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Stefano Brogi; Tamara Menichini Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, Volume 33, Issue 4, Page 3005-3038, May 2024. PubDate: 2024-05-02T08:30:15-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3621 Issue No: Vol. 33, No. 4 (2024)
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Daniela Ortiz‐Avram; Nelly Ovcharova,
Alexander Engelmann Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, Volume 33, Issue 4, Page 2969-3004, May 2024. PubDate: 2024-05-02T08:30:15-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3630 Issue No: Vol. 33, No. 4 (2024)
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Krishnendu Saha; Matt Yarnall,
Stefania Paladini Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, Volume 33, Issue 4, Page 3356-3382, May 2024. PubDate: 2024-05-02T08:30:15-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3633 Issue No: Vol. 33, No. 4 (2024)
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Anna Christy; Marwa Elnahass,
Jaime Amezaga,
Anthony Browne,
Oliver Heidrich Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, Volume 33, Issue 4, Page 3103-3128, May 2024. PubDate: 2024-05-02T08:30:15-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3635 Issue No: Vol. 33, No. 4 (2024)
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Douglas A. Adu; Naheed N. Roni Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, Volume 33, Issue 4, Page 3039-3077, May 2024. PubDate: 2024-05-02T08:30:15-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3640 Issue No: Vol. 33, No. 4 (2024)
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Umair Bin Yousaf; Muhammad Zubair Tauni,
Imran Yousaf,
Nancy Lixin Su Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, Volume 33, Issue 4, Page 3078-3102, May 2024. PubDate: 2024-05-02T08:30:15-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3641 Issue No: Vol. 33, No. 4 (2024)
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Michael Asiedu Gyensare; Samuel Adomako,
Joseph Amankwah‐Amoah Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, Volume 33, Issue 4, Page 3129-3141, May 2024. PubDate: 2024-05-02T08:30:15-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3642 Issue No: Vol. 33, No. 4 (2024)
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Tesfaye T. Lemma; Minga Negash,
Ayalew Lulseged,
Warren Maroun Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, Volume 33, Issue 4, Page 3167-3183, May 2024. PubDate: 2024-05-02T08:30:15-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3643 Issue No: Vol. 33, No. 4 (2024)
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Annebeth Roor; Karen Maas Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, Volume 33, Issue 4, Page 3707-3732, May 2024. PubDate: 2024-05-02T08:30:15-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3644 Issue No: Vol. 33, No. 4 (2024)
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Hala Hmamed; Anass Cherrafi,
Asmaa Benghabrit,
Sunil Tiwari,
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Weiping Li; Xuezhi Zhang,
Shuyi Cheng,
Xiaohang Ren Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, Volume 33, Issue 4, Page 3383-3396, May 2024. PubDate: 2024-05-02T08:30:15-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3646 Issue No: Vol. 33, No. 4 (2024)
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Arnaldo Coelho; Jorge Ferreira,
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Kentaro Azuma; Akira Higashida Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, Volume 33, Issue 4, Page 3669-3686, May 2024. PubDate: 2024-05-02T08:30:15-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3649 Issue No: Vol. 33, No. 4 (2024)
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Simona Cosma; Paolo Cucurachi,
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Giuseppe Rimo Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, Volume 33, Issue 4, Page 3242-3257, May 2024. PubDate: 2024-05-02T08:30:15-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3650 Issue No: Vol. 33, No. 4 (2024)
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Kabelo Esther Rathobei; Helena Ranängen,
Åsa Lindman Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, Volume 33, Issue 4, Page 3687-3706, May 2024. PubDate: 2024-05-02T08:30:15-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3651 Issue No: Vol. 33, No. 4 (2024)
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Milou Derks; Christina Bidmon,
Francesca Ciulli Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, Volume 33, Issue 4, Page 3733-3747, May 2024. PubDate: 2024-05-02T08:30:15-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3652 Issue No: Vol. 33, No. 4 (2024)
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Chamari Pamoshika Jayarathna; Duzgun Agdas,
Les Dawes Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, Volume 33, Issue 4, Page 3422-3439, May 2024. PubDate: 2024-05-02T08:30:15-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3655 Issue No: Vol. 33, No. 4 (2024)
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Licheng Yang; Shijie Song,
Chunlin Liu Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, Volume 33, Issue 4, Page 3258-3278, May 2024. PubDate: 2024-05-02T08:30:15-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3656 Issue No: Vol. 33, No. 4 (2024)
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Presley K. Wesseh Jr; Boqiang Lin,
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Yi‐Chun Huang; Li‐Ting Shih,
Zhao‐Hong Cheng Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, Volume 33, Issue 4, Page 3440-3462, May 2024. PubDate: 2024-05-02T08:30:15-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3658 Issue No: Vol. 33, No. 4 (2024)
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Xiu Jie Deng; Man Qing Yuan,
Cai Yi Luo Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, Volume 33, Issue 4, Page 3279-3298, May 2024. PubDate: 2024-05-02T08:30:15-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3660 Issue No: Vol. 33, No. 4 (2024)
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Liliane Carmagnac; Minelle E. Silva,
Morgane M. C. Fritz Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, Volume 33, Issue 4, Page 3463-3479, May 2024. PubDate: 2024-05-02T08:30:15-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3661 Issue No: Vol. 33, No. 4 (2024)
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Sudha Mathew; Sheeja Sivaprasad Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, Volume 33, Issue 4, Page 3299-3316, May 2024. PubDate: 2024-05-02T08:30:15-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3663 Issue No: Vol. 33, No. 4 (2024)
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Fadi Alkaraan; Mahmoud Elmarzouky,
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Sonia Boukattaya; Zied Ftiti,
Maher Jeriji,
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Fengguang Lyu; Zhiping Zhang,
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Zahra Ahmadi‐Gh; Alejandro Bello‐Pintado Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, Volume 33, Issue 4, Page 3635-3653, May 2024. PubDate: 2024-05-02T08:30:15-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3668 Issue No: Vol. 33, No. 4 (2024)
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Khalil Nimer; Muath Abdelqader,
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Alisha Tuladhar; Konstantinos Iatridis,
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Mario La Torre; Lucilla Bittucci,
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Agustí Segarra‐Blasco; Mercedes Teruel,
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Patrizia Ghisellini; Ivana Quinto,
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Cumali Kılıç; Gaye Atilla Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, Volume 33, Issue 4, Page 3142-3166, May 2024. PubDate: 2024-05-02T08:30:15-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3634 Issue No: Vol. 33, No. 4 (2024)
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Yang Liu; Fukang Zhang,
Han Zhang Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, Volume 33, Issue 4, Page 3331-3355, May 2024. PubDate: 2024-05-02T08:30:15-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3647 Issue No: Vol. 33, No. 4 (2024)
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Patrick Velte
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Jianhua Zhu; Taiwen Feng,
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Sukanlaya Sawang; Poh Yen Ng,
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Esther Noëth; Wim Van Opstal,
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Eva Niesten; Albert Jolink,
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Charlie Cregan; J. Andrew Kelly,
J. Peter Clinch Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, EarlyView. PubDate: 2024-05-30T10:29:34-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3833
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countries: The role of pro‐environmental self‐identity, attitude, and environmental protection emotion-
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Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, EarlyView. PubDate: 2024-05-29T12:00:00-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3832
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from an emerging market-
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Wei Liu; Haizhen Xiao,
Renyi Xie,
Xiying Luo,
Xia Yang,
Jingyi Zhou Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, EarlyView. PubDate: 2024-05-29T10:43:44-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3823
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systematic literature review-
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M. M. Swalih; Ronita Ram,
Edward Tew Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, EarlyView. PubDate: 2024-05-28T11:25:01-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3828
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necessary dynamic capabilities for a transition among Norwegian oil and gas companies-
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Fanny Hermundsdottir; Øyvind Bjørgum,
Ann Elida Eide Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, EarlyView. PubDate: 2024-05-27T11:38:17-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3826
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from circular start‐ups-
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Roberta De Angelis
Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, EarlyView. PubDate: 2024-05-27T11:23:51-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3821
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strategies in emerging economies-
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Walter Heredia; Roberto D. Ponce Oliva,
Felipe Vásquez‐Lavín Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, EarlyView. PubDate: 2024-05-23T02:04:22-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3815
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Ada Maria Barone; Silvia Grappi,
Simona Romani Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, EarlyView. PubDate: 2024-05-22T05:00:12-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3800
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environmental concern's moderating role-
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Thanh Tiep Le; Kannan Govindan Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, EarlyView. PubDate: 2024-05-22T04:54:09-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3795
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environmental, social and governance-
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Xiangyu Luan; Xiaohong Wang Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, EarlyView. PubDate: 2024-05-20T06:03:22-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3817
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Scott Victor Valentine
Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, EarlyView. PubDate: 2024-05-20T05:49:24-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3804
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Nikunj Kumar Jain; Abinash Panda,
Vishal Arghode Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, EarlyView. PubDate: 2024-05-19T10:49:13-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3802
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management on corporate eco‐innovation and carbon performance-
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Mohammad A. A. Zaid; Ayman Issa Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, EarlyView. PubDate: 2024-05-19T10:39:10-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3803
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Younghuk Kim; Taewoo Roh,
Raphaël Homayoun Boroumand Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, EarlyView. PubDate: 2024-05-19T10:25:19-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3806
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Ataullah Kiani; Ludovico Bullini Orlandi,
Qian Chen Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, EarlyView. PubDate: 2024-05-18T02:08:27-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3799
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Jintao Zhang; Stephen Chen,
Hao Tan Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, EarlyView. PubDate: 2024-05-18T02:08:25-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3797
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Muruvvet Deniz Sezer; Yigit Kazancoglu,
Sachin Kumar Mangla,
Çisem Lafçı Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, EarlyView. PubDate: 2024-05-18T02:08:23-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3801
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Jasper Brinkerink; Yannick Bammens Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, EarlyView. PubDate: 2024-05-17T09:15:11-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3792
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Sumin Han; Yeasung Jeong,
Kangbok Lee,
Joonhwan In Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, EarlyView. PubDate: 2024-05-14T03:04:13-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3790
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sustainability: Reservoir effect or crowding‐out effect'-
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Peihao Shi; Qinghua Huang Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, EarlyView. PubDate: 2024-05-14T03:04:08-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3798
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with positive macro‐level impact: Evidence from a developing country-
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Jorge A. Rodríguez; Adriana Amaya‐Rivas Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, EarlyView. PubDate: 2024-05-14T01:53:39-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3794
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Rohit Kumar Singh; Heena Thanki Joshi Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, EarlyView. PubDate: 2024-05-14T01:39:59-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3788
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Silvia Gordano; Florian Bauer,
David R. King Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, EarlyView. PubDate: 2024-05-12T11:53:43-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3791
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Mladen Krstić; Leonardo Agnusdei,
Pamela Palmi,
Tomas Baležentis Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, EarlyView. PubDate: 2024-05-08T11:29:24-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3793
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Teresa García‐Valderrama; Jaime Sánchez‐Ortiz,
María Del Carmen Pérez‐González,
María Del Carmen Puentes‐Graña Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, EarlyView. PubDate: 2024-05-07T12:00:00-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3768
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Kun Wang; Hao Huang,
Youwei Yuan Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, EarlyView. PubDate: 2024-05-07T10:18:30-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3786
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Muhammad Nurul Houqe; Tarek Abdelfattah,
Muhammad Kaleem Zahir‐ul‐Hassan,
Subhan Ullah Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, EarlyView. PubDate: 2024-05-06T12:58:50-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3789
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Djula Borozan; Burak Pirgaip Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, EarlyView. PubDate: 2024-05-06T12:58:44-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3784
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Albert Czerny; Peter Letmathe Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, EarlyView. PubDate: 2024-05-05T04:59:25-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3776
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Shiri Vivek; Sufian Qrunfleh,
Vivek Dalela Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, EarlyView. PubDate: 2024-05-02T08:04:37-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3787
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Weili Yin
Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, EarlyView. PubDate: 2024-04-29T04:24:10-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3785
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Mahak Sharma; Pratibha Singh,
Konstantinos Tsagarakis Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, EarlyView. PubDate: 2024-04-28T08:38:31-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3769
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Atsuhiro Ida; Kenichi Yoshida,
Jun Xie,
Yoshitaka Tanaka,
Shunsuke Managi Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, EarlyView. PubDate: 2024-04-28T07:08:05-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3780
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extra‐role behavior: Two experimental studies in the retail and education industries-
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Wenjing Guo; Kerrie Unsworth,
Christian Bretter,
Matthew Davis Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, EarlyView. PubDate: 2024-04-28T06:58:05-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3782
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Costanza Dasmi; Acuti Diletta,
Valentina Mazzoli,
Raffaele Donvito Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, EarlyView. PubDate: 2024-04-26T02:45:00-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3781
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Emmanuel Kwaku Manu; George S. Chen,
Samuel Adomako Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, EarlyView. PubDate: 2024-04-25T04:53:24-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3772
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Muhammad Junaid; Jianguo Du,
Muhammad Shujaat Mubarik,
Fakhar Shahzad Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, EarlyView. PubDate: 2024-04-25T04:43:18-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3777
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Chang'an Wang; Long Wang,
Shikuan Zhao,
Cunyi Yang,
Khaldoon Albitar Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, EarlyView. PubDate: 2024-04-25T04:13:20-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3778
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Yang Yang; Zheng Xiao,
Yu Gong,
Eias al Humdan Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, EarlyView. PubDate: 2024-04-24T03:46:51-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3773
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Yaw Agyabeng‐Mensah; Ebenezer Afum,
Charles Baah Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, EarlyView. PubDate: 2024-04-22T12:00:00-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3779
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Kirti Nayal; Rakesh D. Raut,
Vinay Surendra Yadav,
Pragati Priyadarshinee,
Balkrishna E. Narkhede Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, EarlyView. PubDate: 2024-04-21T07:18:52-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3783
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Rosa Maria Dangelico; Gaia Ceccarelli,
Luca Fraccascia Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, EarlyView. PubDate: 2024-04-21T04:38:17-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3774
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Ernest Kafui Kwasi Tsetse; Russell Adams,
Esi A. Elliot,
Clara Downey Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, EarlyView. PubDate: 2024-04-18T06:12:53-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3757
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Danilo Pesce; Claudia Franzè,
Emilio Paolucci Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, EarlyView. PubDate: 2024-04-18T06:02:59-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3770
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Xingwu Luo; Wei Qian,
Min Liu,
Xiaodan Yu,
Yang Liu Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, EarlyView. PubDate: 2024-04-17T06:48:40-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3766
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Hsing‐Hua Stella Chang
Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, EarlyView. PubDate: 2024-04-17T06:14:51-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3775
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K. V. Bhadra; T. J. Kamalanabhan,
Sanjay Kumar Singh Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, EarlyView. PubDate: 2024-04-16T06:48:17-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3767
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Virginia Hernández; Antonio Revilla,
Alicia Rodríguez Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, EarlyView. PubDate: 2024-04-14T06:19:03-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3765
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Xuefeng Li; Le Luo,
Qingliang Tang Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, EarlyView. PubDate: 2024-04-12T01:45:35-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3747
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Zhongju Liao; Mengnan Zhang Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, EarlyView. PubDate: 2024-04-10T12:00:00-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3771
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Rasim Simsek; Sabur Mollah,
Abongeh Tunyi Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, EarlyView. PubDate: 2024-04-10T03:13:52-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3753
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Santosh Kumar Shrivastav; Surajit Bag Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, EarlyView. PubDate: 2024-04-08T07:30:30-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3763
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Haseeb Ur Rahman; Muhammad Zahid,
Parvez Alam Khan,
Mamdouh Abdulaziz Saleh Al‐Faryan,
Khaled Hussainey Abstract: Business Strategy and the Environment, EarlyView. PubDate: 2024-04-08T06:58:02-07:00 DOI: 10.1002/bse.3754