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- Connecting stakeholder priorities and desired environmental attributes for
wetland restoration using ecosystem services and a heat map analysis for communications Authors: Connie L. Hernandez, Leah M. Sharpe, Chloe A. Jackson, Matthew C. Harwell, Theodore H. DeWitt Abstract: Framing ecological restoration and monitoring goals from a human benefits perspective (i.e., ecosystem services) can help inform restoration planners, surrounding communities, and relevant stakeholders about the direct benefits they may obtain from a specific restoration project. We used a case study of tidal wetland restoration in the Tillamook River watershed in Oregon, USA, to demonstrate how to identify and integrate community stakeholders/beneficiaries and the environmental attributes they use to inform the design of and enhance environmental benefits from ecological restoration. Using the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Final Ecosystem Goods and Services (FEGS) Scoping Tool, we quantify the types of ecosystem services of greatest common value to stakeholders/beneficiaries that lead to desired benefits that contribute to their well-being in the context of planned uses that can be incorporated into the restoration project. This case study identified priority stakeholders, beneficiaries, and environmental attributes of interest to inform restoration goal selection. This novel decision context application of the FEGS Scoping Tool also included an effort focused on how to communicate the connections between stakeholders, and the environmental attributes of greatest interest to them using heat maps. PubDate: 2024-03-27T00:00:00Z
- Corrigendum: The Taxonomic Revolution of New World dung beetles
(Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) Authors: Mario Cupello, Fernando A. B. Silva, Fernando Z. Vaz-De-Mello PubDate: 2024-03-26T00:00:00Z
- Establishment of terrestrial mammals on former reservoir beds following
large dam removal on the Elwha River, Washington, USA Authors: Rebecca M. McCaffery, Sara J. Cendejas-Zarelli, Katy R. Goodwin, Patricia J. Happe, Kurt J. Jenkins, Kimberly A. Sager-Fradkin Abstract: Terrestrial wildlife species are important yet often overlooked taxa in the recovery of ecosystems following dam removal. Their presence can shape ecosystem recovery, signal restoration of ecosystem function, and influence food web dynamics and nutrient transfer. We used camera traps to examine seasonal use of two former reservoir beds and an upstream reference reach by the mammalian community following the removal of two large dams on the Elwha River, Washington, USA. For certain taxa, we compared current species use to data collected prior to dam removal. Camera traps revealed use by at least fifteen mammal species, including but not limited to American black bear (Ursus americanus), Columbian black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus columbianus), Roosevelt elk (Cervus elaphus roosevelti), puma (Puma concolor), coyotes (Canis latrans), bobcats (Lynx rufus), and snowshoe hares (Lepus americanus). Coyotes were found mostly lower in the watershed outside the Olympic National Park boundary, while other species were distributed throughout the restoration area. We did not see major differences in species composition between the restoration areas and the upstream reference reach, though number of detections across study reaches differed for most species. Unlike previous findings, black bears were observed across all seasons in this study, suggesting a shift in seasonal use since dam removal. Full restoration of the terrestrial wildlife community could take decades to unfold, but early patterns demonstrate rapid establishment and use by wildlife on new riparian surfaces that are expected to continue to evolve with restoration of fish and vegetation communities. PubDate: 2024-03-26T00:00:00Z
- Vegetation cover change and its response to human activities in the
southwestern karst region of China Authors: Zhaopu Liu, Yushan Zhang Abstract: Vegetation to some extent can reflect the overall state of the ecological environment, and increasing vegetation cover can improve the quality of the ecological environment. The southwest karst region of China is a typical ecologically fragile area and an important ecological barrier. Against the backdrop of intensified human activities, the vegetation dynamics in the karst region have attracted widespread attention. Analyzing vegetation cover changes and their responses to human activities is important for regional ecological development. This study is based on SPOT-VGT NDVI data from 1998 to 2020 and employs trend analysis, “baseline” determination, multiple regression, residual analysis, and principal component analysis to investigate the characteristics of vegetation cover changes in the southwest karst region of China. Additionally, it quantifies the specific impacts of various human activities on these changes. The research findings indicate that (1) over the past 23 years, the interannual variability and seasonal differences in the NDVI of the southwest karst region have been significant, exhibiting an overall increasing trend. Spatially, the vegetation in this region demonstrates a decreasing trend from south to north and southwest to northeast. (2) Over time, the areas where vegetation has improved gradually expand, and the effectiveness of vegetation restoration increases with time. (3) Overall, human activities influence vegetation growth in the southwest karst landscape region of China. (4) The socioeconomic factors affecting vegetation cover changes in the southwest karst region of China primarily include economic development level, population and labor migration, urbanization development, and vegetation construction. These results provide a scientific basis for formulating reasonable ecological environment protection strategies by humans. PubDate: 2024-03-26T00:00:00Z
- Metabarcoding clarifies the diet of the elusive and vulnerable Australian
tjakura (Great Desert Skink, Liopholis kintorei)|Introduction|Methods|Results|Discussion Authors: David Thuo, Nicholas A. Macgregor, Samuel D. Merson, Dianne Scopel, J. Scott Keogh, Jeremy Kenny, Jessica L. Williams, Tracey Guest, Shaeleigh Swan, Steve McAlpin, Leo Joseph Abstract: IntroductionAccurately quantifying the diet of species has implications for our understanding of their ecology and conservation. Yet, determining the dietary composition of threatened and elusive species in the wild is often difficult.MethodsThis study presents the first dietary assessment of tjakura (Liopholis kintorei) using non-invasive sampling of scats and high-throughput sequencing techniques.ResultsThe tjakura in Uluru consumed 48 invertebrates, 27 plants, and two vertebrate taxa. Fruit flies (Leucophenga spp.), beetles (Harpalus spp. and Omorgus spp.), mosquitos (Culicidae spp.), termites (Termitidae spp.), spiked mallow (Malvastrum americanum), bush tomatoes (Solanum centrale), and wild turnip (Brassica tournefortii) comprised the majority of the diet. Analysis of similarity revealed that food items did not differ significantly between tjakura age groups, seasons, or time since the last fire, however, adults, hot season, and fire scar of 2018 showed a relatively higher prey diversity.DiscussionThese high similarities in diet composition between age classes and fire scars indicate potential intraspecific competition when food resources are scarce. The diet diversity and potential plasticity observed in this study reflect a dietary ecology influenced by food availability rather than preference. Our study demonstrates that scat DNA metabarcoding is an important complementary tool to conventional scat analysis or indigenous knowledge as most food items we identified were previously not recorded through those methods. PubDate: 2024-03-26T00:00:00Z
- Editorial: Shaping the future: urban resilience and socio-ecological
systems through time Authors: Attila Gyucha, Abigail Derby Lewis, Rodrigo Solinis Casparius, Natalia C. Piland, Marina Alberti PubDate: 2024-03-26T00:00:00Z
- The threat of a major tree pathogen to forest soil mesofauna food webs and
ecosystem functioning Authors: Marijke Struijk, Jamie R. Stavert, Rebecca J. Le Grice, Luitgard Schwendenmann, Poppy Joaquina Romera, Grace Mitchell, Marie Sünnemann, Jaynie Yang, Fredrik Hjelm, Andrew D. Barnes Abstract: Tree pathogens threaten the survival of many forest foundation tree species worldwide. However, there is limited knowledge of how dieback of foundation tree species may threaten other components of forest ecosystems, such as soil biodiversity and associated ecosystem functions. Kauri (Agathis australis), threatened by the root-borne pathogen Phytophthora agathidicida, are culturally and ecologically significant tree species that exert great influence on soil properties. We aimed to characterise soil mesofauna community structure and energy fluxes in kauri forests and assess the potential threat that tree pathogens such as P. agathidicida pose to belowground ecosystems. We sampled soil mesofauna communities and identified specimens to functional feeding groups at 24 pairs of kauri and adjacent broadleaf trees in sites across the Waitākere Ranges Regional Park, Aotearoa – New Zealand. We attributed kauri canopy health scores, measured tree diameter, slope, forest floor depth, and soil carbon dioxide efflux. We also analysed soil samples for P. agathidicida presence, total carbon, and total nitrogen. We constructed soil mesofauna food webs associated with kauri and broadleaf trees, and assessed the uniqueness of food webs associated with kauri and the impacts of P. agathidicida on density, biomass, mean body mass, and energy fluxes of mesofauna taxonomic and trophic groups. We found omnivores with larger body mass at kauri where P. agathidicida was detected (i.e., P. agathidicida-positive soils). Compared to broadleaf trees, mesofauna density and biomass were lower in soils under kauri, and body masses of Symphyla and omnivores were smaller in soils under kauri. Differences in mesofauna community response variables between tree types were mainly modulated by the soil C:N ratio, which had positive effects under broadleaf and neutral to negative effects under kauri. Energy fluxes to detritivores and fungivores were greater under larger trees, regardless of tree type or P. agathidicida detection status. Our findings suggest that kauri support soil mesofauna food webs that are distinctly different from those found under broadleaf trees in the same habitat. A decreased presence of this foundation species may be linked to future impacts on soil mesofauna in this forest ecosystem with increasingly advanced stages of kauri dieback. PubDate: 2024-03-25T00:00:00Z
- Spatial dynamic simulation of beetles in biodiversity
hotspots|Introduction|Methods|Results|Discussion Authors: Ping He, Ming Bai, Lulu Li, Yuanyuan Lu, Jing Li, Zihan Yan Abstract: IntroductionColeoptera is the most species-rich order of animals with the widest distribution area; however, little is known about its global suitability distribution, and a substantial number of species are experiencing silent extinction. Most of Earth’s biocommunities are concentrated in biodiversity hotspots, and these hotspots receive the largest investment of conservation funds. The survival of beetles is closely related to the richness of biodiversity, so habitat loss in hotspots results in a high extinction risk for beetles.MethodsWe used the MaxEnt model to simulate the spatial suitable distribution in six time periods (1970-1980, 1980-1990, 1990-2000, 2000-2010, 2010-2020, and 1970-2020). Furthermore, we determined the priority suitable regions in hotspots after coupling the current biodiversity zones and evaluated the congruence between the suitable habitat of beetles and hotspots.ResultsThe results revealed that less than 30% of suitable regions were located in hotspots, and approximately 49.08% of the suitable habitat remained constant in all six periods, and can be regarded as climatically stable refugia. The Mediterranean Basin had the largest suitable area in each period and was always ranked first; other regions, such as Indo-Burma, Irano-Anatolian, and Mesoamerica, also had large areas of suitable habitat. Nine excellent, ten stable, and seventeen lower hotspots were identified based on their dynamic changes in 36 hotspots.DiscussionBased on these results, corresponding planning and management measures should be implemented in different biodiversity hotspots according to the changes in geographic distribution. In this paper, we propose practical advice for different regions to improve isolated and fragmented habitats, which will support the conservation of Coleoptera taxa and the restoration of biodiversity. PubDate: 2024-03-25T00:00:00Z
- Editorial: Models in population, community and ecosystem dynamics
Authors: Mehdi Cherif, Jurek Kolasa, Rui-Wu Wang PubDate: 2024-03-25T00:00:00Z
- Enhancing pest control interventions by linking species distribution model
prediction and population density assessment of pine wilt disease vectors in South Korea Authors: Inyoo Kim, Youngwoo Nam, Sinyoung Park, Wonhee Cho, Kwanghun Choi, Dongwook W. Ko Abstract: Pine wilt disease caused by pinewood nematode is one of the most destructive forest diseases, and still spreading in South Korea despite the various control efforts. Japanese pine sawyer (JPS) and Sakhalin pine sawyer (SPS) are the main vectors of the disease. Understanding the distribution and density of the vectors is crucial since the control period is determined by the different emergence periods of the two vectors and the control method by its density and the expected damage severity. In this study, we predicted the distribution of JPS and SPS using Maxent and investigated the relationship between the resulting suitability value and the density. The population densities of JPS and SPS were obtained through a national survey using pheromone traps between 2020-2022. We converted the density data into presence/absence points to externally validate each species distribution model, then we used quantile regression to check the correlation between the suitability and population density, and finally we used three widely used thresholds to convert the model results into binary maps, and tested if they could distinguish the density by comparing the Rb value of biserial correlation. The quantile regression revealed a positive relationship between the habitat suitability and population density sampled in the field. Moreover, the binary map with threshold criteria that maximizes the sum of the sensitivity and specificity had the best density discrimination capacity with the highest Rb. A quantitative relationship between suitability and vector density measured in the field from our study provides reliability to species distribution model as practical tools for forest pest management. PubDate: 2024-03-22T00:00:00Z
- Forest types outpaced tree species in centroid-based range shifts under
global change|Introduction|Methods|Results|Discussion Authors: Akane O. Abbasi, Christopher W. Woodall, Javier G. P. Gamarra, Cang Hui, Nicolas Picard, Thomas Ochuodho, Sergio de-Miguel, Rajeev Sahay, Songlin Fei, Alain Paquette, Han Y. H. Chen, Ann Christine Catlin, Jingjing Liang Abstract: IntroductionMounting evidence suggests that geographic ranges of tree species worldwide are shifting under global environmental changes. Little is known, however, about if and how these species’ range shifts may trigger the range shifts of various types of forests. Markowitz’s portfolio theory of investment and its broad application in ecology suggest that the range shift of a forest type could differ substantially from the range shifts of its constituent tree species.MethodsHere, we tested this hypothesis by comparing the range shifts of forest types and the mean of their constituent species between 1970–1999 and 2000–2019 across Alaska, Canada, and the contiguous United States using continent-wide forest inventory data. We first identified forest types in each period using autoencoder neural networks and K-means cluster analysis. For each of the 43 forest types that were identified in both periods, we systematically compared historical range shifts of the forest type and the mean of its constituent tree species based on the geographic centroids of interpolated distribution maps.ResultsWe found that forest types shifted at 86.5 km·decade-1 on average, more than three times as fast as the average of constituent tree species (28.8 km·decade-1). We showed that a predominantly positive covariance of the species range and the change of species relative abundance triggers this marked difference.DiscussionOur findings provide an important scientific basis for adaptive forest management and conservation, which primarily depend on individual species assessment, in mitigating the impacts of rapid forest transformation under climate change. PubDate: 2024-03-22T00:00:00Z
- Advancing bee conservation in the US: gaps and opportunities in data
collection and reporting|Introduction|Methods|Results|Discussion Authors: Josée S. Rousseau, S. Hollis Woodard, Sarina Jepsen, Brianne Du Clos, Alison Johnston, Bryan N. Danforth, Amanda D. Rodewald Abstract: IntroductionBee conservation in the US is currently hindered by challenges associated with assessing the status and trends of a diverse group of>3000 species, many of which are rare, endemic to small areas, and/or exhibit high inter-annual variationin population size. Fundamental information about the distribution of most species across space and time, thus, is lacking yet urgently needed to assess population status, guide conservation plans, and prioritize actions among species and geographies.MethodsUsing wild bee data from two public data repositories representing the contiguous US, we evaluated the availability and sufficiency of data for use in species assessments of wild bees. We also examined the number of bee species recorded in each US state and the proportion of species with recent records (2012–2021).ResultsAlthough efforts to monitor bees continue to grow, there remains a massive paucity of data. Exceedingly few records (0.04%)reported both sampling protocol and effort, greatly limiting the usefulness of the data. Few species or locations have adequate publicly available data to support analyses of population status or trends, and fewer than half of species have sufficient data to delineate geographic range. Despite an exponential increase in data submissions since the 2000s, only 47% of species were reported within the last decade, which may be driven by how data are collected, reported, and shared, or may reflect troubling patterns of local or large-scale declines and extirpations.DiscussionBased on our analysis, we provide recommendations to improve the quality and quantity of data that can be used to detect, understand, and respond to changes in wild bee populations. PubDate: 2024-03-21T00:00:00Z
- Urban noise slows down the antipredator reaction of Eurasian Magpies
Authors: Farah Abou-Zeid, Yanina Benedetti, Anastasiia Siretckaia, Federico Morelli Abstract: Urban areas are known to have high levels of noise pollution, which can impact an animal’s antipredator behavior. Noise can either distract the animal or mask the sounds of a predator, increasing the animal’s vulnerability to predation. However, the prey may increase vigilance in noisier environments, thus reducing energy and time spent on other activities. Alert Distance (AD) refers to the distance at which an animal becomes alert to a potential predator approaching. Flight Initiation Distance (FID) is the distance from the potential predator at which the animal flees. We studied the impact of ambient noise pollution on the AD and a corrected FID (FID/AD) of Eurasian Magpies (Pica pica) using a field investigator as a potential predator walking towards birds at a constant speed. We found that the noise level did not affect the AD. Still, noise had a negative effect on the Eurasian Magpies’ FID/ADs, suggesting that noise may slow their reaction to a potential threat but not their ability to detect it. Thus, our research highlights that urban noise pollution can increase an individual's vulnerability to predation, even when predators are still detectable. Ambient noise may distract the bird by diverting some of its limited attention and causing a delayed response to the predators. Alternatively, noise could be masking auditory cues that would have otherwise been added together with visual cues to cause an enhanced response. More research is necessary to understand the effects of noise pollution on the antipredator behavior of birds in urban areas, taking into account the specific strategies and adaptations of each species. PubDate: 2024-03-20T00:00:00Z
- Non-structural carbohydrate dynamics of Pinus yunnanensis seedlings under
drought stress and re-watering Authors: Jiandong Xiao, Zhijuan Zhao, Xin Deng, Haocheng Hu, Yuanxi Liu, Jianli Sun, Xiaoyong Fu, Junwen Wu Abstract: Non-structural carbohydrates (NSC) are an important “buffer” for maintaining plant physiological functions under drought conditions; however, our understanding of the dynamics of NSC at the organ level during sustained drought of varying intensities and re-watering remains poor. In this study, two-year-old Pinus yunnanensis seedlings were subjected to drought and re-watering trials. Plants were subjected to three drought intensities (light drought, moderate drought, and severe drought) as well as control conditions (suitable moisture) for 51 days, including 30 days of drought followed by 21 days of re-watering for drought-treated seedlings, to study the dynamics of NSC in the leaves, stems, coarse roots, and fine roots. Changes in the distribution of NSC concentrations in the organ of P. yunnanensis seedlings under drought stress varied; in the early drought stages, the drought resistance of P. yunnanensis seedlings was enhanced by increasing soluble sugar concentrations; in later stages of drought, the stored starch in organs, stems, and coarse roots was consumed. Drought inhibited the growth of P. yunnanensis seedlings, but the maximum limit of drought tolerance was not reached under the different drought treatments after 30 days. P. yunnanensis seedlings in all treatment groups resumed growth after re-watering, and the growth of seedlings was actually promoted during re-watering in the moderate drought treatment group, indicating that drought induced the compensatory growth of seedlings. The growth of P. yunnanensis seedlings during re-watering was inhibited in the severe drought treatment group, and NSC continued to be regulated in seedlings in this group. Given that P. yunnanensis seedlings maintain growth through the consumption of coarse root starch in the late stages of drought, seedlings with a larger root-to-shoot ratio should be selected for cultivation in actual production. Based on our findings, exposure to moderate drought stress can enhance the drought tolerance of P. yunnanensis seedlings and promote the compensatory growth of seedlings. PubDate: 2024-03-19T00:00:00Z
- Scientific contributions and lessons learned from 30 years of ecological
monitoring of the Bylot Island tundra ecosystem Authors: Gilles Gauthier, Dominique Berteaux, Joël Bêty, Pierre Legagneux, Dominique Fauteux, Dominique Gravel, Marie-Christine Cadieux Abstract: The Arctic tundra has a relatively low biodiversity but species living there have unique adaptations and are exposed to unprecedented rates of climate warming. Monitoring changes in Arctic biodiversity and identifying the driving forces is thus a pressing issue. Bylot Island in the Canadian Arctic has one of the longest and most comprehensive monitoring programs of the tundra food web, spanning four decades. We provide a historical overview of ecological studies on Bylot Island, summarize their key scientific contributions, show their impacts, and present the ingredients for the success of the program and the main challenges encountered. Some major contributions include demonstrating the key role of predation in structuring the tundra food web, the importance of exchanges between ecosystems for the persistence of top predators and their cascading effects on trophic interactions, the apparent resistance of the vertebrate biota to climate warming, the need to consider multiple hypotheses to explain northward range expansion of species and the benefits of integrating scientific data and local knowledge into ecological monitoring. The program has produced>250 journal articles and>80 graduate student theses, which generated>7,700 citations in the scientific literature. A high proportion (65%) of the articles had more citations than comparable publications in their field. The longevity and success of the program can be attributed to several factors, including a researcher-driven (i.e. bottom-up) approach to design the monitoring; long-term commitment of a small number of dedicated researchers and the strong participation of graduate students; the adoption of a food web rather than a single species perspective; extensive presence in the field; the combination of several methodological approaches; and the use of multiple spatial scales adapted to research questions of interest. Challenges encountered include funding issues, transfer of expertise over time, limited spatial replication, statistical design and maintaining partnerships. Robust monitoring is essential to provide sound baseline to detect future changes, and lessons learned from our program could improve future monitoring schemes in the Arctic. Paradoxically, we believe that ecological monitoring on Bylot Island has been successful in large part because it was not originally designed as a monitoring program per se. PubDate: 2024-03-19T00:00:00Z
- ISSA-enhanced GRU-Transformer: integrating sports wisdom into the frontier
exploration of carbon emission prediction|Introduction|Method|Results|Discussion Authors: Wei Jiang, Changjiang Liu, Qiang Qu, Zhen Wang, Liangnan Hu, Zhaofu Xie, Bokun Zhang, Jingzhou He Abstract: IntroductionCarbon neutrality has become a key strategy to combat global climate change. However, current methods for predicting carbon emissions are limited and require the development of more effective strategies to meet this challenge. This is especially true in the field of sports and competitions, where the energy intensity of major events and activities means that time series data is crucial for predicting related carbon emissions, as it can detail the emission patterns over a period of time.MethodIn this study, we introduce an artificial intelligence-based method aimed at improving the accuracy and reliability of carbon emission predictions. Specifically, our model integrates an Improved Mahjong Search Algorithm (ISSA) and GRU-Transformer technology, designed to efficiently process and analyze the complex time series data generated by sporting events. These technological components help to capture and parse carbon emission data more accurately.ResultsExperimental results have demonstrated the efficiency of our model, which underwent a comprehensive evaluation involving multiple datasets and was benchmarked against competing models. Our model outperformed others across various performance metrics, including lower RMSE and MAE values and higher R2 scores. This underscores the significant potential of our model in enhancing the accuracy of carbon emission predictions.DiscussionBy introducing this new AI-based method for predicting carbon emissions, this study not only provides more accurate data support for optimizing and implementing carbon neutrality measures in the sports field but also improves the accuracy of time series data predictions. This enables a deeper understanding of carbon emission trends associated with sports activities. It contributes to the development of more effective mitigation strategies, making a significant contribution to global efforts to reduce carbon emissions. PubDate: 2024-03-18T00:00:00Z
- Evaluation of ecological carrying capacity and construction of ecological
security pattern in West Liaohe River Basin of China Authors: Ying Zheng, Pengcheng Tang, Lei Dong, Zhenyu Yao, Jianying Guo Abstract: The West Liaohe River Basin (WRLB) is a typical agro-pastoral interlaced zone in Northeast China where excessive economic development activities brought great pressure on the ecosystem and caused a series of ecological problems, having a negative effect on regional ecological carrying capacity (ECC). The rational construction of ecological security pattern (ESP) is an effective way to improve regional ECC and alleviate the contradiction between ecological protection and economic development. In this study, taking the WLRB as an example, spatiotemporal changes of ECC in the WLRB from 2000 to 2020 were explored by using spatial principal component analysis (SPCA). Furthermore, ecological sources were determined by coupling ECC evaluation results with important ecological patches such as natural protected areas, and the minimum cumulative resistance (MCR) model combined with the circuit theory method were employed to identify ecological security zoning, ecological corridors and key ecological nodes. Then a comprehensive ESP of the basin was constructed. The results show as follows: 1) The ECC of the overall WLRB was at medium carrying level, yet was spatially differentiated, which decreased from the periphery to the center of the basin in general. ECC showed a fluctuating upward trend from 2000 to 2020. 2) The ecological source area of the WLRB was 21926.91 km², accounting for 17.33% of the total study area. The ecological sources were seriously fragmentated and mainly distributed in the mountain area. The area of ecological conservation zone, optimized buffer zone, ecological transition zone, ecological prevention and control zone were 55672.69 km², 32662.24 km², 23862.84 km² and 12021.04 km², accounting for 44.82%, 26.29%, 19.21% and 9.68%, respectively. We also extracted 95 ecological corridors (with a total length of 3130.97 km), 49 ecological pinch points (with a total area of 200.33 km²) and 30 ecological barrier points (with a total area of 318.30 km²), constituting a “points-lines-planes” comprehensive ecological security pattern. This research can provide scientific reference for the protection and restoration of ecological environment and regional sustainable development. PubDate: 2024-03-15T00:00:00Z
- Driving factors analysis and scenario prediction of CO2 emissions in power
industries of key provinces along the Yellow River based on LMDI and BP neural network|Introduction|Methods|Results|Discussion Authors: Chuanbao Wu, Shuang Sun, Yingying Cui, Shuangyin Xing Abstract: IntroductionPower industry is one of the largest sources of CO2 emissions in China. The Yellow River Basin plays a supportive role in guaranteeing the effective supply of electricity nationwide, with numerous power generation bases. Understanding the drivers and peak of CO2 emissions of power industry in the Yellow River Basin is vital for China to fulfill its commitment to reach carbon emissions peak by 2030.MethodsThe Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index (LMDI) model was employed to explore the drivers to the change of CO2 emissions in power industries of three study areas, including Inner Mongolia Autonomous Regions, Shanxi Province, and Shandong Province in the Yellow River Basin. And Back Propagation (BP) neural network was combined with scenario analysis to empirically predict the trend of the amount of CO2 emitted by power industry (CEPI) from provincial perspective.ResultsCEPI in Inner Mongolia under the scenarios of a low degree of CO2 emissions promotion with a medium degree of CO2 emissions inhibition (LM) and a low degree of CO2 emissions promotion with a high degree of CO2 emissions inhibition (LH) scenario can reach a peak as early as 2030, with the peak value of 628.32 and 638.12 million tonnes, respectively. Moreover, in Shanxi, only CEPI under a low degree of CO2 emissions promotion scenarios (LL, LM, LH) can achieve the peak in 2025 ahead of schedule, with amounts of 319.32, 308.07, and 292.45 million tonnes. Regarding Shandong, CEPI under scenarios of a low degree of CO2 emissions promotion with a high degree of CO2 emissions inhibition (LH) and a medium degree of CO2 emissions promotion with a high degree of CO2 emissions inhibition (MH) could achieve the earliest peak time in 2025, with a peak of 434.6 and 439.36 million tonnes, respectively.DiscussionThe earliest peak time of CEPI in Shandong Province and Shanxi Province is 2025, but the peak of CEPI in Shanxi is smaller than that of Shandong. The peak time of CEPI in Inner Mongolia is relatively late, in 2030, and the peak is larger than that of the other two provinces. The per capita GDP is the most positive driving factor that contributes to the CEPI. Shandong has a strong economy, and its per capita GDP is much higher than Shanxi’s. Therefore, even under the same peak time, the CEPI in Shandong is much higher than that of Shanxi. Inner Mongolia is extensive and sparsely populated, which makes its per capita GDP rank among the top in China. In addition, Inner Mongolia’s coal-based power generation structure and high power generation also contribute to its late CO2 peak time and large CO2 peak. PubDate: 2024-03-15T00:00:00Z
- Host–symbiont plasticity in the upside-down jellyfish Cassiopea
xamachana: strobilation across symbiont genera|Introduction|Methods|Results|Discussion Authors: Victoria Sharp, Allison H. Kerwin, Marta Mammone, Viridiana Avila-Magana, Kira Turnham, Aki Ohdera, Todd LaJeunesse, Mónica Medina Abstract: IntroductionIn the upside-down jellyfish, Cassiopea xamachana (Cnidaria: Scyphozoa), the establishment of photosymbiosis with dinoflagellates (family Symbiodiniaceae) is necessary for the sessile polyp to undergo metamorphosis (strobilation) into a free-swimming adult. C. xamachana has the capacity to associate with a wide variety of dinoflagellate species and representatives of divergent genera. While some studies have looked at the successful induction of symbiosis, none to date have examined the lasting effect of diverse symbiont taxa on host survivorship and development, which is needed to assess the fitness costs of such symbioses.MethodsOur study exposes C. xamachana polyps to 22 different cultured Symbiodinaceae strains representing 13 species from 5 genera. We analyzed the time to strobilation, the number of ephyra (juvenile medusa) produced, and the proportion of ephyra that died prematurely.ResultsHere we show that C. xamachana strobilation can be induced by nearly each symbiodinacean strain we tested, with the exception of free-living species (i.e., unknown to establish symbiosis with any other marine host). Additionally, ephyrae did not display morphological variation or survivorship differences with varying symbionts. However, we observed intraspecific variation in time to induce strobilation with different cultured dinoflagellate strains.DiscussionThis work expands the known symbiont species that can form stable mutualisms with C. xamachana, primarily in the genera Symbiodinium and Breviolum. Additionally, we provide evidence of differences in ability of cultured symbiodiniaceans to establish symbiosis with a host, which suggests population-level differences in dinoflagellate cultures impact their symbiosis success. By utilizing an animal like C. xamachana with flexible symbiont uptake, we are able to explore how symbiont diversity can influence the timing and success of symbiosis-driven development. PubDate: 2024-03-14T00:00:00Z
- Time of year and weather influence departure decisions of sandhill cranes
at a primary stopover Authors: Rachel A. Vanausdall, William L. Kendall, Daniel P. Collins, Quentin R. Hays Abstract: The Rocky Mountain Population (RMP) of greater sandhill cranes uses a key stopover area, the San Luis Valley (SLV) in Colorado. Parameters of migration phenology can differ between autumn and spring and are affected by weather and environmental factors. We hypothesized that sandhill cranes in the SLV would have a longer stopover duration in autumn than in spring, and that wind assistance, crosswinds, temperature change, barometric air pressure, and surface water area would influence persistence probability. We used data from sandhill cranes fitted with transmitters that spanned autumn and spring, 2015-2022. We used an open robust design mark-recapture model to estimate stopover duration, arrival probability, and persistence probability. We examined the effects of weather and surface water on the persistence probability for 106 sandhill cranes in the SLV. Stopover duration was longer in autumn than in spring and had higher variability across years. Arrival probability to the SLV peaked on 13 October in autumn and 21 February in spring. Persistence probability declined around mid-December in autumn and mid-March in spring. We found that several weather covariates influenced persistence in both seasons. In autumn, sandhill cranes departed the SLV with higher tailwinds, lower crosswinds, and higher surface water availability. In spring, sandhill cranes departed the SLV with lower crosswinds and higher barometric air pressure at the surface and higher wind speeds at altitudes of about 3,000 m. The effect of wind speed was stronger later in the spring. Given the lower variability of arrival and persistence probability and shorter stopover duration in spring compared to autumn, we suspect that RMP sandhill cranes are using a time-minimization strategy during spring. However, given the use of supportive winds and weather conditions ideal for soaring, RMP sandhill cranes appear to be using strategies that save energy in both seasons. Our study identifies the optimal timing of water management and surveys for RMP sandhill cranes and confirms that weather influences their persistence. Understanding differences in migration patterns between seasons and the factors that influence persistence at stopover sites will also be important for anticipating phenological impacts from climate change and land use alterations. PubDate: 2024-03-14T00:00:00Z