Subjects -> GEOGRAPHY (Total: 493 journals)
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- Incidences of Return Migration: International Students from Cape Verde
Authors: David Almeida et al. PubDate: Fri, 08 Jan 2021 14:35:56 PST
- Whose Independence' Cabo Verdean-Americans and the Politics Of National
Independence Of Cabo Verde (1972-1976) Authors: Abel Djassi Amado Abstract: In this paper, I argue that anti-colonial politics in the late colonial period of Cape Verde had an important diasporic content. During the 1960s, Cabo Verde began a long, increasingly violent effort to attain independence from Portugal (finally achieved in 1975). Diasporic Cabo Verdeans in the US responded in surprisingly variable ways to the political resistance claiming their national homeland. In this paper, I focus on responses by two political groups that emerged as central in the Cabo Verdean diaspora: the PAIGC-USA Support Committee and the Juridical Congress of World Cape Verdean Communities. I argue that these two groups constituted a political reification of important socio-ideological cleavages that emerged within the global Cabo Verdean community from the 1960s. The fall of Portugal’s fascist regime (Estado Novo) in 1974, and the subsequent independence agreement with the African Party for the Independence of Guinea-Bissau and Cabo Verde (PAIGC), crystalized these political differences. The zenith of intra-community, politico-ideological conflict corresponded to the Juridical Congress’ declaration of independence of Cabo Verde--in reaction to what many viewed as a grab for power by the PAIGC. In short, at a key moment in Cabo Verdean history, diasporic citizens exercised critical agency in seeking to influence, and even shape, the volatile political landscape in their homeland. PubDate: Fri, 08 Jan 2021 14:35:50 PST
- The Cape Verde Jews: an Identity Puzzle
Authors: Marco Piazza Abstract: The American historian and epistemologist Hayden White said that «there can be no ‘proper history’ which is not at the same time ‘philosophy of history’» (1973, p. XI). But it could also be argued that one cannot make history of philosophy or history of ideas without working on historical data. The data on which I would like to draw attention in this contribution are seemingly reducible to a small thing: they refer to a micro-history that has left few traces, some tombs, surnames, oral memories, and a couple of toponyms. In these pages I will try to show how emblematic this micro-history is to the Cape Verdean identity, the ‘caboverdianidade’ (‘Cape Verdeanness’), and how it can be so concerning identity in general. This micro-history is that of the Jewish presence in Cape Verde, on which I will provide some historical data and interpretative perspectives. PubDate: Fri, 08 Jan 2021 14:35:44 PST
- Negotiating Afro-Jewish Identity in the Cabo Verdean Diaspora
Authors: Alma Gottlieb Abstract: In this paper, I explore how diasporic Cabo Verdean-Americans with Jewish ancestry (especially those living in the New England region of the U.S.) experience their racially and spiritually mixed (and doubly or even triply stigmatized) identity. Being African in (racist) North America presents enormous challenges. Being Jewish in (increasingly anti-Semitic) North America presents different but somewhat parallel challenges. To account for unexpected identity crossings, I combine critical race theory with a Geertzian approach to understanding social worlds. In chronicling the experiences of Cape Verdeans who embrace divergent components of their multi-layered racial and spiritual heritage, I consider whether Cabo Verdeans might present an unexpected “model for” a multicultural/multiracial/multi-faith America. PubDate: Fri, 08 Jan 2021 14:35:38 PST
- Editor’s Note
Authors: Joao J. Rosa PubDate: Fri, 08 Jan 2021 14:35:32 PST
- Journal of Cape Verdean Studies, Vol. 5 Special Edition On Migration
PubDate: Fri, 08 Jan 2021 14:35:26 PST
- Youth and Politics: Is there space for youth in Cabo-Verdean Politics'
Authors: Aleida Mendes Borges Abstract: All over Africa young people face serious economic, social and emotional challenges in their everyday lives as the generation hardest hit by the failures of neoliberalism (Honwana 2012). In the absence of political role models, this so-called ‘waithood generation’, has rejected traditionally understood notions of political participation associated with representative democracy and are taking the role of active citizens moving away from the ‘myopic obsession’ over voting and party systems.In Cabo Verde in particular, where politics are characterised by vertical relations of everyday political life and citizen-state interactions, this paper analyses young people as a window to understanding broader socio-political and economic transformations and explore the ways in which these processes of change shape and are being shaped by the young. It highlights how despite all the challenges they face, youth are actively participating in political, social and economic developments and, in the process, constructing their own identities. Thus, departing from orthodox approaches to democracy, this paper considers dissent as central to politics, (Rancière 2011) and questions the viability of the current state of democracy and governance globally. Africa being the ‘youngest continent in the world’ with a median population of around 20 years old (Mo Ibrahim Foundation 2012), what are the implications of these acts of social disobedience and dissent for representative democracy' PubDate: Wed, 10 Jul 2019 14:10:58 PDT
- Family History and Genealogy: The Benefits for the Listener, the
Storyteller and the Community Authors: Anna Lima Abstract: Thanks to the internet, discovering one’s ancestry is just a few clicks sway. Family histories and genealogies with intricate family trees filled with dates of birth, marriage dates, and death dates are meticulously documented for posterity. This process entails hours of research through census, immigration, baptism, and obituary records if you’re able to access them. There’s nothing greater for a genealogist to discover another generation of previously unknown ancestors and to tell the rest of your family. One would think that genealogy is a very new area of research since our ancestors obviously didn’t bother to pass this information on to us, right' This article will show that genealogy is a practice as old as civilization but the recent social structures have changed the way family histories and genealogy is passed from one generation to the other. It will also demonstrate how knowledge of one’s family history and genealogy plays a part in one’s identity and connection with one’s community. PubDate: Wed, 10 Jul 2019 14:10:48 PDT
- Where Blackness and Cape Verdeanness Intersect: Reflections on a
Monoracial and Multiethnic Reality in the United States Authors: Callie Watkins Liu Abstract: As a Black American and fourth generation Cape Verdean American growing up in the United States, I’ve found that race and ethnicity are frequently conflated in ways that obscure my social reality and identity or put two integrated parts of myself into opposition with each other. In examining my own ethno-racial experience, I use critical race studies and identity construction to disentangle the structural concepts of race and ethnicity and build a frame work for understanding my own integrated existence within the United States. My personal trajectory is situated within the current and historical sociostructural context of Diaspora, White Supremacy and Colonialism. This article builds upon existing literature on Cape Verdean, Immigrant and Diaspora studies and integrates it with critical scholarship on power, race, ethnicity and identity. This work advances our understanding of Cape Verdean experiences in the United States post-immigrant integration, develops a framework for future work on racialized and ethnic experiences in the US, while interrogating sociostructural power structures and their impacts. PubDate: Wed, 10 Jul 2019 14:10:38 PDT
- Cape Verdean Theatre: Enacting Political Theory and Reclaiming Roots for
Crioulo Performance Authors: Eunice S. Ferreira Abstract: Shining a spotlight on the Cape Verde Islands illuminates the rich diversity of theatre of the African diaspora and places its unique crioulo identity and creole identities in general, center stage. This article focuses on the post-independence theatre movement in Cape Verde where the re-Africanization theories of Amílcar Cabral (assassinated PAIGC leader in Cape Verde’s liberation struggle) shaped national identity and guided the pioneering work of theatre troupe Korda Kaoberdi (Wake up, Cape Verde). Under the dynamic leadership of Francisco Gomes Fragoso, a medical doctor who adopted the artistic name of Kwame Kondé, the troupe Korda Kaoberdi sought to create “a genuinely Cape Verdean and authentically African theatre.” Armed with the tenets of Cabral’s political theory, Fragoso reclaimed performance traditions that had been suppressed during Portuguese colonialism in order to train actors as combatants in cultural warfare. In doing so, Fragoso positioned the fledgling theatre artists of Korda Kaoberdi alongside the freedom fighters, asserting as Cabral did that culture is a weapon and sign of liberation. The author offers first-ever reconstructions of their historical productions based on archival research, Fragoso’s own writings, festival participant-observations, and personal interviews. PubDate: Wed, 10 Jul 2019 14:10:29 PDT
- Kriola Culture of Mobility: Towards a New Research Paradigm
Authors: Janine de Novais Abstract: Inspired by the display of ingenuity and resilience at the 2018 Poderoza Conference for Cabo Verdean women, this theoretical essay calls for research that takes up a Kriola culture of mobility (KCM). Neckerman, Carter and Lee (1999) define a minority culture of mobility as “a set of cultural elements that is associated with a minority group, and that provides strategies for managing economic mobility in the context of discrimination and group disadvantage.” After Neckerman and colleagues, I argue that KCM research can explore and clarify the intersectional and multicultural dynamics that attend the sociocultural mobility that Cabo Verdean women in the US achieve. Further, I suggest that the particularities of KCM have universal resonance for any democracy like the US, where an increasing number of younger people are people of color, who are multicultural and are raised in households headed by women. PubDate: Wed, 10 Jul 2019 14:10:20 PDT
- A Note from Guest Editor
Authors: Terza A. Silva Lima-Neves Abstract: Our time is now. It is the time to redefine our identities in our own voices, reflecting our stories, creating legacies that we are all proud of leaving behind for future generations.The valuable contributions made by Cabo Verdean women to their communities across the globe have been vast and diverse. However, if one does a search of the words or subject “Cabo Verdean women” or “Kriola”, the yielded results are of hypersexual, tightly dressed, and sensual beings. Similarly in music videos, social media and film, the Kriola is more often than not featured for her physical attributes and not for the content of her character and humanity. PubDate: Wed, 10 Jul 2019 14:10:12 PDT
- Cape Verdean Counter Cultural Hip-Hop(s) & the Mobilization of the Culture
of Radical Memory: Public Pedagogy for Liberation or Continued Colonial Enslavement Authors: Ricardo D. Rosa Abstract: The paper traces the possibilities and limitations of transnational Cape Verdean Hip-Hop’s mobilization of the culture of radical memory for the disruption of racialized transnational capitalism and neocolonialism. One of the most common reference points, both in the symbolic formations of popular culture and emerging scholarly texts is the focus on CV Hip-Hop’s embrace of the life and work of Amilcar Cabral. Undoubtedly, Cape Verdean Hip-Hop Culture(s) & Cape Verdean youth counter-culture(s), more broadly, continues to serve as the most vital space for the (re)mobilization and (re)invigoration of Cabral’s thought, yet, much more is unfolding in these spaces. The paper argues that we must maintain a broader analysis on the intersection of the art form and the culture of memory. It also argues that our analysis must perpetually name regressive forces even as progressive projects unfold so as not to re-inscribe negative relations of power. Although the paper is primarily conceptual/theoretical, the tools of ethnography (rather than a full blown ethnography) are intersected to centralize artistic voices and for purposes of reflexivity. Observations of CV Hip-Hop music videos take centrality as it allows one to comprehend emerging elements of hip-hop beyond rap lyrics. Transcripts of interviews with hip-hop heads are integrated throughout. PubDate: Fri, 18 May 2018 15:54:46 PDT
- Breaking Their Silence on Intimate Partner Violence: Discussions with Cape
Verdean Women Authors: Dawna M. Thomas Abstract: Family/intimate partner violence is a serious social problem, with women and children victimized at profoundly higher rates than adult males. Although the domestic violence community has worked tirelessly to develop programs to reach culturally diverse women, Cape Verdean women continue to be underserved and misunderstood. The Cape Verdean Women’s Project was a qualitative study with women who shared their experiences with intimate partner violence. A feminist theoretical framework offers a foundation for examining the Cape Verdean women’s experiences with intimate partner violence and for developing recommendations for working with the community to develop intervention and prevention strategies. This article presents research findings that include: Cape Verdean women’s perceptions of intimate partner violence, their strength and resilience, code of silence, and culture and violence. The article concludes with recommendations for social change. PubDate: Fri, 18 May 2018 15:54:40 PDT
- Representação e Comportamento Politico na Perspetiva do
Género em Cabo Verde Authors: Roselma Évora Abstract: O artigo apresenta um retrato da representação politica por sexo em Cabo Verde após a abertura politica feita em 1991. Ainda que a democracia tenha permitido trazer a participação das mulheres nas esferas de decisão do país, as evidências indicam uma profunda desigualdade de representação das mulheres no processo de decisão do arquipélago. Para compreendermos esse retrato tomamos em conta as dimensões institucionais e culturais, considerando tais dimensões determinantes para entendermos o desequilíbrio de representação daquele país. PubDate: Fri, 18 May 2018 15:54:34 PDT
- Reading in Cape Verde: Instructional Practices and Teacher Attitudes
Authors: David Almeida Abstract: Given that no extensive study on reading instruction and reading attitudes has been carried out country-wide in The Republic of Cabo Verde, (a ten island archipelago off the western coast of Africa), educational practitioners and policy makers in that nation are left with a dearth of accurate information when making decisions surrounding these constructs in the classroom, in the universities, or in the policy rooms of that nation. In a 2007 article, Commeyras & Inyega published research on reading instruction in Kenya and encouraged researchers to follow their example, i.e. to locate all pertinent literature and to conduct a review of the state of reading education in each of the African countries “for the benefit of all… who are working to promote and improve reading on the African continent.” (p.278). In order to collect information on reading instruction and reading attitudes in Cabo Verde (CV), the author distributed surveys to all 2972 primary level Cape Verdean teachers employed in Cabo Verde at the time of the study, visited the nine inhabited islands, and interviewed 116 Cape Verdean teachers teaching in primary schools on those islands. Results from these interviews and the 1071 returned surveys indicate that Grades 1-3 teachers in Cabo Verde most often use a bottom-up approach to reading instruction and teachers in Grades 4-6 most often use a top-down approach. Information gleaned from the surveys and the interviews show that most CV primary level teachers hold to a strict page-by-page use of the government provided textbook, with very limited use of children’s storybooks, folktales, children’s own authored stories, or narrative text longer than a few sentences or a paragraph. While varying by island and other demographics, few families have novels or story books at home and few teachers have them in their classrooms. A high percentage of respondents indicate that the reading of storybooks either in the classroom or for pleasure outside of school is not common across Cabo Verde. Variations in responses are discussed, and recommendations for future research are presented. PubDate: Fri, 18 May 2018 15:54:28 PDT
- Human Development, Economic Policy and Income Inequality in Cabo Verde
Authors: João Monteiro Abstract: By most accounts, Cabo Verde is making tremendous achievements economically, politically, and socially. Forty years after becoming independent, it finds itself consistently among the highest performers on human development scales anywhere in Africa. This paper is a reflection on Cabo Verde’s development and economic growth as it relates to questions of income and resource distribution. Specifically, it considers the challenge of inequality in the distribution of income and the possibility that present inequality trends may be related to economic policy-making over that last twenty-five years. It draws on government reports and United Nations and World Bank documents to capture the trajectory of inequality in this time period, and on recent ethnographic studies to substantiate its manifestations through different segments of the social system. PubDate: Fri, 18 May 2018 15:54:21 PDT
- Traversing Transdisciplinary Pathways: Suturing Knowledges in Search of
Elucidation Authors: João Rosa PubDate: Fri, 18 May 2018 15:54:16 PDT