- Editor’s Note
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Authors: Emma De Angelis Pages: 9 - 9 Abstract: Volume 169, Issue 1-2, February 2024, Page 9-9 .
Citation: The RUSI Journal PubDate: 2024-06-19T08:10:32Z DOI: 10.1080/03071847.2024.2359276 Issue No: Vol. 169, No. 1-2 (2024)
- UK and Global Food Security in the Era Of ‘Permacrisis’
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Authors: Jennifer Cole Ivica Petrikova Ivica Petrikova; PhD is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Politics, International Relations Emergency Management programme from 2007–17. Pages: 10 - 20 Abstract: Volume 169, Issue 1-2, February 2024, Page 10-20 .
Citation: The RUSI Journal PubDate: 2024-04-30T06:56:20Z DOI: 10.1080/03071847.2024.2343726 Issue No: Vol. 169, No. 1-2 (2024)
- In Favour of an Independent Royal Space Fleet
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Authors: Clifford Fletcher-Jones Clifford Fletcher-Jones is a retired Royal Air Force wing commander who has over 14 years of experience in military space operations; strategy. Pages: 22 - 32 Abstract: Volume 169, Issue 1-2, February 2024, Page 22-32 .
Citation: The RUSI Journal PubDate: 2024-06-19T08:10:32Z DOI: 10.1080/03071847.2024.2359405 Issue No: Vol. 169, No. 1-2 (2024)
- Extreme Weather Risk to Military Operations in a Changing Climate
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Authors: James L Regens James L Regens is a Regents Professor Emeritus; National Security at the University of Oklahoma. Pages: 34 - 45 Abstract: Volume 169, Issue 1-2, February 2024, Page 34-45 .
Citation: The RUSI Journal PubDate: 2024-03-26T11:26:14Z DOI: 10.1080/03071847.2024.2328059 Issue No: Vol. 169, No. 1-2 (2024)
- The Weaponisation of Social Media, Crowdfunding and Drones
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Authors: Runar Spansvoll Runar Spansvoll is a Commander (OF-4) in the Norwegian Armed Forces. He has a master’s degree in War in the Modern World from King’s College London; do not represent those of institutions or organisations with which the author is associated. Pages: 46 - 60 Abstract: Volume 169, Issue 1-2, February 2024, Page 46-60 .
Citation: The RUSI Journal PubDate: 2024-05-21T03:09:31Z DOI: 10.1080/03071847.2024.2350478 Issue No: Vol. 169, No. 1-2 (2024)
- Precision Paradox and Myths of Precision Strike in Modern Armed Conflict
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Authors: Amos C Fox Amos C Fox is a PhD candidate at the University of Reading. Amos is also the Chief Human Resources Officer for the Irregular Warfare Institute; he hosts the Revolution in Military Affairs podcast. Pages: 62 - 74 Abstract: Volume 169, Issue 1-2, February 2024, Page 62-74 .
Citation: The RUSI Journal PubDate: 2024-05-03T09:05:02Z DOI: 10.1080/03071847.2024.2343717 Issue No: Vol. 169, No. 1-2 (2024)
- Comparing Historic Military Capabilities
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Authors: Richard Fisher Richard Fisher is a Research Fellow in the Centre for Systems; Simulation a Trustee of the Small Arms School Corps Infantry Weapons Collection Trust in Warminster. Pages: 76 - 90 Abstract: Volume 169, Issue 1-2, February 2024, Page 76-90 .
Citation: The RUSI Journal PubDate: 2024-05-07T09:27:39Z DOI: 10.1080/03071847.2024.2347298 Issue No: Vol. 169, No. 1-2 (2024)
- South Korean Military Power
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Authors: Bence Nemeth Bence Nemeth is a Senior Lecturer at the Defence Studies Department of King’s College London; where he primarily teaches British South Korean defence policy. Pages: 92 - 101 Abstract: Volume 169, Issue 1-2, February 2024, Page 92-101 .
Citation: The RUSI Journal PubDate: 2024-06-19T08:10:32Z DOI: 10.1080/03071847.2024.2355136 Issue No: Vol. 169, No. 1-2 (2024)
- The Impact of China’s Security Sector Assistance on State Fragility
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Authors: PaaKwesi Wolseley Prah Paa Kwesi Wolseley Prah is a PhD candidate in the Department of Government; comparative politics. Pages: 102 - 111 Abstract: Volume 169, Issue 1-2, February 2024, Page 102-111 .
Citation: The RUSI Journal PubDate: 2024-06-19T08:10:32Z DOI: 10.1080/03071847.2024.2360119 Issue No: Vol. 169, No. 1-2 (2024)
- ‘Enemy Action’: The UK Ministry of Defence, Academia and the
Historical Record-
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Authors: Geraint Hughes Geraint Hughes is a Reader in Diplomatic; do not necessarily represent the views of the JSCSC, the Defence Academy, the Ministry of Defence or any other UK government agency. Pages: 112 - 117 Abstract: Volume 169, Issue 1-2, February 2024, Page 112-117 .
Citation: The RUSI Journal PubDate: 2024-03-18T10:56:03Z DOI: 10.1080/03071847.2024.2325782 Issue No: Vol. 169, No. 1-2 (2024)
- The Political Economy of Civil War and UN Peace Operations
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Authors: David H Ucko David H Ucko is a professor at the College of International Security Affairs; National Defense University, in Washington, DC. His latest book is The Insurgent’s Dilemma: A Struggle to Prevail (Hurst/Oxford University Press, 2022). Pages: 118 - 119 Abstract: Volume 169, Issue 1-2, February 2024, Page 118-119 .
Citation: The RUSI Journal PubDate: 2024-03-11T12:35:39Z DOI: 10.1080/03071847.2023.2319991 Issue No: Vol. 169, No. 1-2 (2024)
- Understanding Naval Warfare
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Authors: Punsara Amarasinghe Punsara Amarasinghe is currently a lecturer affiated to the Faculty of Law; General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Sri Lanka. Previously, he was a Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Institute of Law, Politics Development, Scuola Superiroe Sant Anna, Italy. Pages: 120 - 121 Abstract: Volume 169, Issue 1-2, February 2024, Page 120-121 .
Citation: The RUSI Journal PubDate: 2024-03-14T10:14:06Z DOI: 10.1080/03071847.2024.2326338 Issue No: Vol. 169, No. 1-2 (2024)
- Continuing Russian-Turkish Competition in the Caucasus: New
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Authors: Lilia A Arakelyan Hanna S Kassab Lilia A Arakelyan is a Teaching Assistant Professor of Political Science at East Carolina University. She served as an American Political Science Association Congressional Fellow on the US Senate Subcommittee on Government Operations; organised crime. Pages: 1 - 15 Abstract: .
Citation: The RUSI Journal PubDate: 2024-08-05T09:49:27Z DOI: 10.1080/03071847.2024.2383303
- Cyber Strategy in Practice
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Authors: Tom Johansmeyer Gareth Mott Jason R C Nurse Tom Johansmeyer is a Pol&IR PhD candidate at the University of Kent; Canterbury, where he is researching the role of insurance in cyber security strategy. He is also a reinsurance broker based in Bermuda, where he focuses on alternative forms of risk transfer.Gareth Mott is a Research Fellow at the RUSI. His research interests include governance the psychology of cyber security. Pages: 1 - 12 Abstract: .
Citation: The RUSI Journal PubDate: 2024-08-01T08:26:04Z DOI: 10.1080/03071847.2024.2377544
- The Commander’s Place on the Battlefield
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Authors: Alexander Kohli Major General Alexander Kohli; Swiss Armed Forces, is the Chief of the Armed Forces Staff in Berne, where he is responsible for implementation of the political directives Conflict Resolution from Geneva University. Pages: 1 - 11 Abstract: .
Citation: The RUSI Journal PubDate: 2024-07-30T11:23:57Z DOI: 10.1080/03071847.2024.2377434
- D-Day and the Future of Amphibious Operations
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Authors: Hew Strachan Sir Hew Strachan is Wardlaw Professor of International Relations at the University of St Andrews; an Emeritus Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford. Pages: 1 - 6 Abstract: .
Citation: The RUSI Journal PubDate: 2024-07-30T11:10:14Z DOI: 10.1080/03071847.2024.2383094
- Routledge Handbook of NATO
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Authors: David H Ucko David H Ucko is professor at the College of International Security Affairs (CISA); National Defense University. His most recent works include The Insurgent’s Dilemma: A Struggle to Prevail (Hurst/OUP, 2022) and, with Thomas A Marks, Crafting Strategy for Irregular Warfare: A Framework for Analysis Action, 2nd ed. (NDU Press, 2022). Pages: 1 - 3 Abstract: .
Citation: The RUSI Journal PubDate: 2024-07-02T09:56:00Z DOI: 10.1080/03071847.2024.2363069
- Conservative Thinkers from All Souls College Oxford
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Authors: T G Otte T G Otte is Professor of Diplomatic History at the University of East Anglia. Pages: 1 - 2 Abstract: .
Citation: The RUSI Journal PubDate: 2024-07-02T09:50:14Z DOI: 10.1080/03071847.2024.2363072
- Those Must be the Guards: The Household Division in Peace and War,
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Authors: Brian Holden Reid Brian Holden Reid is a RUSI Fellow. Pages: 1 - 3 Abstract: .
Citation: The RUSI Journal PubDate: 2024-07-02T09:50:14Z DOI: 10.1080/03071847.2024.2363074
- The Rules of Security: Staying Safe in a Risky World
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Authors: Juraj Sikra Juraj Sikra has a doctorate in psychology (PhDr) with a background in clinical; is a Chartered Institute for Personnel Development (CIPD) Associate Member. Juraj is currently completing a PhD in cybercrime at the University of Strathclyde. Pages: 1 - 2 Abstract: .
Citation: The RUSI Journal PubDate: 2024-07-02T09:48:13Z DOI: 10.1080/03071847.2024.2363656
- Insider Risk and Personnel Security: An Introduction
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Authors: Juraj Sikra Juraj Sikra has a doctorate in psychology (PhDr) with a background in clinical; is a Chartered Institute for Personnel Development (CIPD) Associate Member. Juraj is currently completing a PhD in cybercrime at the University of Strathclyde. Pages: 1 - 2 Abstract: .
Citation: The RUSI Journal PubDate: 2024-06-10T10:49:47Z DOI: 10.1080/03071847.2024.2359277