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  Subjects -> METEOROLOGY (Total: 106 journals)
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Current Climate Change Reports
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  Hybrid Journal Hybrid journal (It can contain Open Access articles)
ISSN (Online) 2198-6061
Published by Springer-Verlag Homepage  [2468 journals]
  • More Climate Finance from More Countries'

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      Abstract: Purpose of Review This paper analyses the options to broaden the base of climate finance provided by countries in a mixed-methods review. It (1) reviews Non-Annex II countries’ commitments in international agreements, declarations, and agendas; (2) provides and applies a literature-based review of criteria to identify countries’ responsibilities and capabilities to provide finance; (3) reviews institutional affiliation; and (4) reviews countries’ willingness to provide finance through their contributions to 27 relevant multilateral funds. Recent Findings Scaling up climate finance has been a political and operational priority for the UN climate negotiations. However, the Annex II list of countries that commit to support developing countries financially with mitigation and adaptation has hardly changed since 1992. Given countries’ diverse emission pathways and economic development as well as geopolitical dynamics, Annex II is turning into a weakness of the UNFCCC in times when developing countries’ climate finance needs are increasing. Summary Our largely qualitative analysis indicates that Eastern European countries, Russia, South Korea, Türkiye, Monaco, and Gulf States (including Saudi Arabia) meet many justifications for further negotiations about the expansion of the climate finance provider base. However, we argue against a continued rigid dichotomy of providers and recipients. We recommend four innovations going forward, including establishing ‘net recipients’ as a third category; this 1) broadens the base; 2) increases climate finance; and 3) could increase effectiveness and cooperation. More research is needed on the role of countries’ vulnerability and debt levels in discussions on climate finance provision.
      PubDate: 2024-07-24
  • The Multi-Scalar Inequities of Climate Adaptation Finance: A Critical

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      Abstract: Purpose of Review Following a multi-scalar analytical approach, this critical literature review explores the factors that determine adaptation finance accessibility and allocation with particular attention to how the needs of climate-vulnerable communities are considered. Recent Findings Our review reveals that climate vulnerability is not a primary determinant in the accessibility and allocation of climate adaptation finance at inter-state, sub-national and local scales. Instead, factors such as institutional capacities and financial and political interests exert significant influence. This leads to maladaptation and multi-scalar inequities where climate finance favours relatively resilient groups across scales with less support for more vulnerable populations. Summary We argue that finance does not trickle down, but “ripples” within a climate finance arena – where we define the latter as a messy space of competition, negotiation and collaboration. To unlock equitable adaptation finance patterns, future research should focus on the multi-scalar configurations of adaptation finance beyond the international level and consider local and regional territorial and scalar politics.
      PubDate: 2024-05-23
      DOI: 10.1007/s40641-024-00195-7
  • Equity and Justice in Loss and Damage Finance: A Narrative Review of
           Catalysts and Obstacles

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      Abstract: Purpose of Review Recent focus on loss and damage within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) follows decades of demands by vulnerable countries for compensation for losses due to climate change. Reviewing recent literature on loss and damage finance, we consider how the new UNFCCC Loss and Damage Fund could be transformative for climate finance. Recent Findings This article reviews developments within the UNFCCC, including the creation of the new Loss and Damage Fund and changes in the broader field of climate finance. Recent literature indicates that the factors necessary for just loss and damage finance include inclusive governance, new and additional funds, purpose-made instruments and channels, direct access to funds, and burden sharing aligned with the polluter pays principle. Summary We overview the history of loss and damage finance, suggest five criteria that could make the Loss and Damage Fund just, and discuss four potential catalysts for just loss and damage finance: ecological and climatic impacts, institutional developments outside the UNFCCC, Global South leadership on debt justice, and legal developments. As the Loss and Damage Fund is operationalized and the need for loss and damage finance grows, scholars must continue to ask whether loss and damage finance furthers core tenets of climate justice, including forms of restitution.
      PubDate: 2024-05-20
      DOI: 10.1007/s40641-024-00196-6
  • Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence (SIF): Towards a Better
           Understanding of Vegetation Dynamics and Carbon Uptake in Arctic-Boreal

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      Abstract: Purpose of Review Terrestrial ecosystems in the Arctic-Boreal region play a crucial role in the global carbon cycle as a carbon sink. However, rapid warming in this region induces uncertainties regarding the future net carbon exchange between land and the atmosphere, highlighting the need for better monitoring of the carbon fluxes. Solar-Induced chlorophyll Fluorescence (SIF), a good proxy for vegetation CO \(^{2}\) uptake, has been broadly utilized to assess vegetation dynamics and carbon uptake at the global scale. However, the full potential and limitations of SIF in the Arctic-Boreal region have not been explored. Therefore, this review aims to provide a comprehensive summary of the latest insights into Arctic-Boreal carbon uptake through SIF analyses, underscoring the advances and challenges of SIF in solving emergent unknowns in this region. Additionally, this review proposes applications of SIF across scales in support of other observational and modeling platforms for better understanding Arctic-Boreal vegetation dynamics and carbon fluxes. Recent Findings Cross-scale SIF measurements complement each other, offering valuable perspectives on Arctic-Boreal ecosystems, such as vegetation phenology, carbon uptake, carbon-water coupling, and ecosystem responses to disturbances. By incorporating SIF into land surface modeling, the understanding of Arctic-Boreal changes and their climate drivers can be mechanistically enhanced, providing critical insights into the changes of Arctic-Boreal ecosystems under global warming. Summary While SIF measurements are more abundant and with finer spatiotemporal resolutions, it is important to note that the coverage of these measurements is still limited and uneven in the Arctic-Boreal region. To address this limitation and further advance our understanding of the Arctic-Boreal carbon cycle, this review advocates for fostering a SIF network providing long-term and continuous measurements across spatial scales. Simultaneously measuring SIF and other environmental variables in the context of a multi-modal sensing system can help us comprehensively characterize Arctic-Boreal ecosystems with spatial details in land surface models, ultimately contributing to more robust climate projections.
      PubDate: 2024-04-04
      DOI: 10.1007/s40641-024-00194-8
  • Hydrologic Extremes in a Changing Climate: a Review of Extremes in East

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      Abstract: Purpose Eastern Africa has a complex hydroclimate and socio-economic context, making it vulnerable to climate change-induced hydrological extremes. This review presents recent research on drivers and typologies of extremes across different geographies and highlights challenges and improvements in forecasting hydrological extremes at various timescales. Recent Findings Droughts and floods remain the major challenges of the region. Recently, frequent alterations between droughts and floods have been a common occurrence and concern. Research underlines the heterogeneity of extremes and the impact of climate change as increased intensity and duration of extremes. Moreover, the importance of local and antecedent conditions in changing the characteristics of extremes is emphasized. Summary A better understanding of these drivers and how they interact is required. Observational and modeling tools must capture these relationships and extremes on short timescales. Although there are improvements in forecasting these extremes, providing relevant information beyond meteorological variables requires further research.
      PubDate: 2024-01-18
      DOI: 10.1007/s40641-024-00193-9
  • Global Review of Modification, Optimization, and Improvement Models for
           Aquifer Vulnerability Assessment in the Era of Climate Change

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      Abstract: Purpose of Review This review aims to examine the methods used to date in assessing aquifer vulnerability over the last three decades (1993-2023). In addition to a comprehensive review of prior AVA research, the novelty of this study lies in its specific focus on these methods and their application to the widely used DRASTIC and GALDIT models. We particularly emphasize statistical analysis, multicriteria decision-making, optimization techniques, machine learning algorithms, and deep learning (DL) models. Recent findings The most widely used modification, optimization, and improvement-based methods for DRASTIC indices are the analytic hierarchy process, genetic algorithm, and fuzzy logic. In contrast, single-parameter sensitivity analysis, genetic algorithm, and support vector machine are commonly applied to modify, optimize, and improve GALDIT indices. Summary The results of this study are important especially in the era of global warming and climate change/variability when the need and demand for aquifers and groundwater resources is increasing.
      PubDate: 2023-12-01
      DOI: 10.1007/s40641-023-00192-2
  • Recent Advances and Challenges in Monitoring and Modeling Non-Growing
           Season Carbon Dioxide Fluxes from the Arctic Boreal Zone

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      Abstract: Purpose of Review While previously thought to be negligible, carbon emissions during the non-growing season (NGS) can be a substantial part of the annual carbon budget in the Arctic boreal zone (ABZ), which can shift the carbon balance of these ecosystems from a long-held annual carbon sink towards a net annual carbon source. The purpose of this review is to summarize NGS carbon dioxide (CO2) flux research in the ABZ that has been published within the past 5 years. Recent Findings We explore the processes and magnitudes of CO2 fluxes, and the status of modeling efforts, and evaluate future directions. With technological advances, direct measurements of NGS fluxes are increasing at sites across the ABZ over the past decade, showing ecosystems in the ABZ are a large source of CO2 in the shoulder seasons, with low, consistent, winter emissions. Summary Ecosystem carbon cycling models are being improved with some challenges, such as modeling below ground and snow processes, which are critical to understanding NGS CO2 fluxes. A lack of representative in situ carbon flux data and gridded environmental data are leading limiting factors preventing more accurate predictions of NGS carbon fluxes.
      PubDate: 2023-10-26
      DOI: 10.1007/s40641-023-00190-4
  • Time to Treat the Climate and Nature Crisis as One Indivisible Global
           Health Emergency

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      PubDate: 2023-09-01
      DOI: 10.1007/s40641-023-00191-3
  • Uncertainty and Climate Change Adaptation: a Systematic Review of Research
           Approaches and People’s Decision-Making

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      Abstract: Purpose of Review This review (1) describes the intersecting literature on climate change adaptation (CCA) and uncertainty (N= 562), and (2) synthesizes the findings of empirical studies about decision-maker uncertainty (n = 97). Recent Findings Uncertainty can be a barrier to adaptation, yet it is most often studied in relation to the scientific process, while uncertainties in people’s decision-making and their impact on CCA are less studied. Summary Despite the predominance of scientific uncertainties (52%), we see an upward-trend in studies of decision-making uncertainty (24%), and in combining natural and social sciences approaches (24%). Multiple sources of uncertainty influence CCA decisions besides climate trends, and their saliency and people’s responses vary depending on the role/function of the decision-maker and the timeframe of the decision. Concerns involve situational uncertainties, response options, and their consequences. Decision-makers are more likely to incorporate uncertainties in their adaptation decisions than suppress them or delay action, although the response is sensitive to the type of information sought and timeframes.
      PubDate: 2023-02-17
      DOI: 10.1007/s40641-023-00189-x
  • The Promise of Private-Sphere Pro-environmental Behavior as Climate Action

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      Abstract: Purposeof Review This piece situates research on pro-environmental behavior within broader discussions about climate policy and action. I discuss factors associated with the adoption of pro-environmental behavior, as well as methodological limitations that should be addressed in future work. Recent Findings Individual behavior drives a large proportion of total emissions, and lifestyle characteristics account for significant variability in individual carbon footprints. Yet behavior is difficult to change, and critics warn that “individualizing” climate action may be counterproductive. On average, interventions promoting pro-environmental behavior have produced small effects, though some promising approaches have emerged. Values matter, but strategies that modify social, informational, and structural conditions result in more impact. Summary There is much that can be gained from a better understanding of the factors that drive environmentally significant behavior. To increase relevance, researchers should carefully consider the strengths and limitations of measures and pursue behavior-specific inquiries to complement generalized approaches.
      PubDate: 2022-11-07
      DOI: 10.1007/s40641-022-00188-4
  • Assessing Methane Emissions From the Natural Gas Industry: Reviewing the
           Case of China in a Comparative Framework

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      Abstract: Purpose of Review The aim of this paper is to explore methane emissions from China’s fossil fuel industry compared with the USA and Canada, with a focus on the methane emission mechanisms, calculation methods, mitigation potential, and abatement technologies. Recent Findings This paper explores the methane emissions from China’s natural gas industry from a comparative perspective. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) methane emissions from the natural gas production phase are the largest in the whole natural gas supply chain. (2) When it comes to measurement and estimation methods, methane emissions in the gas industry in the USA and Canada typically achieve a Tier 3 level, while China tends to be at the Tier 1 and Tier 2 levels. (3) There is large mitigation potential for methane emissions from the natural gas industry. More effective waste reduction technologies like green well completion should be implemented in the production phase, especially in China. At the same time, more attention should be drawn to the need for leakage detection technologies of pipelines in all countries compared here. Summary As a large methane-emitting country, China lags behind the USA and Canada in methane emission reduction. Therefore, Chinese scientists, policy makers, and entrepreneurs should pay attention to methane emissions. Stakeholders should enhance mitigation measures and leakage detection technologies in order to achieve climate targets.
      PubDate: 2022-10-18
      DOI: 10.1007/s40641-022-00187-5
  • Accelerating Pathways to Net Zero: Governance Strategies from Transition
           Studies and the Transition Accelerator

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      Abstract: Purpose After decades of delay, there are promising signs that society may finally be getting serious about climate change. But the problem is now of such urgency that accelerating transition pathways to net zero is of paramount importance. Which governance approach gives society the best chance of simultaneously realizing the multiple sectoral and industrial transformations that net zero entails' How can policymakers and broader societal actors accelerate these transformative processes, setting in motion transition pathways to desirable futures' In response to these interrelated questions, we survey the literature on sustainability transitions and present an approach that aims directly at radical system change. Recent Findings Two decades of transition research has generated critical insights on accelerating transition pathways to net zero, highlighting key transformative strategies and pointing to the central role of the state, politics, and intermediaries. Summary Transition research indicates that reaching net zero entails radically transforming essentially all sectors and industries as they are deeply entwined with the use of fossil fuels and the release of greenhouse gas emissions. An ambitious state in conjunction with a strong constellation of intermediary organizations can set in motion and accelerate transition pathways by actively driving niche development surrounding promising innovations, promoting the diffusion of emerging alternatives, and phasing out carbon-intensive arrangements.
      PubDate: 2022-08-20
      DOI: 10.1007/s40641-022-00185-7
  • Beyond Climate Isolationism: a Necessary Shift for Climate Justice

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      Abstract: Purpose of Review This review explores how more transformative climate policies are emerging arguing that such policies require decision-makers to move beyond the dominant, narrow technocratic lens that I call climate isolationism. Recent Findings Climate isolationism refers to the common framing of climate change as an isolated, discrete, scientific problem in need of technological solutions. Stemming from dominant assumptions of patriarchal white-male conceptions of privilege and power, climate isolationism has not only been ineffective in responding to the climate crisis and mobilizing transformative change but it has also resulted in climate and energy programs, policies, and priorities that exacerbate inequities and perpetuate economic and racial injustice. Summary This paper reviews the inadequacy and dangers of climate isolationism, explores why climate justice provides an alternative more effective framing, and calls for more intentional consideration of power and power dynamics in climate decision-making to shift from climate isolationism to climate justice.
      PubDate: 2022-08-18
      DOI: 10.1007/s40641-022-00186-6
  • The Role of Remaining Carbon Budgets and Net-Zero CO2 Targets in Climate
           Mitigation Policy

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      Abstract: Purpose of Review Here, we review recent estimates of the remaining carbon budget, with a focus on characterizing key uncertainties and assessing the implications for net-zero CO2 targets and climate policy. Recent Findings Recent analyses offer a range estimates of remaining allowable CO2 emissions for the 1.5 °C and well-below 2 °C climate targets, though the treatment and coverage of key sources of uncertainty vary considerably among studies. We recommend that net-zero CO2 targets be set with explicit recognition of the uncertainty associated with carbon budget estimates and be updated regularly as this uncertainty is better constrained. Allocating the remaining carbon budget among countries or other entities, as well as monitoring progress at the subnational level, represents additional key challenges in applying a carbon budget framework to climate policy. Summary Despite these challenges, recent advances in quantifying carbon budget uncertainty demonstrate that the concept is well-suited to inform climate policy and to evaluate whether net-zero CO2 targets are consistent with the goals of the Paris Agreement.
      PubDate: 2022-08-17
      DOI: 10.1007/s40641-022-00184-8
  • The Potential of Peatlands as Nature-Based Climate Solutions

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      Abstract: Purpose of Review Despite covering only 3% of the land surface, peatlands represent the largest terrestrial organic carbon stock on the planet and continue to act as a carbon sink. Managing ecosystems to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and protect carbon stocks provide nature-based climate solutions that can play an important role in emission reduction strategies, particularly over the next decade. This review provides an overview of peatland management pathways that can contribute to natural climate solutions and compiles regional and global estimates for the size of potential GHG emission reductions. Recent Findings Degraded peatlands may account for 5% of current anthropogenic GHG emissions and therefore reducing emissions through rewetting and restoration offer substantial emission reductions. However, as a majority of peatland remains intact, particularly in boreal and subarctic regions, protection from future development is also an important peatland management pathway. Literature compilation indicates a global potential for peatland nature–based climate solutions of 1.1 to 2.6 Gt CO2e year−1 in 2030. Summary Peatland management can play an important role in GHG emission reductions while also providing many additional co-benefits such as biodiversity protection, reduced land subsidence, and fire-severity mitigation. Yet, climate warming will hinder the ability of peatland ecosystems to continue to act as carbon sinks indicating the importance of reducing future warming through rapid decarbonization of the economy to protect these globally significant carbon stocks.
      PubDate: 2022-06-13
      DOI: 10.1007/s40641-022-00183-9
  • Feasibility and Effectiveness Assessment of Multi-Sectoral Climate Change
           Adaptation for Food Security and Nutrition

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      Abstract: Purpose of Review This review aims to identify the evidence for the assessment of the effectiveness and feasibility of multi-sectoral climate adaptation for food security and malnutrition. This review and the assessments of the evidence inform the contents and confidence statements in section “multi-sectoral adaptation for malnutrition” and in the Executive Summary of the IPCC AR6 WGII Chapter 7: Health Wellbeing and Changing Community Structure. Recent Findings A review of adaptation for food security and nutrition FSN in West Africa concluded that food security and nutrition and climate adaptation are not independent goals, but often go under different sectors. Summary Most of the adaptation categories identified here are highly effective in reducing climate risks to food security and malnutrition, and the implementation is moderately or highly feasible. Categories include improved access to (1) sustainable, affordable, and healthy diets from climate-resilient, nutrition-sensitive agroecological food systems; (ii) health care (including child, maternal, and reproductive), nutrition services, water and sanitation; (iii) anticipatory actions, adoption of the IPC classification, EW-EA systems; and (iv) nutrition-sensitive adaptive social protection. Risk reduction, such as weather-related insurance, and risk management are moderately effective and feasible due to economic and institutional barriers. Women and girls’ empowerment, enhanced education, rights-based approaches, and peace building are highly relevant enablers for implementation of the adaptation options.
      PubDate: 2022-06-01
      DOI: 10.1007/s40641-022-00181-x
  • Can Science-Based Targets Make the Private Sector Paris-Aligned' A Review
           of the Emerging Evidence

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      Abstract: Purpose of Review Companies increasingly set science-based targets (SBTs) for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. We review literature on SBTs to understand their potential for aligning corporate emissions with the temperature goal of the Paris Agreement. Recent Findings SBT adoption by larger, more visible companies in high-income countries has accelerated. These companies tend to have a good prior reputation for managing climate impacts and most appear on track for meeting their scope 1 and 2 SBTs. More research is needed to distinguish between substantive and symbolic target-setting and understand how companies plan to achieve established SBTs. There is no consensus on whether current target-setting methods appropriately allocate emissions to individual companies or how much freedom companies should have in setting SBTs. Current emission accounting practices, target-setting methods, SBT governance, and insufficient transparency may allow companies to report some emission reductions that are not real and may result in insufficient collective emission reductions. Lower rates of SBT diffusion in low- and middle-income countries, in certain emission-intensive sectors, and by small- and medium-sized enterprises pose potential barriers for mainstreaming SBTs. While voluntary SBTs cannot substitute for more ambitious climate policy, it is unclear whether they delay or encourage policy needed for Paris alignment. Summary We find evidence that SBT adoption corresponds to increased climate action. However, there is a need for further research from a diversity of approaches to better understand how SBTs may facilitate or hinder a just transition to low-carbon societies.
      PubDate: 2022-04-27
      DOI: 10.1007/s40641-022-00182-w
  • Precipitation Extremes and Water Vapor

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      Abstract: Purpose of Review: Review our current understanding of how precipitation is related to its thermodynamic environment, i.e., the water vapor and temperature in the surroundings, and implications for changes in extremes in a warmer climate. Recent Findings: Multiple research threads have i) sought empirical relationships that govern onset of strong convective precipitation, or that might identify how precipitation extremes scale with changes in temperature; ii) examined how such extremes change with water vapor in global and regional climate models under warming scenarios; iii) identified fundamental processes that set the characteristic shapes of precipitation distributions. Summary: While water vapor increases tend to be governed by the Clausius-Clapeyron relationship to temperature, precipitation extreme changes are more complex and can increase more rapidly, particularly in the tropics. Progress may be aided by bringing separate research threads together and by casting theory in terms of a full explanation of the precipitation probability distribution.
      PubDate: 2022-02-05
      DOI: 10.1007/s40641-021-00177-z
  • Climate Sensitivity and Ecoclimate Sensitivity: Theory, Usage, and Past
           Implications for the Future Biospheric Responses

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      Abstract: Abstract Two usages of ‘climate sensitivity’ co-exist: one climatological and one ecological. The earlier climatological usage quantifies the sensitivity of global mean surface temperature to atmospheric CO2, with formal variants differing by timescale and processes. The ecological usage, renamed here as ecoclimate sensitivity, is defined as a change in an ecological response variable per unit climate change. The two concepts are treated very differently: climatologists have focused on reducing uncertainty of global climate sensitivity estimates, while ecologists have focused on the multivariate processes governing variations in ecoclimate sensitivity across drivers, response variables, and scales. Because radiative forcing scales logarithmically to [CO2]atm, ecological impacts per ppm [CO2]atm often also scale logarithmically, although non-linear ecoclimate sensitivities can alter this expectation. Critically, past estimates of climate and ecoclimate sensitivity carry an implicit tradeoff, in which smaller estimates of climate sensitivity indicate higher ecoclimate sensitivities. For the LGM, estimates of equilibrium climate sensitivity have narrowed to 2.4 to 4.5 °C, while high ecoclimate sensitivity is indicated by post-glacial biome conversions, continental-scale species range shifts, and high community turnover. We introduce a new term, ecocarbon sensitivity, defined as the product of global climate sensitivity, local ecoclimate sensitivity, and a global-to-local climate scaling factor. Given past biospheric transformations, we can expect high sensitivity of the terrestrial biosphere to current rises in [CO2]atm, a conclusion that is insensitive to estimates of climate sensitivity. The next frontier is better quantification of the processes governing the form and variations of ecoclimate and ecocarbon sensitivity across systems and scales.
      PubDate: 2022-01-24
      DOI: 10.1007/s40641-022-00179-5
  • Land Use Effects on Climate: Current State, Recent Progress, and Emerging

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      Abstract: Purpose of Review As demand for food and fiber, but also for negative emissions, brings most of the Earth’s land surface under management, we aim to consolidate the scientific progress of recent years on the climatic effects of global land use change, including land management, and related land cover changes (LULCC). Recent Findings We review the methodological advances in both modeling and observations to capture biogeochemical and biogeophysical LULCC effects and summarize the knowledge on underlying mechanisms and on the strength of their effects. Recent studies have raised or resolved several important questions related to LULCC: How can we derive CO2 fluxes related to LULCC from satellites' Why are uncertainties in LULCC-related GHG fluxes so large' How can we explain that estimates of afforestation/reforestation potentials diverge by an order of magnitude' Can we reconcile the seemingly contradicting results of models and observations concerning the cooling effect of high-latitude deforestation' Summary Major progress has been achieved in understanding the complementarity of modeling, observations, and inventories for estimating the impacts of various LULCC practices on carbon, energy, and water fluxes. Emerging fields are the operationalization of the recently achieved integration of approaches, such as a full greenhouse gas balance of LULCC, mapping of emissions from global models to country-reported emissions data, or model evaluation against local biogeophysical observations. Fundamental challenges remain, however, e.g., in separating anthropogenic from natural land use dynamics and accurately quantifying the first. Recent progress has laid the foundation for future research to integrate the local to global scales at which the various effects act, to create co-benefits between global mitigation, including land-based carbon dioxide removal, and changes in local climate for effective adaptation strategies.
      PubDate: 2021-12-27
      DOI: 10.1007/s40641-021-00178-y
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