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Abstract: Publication date: September 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 53Author(s): Li-Li Zheng, Ming-Hua Song, Chu-Ping Wu, Jiao Meng, Yu Guo, Jia-Xing Zu, Fei-Hai Yu
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vegetation types Abstract: Publication date: September 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 53Author(s): Mingmiao Chen, Xin Niu, Wenna Li, Peiyao Liu, Caicai Zhang, Zhipang Huang
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introductions in lakes using sedimentary DNA Abstract: Publication date: Available online 21 June 2024Source: Global Ecology and ConservationAuthor(s): Mark Louie D. Lopez, Matthew Bonderud, Michael J. Allison, Findlay MacDermid, Erin J. Ussery, Mark E. McMaster, Ave Dersch, Paul Drevnick, Caren C. Helbing
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Disturbance Patterns Abstract: Publication date: Available online 20 June 2024Source: Global Ecology and ConservationAuthor(s): Davide Mirante, Leonardo Ancillotto, Andrea Zampetti, Giuseppe Coiro, Gianfranco Pisa, Cristina Santocchi, Matteo Giuliani, Luca Santini
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 19 June 2024Source: Global Ecology and ConservationAuthor(s): Sonia Paź-Dyderska, Andrzej M. Jagodziński
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(Oreochromis mossambicus) in South Africa Abstract: Publication date: Available online 19 June 2024Source: Global Ecology and ConservationAuthor(s): Mahlatse F. Mashaphu, Colleen T. Downs, Matthew Burnett, Gordon O’Brien, Sandi Willows-Munro
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reserves is associated with spatial features, human disturbance and environmental factors in mountains region Abstract: Publication date: Available online 16 June 2024Source: Global Ecology and ConservationAuthor(s): Zhengxia Yang, Linzheng Hu, Ruidong Wu, Haijun Su, Yixin Diao
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Parapristipoma trilineatum (Perciformes: Haemulidae) in China and Japan based on mtDNA control region Abstract: Publication date: September 2024Source: Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 53Author(s): Ting Wu, Cheng-He Sun, Ye-Ling Lao, Qun Zhang
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in the cracks under urbanization in Shenzhen Abstract: Publication date: Available online 15 June 2024Source: Global Ecology and ConservationAuthor(s): Xiong Zhang, Yixuan Hong, Ruizheng Yang, Cheng Li, Xijin Hu, Lu Zhang, Yingyong Wang
- Monitoring in Biodiversity Offsetting
Abstract: Publication date: Available online 14 June 2024Source: Global Ecology and ConservationAuthor(s): Atte Moilanen, Joel Jalkanen, Panu Halme, Eini Nieminen, Janne S. Kotiaho, Heini Kujala
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and 16S rRNA gene sequencing for three herbivores in Taohongling, China Abstract: Publication date: Available online 14 June 2024Source: Global Ecology and ConservationAuthor(s): Zhiming Cao, Dandan Wang, Xiaolong Hu, Jutao He, Yuqin Liu, Wuhua Liu, Jianwen Zhan, Zechun Bao, Chunce Guo, Yongtao Xu
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lutra) in Northeast China Abstract: Publication date: Available online 11 June 2024Source: Global Ecology and ConservationAuthor(s): Aihua Fu, Qingyi Wang, Yuwei Fan, Zhenjie Zhan, Minhao Chen, Chao Zhang, Guoqiang Shi, XiaoFeng Luan
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gamblei in a subtropical forest Abstract: Publication date: Available online 10 June 2024Source: Global Ecology and ConservationAuthor(s): Liru Zhao, Qingqiu Zhou, Shuo Cao, Wanjin Liao, Jianping Wu
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interior Tibetan Plateau Abstract: Publication date: Available online 10 June 2024Source: Global Ecology and ConservationAuthor(s): Yili Jin, Mengna Liao, Ying Hou, Haoyan Wang, Haojun Xia, Jie Xia, Kai Wu, Borui Zhou, Kai Li, Jian Ni
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habitat in the Trans-Himalayan region of Pakistan Abstract: Publication date: Available online 10 June 2024Source: Global Ecology and ConservationAuthor(s): Um e Hani, Shiekh Marifatul Haq, Rabia Shabbir, Muhammad Waheed, Asma Jabeen, Minhas Hussain, Zakir Hussain Najar, Ahmad R. Alhimaidi, Ramzi A. Amran, Rainer W. Bussmann
- Range-wide camera traps reveal potential prey species for Javan leopards
Abstract: Publication date: Available online 8 June 2024Source: Global Ecology and ConservationAuthor(s): Andhika C. Ariyanto, Tiejun Wang, Andrew K. Skidmore, Hariyo T. Wibisono, Febri A. Widodo, Asep Y. Firdaus, Yohanes Wiharisno, Nur Koliq, Wahyu Murdyatmaka
- Living with elephants: Analyzing commonalities and differences in
Human-Elephant Conflicts in China and Tanzania Based on Residents' Perspectives Abstract: Publication date: Available online 7 June 2024Source: Global Ecology and ConservationAuthor(s): Han Zhang, Sihan Guo, Li Ma, Kaiwen Su, Alex Lobora, Yilei Hou, Yali Wen
- Landing on a small tropical island: wide in-situ diversification
of an urban-dwelling bat Abstract: Publication date: Available online 5 June 2024Source: Global Ecology and ConservationAuthor(s): Samantha Aguillon, Clara Castex, Avril Duchet, Magali Turpin, Gildas Le Minter, Camille Lebarbenchon, Axel O.G. Hoarau, Céline Toty, Léa Joffrin, Pablo Tortosa, Patrick Mavingui, Steven M. Goodman, Muriel Dietrich
- Low-intensity logging alters species and functional composition, but does
not negatively impact key ecosystem services in a Central African tropical forest Abstract: Publication date: Available online 21 May 2024Source: Global Ecology and ConservationAuthor(s): Megan K. Sullivan, Jason Vleminckx, Prince Armel Mouguiama Bissiemou, Raoul Niangadouma, Manoushka Ilambi Mayoungou, Juste Lemeilleur Temba, Fabrice Bénédet, Katharine Abernethy, Simon A. Queenborough, Liza S. Comita
- Reduced Human Disturbance Increases Diurnal Activity in Wolves, but not
Eurasian Lynx Abstract: Publication date: Available online 15 May 2024Source: Global Ecology and ConservationAuthor(s): Adam F. Smith, Katharina Kasper, Lorenzo Lazzeri, Michael Schulte, Svitlana Kudrenko, Elise Say-Sallaz, Marcin Churski, Dmitry Shamovich, Serhii Obrizan, Serhii Domashevsky, Kateryna Korepanova, Andriy-Taras Bashta, Rostyslav Zhuravchak, Martin Gahbauer, Bartosz Pirga, Viktar Fenchuk, Josip Kusak, Francesco Ferretti, Dries P.J. Kuijper, Krzysztof Schmidt