Subjects -> ANTHROPOLOGY (Total: 398 journals)
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- Discourse-pragmatic markers, fillers and filled pauses : Pragmatic,
cognitive, multimodal and sociolinguistic perspectives-
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Authors: Beeching; Kate, Howie, Grant, Kirjavainen, Minna, Piasecki, Anna Pages: 181 - 194 Issue No: Vol. 29, No. 2
- Crosslinguistic paths of pragmatic development : The acquisition of
actually and en fait by British and French children-
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Authors: Beeching; Kate, Crible, Ludivine Pages: 195 - 221 Issue No: Vol. 29, No. 2
- L1 and non-L1 perceptions of discourse markers in English
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Authors: Buysse; Lieven, Blanchard, Meaghan Pages: 222 - 245 Issue No: Vol. 29, No. 2
- The three-dot sign in language contact
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Authors: Labrenz; Annika, Wiese, Heike, Pashkova, Tatiana, Allen, Shanley Pages: 246 - 271 Issue No: Vol. 29, No. 2
- Exploring the status of filled pauses as pragmatic markers : The role of
gaze and gesture-
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Authors: Kosmala; Loulou Pages: 272 - 296 Issue No: Vol. 29, No. 2
- Between placeholder and filler : Degrees of prosodic prominence of French
machin and tru-
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Authors: Hennecke; Inga, Mihatsch, Wiltrud Pages: 297 - 323 Issue No: Vol. 29, No. 2
- Linguistic and paralinguistic constraints on the function of (eu) acho que
as DM in Brazilian Portuguese : A multilevel approach-
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Authors: Freitag; Raquel Meister Ko., Cardoso, Paloma Batista, Tejada, Julian Pages: 324 - 346 Issue No: Vol. 29, No. 2
- Managing turns, building common ground, planning discourse : Discursive
and interpersonal functions of Italian no(')-
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Authors: Fedriani; Chiara, Molinelli, Piera Pages: 347 - 369 Issue No: Vol. 29, No. 2
- Investigation into the linguistic category membership of the Finnish
planning particle tota-
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Authors: Kirjavainen; Minna, Nikolaev, Alexandre Pages: 370 - 393 Issue No: Vol. 29, No. 2