Abstract: Background and Objective: The acceptance of Borassus aethiopum (Ba) ripe fruits’ dried pulp by laying Coturnix coturnix japonica hens and its capacity to color the egg yolks were assessed. Materials and Methods: Seven diets were made, and comprised of 60% yellow corn-based (YC), 60% white corn-based (WC) and following some white corn was substituted by 1, 2.5, 5, 7.5 and 10% of Borassus aethiopum mature fruits’ dried pulp. Then, these diets were named WC+1, WC+2.5, WC+5, WC+7.5 and WC+10%Ba, respectively. Moreover, 140 laying Coturnix coturnix japonica hens of 68 week-old were grouped by 20 birds and each group was fed on a diet. From week 69 to week 74 of age, the eggs were collected and weighed according to the diets. Thereafter, on week 73, 3 eggs of similar weights per diet were selected for egg yolks color and their total cholesterol contents assessment. Results: The WC+10%Ba performed better than other diets. Indeed, WC+10%Ba diet allowed the best laying rate of 79.76% and this laying rate was 13.45% higher than that of YC, the good reference. Additionally, the egg yolks weighed 3.72 g and they were well yellow colored (b* = 66.69), following YC diet (b* = 121.57). Moreover, WC+10%Ba egg yolks average total cholesterol content was 19.56 mg g1, like that of YC for 18.49 mg g1 (p = 0.231). Conclusion: Coturnix coturnix japonica laying hens peck Borassus aethiopum ripe fruits’ dried pulps. Moreover, added at 10% to a white corn-based diet, it colors the egg yolk without increasing total cholesterol content. PubDate: 19 January, 2024
Abstract: Background and Objective: Wheat offal is one of the abundant AIBs whose application is limited in monogastric animals due to poor nutritional value. Fermentation improves the nutritional value of feedstuff. This experiment was conducted to evaluate rumen filtrate fermented wheat offal as (RUFFWO) a feed ingredient in the diet of broiler chickens. Materials and Methods: Six diets were formulated to meet the nutritional requirement of broiler chickens at the starter and finisher stages using RUFFWO at 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25% of the diets. As 180 days old broiler chicks were randomly weighed and allotted to six treatment groups of 30 birds each, respectively. Each treatment was divided into three replicates of 10 birds each in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD). Data on the feed intake, body weight gain feed conversion ratio, protein efficiency ratio and cost-benefit were generated and analyzed. Results: The result of the experiment revealed a significant (p PubDate: 05 August, 2023