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Undagi : Jurnal Ilmiah Arsitektur
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  • Penerapan Arsitektur Metafora Pada Perspustakaan Umum Di Kota Medan

    • Authors: Rivaldi Alyardho Panjaitan, Neneng Yulia Barky, Suprayitno
      Pages: 198 - 203
      Abstract: A public library is a library designed for a wide audience as a means of lifelong learning, regardless of socio-economic background, race, religion, age, or gender. At this time, the willingness of Indonesian people to read is very worrying. This can be seen from the comparison of the willingness to read of the residents of Medan City, which is 1:1000. Therefore, it is planned to create or design a library with a national standard in the city of Medan. The application of the Metaphor Architecture Theme is taken from various points of view from a book, ranging from arranged books and open books, which have the meaning as a place for book collections and a place to read books that provide knowledge or information for free. This building also takes the basic shape of a square which means that the square has a formal impression and status according to the function of the building. Easy to expand, process structure and save space.
      PubDate: 2023-01-19
      DOI: 10.22225/undagi.10.2.5981.198-203
      Issue No: Vol. 10, No. 2 (2023)
  • Perencanaan Dan Perancangan Agrowisata Kelapa Di Desa Gunaksa Kabupaten
           Klungkung Bali

    • Authors: Komang Arya Surya Nugraha, I Wayan Runa, Gde Bagus Andhika Wicaksana
      Pages: 204 - 212
      Abstract: Coconut is one of the primary plantation commodities in Indonesia, one of the plantations that boosts the country's economy. Bali is one of the provinces with a reasonably extensive coconut plantation with an annual income of 65,000 tons of raw coconut. Coconut Agrotourism is an educational tourism activity that utilizes coconut plantations as a tourist attraction. The utilization of this business in the plantation sector includes processing coconuts from the plantations of residents so that they become products with national and even international selling values. In other words, the products produced can not only be enjoyed by the domestic community but can also be enjoyed by outsiders. Not only are processed products served, but experience, understanding, and knowledge about coconut or coconut plantations are also presented as a means of education. Coconut Agrotourism is developed by utilizing the potential of both natural resources and human resources.
      PubDate: 2023-01-19
      DOI: 10.22225/undagi.10.2.5155.204-212
      Issue No: Vol. 10, No. 2 (2023)
  • Perencanaan Dan Perancangan Community Center Produk Desa Dengan Pendekatan
           Bioklimatik Di Desa Baktiseraga

    • Authors: Imanueli Parwestri Pollah Pollah, I Putu Hartawan, I Wayan Wirya Sastrawan
      Pages: 213 - 231
      Abstract: Villages in North Bali have their own uniqueness, including in terms of art and culture. Starting from customs, dances, architecture, to crafts. This situation is actually a problem and we hope that it can help the Village Product Community Center for village development, by providing a facility that accommodates a product community in the village. The handicrafts in the village are processed from natural resources such as bamboo work, woven fabrics, and lontar. Not only handicrafts but also every village has natural resources in the form of coffee, palm sugar, wine, and sap. Which is a livelihood for residents in every village There is a lot of potential that exists in the village but there is no place or place to develop the products produced by a village. With the Village Product Community Center, it can provide education as well as a place to learn by providing facilities that accommodate and also become a place to market products that have been produced. With the Village Product Community Center, it can provide a forum to provide education and learn more about the products produced by the village, it is also an opportunity for the village to develop its potential.
      PubDate: 2023-01-19
      DOI: 10.22225/undagi.10.2.5247.213-231
      Issue No: Vol. 10, No. 2 (2023)
  • Fasilitas Rumah Creative dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Biophilic di Desa

    • Authors: I Komang Winata Tri Aditya, Ni Putu Ratih Pradnyaswari Anasta Putri, I Nyoman Gede Mahaputra
      Pages: 232 - 239
      Abstract: The creative industry is an industry that has intellectual property in it, with creative ideas poured into a work by channeling interests and talents in a creative house. Collaboration in producing works is indispensable for the creation of a trade and financial ecosystem in this industry. The application of the concept of biophilic in the collaboration is expected to provide not only between humans and humans but also involves the surrounding environment to make all human sensors usable and can have a good influence on the user's psychology, apart from considering the closeness of humans and the environment, biophilic can also stimulate the surrounding environment. to be better because previously there was a shift in the ecosystem in the area used as the design site. The polluted environment is also a design consideration for how buildings can respond to environmental problems.  
      PubDate: 2023-01-19
      DOI: 10.22225/undagi.10.2.5172.232-239
      Issue No: Vol. 10, No. 2 (2023)
  • Perencanaan dan Perancangan Ruang Pamer dan Pusat Produksi Patung dan
           Ukiran di Desa Singapadu Kaler, Gianyar, Bali

    • Authors: I Kadek Surya Cipta, I Wayan Runa, Ni Wayan Nurwarsih
      Pages: 240 - 251
      Abstract: Indonesia is a country that is rich in artistic diversity, one of which is sculpture. Bali is one of the islands that has
      a lot of arts and culture, one of which is Singapadu Kaler Village which has a characteristic in the form of
      sculptures made from solid stone. The people of Singapadu Kaler Village work as craftsmen and sellers of statues,
      based on population data with a total of 1,324 people with jobs as sculptors or sculpture and carving craftsmen
      as many as 662 people, so 50% of the people in the Singapadu Kaler area. An important problem is also owned
      by the sculptor community, currently the sculpture craft of Singapadu Kaler Village has decreased in terms of
      sales or tourist arrivals to Singapadu Kaler. This problem is caused by the fact that the sculptures do not yet have
      facilities that can display their handicrafts. The design approach method uses an economic approach, with the
      design approach being carried out, it is expected to be able to fulfill the function, space requirements and
      aesthetics in the overall architectural appearance. Therefore, the Center for Sculpture and Carving Crafts is
      proposed with the basic concept of Fun, Dynamic and Creative Industries. The theme used is Kontemporer
      Architecture where the use of Contemporary Architecture aims to create an attractive building as well as become
      an icon in Singapadu Kaler.
      PubDate: 2023-01-19
      DOI: 10.22225/undagi.10.2.5145.240-251
      Issue No: Vol. 10, No. 2 (2023)
  • Pendekatan Psikologi Dalam Skematik Desain Fasilitas Day Care di Kota

    • Authors: Ni Putu Mely Kusuma Ningsih, I Kadek Merta Wijaya, I Wayan Widanan
      Pages: 252 - 263
      Abstract: The busyness of parents in working, especially in the city of Denpasar causes not a few of them to entrust the role of child care students to Daycare Facilities, but the currently available daycare facilities and infrastructure still do not meet the eligibility and safety standards to support the growth and development of children, especially for young children. 0 – 2 years. So that by providing facilities and infrastructure that are classified according to the age grouping of children, namely ages 3 months – 2 years, ages 3 – 4 years and ages 5 – 6 years, where the 3 age groups have different characters and needs in the growing process. their flowers. The purpose of this design is to design a daycare facility that is safe and comfortable for children and provides facilities that can support the growth and development and creativity of children from an early age. By using an architectural approach to behavior, age, color psychology and shape psychology with data collection methods in the form of literature study and observation and presentation methods, namely: compilation and classification of data. The design concept used is Kiddy Town with a building that is realized with a post modern design theme. Which produces 3 types of facilities, namely the main facilities, support and services tailored to the needs of users.
      PubDate: 2023-01-19
      DOI: 10.22225/undagi.10.2.5194.252-263
      Issue No: Vol. 10, No. 2 (2023)
  • Perencanaan dan Perancangan Aquarium Megatank di Kawasan Pantai Amed
           Kabupaten Karangasem, Bali

    • Authors: I Made Rama Sukma Pramana, I Nyoman Nuri Arthana, I Ketut Sugihantara
      Pages: 264 - 272
      Abstract: Karangasem Regency is one of the regencies that has many beautiful natural attractions from the mountains to the underwater, it is evident that many local and foreign tourists visit Karangasem Amed. This Megatank Aquarium is a facility that can overcome problems related to the arrangement and decline of the ecosystem. underwater biota. By making a conservation effort with aspects of preservation, protection, and utilization, utilization is a conservation effort that becomes an attraction and new innovation related to tourism and for the sustainability of the Indonesian underwater biota ecosystem, especially in the Amed coastal area. With facilities consisting of a Marine Aquarium, Deep Sea Aquarium, Coral Reef Aquarium, Touch Pool, Snorkeling Pool, and many more. This Megatank Aquarium has the concept of "Environment and Technology" which means that marine biota ecosystems develop even though inside buildings with this technology can help for development without having to damage the environment, especially underwater biota. With the theme of Eco-Tech Architecture in environmentally friendly buildings with the utilization of natural potential.
      PubDate: 2023-01-19
      DOI: 10.22225/undagi.10.2.5260.264-272
      Issue No: Vol. 10, No. 2 (2023)
  • Application of Behavioral Architectural Themes to Nursing Home Buildings
           in Deli Serdang

    • Authors: Sri Wahyuni, Rina Saraswaty, Neneng Yulia Barky
      Pages: 273 - 279
      Abstract: The Nursing Home is a place for elderly people who either voluntarily or are handed over by their families to take care of all their needs. A place that will become a haven for the elderly to enjoy their old age by feeling safe and comfortable and getting all the facilities that are adequate and supportive for all their needs and activities. Deli Serdang is one of the areas where the majority of the middle and upper population are busy working to meet their daily needs which in turn affects the elderly so that they receive less attention from family members. Therefore, it is necessary to design a nursing home that can accommodate the middle and upper elderly by paying attention to facilities that ensure the comfort of its users. The nursing home will be located on Jalan Inpres Block Gading, Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatera using the Behavioral Architecture theme, where all the building designs are based on the behavior of its users, namely the elderly.
      PubDate: 2023-01-19
      DOI: 10.22225/undagi.10.2.6022.273-279
      Issue No: Vol. 10, No. 2 (2023)
  • Perancangan Agrowisata Kopi Dengan Pendekatan Desain Berkelanjutan Di Desa
           Pujungan, Pupuan, Tabanan, Bali

    • Authors: I Made Riandika Surya Wiguna, Ni Wayan Meidayanti Mustika, I Wayan Runa
      Pages: 280 - 290
      Abstract: Pupuan district which is the second rank of the most robusta coffee production in Bali with a total production of
      2,663.0. In addition to the area of land and coffee production in the Pujungan area, this area also has tourist
      potential. The potential possessed by this village has not been utilized and developed properly because of the lack
      of facilities that are able to accommodate the process of cultivation, research, coffee processing, and low public
      awareness about the potential of the area itself. The methods used in data collection are surveying, literature
      studies, and observation, as well as data compilation and classification methods used for the presentation of data.
      Then the data obtained is analyzed by comparative methods, analysis, reduction, and synthesis. Coffee
      Agrotourism is designed to accommodate various main facilities that are channeled through the potential in
      Pujungan Village, such as educational facilities about the history and cultivation of coffee in Pujungan Village,
      how to grow coffee directly, traditional and modern coffee processing. The green architecture design with the
      concept of Sustainable Agritourism design is chosen because it is based on principles that aim to align the building
      with the surrounding environment and is oriented to long-term aspects, and the design of the development of coffee
      plantations remains sustainable in various aspects.
      PubDate: 2023-01-19
      DOI: 10.22225/undagi.10.2.5183.280-290
      Issue No: Vol. 10, No. 2 (2023)
  • Fasilitas Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Berbasis Pertanian Lahan Kering di

    • Authors: I Putu Andi Wira Adnyana, Anak Agung Gede Raka Gunawarman, Ni Putu Ratih Pradnyaswari Anasta Putri
      Pages: 291 - 298
      Abstract: Community empowerment is a process of activities that are carried out intentionally in an effort to increase the ability of the community to involve the community as empowerers and empowered communities. Good empowerment needs to design facilities in accordance with the empowerment activities carried out. One of them is empowerment based on dry land agriculture in South Kuta District. This facility is developed by considering the approach to user behavior. The purpose of the research is to find the right behavioral approach model for empowerment activities with data collection methods by literature studies and field observations. The results obtained show that each space that is formed can accommodate the behavior of its users so as to maximize the use of space and make users comfortable using the space.
      PubDate: 2023-01-19
      DOI: 10.22225/undagi.10.2.5119.291-298
      Issue No: Vol. 10, No. 2 (2023)
  • Redesain Pasar Umum Tabanan, Kecamatan Tabanan, Kabupaten Tabanan, Bali

    • Authors: Putu Lina Prawisti, Agus Kurniawan, I Nyoman Gede Mahaputra
      Pages: 299 - 308
      Abstract: Tabanan Public Market is the largest people's market in Tabanan and is the main choice in terms of shopping for the community, however, referring to the regulation of the Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia concerning the People's Market, there are several problems in the Tabanan Public Market including; [1] lack of supporting facilities and infrastructure in accordance with the standards of the minister of trade of the republic of Indonesia which should have a management office, toilets, re-measurement posts, security posts, breastfeeding rooms, health rooms, worship rooms, fire extinguishing facilities and access, parking lots, places temporary garbage collection, waste treatment facilities, clean water facilities and electricity installations, however, in Tabanan Public Market there are no supporting facilities and infrastructure in the form of re-measurement posts, breastfeeding rooms, health rooms, waste water treatment facilities and clean water facilities. [2] There should be 5 zones in the market zoning, namely the wet food zone, dry food zone, ready-to-eat zone, non-food zone, and poultry slaughter zone, while the Tabanan public market does not yet have these zones.[3] The light intensity test at the Tabanan public market found the amount of lighting did not touch 100 lux, while the health regulations stated a minimum of 100-200 lux.[4] Drainage channels must meet the requirements to be covered with a grid so that the channel is easy to clean, while at the Tabanan Public Market the drainage channel is only partially covered with a grill or grid. From the above problems, it is necessary to re-plan the tabanan public market. Using literature study methods, precedent studies, interviews, measurements, observations and surveys in realizing the Tabanan public market in accordance with the standards of the regulations of the Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia and can make users more comfortable
      PubDate: 2023-01-19
      DOI: 10.22225/undagi.10.2.5118.299-308
      Issue No: Vol. 10, No. 2 (2023)
  • Perencanaan Dan Perancangan Fasilitas Rest Area di Kecamatan Selemadeg

    • Authors: I Putu Gede Adi Purusa Maha Wiranata, I Wayan Widanan, I Wayan Runa
      Pages: 309 - 317
      Abstract: The Denpasar - Gilimanuk highway route crosses the coastal area in the Selemadeg area, Tabanan district. The national road that crosses this coastal area is a road that connects Tabanan Regency & Denpasar City, Bali Province and is an accident-prone route, where there are lack of road facilities such as signs and street lighting at night. The number of bumpy roads accompanied by a forest situation that is often assumed by local people to be a scary situation motivates traffic accidents in this area. When crossing the Denpasar - Gilimanuk highway, there are sporadic locations that provide stopovers or rest areas. Gas stations are also difficult to find along this road. Because of that, Rest & Service Areas (TIP) or generic claims to use a rest area are one of the facilities that must be found on a provincial road. As the name implies, this rest area is used as a resting place for road users. In addition to making human rest, the facilities in the rest area can also be used as a place to rest vehicles. The rest area that you want to build is a type B rest area where the facilities are ATM centers, toilets, stalls or kiosks, minimarkets, prayer rooms, restaurants, green open spaces, & parking lots. This rest area also has natural & culinary tourism, apart from resting, visitors can also enjoy the natural scenery and take selfies in this area.
      PubDate: 2023-01-19
      DOI: 10.22225/undagi.10.2.6306.309-317
      Issue No: Vol. 10, No. 2 (2023)
  • Konsep Skematik Desain pada Perencanaan dan Perancangan Gedung Pameran
           Seni Kontemporer di Ubud, Gianyar

    • Authors: I Wayan Yoga Astra, I Nyoman Warnata, I Wayan Parwata
      Pages: 318 - 326
      Abstract: Ubud, Gianyar Bali, has a rapid development in the field of art. The emerging arts are contemporary art, contemporary art, contemporary fine art, contemporary painting, to contemporary installation art. The rapid development of art and the interest of the Balinese people in art are not balanced with the art facilities in Bali. Actually, in terms of the potential of contemporary art, Bali is the most superior in Indonesia. But because they do not have the space to provide facilities to them (artists), then finally many exhibit outside Bali and even abroad, therefore, it is time for Bali to prepare the right space for balinese contemporary artists.The study begins with learning the meaning and basics of the Art Exhibition Building, the understanding of contemporary art itself, standards regarding the layout of the art in the Art Exhibition Building,  comparative study of several Art Galleries in Bali and Galleries – Contemporary Art Galleries outside the City of Bali.
      PubDate: 2023-01-19
      DOI: 10.22225/undagi.10.2.5135.318-326
      Issue No: Vol. 10, No. 2 (2023)
  • Perencanaan dan Perancangan Perpustakaan Milenial di Kota Denpasar

    • Authors: I Putu Yogi Wiliawan Wiliawan, I Wayan Parwata, Ni Wayan Nurwarsih
      Pages: 327 - 333
      Abstract: In Indonesia, the literacy level of the people is quite low. This is because people, especially millennials, are still
      reluctant to visit the library, because they are considered rigid, formal and monotonous. In addition, the many
      locations of libraries that are less strategic make the building less accessible to the public. With this issue, it is
      hoped that there will be a library facility in Denpasar City with an atmosphere that gives an image like young
      people, which is comfortable, flexible but still attracts attention. With several supporting facilities to attract public
      interest, especially millennials, to visit to read, express creativity, or as a medium of entertainment.
      PubDate: 2023-01-19
      DOI: 10.22225/undagi.10.2.5163.327-333
      Issue No: Vol. 10, No. 2 (2023)
  • Perencanaan dan Perancangan Rekreasi Agrowisata di Desa Petang, Badung

    • Authors: I Putu Andre Yogi Prasetya, I Nyoman Gede Mahaputra, Made Anggita Wahyudi Linggasani
      Pages: 334 - 344
      Abstract: Badung Regency has a diversity of tourism, for example art-cultural tourism, commercial, food, and spiritual
      tourism, nature, agrarian and spiritual tourism. However, tourism in North Badung is still quite small, therefore
      there is a need for an alternative form of tourism that can support the potential in North Badung which is famous
      for its uniqueness, namely Agrarian Tourism. Petang Village which has an area of about 115.00 km² and is located
      in the highlands so that the air there feels cool which makes Petang Village famous for its agricultural and
      plantation sectors. There is still very little agriculture-based tourism in Petang Village, there is no room for
      education about agriculture and there is no room for managing and utilizing plantation crops in Petang Village.
      The purpose of Agro-tourism Recreation Planning and Design in North Badung, Bali is to design and plan agro-tourism facilities that are useful for the general public to promote tourism in the North Badung area, make Petang
      Village an agricultural tourism destination and a place to educate about agricultural crops. This report uses the
      method of literature study, field observation, documentation and interviews. This report produces a schematic
      design which is then realized in the design development in the form of a building form.
      PubDate: 2023-01-19
      DOI: 10.22225/undagi.10.2.5126.334-344
      Issue No: Vol. 10, No. 2 (2023)
  • Perencanaan dan Perancangan Pusat Industri Dan Budidaya Buah Kelapa
           Terpadu Di Kabupaten Jembrana

    • Authors: Ida Bagus Komang Kresna Adi Pratama Surya, I Wayan Parwata, Agus Kurniawan
      Pages: 345 - 355
      Abstract: Coconut is a plant that is rich in benefits, almost all of its parts can be used as commercial goods that have a selling value ranging from stems, trees, fruit, coir, shells to the water. Jembrana Regency is one of the coconut producing areas. Jembrana Regency has the largest coconut plantation area in Bali, reaching 17,000 hectares. Behind the abundant natural resources, human resources are still not good, coconut farmers who cultivate coconuts are still not sufficient to meet their daily needs due to the loss of coconut share in Jembrana with other areas in Indonesia. regional Bali and also outside Bali, especially due to the pandemic which made demand for coconut from outside Bali experience a decline in prices and also many farmers only sell coconuts in whole form without being processed into commercial goods due to lack of knowledge and equipment that can process and produce goods. coconut processing. In the tourism sector, Jembrana tends to be quiet. Based on the problems that occurred, the Integrated Coconut Fruit Industry and Cultivation Center was proposed, a facility to process and produce processed coconut products including development, marketing, education, and cultivation. The location chosen was in Candikusuma Village, Melaya District, Jembrana Regency. With the approach of the theme "Ecology Architecture" and the concept of "Eco-Tourism Industry"
      PubDate: 2023-01-19
      DOI: 10.22225/undagi.10.2.6312.345-355
      Issue No: Vol. 10, No. 2 (2023)
  • Konsep Dasar Perancangan Wisata Gastronomi di Kecamatan Ubud, Gianyar

    • Authors: Anak Agung Istri Puspita Sari, Agus Kurniawan, I Wayan Wirya Sastrawan
      Pages: 356 - 364
      Abstract: Ubud District was proposed to be an international gastronomic tourism destination by the Ministry of
      Tourism and Creative Economy based on the United National World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) criteria
      and was established in 2018. The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy also encourages the development of
      creative economic tourism based on culture and local wisdom in Ubud District to revive economic activity so that
      can expand employment opportunities in the midst of a pandemic. Gastronomic tourism is a type of culinary
      tourism where tourists not only consume food but can also increase their knowledge about the food and the area
      from the original source. Gastronomic development in Ubud District is less than optimal and is still limited to a
      place for selling traditional culinary which only consists of one particular type of culinary at a food stall. By
      designing gastronomic tourism in Ubud District, Gianyar will become a place for culinary activities related to
      gastronomy and become a solution in overcoming these problems. The purpose of this study was to determine the
      basic concepts that will be used in the design of gastronomic tourism in Ubud District, Gianyar. The research
      method used is descriptive qualitative method. The results of this study produce a basic concept, namely cultural
      tourism based on culinary and local traditions.
      PubDate: 2023-01-19
      DOI: 10.22225/undagi.10.2.5141.356-364
      Issue No: Vol. 10, No. 2 (2023)
  • Taman Bacaan Dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Ekologis Di Kota Singaraja,
           Kabupaten Buleleng

    • Authors: I Made Agus Brastama Andhiriksa, I Gede Surya Darmawan, Ida Bagus Gede Parama Putra
      Pages: 365 - 376
      Abstract: Reading Park with an ecological architectural approach are designed to meet the needs or reading rooms in Singaraja City which are considered to be lacking. The design approach uses the principles of ecological architecture because of the need for harmony between nature and humans themselves. Ecological principles will be implemented in urban areas where the area is prone to environmental damage. As for later several civitas who will use this public facility, namely students, people with disabilities, and the people of Singaraja City. The reading park will also be designed to be friendly to people with disabilities. Several facilities to support the convenience of the disabled will also be available at this reading park. It is hoped that the activities and facilities in this reading park can run in harmony and become a reading room and study room that is able to answer problems in the city of Singaraja.
      PubDate: 2023-01-20
      DOI: 10.22225/undagi.10.2.5205.365-376
      Issue No: Vol. 10, No. 2 (2023)
  • Perencanaan E-Sport Center Dengan Penerapan Arsitektur Futuristik Di
           Denpasar – Bali

    • Authors: Ramadhani Estu Segara Aji, Ni Putu Ratih Pradnyaswari Anasta Putri, I Nyoman Gede Mahaputra
      Pages: 377 - 384
      Abstract: Currently Indonesia has been influenced by the existence of e-sports (electronic sports), this electronic sport conducts regional or national tournaments or competitions in online games. With the existence of e-sports, it is an opportunity for gamers / online game players in Indonesia to participate in the world of e-sports and play online games. Therefore it takes a place for gamers to gather and also as a place to hold matches. The process of making a forum or place that is centered on providing entertainment about game developments in Denpasar City with an innovative process of forming, iconic buildings and friendly to the urban environment. The design concept of the E-sport center has a futuristic architectural approach with a facade combined with wood that does not have ornaments and is plain, futuristic and minimalist so that it will become the center of development in playing games, because it does not only provide a gathering place, but also a Tournament Place to watch competitions. , Gaming Area, game shop, and also Cafe.
      PubDate: 2023-01-20
      DOI: 10.22225/undagi.10.2.5228.377-384
      Issue No: Vol. 10, No. 2 (2023)
  • Konsep Skematik Desain pada Perencanaan dan Perancangan Sekolah Barista
           dan Kedai Kopi di Desa Wanagiri dengan Tema Arsitektur Organik

    • Authors: Putu Pritayuni Paramisiwi, I Wayan Wirya Sastrawan, Made Suryanatha Prabawa
      Pages: 385 - 394
      Abstract: Coffee is one of the ingredients of food or drink that we often encounter and even become one of the daily needs of the community. Coffee plants grow optimally throughout Bali at an altitude of 800-1500 meters above sea level which has a rainfall of around 2000-3000 mm/year with an optimal temperature of around 21-24 degrees Celsius. Wanagiri Village is one of the places where coffee plants grow, especially Arabica coffee in Bali. Behind the good quality of Balinese coffee, of course, it takes a reliable and experienced barista to mix the coffee drink in order to produce processed with very good quality for consumption. The existence of a barista is currently the main point in the success of a coffee shop in Bali. Currently, quite a lot of coffee shops are bankrupt due to their products being processed incorrectly, this is due to the knowledge of the baristas who are not good or just learning the self-taught way. The availability of barista school facilities and coffee shops can reduce existing problems, the design is carried out by responding to problems regarding coffee baristas by thinking about and creating learning space and facilities that are comfortable, clean, and can attract the attention and interest of the barista or the community to visit as well as to undergo education baristas and educate the public about coffee for economic and environmental sustainability
      PubDate: 2023-01-20
      DOI: 10.22225/undagi.10.2.5241.385-394
      Issue No: Vol. 10, No. 2 (2023)
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