Subjects -> GEOGRAPHY (Total: 493 journals)
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- Introduction: Elderly Care Services in China: Exploring an Integrated
Approach towards Active Ageing Abstract: Population ageing has emerged as a significant global challenge. The elderly care services in major developed countries are experiencing a shift from institutional care to home-based and community care again. Establishing a positive view of ageing and advancing integrated care services for the elderly to promote healthy ageing have become mainstream trends for countries in response to population ageing. All-inclusive or integrated care models have demonstrated remarkable potential on an international scale, including the integrated health and social care model in Sweden,1 the Vanguard “New Care Model” in England,2 the Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly in the United States3 and the Community-based ... Read More PubDate: 2024-06-06T00:00:00-05:00
- Purchasing Piety: Money and Filial Piety in Chinese Family Care for the
Elderly Abstract: Filial piety (xiaodao), a core value in Chinese society and culture, has long been pivotal in understanding China’s sociocultural structure and the daily lives of its citizens. The concept, often elusive to those primarily influenced by Western culture, necessitates immersion in Chinese society for a complete appreciation of its cultural significance. Tracing back to the Zhou dynasty, filial piety initially entailed ancestor reverence and family lineage continuation, representing clan-based morality. This concept evolved significantly during the Spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period under Confucianism (rujia). Confucian scholars expanded filial piety from clan ethics to family ethics, focusing on ... Read More PubDate: 2024-06-06T00:00:00-05:00
- The Impact of Family Embeddedness and Community Embeddedness on the
Effective Demand for Community- and Home-based Eldercare Services for the Urban Elderly: (Based on the Data of the 2018 China Longitudinal Aging Social Survey) Abstract: Population ageing is one of the most significant characteristics of global demographic change originating from the widespread advancement of modernisation. In the early 21st century, developed countries witnessed a notable increase in the median age of their populations. In the coming years, developing countries will also reach peak levels of ageing, thus rendering population ageing a global issue.1 The acceleration of the ageing phenomenon in developing countries, compounded by challenges in economic development, insufficient infrastructure and limited healthcare and social security capabilities, necessitates prompt action from these countries. Failure to act promptly may result in socio-economic repercussions ... Read More PubDate: 2024-06-06T00:00:00-05:00
- Institutionalisation Embedded in the Community: Path Construction of
Ageing in Place in Rural China Abstract: As China’s economy and society continue to evolve, the issue of population ageing has become increasingly prominent and ensuring the welfare of the elderly has emerged as a key social policy concern. How to effectively provide eldercare services in rural areas with significantly lagging infrastructure and limited public service capacity is one of the core challenges.1 According to China’s Seventh National Census Data, the proportion of the population aged 60 and above was 18.70 per cent and that aged 65 and above was 13.50 per cent in 2020; among them, the rural population aged 60 and above accounted for 23.81 per cent and those aged 65 and above 17.72 per cent, exceeding the urban population by 7.99 per cent and ... Read More PubDate: 2024-06-06T00:00:00-05:00
- Individual and Contextual Approaches to the Determinants of the
Abstract: Population health is not only a key cornerstone of social progress and economic development, but also an indispensable prerequisite for promoting the holistic development of individuals. In October 2016, the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council issued the outline of the “Healthy China 2030” Plan, expounding its development strategy. Subsequently, in June 2019, the National Health Commission devised a development strategy for Healthy China Action (2019– 2030), proposing to implement 15 major special actions to materialise the vision of Healthy China. Robust medical security is central to achieving Healthy China, as is evidenced by people’s health-seeking behaviour.Health-seeking behaviour ... Read More PubDate: 2024-06-06T00:00:00-05:00
- Can the Integration of Elderly Care and Medical Services in Community
Alleviate Illness-induced Poverty among Older Adults' Evidence from Panel Data in China Abstract: Illness-induced poverty remains a significant global concern plaguing numerous countries. In 2017, approximately 100 million individuals worldwide fell into poverty due to illness.1 Notably, in China, illness-induced poverty affects 44 per cent of the population and is hence a leading contributor to overall poverty rates.2 Illness-induced poverty has persistent adverse effects, as illness diminishes household incomes3 and leads to a significant increase in medical expenditures,4 thereby exacerbating financial instability and triggering poverty. Correspondingly, poverty further affects an individual’s health status, resulting in a vicious circle between illness and poverty.5 While many countries have implemented ... Read More PubDate: 2024-06-06T00:00:00-05:00
- Intergenerational Programmes for Integrated Care and Lifelong Education:
Potential Pathways and Practical Challenges in Mainland China Abstract: China is currently undergoing rapid demographic shifts characterised by a growing population of older adults and low fertility rate, leading to a shrinking workforce. As China adjusts its family planning policy to allow families to have two and three children, the demand for labour and other resources in the childcare and education industries is expected to increase. According to the World Health Organization, China is becoming an “aging society”, with older adults aged 65 and above accounting for between 15 and 20 per cent of the total population; by 2040, China is projected to transition to a “super-aged society”, with over 21 per cent of the total population aged 65 and above.1 Unhealthy longevity and issues of ... Read More PubDate: 2024-06-06T00:00:00-05:00
- The Manly “Sister Hua”: Gendered Communication by Chinese
Diplomats Abstract: Although contemporary international relations and foreign affairs are traditionally male-dominated fields in a global context, one of the most significant developments in the past decade has been women’s integration into influential senior diplomatic positions. Such a political trend leads to increased academic interest in gender, diplomacy and political communication, yielding insightful findings regarding the feminisation and masculinisation of both individual diplomats and institutions like foreign ministries in various contexts.1 With the repositioning of institutional norms and practices of foreign ministries, a series of potential gendered dimensions or agency norms emerges, influencing the foreign affairs ... Read More PubDate: 2024-06-06T00:00:00-05:00
- What Concerns Do Lower-ranking Officials Have about Religion in
Contemporary China' Findings from List Experiments Abstract: The Chinese Party-state’s efforts to regulate religious activities have garnered extensive attention. While a wealth of existing scholarship provides illuminating insights, it tends to focus on the design and implementation of religion regulations from an institutional standpoint.1 Scant attention however has been paid to the nuanced perceptions of lower-ranking officials towards religion in contemporary China. Although these officials assume modest formal positions within China’s political architecture, they wield substantial discretion in enforcing policies set by the higher authorities.2 Their selective implementation of policies and directives frequently exerts a direct and significant influence on the quality ... Read More PubDate: 2024-06-06T00:00:00-05:00
- The Survival Performance and Influencing Factors of Overseas Subsidiaries
of Chinese Multinational Enterprises: An Investigation Based on Social Network Analysis Abstract: Following the reform and opening up, the rate of Chinese outward foreign direct investment (FDI) has increased and Chinese multinational enterprises (MNEs) have gradually entered a high-speed development stage. By the end of 2017, the number of Chinese overseas subsidiaries had increased nearly eight times and the scope of overseas markets had expanded by nearly 40 per cent.1 China’s multinational corporations (MNCs) exhibit their distinct characteristics, such as rapid investment, in the process of expanding outward investment and they do not avoid investing in developed2 or developing countries3 that are considered to have significant cultural distance from China. Against this backdrop, the survival and ... Read More PubDate: 2024-06-06T00:00:00-05:00