- A framework for optimising opportunistic collaborative syntheses to propel
ecological conservation-
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Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Biological Conservation, Volume 298Author(s): Ana M.M. Sequeira, Amanda E. Bates, Graeme Hays, David W. Sims, Samantha Andrzejaczek, Asta Audzijonyte, Julia K. Baum, Martin Beal, Barbara Block, Joshua Cinner, Kaitlyn Cowley, Eric Gilman, Arthur Gleason, Autumn-Lynn Harrison, Charlotte Hudson, Gakushi Ishimura, Rima W. Jabado, Jason P. Landrum, Sangeeta Mangubhai, Loren McClenachan
- Seasonal variation in the general availability of floral resources for
pollinators in northwest Europe: A review of the data-
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Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Biological Conservation, Volume 298Author(s): Ciaran Harris, Nicholas J. Balfour, Francis L.W. Ratnieks
- Integrating high-resolution remote sensing and empirical wildlife
detection data for climate-resilient corridors across tropical elevational gradients-
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Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Biological Conservation, Volume 298Author(s): Ian M. McCullough, Christopher Beirne, Carolina Soto-Navarro, Amy Eppert, Eleanor Flatt, Yvonne J.M. Kemp, Péter K. Molnár, Michael S. Mooring, Yana Nikolova, Erik R. Olson, Carolina Pinto, Junior Porras, María José Mata Quirós, Guido Saborío Rodriguez, Jan Schipper, Chelsey R. Tellez, Juan S. Vargas Soto, Andrew Whitworth
- Limited cougar recolonization of eastern North America predicted by an
individual-based model-
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Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Biological Conservation, Volume 298Author(s): Thomas W. Glass, Richard A. Beausoleil, L. Mark Elbroch, Brian N. Kertson, Benjamin T. Maletzke, Quinton Martins, Marc R. Matchett, T. Winston Vickers, Christopher C. Wilmers, Heiko U. Wittmer, Hugh Robinson
- Accelerating and standardising IUCN Red List assessments with sRedList
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Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Biological Conservation, Volume 298Author(s): Victor Cazalis, Moreno Di Marco, Alexander Zizka, Stuart H.M. Butchart, Manuela González-Suárez, Monika Böhm, Steven P. Bachman, Michael Hoffmann, Ilaria Rosati, Francesco De Leo, Martin Jung, Ana Benítez-López, Viola Clausnitzer, Pedro Cardoso, Thomas M. Brooks, Giordano Mancini, Pablo M. Lucas, Bruce E. Young, H. Reşit Akçakaya, Aafke M. Schipper
- Connecting the dots: Applying multispecies connectivity in marine park
network planning-
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Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Biological Conservation, Volume 298Author(s): Katie Gates, Jonathan Sandoval-Castillo, Andrea Barceló, Andrea Bertram, Eleanor A.L. Pratt, Peter R. Teske, Luciana Möller, Luciano B. Beheregaray
- Densely stocked neighborhood reduces the risk of tree mortality in
drylands: Evidence from Populus euphratica forests along the Tarim River corridor-
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Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Biological Conservation, Volume 298Author(s): Dong He, Lu Han, Ning Miao
- Improving restoration outcomes of boreal Sphagnum-dominated peatlands
after peat-extraction: The key role of phosphorus fertilization-
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Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Biological Conservation, Volume 298Author(s): Chao Liu, Mélina Guêné-Nanchen, Line Rochefort
- Nature's value and biodiversity ethics in a changing world: Insights from
a special issue and questions for the future-
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Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Biological Conservation, Volume 298Author(s): R. Alexander Pyron, Arne Ø. Mooers, Norva Y.S. Lo
- The importance of locally sourced data in identifying population trends:
Insights from Iberian vertebrates-
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Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Biological Conservation, Volume 298Author(s): Roberto C. Rodríguez-Caro, Zebensui Morales-Reyes, Alba Aguión, Rebeca Arias-Real, Eneko Arrondo, Eneko Aspillaga, Jordi Boada, Andrea Campos-Candela, Mónica Expósito-Granados, Aitor Forcada, Robin Freeman, Miguel Ángel Gómez-Serrano, Cayetano Gutiérrez-Cánovas, Roberto Pascual-Rico, Valentina Marconi, Maria Montseny, Andreu Rotger, Graciel·la Rovira, Amalia Segura, Iván Sola
- Predicting the effects of land cover change on biodiversity in Prairie
Canada using species distribution models-
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Abstract: Publication date: October 2024Source: Biological Conservation, Volume 298Author(s): James E. Paterson, Lauren E. Bortolotti, Paige D. Kowal, Ashley J. Pidwerbesky, James H. Devries
- Petracca et al. (2024) under-estimates the risk of gray wolf extinction by
unscientific value judgments-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 16 August 2024Source: Biological ConservationAuthor(s): Francisco J. Santiago-Ávila, Bridgett M. vonHoldt, Adrian Treves
- Optimal conservation outcomes consider donor geography and their
willingness to support more distant projects-
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Abstract: Publication date: September 2024Source: Biological Conservation, Volume 297Author(s): Paul R. Armsworth, Bistra Dilkina, Joe Fargione, Maria Fisher, Rachel Fovargue, Jamal Harris, Heather B. Jackson, Diane Le Bouille, Christoph Nolte
- Disentangling drivers of annual grass invasion: Abiotic susceptibility vs.
fire-induced conversion to cheatgrass dominance in the sagebrush biome-
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Abstract: Publication date: September 2024Source: Biological Conservation, Volume 297Author(s): Alexandra K. Urza, David I. Board, John B. Bradford, Jessi L. Brown, Jeanne C. Chambers, Daniel R. Schlaepfer, Karen C. Short
- Evaluating the ecological and climate contributions of indigenous lands
under the Marco Temporal law in Brazil-
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Abstract: Publication date: September 2024Source: Biological Conservation, Volume 297Author(s): Daisy Jorge Lima, Pablo Silva, Paulo De Marco Júnior
- Reproductive dynamics of an inshore delphinid reflect demographic
consequences of large-scale coastal constructions-
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Abstract: Publication date: September 2024Source: Biological Conservation, Volume 297Author(s): Stephen C.Y. Chan, Yuen-Wa Ho, Leszek Karczmarski
- Conservation importance of non-threatened species through their direct
linkages with nature's contributions to people-
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Abstract: Publication date: September 2024Source: Biological Conservation, Volume 297Author(s): Pierre-Louis Rey, Caroline Martin, Antoine Guisan
- Response of dholes to prey availability and human disturbance in space and
time in Southern India-
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Abstract: Publication date: September 2024Source: Biological Conservation, Volume 297Author(s): Soham S. Pattekar, Sanjay Gubbi, Matthew J. Struebig, John F. Benson
- Protected Mediterranean invertebrates: The known and the unknown
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Abstract: Publication date: September 2024Source: Biological Conservation, Volume 297Author(s): Yolanda Stranga, Antonios D. Mazaris, Stelios Katsanevakis
- Effects of urbanization and vegetation on bird diversity in a megacity of
central China-
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Abstract: Publication date: September 2024Source: Biological Conservation, Volume 297Author(s): Liqing Peng, Qin Liu, Qiwei Wang, Xingfeng Si, Hongyu Niu, Hongmao Zhang
- The US Endangered Species Act and acceptable risk
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Abstract: Publication date: September 2024Source: Biological Conservation, Volume 297Author(s): George F. Wilhere
- Systematic conservation planning for private working lands: Identifying
agricultural protection areas for climate solutions, biodiversity habitat, and ecosystem services-
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Abstract: Publication date: September 2024Source: Biological Conservation, Volume 297Author(s): Sarah Halperin, Carolyn R. Koehn, Kelsey K. Johnson, Jodi S. Brandt
- A diminished large carnivore guild with contrasting species-habitat
associations persists outside national parks in Namibia's central-eastern landscape-
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Abstract: Publication date: September 2024Source: Biological Conservation, Volume 297Author(s): Stijn Verschueren, Tim Hofmann, Willem D. Briers-Louw, Mikael Kakove, Herwig Leirs, Hans Bauer, Laurie Marker, Bogdan Cristescu
- Network theory reveals priority protected areas for avian conservation in
a threatened Neotropical forest-grassland mosaic-
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Abstract: Publication date: September 2024Source: Biological Conservation, Volume 297Author(s): João Paulo Gava-Just, Karoline Ceron, Karen Mustin, Jeferson Vizentin-Bugoni, Rafael Antunes Dias
- Harnessing virtual fencing for more effective and adaptive
agri-environment schemes to conserve grassland biodiversity-
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Abstract: Publication date: September 2024Source: Biological Conservation, Volume 297Author(s): Frank Wätzold, Frank Jauker, Martin Komainda, Oliver Schöttker, Juliane Horn, Astrid Sturm, Johannes Isselstein
- Evaluating the impact of protected areas in lowering extinction risks in a
biodiversity hotspot-
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Abstract: Publication date: September 2024Source: Biological Conservation, Volume 297Author(s): Manuel Esperon-Rodriguez, Alex Correa-Metrio, Linda J. Beaumont, John B. Baumgartner, Jonathan Lenoir
- Uncertain future for Congo Basin biodiversity: A systematic review of
climate change impacts-
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Abstract: Publication date: September 2024Source: Biological Conservation, Volume 297Author(s): Milena Beekmann, Sandrine Gallois, Carlo Rondinini
- Hotter, drier climate influences tropical tree cover loss and promotes
bracken fern dominance within arrested successional patches in Andean Cloud Forests-
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Abstract: Publication date: September 2024Source: Biological Conservation, Volume 297Author(s): Sandra Velazco, Jodi Brandt, Andrii Zaiats, Juan M. Requena-Mullor, Kristhie Pillaca, Balder Choza, T. Trevor Caughlin