- 162. Effect of precision biotics on performance, microbiome and
sustainability in laying hens-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): M. Umar Faruk, P. Segobola, E. Amaya, B. Blokker, L. Jeay, M. Segura-Wang, M.I. Gracia
- 161. The effect of dietary supplementation on the antibiotic resistome of
laying hens-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): A. Corrigan, R. Murphy
- 160. Yeast cell wall mannan-rich fraction reduces the prevalence of
antibiotic resistant Enterobacteriaceae in layer chickens-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): H. Smith, R. Murphy
- 159. Effect of a precision biotic on the growth performance, welfare
indicators, and environmental footprint in broiler chickens-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): C. Bortoluzzi, L. Tamassia, C. Saviani, L. Jeay, P. Segobola, P. Fidiarakis
- 158. Effect of a precision biotic in broiler chickens fed corn or
wheat-based diets-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): C. Bortoluzzi, R. Aureli, M. Segura-Wang, L. Jeay, A. Leduc, P. Segobola
- 157. Effect of 1-monoglycerides on the performance, intestinal mucosa and
pododermatis in broilers-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): P. Leterme, Y. Shastak, M. Kalyoncu, P. Sacakli, O. Sizmaz, M. Pirpanahi, A. Bayraktaroglu
- 156. Effect of deoxynivalenol and a mycotoxin decontaminant on the
performance, intestinal morphology and hepatic function of broiler chicken -
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): M. Gallissot, M.A. Rodriguez, R.R. Santos
- 155. The positive impact of two Bacillus-based products on broiler
performance and lesion scoring during necrotic enteritis-induced challenge -
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): F. Barbé, A. Sacy, V. Demey, E. Chevaux, M. Castex, B. Lumpkins, G. Mathis
- 154. Effect of yest cell wall supplementation on broiler performance:
Analysis of 3 trials-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): F. Barbé, A. Sacy, V. Demey, E. Chevaux, M. Castex
- 153. Impact on standardised botanical compounds on breeders performances
and chicks growth-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): C. Carlu, T. Chabrillat, S. Kerros, R. Bouvet
- 152. Standardized dry grape extract, an ally to strengthen pullets’
bone health-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): P. Engler, D. Chavatte, M.e.A. Benarbia
- 151. Managing egg yolk pigmentation in organic farming
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): E. Simon, E. Beyer, P. Remiot, A. Faouen
- 150. Effects of a blend of plant extracts on the performance and oxidative
status of heat-stressed broilers-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): S. Benabe, A. Chancerelle, A. Cottin-Tillon
- 149. Supporting performance of broiler during the finisher phase
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): F. Moreau, J. Redor, L. Chalony, Y. Waché, J-M. Benoist
- 148. Effect of a commercial lemon extract on broilers chickens’
growth performances-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): C. Sekhou, J. Laurain, M.E.A. Benarbia
- 147. Efficacy evaluation of novel organic iron complexe in laying hens:
Effects on laying performance and blood biochemical parameters-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): C. Torres, J. Cao, J. Zhu, B. Curtin, F. Ji, B. Liu, D. Yu
- 146. Meta-analysis of the incorporation of microbial phytase on phosphorus
utilisation in laying hens-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): F. Hervo, A. Narcy, M-P. Létourneau-Montminy
- 145. Mineral fluxes in laying and heavy breeder hens according to three
calcium carbonate supply strategies-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): B. Méda, M. Mireaux, B. Chevé, M.J. Duclos, E. Gambier, C. Guerini, E. Pampouille, M. Quentin, C. Souchet, A. Narcy, Y. Guyot
- 144. Impact of phosphorus levels and calcium to available phosphorus ratio
on growth performance and bone mineralization in broilers from 0 to 35 days of age-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): M. Mireaux, K. Bébin, F. Richard
- 143. Efficacy of different manganese sources in broilers: Impact on growth
performance and manganese retention-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): Y. Manaig, A. Monteiro Rigo, S. Durosoy, M. Tung Che
- 142. Impact of a new phosphate, calcium humophosphate, on the growth and
bone mineralization of broilers-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): M. Poujol, B. Ribeiro, M. Mireaux, C. Guerini, F. Richard, E. Coudert, K. Bebin
- 141. Effects of feeding strategies to reduce purine content in meat from
slow-growing Korat chickens-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): O. Jantasaeng, M.J. Duclos, et S. Khempaka
- 140. Double buffered sodium butyrate compensates the reduction in energy
and protein in broilers’ feeds-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): C. Marecaille, X. Roulleau, R. Bouvet
- 139. Combination of early acclimatization and vitamin C supplementation in
summer broiler chickens: Impact on growth and physiology-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): Z. Berrama, N. Ouagueni, R. Merati, S. Souames, H. Ain Baziz, S. Temim
- 138. Nutritional strategies for optimizing female mule duck performance in
the fattened duck sector-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): M. Lacampagne, F. Rochon, F. Skiba
- 137. Importance of the protein source in the valorisation of complete
diets (performance and digestibility) according to the majority cereal in broiler chickens-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): J. Danel, N. Saliez, M. Traineau, M. Vilariño, C. Launay, C. Margetyal
- 136. Do the incorporation rate or the particle size of wheat change its
nutritional value in broiler chickens'-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): M. Traineau, J. Danel, M. Vilariño
- 135. A bacterial xylanase improves gut integrity, ileal digestibility and
performance of broiler chickens-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): M. Lemos de Moraes, H. Vieira Rios, C. Boudry, Y. Katagiri Dalmoro, C. Stefanello, A. Cottin Tillon, E. Landeau
- 134. Reduction of mycotoxin exposure with an algae- and clay-based
decontaminant in a toxicokinetic study on broiler chickens-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): M. Gallissot, S. Rutjens, M.A. Rodriguez, M. Devreese
- 133. Short-term impact of early nutritional strategies on chick
homeostasis function-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): V. Jonchère, M. van den Nieuwenhof, L. Cornaille, J. Jimenez, T. De Rauglaudre, L. Jessus, T. Bordeau, P. Chartrin, E. Cailleau-Audouin, G. Lefort, F. Bussière, S. Lacroix-Lamandé, C. Paes, L. Guilloteau, A. Narcy
- 132. The fasting/re-feeding challenge: A force-feeding-free model to
induce lipid storage in the liver of the Mulard duck-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): L-L. Zwick, J. Roy, S. Panserat, M. Houssier
- 131. Evaluation of nutritional value of organic fresh and dried fodder in
adult cockerels-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): L. Ravon, C. Berne, S. Lombard, F. Marie, K. Germain
- 130. Insects to feed poultry: A real potential but technical and
organizational hurdles to overcome-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): E. Pampouille, P. Belloir, C. Trespeuch, C. Bressac, B. Méda
- 129. Effect of protein and phosphorus level on egg weight and egg quality
at the end of lay-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): M. Lalanne-Rateau, B. Yang, O. Gestin, E. Picard, C. Margetyal, et C. Launay
- 128. 1,25(OH)2D3-glycosides of herbal origin improve performance and
eggshell quality in aged laying hens-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): D. Santos, M. Lima, E. Silva, K. Pedrosa, K. Bühler
- 127. A new phosphorus feeding system for chicken nutrition
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): A. Narcy, M. Reis, V. Khaksar, B. Méda, M-P. Létourneau-Montminy
- 126. Ocalm: A model to study the effect of feeding strategies on mineral
flows in laying hen-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): Y. Guyot, E. Pampouille, T. Burlot, M.J. Duclos, C. Guerini, M. Quentin, A. Narcy, B. Méda
- 125. Modelling the digestive utilisation of Ca and P in laying hens
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): F. Hervo, B. Méda, A. Narcy, M-P. Létourneau-Montminy
- 124. Kinetics of digestive utilisation of phosphorus and calcium in laying
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): F. Hervo, B. Méda, M-P. Létourneau-Montminy, A. Narcy
- 123. Synthesis: Towards protein autonomy in broiler feed: How to improve
the valorisation of rapeseed and sunflower meals'-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): J. Danel, E. Pampouille, T. Gouyo, M. Vilariño, P. Carré
- 122. Reduction in crude protein content and soybean meal inclusion: What
effects on performance and nitrogen emissions in broiler chickens'-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): T. de Rauglaudre, B. Méda, S. Fontaine, W. Lambert, A. Simongiovanni, S. Fournel, M.-P Létourneau-Montminy
- 121. Response of broiler chickens in the finisher and withdrawal phases to
different levels of energy and lysine-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): T. Guillou, E. Crenn, B. Yang, O. Gestin, P. Quero, et C. Launay
- 120. Evaluating by meta-analysis the effect of lowering dietary crude
protein content on energy intake and lipide deposition in broilers-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): T. de Rauglaudre, L. Sicot, A. Simongiovanni, B. Méda, W. Lambert, M-P. Létourneau-Montminy
- 119. Assesment of several ways of improving broiler chicken welfare
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): A. Foreau, M. Le Goff, B. Méda, L. Warin
- 118. A European multi-actor networking project to improve broiler farming
practices (BroilerNet)-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): A. Kleiber, M. Guinebretière, P. Loiseau, I. Jego, V. Michel
- 117. Reducing duck reactivity during sheltering: What is the advantage of
switching off the night lighting and/or providing an access to a protected outdoor area (veranda)'-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): J. Litt, L. Arnalot, L. Porscher, A. Hazard
- 116. On-farm descriptive study on the use of veranda by broilers
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): L. Warin, D. Pennot, F. Loric
- 115. What emergency killing methods should be used for poultry weighing
less than or more than 5 kg'-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): M. Bourin, A-C. Lefort, X. Gautier, J. Marguerie
- 114. Toward a better understanding of variability among laying hens:
Classification based on laying trajectories-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): Y. Guyot, T. Burlot, M. Quentin, B. Méda, E. Pampouille
- 113. A specific and finalized tool for on-farm assessment of mule ducks
welfare during fattening phase-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): J. Litt, A. Mika, S. Gallot
- 112. Study of the effects of farm eclosion on the welfare and performance
of fast-growing chickens-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): J-P. Moysan, A. Moro, J-M. Oizel, J. Caro, J-F. Robert, E. Poulnais, C. Szypula, L-J. Belhomme, A. Keita
- 111. Do adult hen’s face colour vary in function of affective
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): D. Soulet, C. Parias, M-C. Blache, B. Piégu, G. Lefort, L. Lansade, S. Love, A. Bertin, C. Arnould
- 110. Synthesis: Lighting and light perception in broiler poultry: From
science to the field-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): W. Chetouane, J. Martineau, M. Quentin
- 109. Field study of the behaviour and performance of laying hens in a
poultry system-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): J. Laclau, P-A. Guévellou, C. Guérini
- 108. Working conditions in aviary laying hen farms
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): M. Ruch, E. Le Bihan
- 107. Synthesis: Housing systems and welfare of ducks intended for foie
gras production: What changes are forward'-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): J. Litt, M. Quentin, I. Bouvarel
- 106. Evaluation of three dual-purpose breeds reared in organic and
low-input outdoor production systems-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): L. Ravon, M. Reverchon, C. Berri, A. Barbin, J. Bernard, T. Bordeau, C. Bonnefous, E. Cailleau-Audouin, P. Chartrin, N. Couroussé, B. Desaint, E. Duval, J-C. Gamain, E. Godet, T. Gorichon, A. Hondelatte, E. Lamothe, C. Le Manach, S. Lombard, D. Mancion
- 105. Technical and economic evaluation of the breeding of male and female
siblings of a dual-purpose strain-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): M. Quentin, A. Le Lay, F. Rochon, F. Skiba
- 104. Housing conditions do not influence the effects of a nutritional
challenge for broilers-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): V. Michel, C. Deschamps, N. Regrain, E. Devillard, C. Gady, J. Consuegra
- 103. Spatial modelling of heat stress in two different broiler houses
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): Y. Guyot, M. Quentin
- 102. High-throughput phenotyping to characterise range use behaviour in
three strains of chickens-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): J.M. Collet, C. Bonnefous, K. Germain, L. Ravon, L. Calandreau, V. Guesdon, A. Collin, E. Le Bihan-Duval, S. Mignon-Grasteau
- 101. Feeding behaviour of label rouge chickens during the summer period
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): L. Bignon, V. Semaoun, K. Bébin
- 100. Synthesis: Management and welfare in alternative poultry production
systems: Contributions of the PPILOW European project-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): L. Warin, C. Bonnefous, S. Lombard, M. Reverchon, V. Guesdon, L. Calandreau, K. Germain, L. Ravon, H. Pluschke, P. Thobe, L. Baldinger, S. Steenfeldt, B. Desaint, C. Berri, S. Réhault-Godbert, E. Graat, F. Tuyttens, C. Vanden Hole, M. Pertusa, C. Castellini
- 99. Range use in relation to performance, welfare and health of four
strains of organic chicken-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): C. Bonnefous, A. Collin, L.A. Guilloteau, K. Germain, L. Ravon, T. Bordeau, P. Chartrin, E. Godet, E. Cailleau-Audouin, N. Couroussé, E. Raynaud, S. Mignon-Grasteau, M. Reverchon, S. Mattioli, C. Castellini, E. Angelucci, V. Guesdon, L. Calandreau, C. Berri, E. Le Bihan-Duval
- 98. Impact of a winter garden access on broiler chickens’ welfare
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): F. Mocz, L. Warin, J-P. Moysan, A. Keita, E. Poulnais, C. Szypula, M. Guinebretière
- 97. Structuring and enriching space: What impact on broiler behaviour and
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): M. Guinebretière, L. Calandreau, A. Scheubel, F. Mocz, J-P. Moysan, A. Keita, C. Szipula, J-M. Oizel, A. Moro, L. Warin
- 96. Effect of different enrichments on perching and pecking behaviour of
housed broiler chickens-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): C. Chardon, A. Drouet, M. Besson, L. Warin, L. Messager, P. Loiseau
- 95. Detection of C. botulinum from poultry farms to the manure spread on
the fields-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): R. Souillard, S. Rouxel, V. Dorenlor, T. Poezevara, L. Balaine, L. Jambou, F. Eono, A. Avouac, S. Kerpherique, M. Gouet, E. Cailton, S. Le Bouquin, C. Le Maréchal
- 94. Development of an experimental model of avian botulism: Optimization
of parameters to promote cecal colonization by Clostridium botulinum-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): S. Rouxel, T. Poezevara, M. Thomas-Hénaff, M. Amelot, A. Avouac, J-G. Rolland, C.Benoit, P. Le Bihannic, T. Le Coq, H. Jaunet, A. Keita, A. Le Roux, E. Pagot, B. Grasland, M. Chemaly, J-M. Répérant, C. Le Maréchal
- 93. Colistin resistance in French poultry: Positive impact of control
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): A. Perrin-Guyomard, P. Houée, P. Lucas, A. Felten, L. Le Devendec, C. Chauvin, I. Kempf
- 92. Retrospective analysis of epidemiological surveys of salmonella
outbreaks in layer farms in 2020-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): A. Huneau-Salaün, I. Tapie, G. Tribéhou, M-B. Peyrat, S. Le Bouquin
- 91. Preliminary study of the molecular diversity of Enterococcus
cecorum in Brittany farms-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): P-H. Potier, P. Rigomier, P-Y. Moalic, F. Bourgeon
- 90. News from the national reference laboratory for avian mycoplasmoses
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): A.V. Gautier-Bouchardon, S. Ferré, O. Balan, F. Tardy
- 89. Impact of deoxynivalenol (DON) and its derivate Deepoxy-deoxynivalenol
(DOM-1) on broiler performance and Campylobacter jejuni colonization and translocation in broiler chickens-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): D. Ruhnau, B. Doupovec, L. Rouxel, D. Schatzmayr, W. Awad
- 88. Veterinary practice data analysis: A novel approach to measure the
impact of coccidiosis on broiler health and welfare-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): M. Pinson, L. Daluzeau, N. Cariou
- 87. Assessment of coccidiosis in broilers in France based on autopsy data
from 2018 to 2022-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): S. Betz, C. Gestin
- 86. Turmeric to fight against coccidia: A disappointing candidate
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): J-M. Répérant, R. Attia El Hili, M. Thomas-Hénaff, C. Benoit, P. Le Bihannic, H. Esselin, C. Ripoll, C. Raybaud, C. Techer
- 85. Effect of Bacillus sp. PB6 (ATCC PTA-6737) on the caecal microbiota of
broiler chickens in four independent Belgian farms-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): E. N’guetta, K. Vermeulen, S. Taelman, V. Van Hamme, A. Wealleans
- 84. Ex vivo evaluation of the antimicrobial properties of lauric acid
glycerides in gastrointestinal fluids-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): N. Vieco-Saiz, V. Michel, A. Mellouk, O. Lemâle, T. Goossens, J. Consuegra
- 83. A double encapsulation of bioactives reduces Salmonella Enteritidis
shedding in artificially infected broiler chickens-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): S. Ladirat, M. Fisher, J. Payne, A. Awre
- 82. Effect of a triple-strain Bacillus-based probiotic on in vitro
inhibition of clinical Enterococcus cecorum strains isolated from commercial broilers-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): D. Sandvang, C. Capern Lena, A. Meuter, S. Betz
- 81. The sulphated polysaccharides extract ulvans from Ulva armoricana
limits Marek’s disease virus dissemination in vitro and promotes viral reactivation in lymphoid cells-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): F. Bussy, S. Rémy, A. Morvan, M. Le Goff, P. Nyvall Collén, L. Trapp-Fragnet
- 80. Genetic evolutions of the parvovirus VP1 gene in Muscovy ducks: Field
strains comparative study between 2018 and 2023-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): G. Perreul, T. Delquigny, S. Lemiere, J-L. Pingret
- 79. A case report in Muscovy ducks: Differential diagnosis of a highly
suggestive case of parvovirosis-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): C. Bourgeois, M. Pinson, E. Moreau
- 78. Pneumovirus serological study on broilers in 3 main production areas
in France-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): G. Perreul, T. Delquigny, V. Turblin, A. Ballot, M. Mellal, T. Dugardin, P. Naval
- 77. Density and vaccination: How do they impact the spread of highly
pathogenic avian influenza in south- west France'-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): S. Lambert, B. Bauzile, L. Fourtune, S. Rautureau, J-L. Guérin, M. Paul, T. Vergne
- 76. Impact of reinforcing the vaccination programme against Marek’s
disease on an intermediate broiler production in Reunion Island-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): A. Ragé, F. Schneider, T. Delquigny
- 75. Effect of regular visits on the quality of hatchery vaccination
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): C. Caudron, E. Moreau, B. Maynard
- 74. Biosecurity compliance in poultry farms in France: What does the
current situation look like and what are the expectations of farmers'-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): N. Rousset, R. Souillard, V. Allain, S. Le Bouquin-Leneveu, J. Marguerie, A.-C. Dufay-Lefort
- 73. Biosecurity practices in poultry farms: Identification and description
of databases from seven European countries-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): M. Delpont, L.G. Salazar, J. Dewulf, A. Zbikowski, P. Szeleszczuk, A.-C. Dufay-Lefort, N. Rousset, A. Spaans, A. Amalraj, G. Tilli, A. Piccirillo, A. Devesa, S. Sevilla-Navarro, H. Van Meirhaege, L. Kovács, B. Jóźwiak Ákos, J.-L. Guérin, M.C. Paul
- 72. Efficacy of a disinfectant based on quaternary ammonium compounds and
glutaraldehyde against avian influenza virus-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): E. Claeys, L. Grab, L. Ledoux, E. Rodríguez González
- 71. Development of an innovative formation on biosecurity in anterooms,
using fluorescent substances-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): M. Delpont, C. Chavoix, L. Fourtune, J.-P. Vaillancourt, A. Durivage, J.-L. Guérin, M. Paul
- 70. Putting into practice a case-by-case approach to biosecurity on farms:
Focus on catching in the context of highly pathogenic avian influenza-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): M. Pertusa, O. Saccavini, N. Rousset, A. Chastagner, M. Delpont, M. Paul
- 69. Main impediments to compliance with biosecurity practices during
poultry catching: The example of south-west of France-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): O. Saccavini, M. Delpont, J.-P. Vaillancourt, N. Rousset, M. Pertusa, M. Paul
- 68. Assessing farmers’ attitudes towards biosecurity to help them
improve their practices-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): J. Grillet, N. Rousset, A. Amalraj, J. Dewulf, A.-C. Dufay-Lefort
- 67. Biosecurity compliance: Study with 83 meat poultry farmers in Europe
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): R. Souillard, V. Allain, A.C. Dufay-Lefort, N. Rousset, A. Amalraj, A. Spaans, A. Zbikowski, A. Piccirillo, S. Sevilla-Navarro, L. Kovács, S. Le Bouquin
- 66. Optimizing the use of antibiotics: Towards multi-criteria systems for
monitoring the health and well-being of pigs and poultry-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): M. Paul, M.-J. Guenin, M. Leblanc-Maridor, A. Hemonic, N. Rousset, Y. Carré, C. Facon, P. Le Coz, J. Marguerie, J.-M. Petiot, M. Jarnoux, S. Molia, C. Ducrot, C. Belloc
- 65. Impact of ProbioactiFAP® and an antibiotic on the digestive
microbiota of fattening duck-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): T. Mauvisseau, B. Houillé, I. Delporte
- 64. Genetic monitoring of French avian reoviruses field cases
(2016–2023) and first applications of oxford nanopore sequencing-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): A. Sécula, M. Walch, M. Delpont, S. Soubies, J.-L. Guérin, G. Croville
- 63. Synthesis: Vaccination in poultry industry: What are the key points to
know to optimize a success on field-
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Abstract: Publication date: July 2024Source: Animal - Science proceedings, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): M. Leblanc-Maridor, M. Pinson, F. Meurens, J.-L. Guérin