Subjects -> LABOR UNIONS (Total: 27 journals)
- Citizenship and agency in the context of Nicaragua’s participatory
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Authors: Joanna Howard Institute of Development Studies; University of Sussex, Brighton, UK Pages: 1 - 18 Abstract: .
Citation: Citizenship Studies PubDate: 2024-08-06T11:18:55Z DOI: 10.1080/13621025.2024.2384364
- ‘Paused citizens’: waiting and negotiating liminality in
Assam, India-
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Authors: Chetna Sharma Department of Political Science; Kamala Nehru College, University of Delhi, Delhi, India Pages: 1 - 17 Abstract: .
Citation: Citizenship Studies PubDate: 2024-08-05T11:16:04Z DOI: 10.1080/13621025.2024.2384374
- Transnational citizenship: political practices of Kurdish migrants’
descendants in France and Germany-
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Authors: Inci Öykü Yener-Roderburg Mari Toivanen a Cologne Center for Comparative Politics; University of Cologne, Cologne, Germanyb Academy of International Affairs North Rhine-Westphalia, Bonn, Germanyc Swedish School of Social Science, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland Pages: 1 - 21 Abstract: .
Citation: Citizenship Studies PubDate: 2024-08-05T06:33:14Z DOI: 10.1080/13621025.2024.2384369
- The materiality of lived citizenship: mobilising against infrastructural
neglect in Egypt’s Nile Delta-
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Authors: Nada El-Kouny EUME; Forum Transregionale Studien, Berlin, Germany Pages: 1 - 18 Abstract: .
Citation: Citizenship Studies PubDate: 2024-07-29T03:38:13Z DOI: 10.1080/13621025.2024.2384688
- Humanitarian activist citizens: the emergence of a ‘victim’ political
subjectivity in Colombia-
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Authors: Karen Schouw Iversen School of Politics; forced migration in Colombia. Pages: 1 - 17 Abstract: .
Citation: Citizenship Studies PubDate: 2024-07-08T05:54:54Z DOI: 10.1080/13621025.2024.2371321
- Understanding the impact on children’s citizenship of participating in
community-based action research-
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Authors: Suzanne Wilson Julie Ridley David Morris a School of Health; Social Work Community, University of Central Lancashire, Cumbria, UK Pages: 1 - 21 Abstract: .
Citation: Citizenship Studies PubDate: 2024-05-29T02:01:29Z DOI: 10.1080/13621025.2024.2360404
- Heroic citizenship
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Authors: Benjamin BoudouInstitute of Public Law; Political Science, University of Rennes, Rennes, France Pages: 1 - 21 Abstract: .
Citation: Citizenship Studies PubDate: 2024-05-15T10:54:19Z DOI: 10.1080/13621025.2024.2355157
- Wong Kim Ark’s children: immigrant citizenship under Chinese
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Authors: Anna Pegler-GordonJames Madison College; Asian Pacific American Studies Program, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA Pages: 1 - 21 Abstract: .
Citation: Citizenship Studies PubDate: 2024-05-07T05:13:28Z DOI: 10.1080/13621025.2024.2336933
- ‘To be human is to bury the enemy dead’: migrant deaths, posthumous
citizenship, and the ‘soldier-migrant analogy’ in the refugee crisis-
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Authors: Luca MavelliLorenzo Zambernardia School of Politics; Social Sciences, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy Pages: 1 - 16 Abstract: .
Citation: Citizenship Studies PubDate: 2024-04-24T06:22:13Z DOI: 10.1080/13621025.2024.2341718
- Between citizens and sit-inners: the 2017 Kamour sit-in and
disidentification in Tunisia’s south-
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Authors: Joshua E. RiggMerian Center For Advanced Studies In The Maghreb (MECAM); Tunis, Tunisia Pages: 1 - 19 Abstract: .
Citation: Citizenship Studies PubDate: 2024-04-09T01:28:59Z DOI: 10.1080/13621025.2024.2338701
- Financialisation and contested citizenship of ‘failed’ debtors: how
overindebted people negotiate their status and rights-
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Authors: Lucie TrlifajováAnja DeckerTomáš Hoření SamecInstitute of Sociology; Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic Pages: 1 - 19 Abstract: .
Citation: Citizenship Studies PubDate: 2024-04-04T06:18:16Z DOI: 10.1080/13621025.2024.2336925
- Within, beyond, and after citizenship: the interplay between visibility
and invisibility among migrants in Patras-
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Authors: Marco Mogiania Department of Development Studies; School of Oriental Citizenship Education, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria Pages: 1 - 18 Abstract: .
Citation: Citizenship Studies PubDate: 2024-04-03T09:22:43Z DOI: 10.1080/13621025.2024.2336928
- The Imider protest camp: resistance by repossession and lived citizenship
at the global margins of Moroccan society-
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Authors: Koenraad BogaertSoraya El KahlaouiMiddle East; North Africa Research Group (MENARG), Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium Pages: 1 - 22 Abstract: .
Citation: Citizenship Studies PubDate: 2024-03-04T05:37:04Z DOI: 10.1080/13621025.2024.2316514
- Syrian ‘brokers of care’ and lived citizenship in Istanbul
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Authors: Yasemin OzerDepartment of Anthropology; The Graduate Center, City University of New York, New York, USA Pages: 1 - 17 Abstract: .
Citation: Citizenship Studies PubDate: 2024-02-16T07:20:25Z DOI: 10.1080/13621025.2024.2317046
- Enacting and contesting citizenship in Algeria beyond the Hirak:The
strategic uses of exit, voice and loyalty-
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Authors: Frédéric Volpi Belkacem Benzenine a Alwaleed Centre for the Study of Islam in the Contemporary World; Department of Islamic & Middle East Studies, The University Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UKb Centre de Recherche en Anthropologie Sociale et Culturelle (CRASC), Oran, Algeria Pages: 1 - 19 Abstract: .
Citation: Citizenship Studies PubDate: 2023-05-25T01:33:10Z DOI: 10.1080/13621025.2023.2215159
- The anticolonial settler: reflections on citizenship, violence and
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Authors: Elian Weizman School of Law; Social Sciences, London South Bank University, London, UK Pages: 1 - 19 Abstract: .
Citation: Citizenship Studies PubDate: 2022-06-13T02:00:52Z DOI: 10.1080/13621025.2022.2086298
- Citizenship and settler colonialism in Brazil: The toré ritual as a
decolonial indigenous practice in the Northeast Region-
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Authors: Desiree Poets Department of Political Science; community change in Brazil. Pages: 1 - 19 Abstract: .
Citation: Citizenship Studies PubDate: 2021-10-26T06:02:04Z DOI: 10.1080/13621025.2021.1984504
- Imperial afterlives: citizenship and racial/caste fragility in Canada and
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Authors: Ajay Parasram Nissim Mannathukkaren Department of International Development Studies; Dalhousie University, Halifax, CanadaAjay Parasram researches the colonial present, or how many historical colonial entanglements continue to structure the present in ways that are normalized including territory, sovereignty, Political Weekly. Pages: 1 - 24 Abstract: .
Citation: Citizenship Studies PubDate: 2021-10-08T10:14:20Z DOI: 10.1080/13621025.2021.1984494