- Implementation of Areca flour (Areca catechu) as A Feed Additive On
Precentage of Internal Organs of Broiler Chickens Authors: Emy Saelan Emy, Sri Lestari, Muhammad Ade Salim Pages: 1 - 6 Abstract: The Research on Implementation of Areca flour (Areca catechu) as A Feed Additive on Precentage of Internal Organ of Broiler Chickens was carried out in the Poultry Production cage of the Animal Husbandry Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Khairun University in Fitu Village, South Ternate City. The research was carried out experimentally using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of 6 treatments, namely R0 (100% commercial ration); R1 (99.5% commercial ration + 0.5% areca flour); R2 (99% commercial ration + 1.0% areca flour); R3 (98.5% commercial ration + 1.5% areca flour); R4 (98% commercial ration + 2% areca flour); and R5 (97.5% commercial ration + 2.5% areca nut flour) each treatment was repeated 4 times, so that 24 treatment units were obtained. Data obtained were analyzed with Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) one way and further tests with Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT). The variables observed include internal organs. The research results show that there was no significant difference (P>0.05) the internal organs of broiler chickens including liver, heart, and gizzard, but there are significant differences (P<0,05) in the percentage of abdominal fat. The results of the study can be concluded that giving up to 2% areca flour (Areca catechu) the internal organs of broiler chickens PubDate: 2024-06-04 DOI: 10.31949/agrivet.v12i1.9383 Issue No: Vol. 12, No. 1 (2024)
- Pengaruh perbedaan bentuk tempat pakan terhadap performa puyuh padjadjaran
petelur fase brooding Authors: Fanya Nur Haryani, Endang Sujana, Iwan Setiawan Pages: 1 - 7 Abstract: This research purpose was to determine the effect of different feeder shape on performance of Padjadjaran Layer Quails in the brooding phase. This research was held in the Quail Breeding Center, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Padjadjaran University used 360 male and female black line of Padjadjaran Layers Quail. There were 18 treatment cages, each cage unit containing 20 quails. This research used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) there were 3 treatments and repeated 6 times. The treatment given to quail from 1 until 3 weeks of age consisted of trough feeder (P1), baby chick feeder (P2) and feeder tray (P3). Data of feed consumption, body weight gain, and feed convertion ratio were analyzed using variance and Duncan’s Multiple Range Test. Total feed consumption is as follow 240,59 gram, 257,38 gram, and 247,55 gram. Each successive body weight gais is as follow 84,20 gram, 109,57 gram, and 98,47 gram. Average of feed convertion ratio is as follow 2,87; 2,39; and 2,52. The conclusion from result showed that the different feeder shape affected on performance of Padjadjaran Layer Quails in the brooding phase. Baby chick feeder provides good performance for laying Padjadjaran quail in the brooding phase. PubDate: 2024-05-30 DOI: 10.31949/agrivet.v12i1.8756 Issue No: Vol. 12, No. 1 (2024)
- The Impact of Pediococcus acidilactici BK01 Supplementation on Production
Performance and Quality of Japanese Quail Eggs Authors: Ade Rakhmadi, Ade Sukma, Indri Juliyarsi, Sri Melia, Ely Febriyanti, Rizki Dwi Setiawan Pages: 7 - 12 Abstract: Probiotic supplementation in feed is currently under extensive research and development, particularly to improve egg production performance and enhance the quality of quail eggs. This study aimed to determine the effects of Pediococcus acidilactici BK01 supplementation on production performance, weight, fat, and cholesterol content of Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) eggs. This study used four treatments and probiotic supplementation was performed using drinking water at four different concentrations (0, 1, 2, 3%). The supplementation of Pediococcus acidilactici BK01 demonstrated a significant difference (P<0.05) in both egg production and cholesterol content, yet did not yield a significant difference (P>0.05) in egg weight and lipid content. Pediococcus acidilactici BK01 supplementation at concentrations of 2% and 3% resulted in an increase in egg production from 60.85% to 84.52% and led to a reduction in cholesterol content by more than 50% (from 215.43 to 98.57 mg/dL) compared to the control group. Consequently, the administration of the probiotic Pediococcus acidilactici BK01 up to a concentration of 3% influenced on egg production and egg cholesterol content in Japanese quail. PubDate: 2024-06-04 DOI: 10.31949/agrivet.v12i1.9425 Issue No: Vol. 12, No. 1 (2024)
- Comparisons and influence temperature humidity index to dairy cow
productivity based on farm altitude Authors: Bambang Kholiq Mutaqin, Didin Supriat Tasripin, Lia Budimulyati Salman, Iin Susilawati, Ujang Hidayat Tanuwiria1 Pages: 13 - 18 Abstract: This study aimed to determine the differences and effects of the Temperature Humidity Index (THI) on dairy cows’ productivity in West Java based on differences in farm altitude. Categorization based on area altitude can be divided into low altitude (<700 m asl), moderate (700-1000 m asl), and high (> 1,000 m asl). The parameters observed were body size, body weight, and milk production which were supplemented by environmental conditions namely temperature and humidity. The method used is a survey and direct observation by simple random sampling of animals. The results showed differences in environmental conditions, namely temperature and humidity in each dairy farm with different altitudes. Meanwhile, the performance of milk production is relatively the same even though variations in the performance of body measurements and weight of dairy cows in each region. It can be concluded that heat environmental conditions with high THI can cause cows to suffer from heat stress so that productivity decreases. PubDate: 2024-06-04 DOI: 10.31949/agrivet.v12i1.9458 Issue No: Vol. 12, No. 1 (2024)
- A Look at Smallholder Cattle Farming in Payakumbuh, West Sumatra:
Demographics, Management, and Reproductive Performance Authors: Reswati, Aronal Arief Putra Pages: 26 - 37 Abstract: The existence of smallholder cattle farming in Payakumbuh was studied. The research was conducted to obtain profiles of farmer demographics, cattle farming management, and reproductive performance. A survey was conducted in five sub-districts in Payakumbuh by interviewing 50 cattle farmers and conducting direct field observation. Smallholder farmers in Payakumbuh are typically an average of 45.02 years old, commonly senior high school graduates, occupied in the agricultural field with their own cattle ownership, experienced for 18.1 years, involved in cattle farming for additional income, and commonly focused on Simental crossbred raising. Cattle management was mainly categorized as good, as represented by feeding management (application of routine forage and concentrate, twice daily feeding frequency, and ad libitum drinking water), rearing (intensive rearing and natural weaning), housing (permanent housing structures, individual housing systems, and draw well water sources), and health (regular deworming). Reproductive performance (20.4 months age at first mating, 1.55 service per conception, 14.63-month calving interval, and 3.96 months for re-mating after calving) is also close to the ideal standard. To sum up, the presence of smallholder farmers is significant and could serve as a reference for farmers in other areas of West Sumatra. Enhancing applied technology is necessary to upgrade their cattle farming scale. PubDate: 2024-06-12 DOI: 10.31949/agrivet.v12i1.9571 Issue No: Vol. 12, No. 1 (2024)
- Pemanfaatan Jenis Inokulan dengan Lama Inokulasi pada Fermentasi Limbah
Sludge Kelapa Sawit untuk Pakan Ternak Authors: John Bimasri, Fadillah Permana, Etty Safriyani Pages: 38 - 44 Abstract: Sludge is solid waste resulting from palm oil processing that has not been widely utilized and causes environmental pollution. The research was carried out for 2 months from March to April 2024, in Inderalaya, Ogan Ilir Regency, South Sumatra Province. The research uses experimental methods with a Completely Randomized Design (CRD). Treatment in the form of inoculam type (J), consisting of Aspergillus oryzale (J1), Rhizopus orizae (J2), and Neurospora shitophilla (J3), and fermentation time (I), consisting of 3 days (I1), 6 days (I2), and 9 days (I3). The parameters observed were dry matter, crude protein, crude fat, and crude fiber, before fermentation and after fermentation. Data were analyzed using analysis of variansces (ANOVA). Accuracy is tested with the Diversity Coefficient, and treatments that have a real to very real effect is tested using the Honestly Significant Difference Test (HST). The resulting conclusion is that sludge can be used as additional feed for ruminants, by first fermenting it using an inoculant. Sludge fermentation using the inoculant Neurosprora shitophilla produces the best quality sludge for use as animal feed, because it contains high protein and crude fat and low dry matter and fiber. The best fermentation time is 9 days, because it can reduce dry matter and crude fiber, and increase protein and crude fat. PubDate: 2024-06-12 DOI: 10.31949/agrivet.v12i1.9342 Issue No: Vol. 12, No. 1 (2024)
- Prevalensi nematoda gastrointestinal pada sapi di Pasar Ternak Payakumbuh
Authors: Delli Lefiana, Dihan Kurnia Pages: 45 - 51 Abstract: This study aimed to determine the prevalence of Nematoda infection in the gastrointestinal tract of cattle at Payakumbuh Cattle Market. The research was conducted in August 2020. The method used was a survey using purposive sampling. One hundred fifty-five cow dung samples were collected from the Payakumbuh Cattle Market. The fecal examination was performed using the flotation method and sedimentation method. The gastrointestinal nematode was Strongyloides sp, Ostertagia sp., and Trichuris sp. Infection with one roundworm species in 18.46% of cows and 24% of bulls. Infection with two roundworm species in 10% of cows and 20% bulls. Infection with three roundworm species in 2.3% in cows and 4% in bulls. The prevalence of three roundworm species was 0.77% in cows and not found in bulls. The rate of nematode infection in the 0-2-year-old group was 29.16%, and the > two-year-old group was 33.73%. It can be concluded that the average cattle in the Payakumbuh Cattle Market are infected with gastrointestinal nematodes, and severe treatment is needed either by farmers or by involvement from the local government. PubDate: 2024-06-12 DOI: 10.31949/agrivet.v12i1.9585 Issue No: Vol. 12, No. 1 (2024)
- Kualitas fisik dan sifat organoleptik bakso daging sapi dengan Penambahan
tepung oat (avena sativa) Authors: Aaf Falahudin, Rachmat Somanjaya Tifani, SP; MP., Dini Widianingrum, Robi Dianto Pages: 52 - 52 Abstract: Beef meatballs using tapioca flour only contain a small amount of protein, fat and fiber in them. The nutrition is very low, only around 0.1% of the daily recommendation. Therefore, there is a need for healthier alternative flour, one of which is oat flour. This research is a diversification of healthy meatball products made from oat flour which contains better nutrition than tapioca flour. The method used was an experimental study with a completely randomized design pattern of three treatments (substitution of tapioca flour with oat flour at 0%; 50% and 100%) which was repeated seven times. The variables observed were chemical quality (air, protein, fat, carbohydrates), physical quality (pH and cooking loss) and organoleptic properties (color, aroma, texture and taste). Data analysis used analysis of variance (ANOVA). If there is a significant difference between treatments, Duncan's further test is carried out. The results showed that the amount of oat flour had a significant effect (P<0.05) on the pH of the meatballs. The amount of oat flour linearly (P<0.05) reduced the level of meatball cooking loss. The organoleptic properties of meatballs with 50% oat flour are more similar to meatballs using 100% oat flour, and have slightly the same level of preference. It can be concluded that oat flour can be used as a substitute for tapioca flour to improve the physical and organoleptic quality of beef balls. Meanwhile, the ideal oat flour substitution rate is as much as 50%. PubDate: 2024-06-24 DOI: 10.31949/agrivet.v12i1.9620 Issue No: Vol. 12, No. 1 (2024)
- Studi pertumbuhan dan evaluasi parameter tumpangsari kubis bunga (Brassica
oleracea L.) dengan tanaman legum Authors: Devie Rienzani Supriadi, Ekalia Yusiana First page: 60 Abstract: This research aims to determine the growth and evaluate the parameters of Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L.) planted with several legume plants at different levels of plant density. The research was conducted in Telukjambe Village, East Telukjambe District, Karawang Regency in December 2022 – March 2023. The research used an experimental method with a single-factor Randomized Group Design (RAK) with 3 sets of experimental designs, each consisting of 5 proportion treatments. inter-cropping and repeat 5 times. The treatment given is; K1= 100% cauliflower , K2= 25% cauliflower + 75% legumes, K3= 50% cauliflower + 50% legumes, K4 = 75% cauliflower + 25% legumes, K5= 100% legumes. The first set of experimental designs is a system of inter-cropping cauliflower with soybeans, the second experimental set is a system of inter-cropping cauliflower with peanuts and the third experimental set is a system of inter-cropping cauliflower with green beans. The research results were analyzed using the F test at a level of 5% and a Least Significant Difference (BNT) further test at a level of 5%. The results showed that inter-cropping of cauliflower and soybeans (experimental set 1) provided beneficial results compared to inter-cropping with peanuts and green beans. The results can be seen from the LER and RCC values for all proportions of planting number or plant population density levels > 1. The highest LER and RCC values for inter-cropping cauliflower and soybeans (experimental set 1) were shown in the K3 treatment (50% Cauliflower + 50% Soybeans) namely 1.49 and 10.8. PubDate: 2024-06-24 DOI: 10.31949/agrivet.v12i1.9665 Issue No: Vol. 12, No. 1 (2024)
- Pengaruh pemberian air kotoran ikan dan biourin domba terhadap
Authors: Winda Rianti, Bagus Dwi Herlianto, M.Ridwan, Rika Yayu Agustini First page: 72 Abstract: One of the factors that influences plants physiological processes is the absorption of nutrients obtained from both organic and inorganic fertilizers. Some organic fertilizers that can be given are fish waste water and sheep urine fertilizer. The aim of this research is to obtain information regarding the effect of fish waste water and sheep biourine on the physiological characteristics of rice plants (Oryza sativa L.) such as leaf chlorophyll content, Net Assimilation Rate (NAR) and Crop Growth Rate (CGR). This research was conducted on Agricultural Extension Field, Majalaya District, Karawang Regency, from January to April 2022. This experiment used an experimental method with a split plot design (Split Plot Design) with 10 treatment combinations which were repeated 3 times. The main plots are fish waste water (A): A1 (fish waste water), and A2 (ordinary irrigation water). As subplots for Sheep Biourine (P): P0 (Control), P1 (Factory Biourine 100 ml/l), P2 (Sheep Biourine 100 ml/l), P3 (Sheep Biourine 150 ml/l) and P4 (Sheep Biourine 200 ml /l). The research results showed that there was no interaction between biourine fertilizer treatment and fish waste water on the physiology characteristics of the rice plants (Oryza sativa L.). PubDate: 2024-06-24 DOI: 10.31949/agrivet.v12i1.9672 Issue No: Vol. 12, No. 1 (2024)
- Efektifitas Ekstrak Daun Beluntas (Pluchea indica L) Terhadap Kualitas
Karkas Ayam Broiler Authors: Julinda Romauli Manullang, Arie Saputra, Servis Simanjuntak Pages: 78 - 84 Abstract: The effect of adding beluntas leaves to drinking water on feed consumption, feed utilization, live weight gain and mortality in broiler chickens. Research using the Completely Randomized Design (CRD) method with 5 treatments and 5 replications. P0 without treatment, then the addition of beluntas leaf extract P1 = 4%, P2 = 6%, P3 = 8%, and P4 = 10%. Research data were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA), if there is a significant difference followed by DMRT test at 5% level. The results showed that the provision of beluntas leaves had no significant effect on body weight, carcass percentage and abdominal fat (ANOVA). PubDate: 2024-06-28 DOI: 10.31949/agrivet.v12i1.9917 Issue No: Vol. 12, No. 1 (2024)
- Uji fitokimia dan aktivitas antioksidan biji petai cina (Leucaena
leucocephala (Lam.) de. wit) pada umur buah berbeda Authors: Mayta Novaliza Isda, Titin Nilasari Pages: 85 - 94 Abstract: Chinese petai (Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) De. Wit) is a plant that is much sought after by the public because of its benefits. The most exploited part of the Chinese locust seed is the seed. This study aims to determine the content of secondary metabolites and antioxidant activity in Chinese petai seeds (L. leucocephala) at different fruit ages. Phytochemical tests were carried out qualitatively. The antioxidant activity test was carried out using the 2,2-Diphenyl-1-Picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) method. The research result shows that Chinese petai seeds had the same amount of tannin, but the young pods and seeds contained more saponins and flavonoids, while the semi-old and old seeds contained more alkaloids and triterpenoids. The antioxidant activity test shows that the methanol extract of the pods had a strong IC50 (Inhibitory Concentration 50%) value, which is (99.79 µg/mL) compared to young seeds (1126.11 µg/mL), semi-old seeds (16629.48 µg/mL). mL) and old seeds (835.30 µg/mL) were categorized as inactive. Generally, phytochemical tests show that methanol extracts of pods, young seeds, semi-old seeds, and old seeds contain secondary metabolite compounds, namely alkaloids, flavonoids, triterpenoids, tannins, and saponins. PubDate: 2024-06-29 DOI: 10.31949/agrivet.v12i1.8420 Issue No: Vol. 12, No. 1 (2024)
- Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Kedelai Edamame (Glycine max (L) Merill) Terhadap
Pemberian Kombinasi Legin dan Kompos di Media Tailing Pasir Pasca Tambang Timah Authors: Ardila Mughniyarti Dila, Rion Apriyadi, Riwan Kusmiadi Pages: 95 - 105 Abstract: Post tin mining land in Bangka Belitung can still be utilized as agricultural land with the application of various soil amandment including the combination of compost and legin. The compost provide organic matter for the soil and legin provide rhizobium to maximize nitrogen fixation in the soil. Post tin mining land improved with compost and legin combination can be used potentially for the development of edamame soybean commodities which are widely known as adaptive plant on suboptimal land. The purpose of this study was to determine the type of compost, legin dose and the best combination of both compost and legin on the growth and the yield of edamame soybeans in sand tailing media. This research had been conducted in February-August 2023 at the Experimental and Research Station, Faculty of Agriculture, Fisheries and Marine, Universitas Bangka Belitung. This study used a field experimental method with a Factorial Randomized Group Design with the first factor was the dose of legin, consists of 3 treatment levels, namely: L0: No treatment (Control), L1: 10 g legin, L2: 12 g legin. The second factor was the type of compost consisting of 3 treatment levels, namely: P1: Cow dung compost, P2: rice husk compost, P3: Commercial compost. There were 9 treatment combinations that were replicated 4 times. Each experimental unit had 6 plants so that 216 plant populations were obtained and 144 plants were obtained as samples. The results showed that the dose of 12 g legin had the highest effect on edamame growth and 10 g legin treatment had the highest effect on edamame yield. Commercial compost treatment had the best effect to edamame growth, while rice husk compost had the best effect to edamame yield. The combination of rice husk compost and 10 g legin was the treatment combination that showed the best growth and yield of edamame soybean plants in sand tailing media of post tin mining. Keywords: Edamame, rice husk, compost, legin, sand tailings PubDate: 2024-06-29 DOI: 10.31949/agrivet.v12i1.9049 Issue No: Vol. 12, No. 1 (2024)
- Pengaruh Kecukupan Pakan Terhadap Produksi Susu dan Kualitas Susu Kambing
Di Kecamatan Turi Kabupaten Sleman Yogyakarta Authors: Dian Novita Sari, Ajat Sudrajat, Niken Astuti, Raden Febrianto Christi Pages: 106 - 116 Abstract: This research aims to determined the effect of feed adequacy on the production and quality of dairy goat milk in Turi District. This research was carried out in the field and laboratory from 01 to 24 October 2023. A total of 98 dairy goat breeders were selected as respondents with the criteria of having at least 1 year of farming experience and having at least 2 animals. From each goat they raise, milk samples are taken to test the quality in the laboratory. The data obtained were analyzed descriptively and by multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that the average age of farmers is 44 years, with an education level of 86% high school graduates, the number of family dependents of 4-5 people is 67%, the majority work as farmers 52% (69% ≤10 years and 31% ≥11 years). Livestock ownership status is 100% privately owned with an average ownership of 2-5 heads. The average body weight of dairy goats was 40.13 ± 6.91 kg, with milk production of 2.21 ± 0.51 liters/day. Furthermore, the milk quality variable shows that the average specific gravity and non-fat solids are 1.055 ± 0.08 and 8.42 ± 0.43. Feed adequacy (Dry Matter) is 1.43 and Crude Protein adequacy is 7.44. Milk production was significantly (p<0.05) 52.6% influenced by the level of feed adequacy with the regression equation Y = -1.513 + 0.033XI + 0.495X2. Meanwhile, milk density was 48.5% influenced by the level of feed adequacy (p>0.05) with the regression equation Y = 1.043 + 0.073XI - 0.013X2. Likewise, the lean solitaire variable which was not significant (p>0.05) was influenced by the level of feed adequacy (0.75%) with the regression equation Y = 6.874 + 0.155XI + 0.183X2. It was concluded that the adequacy of feed for dairy goats in Turi District for production was sufficient and for milk quality it was in accordance with the 2011 SNI. PubDate: 2024-06-29 DOI: 10.31949/agrivet.v12i1.9892 Issue No: Vol. 12, No. 1 (2024)
- Model pemberdayaan kelompok wanita tani (KWT) melalui modal sosial untuk
menjaga kohesivitas kelompok Authors: Rachmi Al Nido, Rili Windiasih, Adhi Iman Sulaiman, Krismiwati Muatip, Lilik Kartika Sari Pages: 117 - 132 Abstract: This research aims to analyze elements of social capital to maintain groups cohesiveness and designing an empowerment model for Women Farmer Groups (KWT). The research method used is explanatory sequential mixed methods design, a two-stage research process, quantitative descriptive analysis and qualitative analysis. Data collection used census techniques for 30 informants, namely all members of KWT Karya Tani , Katel Klawu Hamlet, Pengalusan Village, Mrebet District, Purbalingga Regency and conducted in-depth interviews with 7 key informants and the KWT chairman and management through Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The research results show that the elements of social capital consisting of strong networks; trust; compliance with norms; cooperation and social awareness for group members as well as involvement in group activities. are in the high category. The empowerment strategy at KWT Karya Tani to maintain cohesiveness is by integrating closed social capital and open social capital that accommodates the complex, heterogeneous social dynamics of society within the ties of social entities attached to KWT Karya Tani. The majority of KWT Karya Tani members are devout Christians and are bound by the religious norms and community organizations. Each member of KWT Karya Tani is a member of the Jamaat Women's Group as well as the wife of a member of the Karya Tani farmer group. This uniqueness presents empirical findings in the study of the empowerment model that will be implemented at KWT Karya Tani, namely a collaborative all aspect of empowerment model through a holistic, community-based approach. PubDate: 2024-06-30 DOI: 10.31949/agrivet.v12i1.10088 Issue No: Vol. 12, No. 1 (2024)
- Analisis pendapatan dan tingkat efisiensi usahatani benih kentang granola
(Solanum tuberosum L.) Authors: Edang Juliana Edang Juliana, Naficha Siti Rohmah, Ning Srimanganti, Dodi Tisna Amijaya Pages: 133 - 138 Abstract: Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is one of the types of vegetables that are widely grown in Indonesia. This study aimed to find out the prevalence of potato farming, the income value from potato seed farming through the calculation of farming costs and revenues, and the level of efficiency of potato seed farming in the head of the Mekar Setia farmer group. This research used the case study method and the analysis technique used is the descriptive analysis with a qualitative and quantitative approach with the sampling technique using primary data. In potato farming, the cost incurred on a land area of 1 ha is IDR204,242,044.00. The total revenue from the sale of consumption potatoes, seed potatoes, and rejection potatoes amounted to IDR512,000,000.00 so the income obtained was IDR307,757,956.00. The revenue/cost ratio obtained is 2.5 and with this value, it can be interpreted that the granola potato seed cultivation carried out by the Chairman of the Mekar Setia Farmers Group is profitable because from every one rupiah spent, it will get a revenue of 2.5 rupiah. PubDate: 2024-06-30 DOI: 10.31949/agrivet.v12i1.9698 Issue No: Vol. 12, No. 1 (2024)
- Pemanfaatan sari buah nanas dan air nira fermentasi sebagai perangkap
pengganti feromon pada lahan kelapa sawit (Elaeis guineesis Jacq) Authors: Mantep barokah, Aulia Rahmawati Pages: 139 - 144 Abstract: Palm oil is an important plantation commodity for Indonesia with its strategic role in Indonesia's economic development. Problems that occur in oil palm plantations are pest attacks such as the horn beetle (Oryctes rhinoceros). The large number of pest attacks can reduce plant productivity. This research aims to evaluate the effectiveness of pineapple juice and fermented sap as a substitute for chemical pheromones in ferrotrap traps to control horn beetle pests organically. The implementation will be carried out on agricultural land in Teluk Panji IV Village, Kampung Rakyat District, South Labuhan Batu Regency, North Sumatra in March 2024. The treatment used is natural pheromone material in the form of pineapple juice and fermented palm juice at 6 levels. The results showed that treatment with a mixture of 1 kg of pineapple juice and 1 liter of fermented juice (N5) was most effective on the variable number of horn beetles caught, was 138 individuals with an average of 19.7 individuals per day. This effectiveness is due to the volatile compounds in pineapple juice which attract horn beetles, as well as sap juice which strengthens the aroma. The results of research on the variable number of horn beetles that died on the most effective device used treatment of 1 kg of pineapple and 0.5 liters of sap (N4), was 8 horn beetles. This research indicated that the use of this natural material can be an environmentally friendly and economical alternative for controlling horn beetle pests in palm oil plantations PubDate: 2024-06-30 DOI: 10.31949/agrivet.v12i1.10020 Issue No: Vol. 12, No. 1 (2024)
- Keanekaragaman Arthropoda Hama dan Musuh Alami Pada Pertanaman Kakao di
Desa Sita Kecamatan Rana Mese Kabupaten Manggarai Timur Authors: Maria Saskia Clarisa Hasiman, Titik Sri Harini, Rika Ludji Pages: 145 - 159 Abstract: This research aims to determine the types of Arthropod Pests and Natural Enemies on Cocoa Plantations (Theobroma cacao L.) in Sita Village, Rana Mese District, East Manggarai Regency. This research was conducted from July to August 2023. The method used in this research was direct observation in the field. The data collection techniques include direct collection techniques with the help of insect nets and using hands, pitfall traps and yellow sticky traps. Trapped arthropods will be collected, grouped and put into sample bottles then preserved for identification at the Plant Pest Science Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Nusa Cendana University. The results of the research show that the types of arthropod pests found in cocoa planting areas (Theobroma cacao L.) have their respective roles, namely as pests and natural enemies. Arthropods that act as pests are: Conopomorpha cramerella, Helopeltis sp., Hyposidra talaca, Dasychira sp. and Toxopetra aurantii. Meanwhile, the arthropods that act as natural enemies are: Dolichoderus thoracicus, Pantala flavescens, Atrabrus erythrocephalus, Euborellia annulipes, Odontomacus monticola and Rainieria antennaepes. The most common population of pest arthropods found at the research location was Toxoptera aurantii with a total of 250 individuals. Meanwhile, the smallest number was Hyposidra talaca with a total of 27 individuals. Meanwhile, the most common population of natural enemy arthropods found at the research location was Dolichoderus thoracicus with a total of 284 individuals. Meanwhile, the smallest number was Rainieria antennaepes with a total of 29 individuals. The diversity index value of arthropod pests and natural fungi on cocoa plantations in Sita Village, Rana Mese District, East Manggarai Regency is 2.00567 which is included in category 1 < H' < 3, namely the medium category PubDate: 2024-06-30 DOI: 10.31949/agrivet.v12i1.9083 Issue No: Vol. 12, No. 1 (2024)