Abstract: While the thematic contributions to the previous issue ABE21 questioned the notion of “expertise”, the contributions to the current dossier focus on the role of education and pedagogy to further qualify the specificities of the foreign aid-funded knowledge economy. In doing so, it engages with a topic that has received growing scholarly attention in recent years, and in ABE previously, among others by Kim De Raedt (ABE12) and Ayala Levin (ABE9-10). Education and pedagogy form a powerful lens to investigate particular relationships and interactions between groups and individuals connected by colonial or postwar developmental constellations, and to ask pertinent questions of the postcolonial/decolonial. Editorial Éditorial Editorial [Texte intégral] Johan Lagae, Sarah Melsens, Tania Sengupta et Ricardo Costa Agarez Éditorial Dossier : Dossier : Introduction [Texte intégral] Sebastiaan Loosen, Erik Sigge et Helena Mattsson Introduction The Foreign and the Local in Architectural Education in Late Colonial and Post-Independence East Africa [Texte intégral] Mark Olweny L’étranger et le local dans l’enseignement de l’architecture en Afrique de l’Est à la fin de la période coloniale et après les indépendances Aid, Knowledge, and Power: The Legacy of Imported Expertise at the National College of Arts, Lahore [Texte intégral] Sarah K. Cheema Aide, connaissance et pouvoir : l’héritage de l’expertise importée au National College of Arts, Lahore Varia Varia House elevation and the British military settlement of Port Essington in Northern Australia [Texte intégral] Cathy Keys Les habitations surélevées dans la colonie militaire britannique de Port Essington au Nord de l'Australie Debate Débat Appropriating Aid and Its Multiple Histories [Texte intégral] Hannah le Roux et Viviana d’Auria L’appropriation de l’aide : des récits multiples. Entretien entre Hannah le Roux et Viviana d’Auria Documents/Sources Documents/Sources The Building as “Material Evidence:” Retracing the Use of Reinforced Brick Technology in early 20th-century India through the Case of the Tinplate Bungalow, Jamshedpur [Texte intégral] M Mallika Le bâtiment comme « preuve matérielle » de l’utilisation de la brique armée en Inde au début du XXe siècle : le cas du Tinplate Bungalow de Jamshedpur Dissertation abstracts Positions de thèse A Concrete State: Constructing Materials and Building Ambitions in the (Belgian) Congo [Texte intégral] Robby Fivez ... PubDate: 2023-12-30
Abstract: One of the endeavours of ABE Journal-Architecture Beyond Europe has been to unravel the relations between colonial pasts, twentieth-century building cultures, and the “global” present, not only in terms of the materiality of built environments but also epistemically. One dimension of the latter entails interrogating the particular relationships and interactions between groups and individuals connected by colonial or postwar developmental constellations. Ten years after the thematic dossier Global Experts “off radar” in issue 4 of ABE Journal, it is clear that historiographical shifts are opening up new avenues to look at some of the same phenomena. The current and forthcoming issue of ABE Journal, therefore, open with a dossier investigating Architecture in the Foreign Aid-Funded Knowledge Economy. These dossiers engage explicitly with questions of the postcolonial / decolonial by critically examining but also going “beyond” the sole figure of the (white) expert and engaging more intensely with the views and contributions of those who have for too long been thought of as being located at the “receiving” end of knowledge exchange. Editorial [Texte intégral] Sarah Melsens, Ricardo Costa Agarez, Johan Lagae et Tania Sengupta Éditorial Dossier: Architecture in the Foreign Aid-Funded Knowledge Economy. Expertise Sous la direction de Sebastiaan Loosen, Erik Sigge et Helena Mattsson Introduction [Texte intégral] Sebastiaan Loosen, Erik Sigge et Helena Mattsson “Ecologically camping, eating, drinking wine.” Material and knowledge flows in the Minimum Cost Housing Group’s ECOL Operation, 1971-76 [Texte intégral] Lee Stickells Camper écolo, bien manger, bien boire ! Flux matériels et de connaissances au sein du groupe « Logement à coût minimum » dans le cadre de l’opération ECOL, 1971-76 The Case for Self-Education. The Self-Help Manuals of the Communication Centre of Scientific Knowledge for Self-Reliance [Texte intégral] Frederike Lausch La question de l’auto-éducation. Les manuels d’auto-assistance du Centre de communication des connaissances scientifiques pour l’auto-suffisance Shadow Work: Architecting While Black in British Guiana [Texte intégral] Michelle Joan Wilkinson Œuvrer dans l’ombre : un architecte noir en Guyane brittanique Varia Varia The Debris Within: Negotiations of the Past within Colonial Mansions of Ceylon [Texte intégral] Pamudu Tennakoon Vestiges intérieurs : le passé recomposé dans les demeures coloniales de Ceylan Interactions between Turkish Building Professionals and French Advisors in the Reconstruction of Historical Cities in Western Anatolia [Texte intégral] Pelin Bolca Interactions entre professionnels turcs du bâtiment et conseillers français pour la reconstruction des villes historiques d’Anatolie occidentale Debate Débat Architectural Histories and Their Purposes [Texte intégral] Kathleen James-Chakraborty Architectural Expertise and the Coloniality of Knowledge [Texte intégral... PubDate: 2023-07-07
Abstract: ABE Journal – Architecture Beyond Europe has always been keenly interested in what lies beyond architecture and urbanism as both conventionally defined disciplines and autonomous producers of built environment artifacts. The journal has a long-standing record as a platform welcoming high-quality, historical-based research on the myriad actors whose actions determine built environment production: much of the work published here cuts across professional lines and questions acquired notions of authorship (one key concern for architects in contemporary times) and, occasionally, of architectural culture as the preserve of architects. Architects are certainly often found to be essential driving forces in the processes discussed in our pages, but they share the honour with a cohort of other individuals and agencies—from engineers to developers and clients, from self-builder migrants to global bureaucracies—that substantially broaden our understanding of such processes. Read more... Editorial [Texte intégral] Ricardo Costa Agarez, Johan Lagae, Tania Sengupta et Sarah Melsens Éditorial Dossier : Small-scale Building Enterprise and Global Home Ownership: Beyond the Welfare State Dossier : Petites entreprises de construction et accession mondiale à la propriété. Au-delà de l'État-providence Sous la direction de Konstantina Kalfa, Stavros Alifragkis et Panayotis Tournikiotis Introduction [Texte intégral] Konstantina Kalfa, Stavros Alifragkis et Panayotis Tournikiotis Intermingled Interests: Social Housing, Speculative Building, and Architectural Practice in 1970s and 1980s Pune (India) [Texte intégral] Sarah Melsens, Inge Bertels et Amit Srivastava Intérêts imbriqués : logement social, spéculation immobilière et architectes dans les années 1970 et 1980 à Pune (Inde) Dealing with the Commonplace: Constantinos A. Doxiadis and the Zygos Technical Company [Texte intégral] Konstantina Kalfa et Lefteris Theodosis À l'épreuve du quotidien : Constantinos A. Doxiadis et la société Zygos From Marshall Plan to “Hilton in the wild”: The Transnational History of a Cooperative Housing Block in Esat, Ankara [Texte intégral] Sıla Karataş Du plan Marshall au "Hilton in the wild": l’histoire transnationale d’un ensemble de logements coopératifs à Esat, Ankara Co-operative Housing in Lithuania as a Field of Architectural Experimentation (1960s–1980s) [Texte intégral] Marija Drėmaitė Les coopératives d'habitation en Lituanie socialiste en tant que champ d'expérimentation architecturale entre 1960 et 1980 Varia Varia Narrating Architecture as a Process: Two Histories of “Self-building” Golconde [Texte intégral] Saptarshi Sanyal L'architecture comme processus : deux récits « d'auto-construction » pour Golconde Debate Débat Centering Emotions in Architectural Historiographies of Modern European Imperialism [Texte intégral] Sara Honarmand Ebrahimi et Padma Dorje Maitland PubDate: 2022-10-31
Abstract: In the interest of capturing a broad range of topics across a wide geographical area―and which we cannot always do sufficient justice to through journal issues formed mainly around specific themes―we are publishing ABE 19 as an all-Varia or “open” issue. This is a natural extension of the open-access principle of the ABE Journal as such. Read more... Editorial [Texte intégral] Tania Sengupta Éditorial Articles Articles A hospital typology translated: Transnational flows of architectural expertise in the Clinique Reine Elisabeth of Coquilhatville, in the Belgian Congo [Texte intégral] Simon De Nys-Ketels Traduction d'un modèle architectural d’hôpital et flux d’expertise transnationaux : la clinique Reine Elisabeth de Coquilhatville au Congo belge A Jesuit-Lyonnais Project in Nineteenth-Century Beirut: Multiplicities of the Local and Global at the Université Saint-Joseph [Texte intégral] Yasmina El Chami Le projet des Jésuites Lyonnais pour Beyrouth, ou les multiples incarnations du local et du global à l’université Saint-Joseph Integrate, Adapt, Collaborate: Comecon Architecture in Socialist Mongolia [Texte intégral] Nikolay Erofeev et Łukasz Stanek Intégrer, adapter, collaborer : l’architecture du Comecon dans la Mongolie socialiste From China to Chinatown: Poy Gum Lee and the Politics of Self-Representation, 1945-1960 [Texte intégral] Kerri Culhane De la Chine à Chinatown : Poy Gum Lee et la politique de l’auto-représentation, 1945-1960 Tropical Comforts in Vietnam [Texte intégral] Andrew Cruse Confort tropical au Vietnam Documents/Sources A “complicated political-ideological situation:” Transfering a cement plant from Dessau/GDR to Nuevitas/Cuba [Texte intégral] Juliane Richter Une “situation politique et idéologique compliquée” : transplantation d'une cimenterie de Dessau (RDA) à Nuevitas (Cuba) Dissertation abstracts Positions de thèses Architect, Engineer or Builder' A history of professional demarcation through practice and discourse, Pune (India) 1930-1992 [Texte intégral] Sarah Melsens Places of Empire. The Making of an Imperial Environment in Western Europe, 1860-1960 [Texte intégral] Miel Groten Reviews Recensions Michael Falser, Angkor Wat: A Transcultural History of Heritage [Texte intégral] William Carruthers Harald Bodenschatz and Max Welch Guerra (eds.), Städtebau unter Salazar. Diktatorische Modernisierung des portugiesischen Imperiums 1926-1960 PubDate: 2021-12-16
Abstract: When we put out our call for papers on Entanglements of Architecture and Comfort beyond the Temperate Zone at the end of 2018, we were not expecting such a response as to require a double issue. Yet clearly this is an issue that a wide range of scholars are working on at the moment. Many of the papers look at how seemingly peripheral visions of comfort from the Global South were not so peripheral at all, investigating the power dynamics and changing cultural expectations around being at ease in an environment. In addition, we note the current interest in Australia into how Architecture and Comfort have been historically entangled and the importance of scholarship in history of medicine for current research. Dossier: Entanglements of Architecture and Comfort beyond the Temperate Zone - 2 Dossier : architecture et confort au-delà de la zone tempérée - 2 Sous la direction de Daniel J. Ryan et Jiat-Hwee Chang Editorial: Historicizing Entanglements of Architecture and Comfort beyond the Temperate Zone - part 2 [Texte intégral] Daniel J. Ryan et Jiat-Hwee Chang Éditorial : faire l'histoire des liens entre architecture et confort au-delà de la zone tempérée - partie 2 London’s uncertain comforts: Fuegian travelers and the indeterminate geography of climate and health [Texte intégral] William M. Taylor Voyageurs fuéguiens à Londres : entre confort incertain et géographie indéterminée de la santé et du climat Comfort in Australia’s unproductive North and the attendant anxiety of tropical cyclones [Texte intégral] Deborah van der Plaat Un confort sous la menace des cyclones tropicaux dans le nord réputé improductif de l'Australie Negotiating Comfort in the Metropolis: Peter Cook, Toyō Itō, and the Shinkenchiku Residential Design Competition, 1977 and 1988 [Texte intégral] Cathelijne Nuijsink En quête de confort dans la métropole : Peter Cook, Toyo Ito et le concours d’architecture résidentielle de Shinkenchiku (1977 et 1988) Thermal Nationalism: the Climate and House Design Program in Australia (1944-1960) [Texte intégral] Daniel J. Ryan Le nationalisme thermique du programme Climat et Habitat en Australie (1944-1960) Varia Varia Miniaturizing monuments: Conrad Schick and his architectural models of the holy sites of Jerusalem [Texte intégral] Nikolaos Magouliotis Miniaturiser les monuments : Conrad Schick, maquettiste des lieux saints de Jérusalem Debate Débat Decolonizing the Foundation of Tropical Architecture [Texte intégral] Warwick Anderson Décoloniser les fondamentaux de l'architecture tropicale Documents/Sources Documents/Sources A Silent Graph. Tracing the Algerian Past of French Solar Experiments [Texte intégral] Paul Bouet Tracé muet : le passé algérien du solaire français et ses expérimentations Dissertation abstracts Positions de thèse
Abstract: This thematic section of ABE Journal explores the wide-ranging socio-environmental implications of comfort for architectural history. The contributions over this and the next issue complicate and expand upon our understanding of comfort. Each essay unpacks how comfort was situated and assembled in the built environment of different temporalities and geographies, beyond the taken-for-granted immediacy of the present and the discursive familiarity of temperate European and North American contexts. Drawing from the cognate fields of scholarship in, among others, Science and Technology Studies, Postcolonial Studies, and Sociology of Practice, the contributions show how, during the past two centuries, comfort and the built environment were historically entangled with (settler) colonialism and decolonization, and the various (dis)enchantments of modernities and modernization in Asia, Australia, Latin America, and West Africa. By understanding comfort in relation to these cross-cultural and cross-climatic encounters, these contributions have far-reaching implications for comprehending our shifting and situated relationships with not just built environmental transformations but also planetary climate change. Dossier: Entanglements of Architecture and Comfort beyond the Temperate Zone - 1 Dossier : architecture et confort au-delà de la zone tempérée - 1 Sous la direction de Jiat-Hwee Chang et Daniel J. Ryan Editorial: Historicizing Entanglements of Architecture and Comfort beyond the Temperate Zone – part 1 [Texte intégral] Jiat-Hwee Chang et Daniel J. Ryan Éditorial : faire l'histoire des liens entre architecture et confort au-delà de la zone tempérée – partie 1 Shifting priorities of shade and northern Australian architecture: Colonial settlement prior to the 1920s [Texte intégral] Cathy Keys Changement d’orientation : l’ombre dans l’architecture du nord de l’Australie et les implantations coloniales avant 1920 Aesthetics of Comfort: A Third Moment in Costa Rican Histories of Tropical Architecture [Texte intégral] Natalia Solano-Meza L'esthétique du confort : troisième ère de l'architecture tropicale au Costa Rica Imperial Atmospheres: Race and Climate Control on the Niger [Texte intégral] Dustin Valen Atmosphères impériales : race et climatisation sur le fleuve Niger Urban Climate Indoors: Rethinking Heating Infrastructure in China's Non-Heating Zone [Texte intégral] Sascha Roesler et Madlen Kobi Intérieurs urbains : repenser les infrastructures de chauffage dans la zone non chauffée de la Chine Varia Varia Mapoon Mission Station and the Privatization of Public Violence: [Texte intégral] Jasper Ludewig La mission Mapoon et la privatisation de la force publique : une architecture missionnaire transnationale aux frontières coloniales du Queensland à la fin du XIXe siècle Debate Débat Comfort, Violence, Care: Decolonising Tropical Architecture at Blida, 1956 [Texte intégral] Hannah le Roux Confort, violence, assistance : décolon... PubDate: 2020-09-02