Subjects -> SOCIAL SCIENCES (Total: 1648 journals)
    - BIRTH CONTROL (22 journals)
    - CHILDREN AND YOUTH (262 journals)
    - FOLKLORE (30 journals)
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    - MEN'S INTERESTS (16 journals)
    - MEN'S STUDIES (90 journals)
    - SEXUALITY (56 journals)
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Technology transfer: innovative solutions in Social Sciences and Humanities
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ISSN (Print) 2613-5639 - ISSN (Online) 2613-5647
Published by Scientific Route OÜ Homepage  [8 journals]
  • An assessment of the governance efficiency of agricultural farms

    • Authors: Hrabrin Bachev
      Abstract: Despite the fundamental progression of the theory of economic organizations, Farm continues to be studied as a "production function" and its efficiency is assessed with "factors productivity". The report incorporates the New Institutional Economics and adequately defines and assesses the economic efficiency of Bulgarian farms. If inputs supply and marketing transactions of a farm are governed effectively (equal or fewer costs compared to another farm/organization), it is considered to be efficient, and vice versa. First in kind quantitative evaluation of governance efficiency of Bulgarian farms is made on the basis of assessments of managers of typical farms. "Nature of the problems in effective organization for major type farm transactions for securing needed factors of production and output realization" is used as an indicator for the comparative transaction costs. The study has found that the governance efficiency of farms is at a Good level but 60 % of all farms are with a Low efficiency and will likely cease to exist in near future. Major factors for inferior governance efficiency of farms are unsatisfactory efficiency in Supply of Necessary Labour, Innovations and Know-how, and Funding. There is a huge variation in governance efficiency of farms with different specializations as holdings in Field crops, Vegetables, Flowers and Mushrooms, and Mix livestock demonstrate the lowest levels. There is a big discrepancy between the new assessment and the dominating traditional approach to farm efficiency. The suggested framework has to be improved and widely applied in economic analysis at various levels, which require the collection of a novel type of micro-data on farms governance and transaction costs
      PubDate: Wed, 30 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +030
  • Influence of the style of attachment of the diad "grandma-mom of a child
           with ICP" on the quality of rehabilitation of a child with ICP

    • Authors: Svitlana Grygorieva
      Abstract: The problem field that fell into the sphere of our interest is the model of transgenerational conflict. During the anamnestic survey, during consultations, the relationship of a woman, raising a child with cerebral palsy, with her own mother was often in the spotlight. Studying more than 100 families, raising a child with cerebral palsy, we set ourselves the task of clarifying the style of attachment in the dyad "grandmother – mother of a child with cerebral palsy". High rates of anxious attachment were revealed and in 64 % there was no separation from mothers with the preservation and protest of dependence. Intragroup correlations of meaningful aspects of events at different life stages in women with secure and insecure attachment showed significant relationships. With secure attachment, the mother played with dolls with the girl, she had fewer nightmares, she was less sick, and after the birth of her child she did not have postpartum depression. Correlation links confirmed the importance of playing with dolls on a long life path that a woman went through. In insecure attachment, mothers stayed away from playing with dolls, only bought them, but did not play, and this correlated with frequent nightmares and frequent illnesses with complications and, later, with prolonged postpartum depression in their own motherhood and dissatisfaction with the attitude of other people towards themselves and a child. Style affection is passed down from generation to generation in 75 %. In children with cerebral palsy, deficient physiological disorders are primarily observed, and inappropriate attachment patterns can lead to secondary developmental disorders.
      PubDate: Wed, 30 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +030
  • Internet television in Bangladesh: past and present

    • Authors: Abdul Kabil Khan; Anna Shnaider
      Abstract: The development of digital technologies has radically changed the direction of the development of modern media. Professional producers of information – newspapers, radio broadcasting, and television – entered the Internet no more than fifteen years ago. The Internet is used by almost all types of media in the world as an additional channel for the transmission and distribution of content. Many media experts see a great future in the Internet media market. In Bangladesh, home to 160 million people, Internet media are already popular and growing rapidly. Internet TV began to function at the beginning of the 21st century. It was created specifically for broadcasting on the network, which requires a high level of technical equipment from both the producer and the content provider and the consumer. Therefore, chronologically, television was the last type of media that entered the Internet. In this report, we analyze the basic features of Internet Television that exists in contemporary Bangladesh and provide an account of the development trends. We analyzed Internet Television broadcasters in Bangladesh, like “ATN Music”, “Popcorn Live”. This study is based on both primary and secondary sources of qualitative data to understand the ability of Internet TV to provide news, qualitive information, together with the challenges and opportunities of it to work in the ever-changing media landscape.
      PubDate: Wed, 30 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +030
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JournalTOCs © 2009-
  Subjects -> SOCIAL SCIENCES (Total: 1648 journals)
    - BIRTH CONTROL (22 journals)
    - CHILDREN AND YOUTH (262 journals)
    - FOLKLORE (30 journals)
    - MATRIMONY (16 journals)
    - MEN'S INTERESTS (16 journals)
    - MEN'S STUDIES (90 journals)
    - SEXUALITY (56 journals)
    - SOCIAL SCIENCES (937 journals)
    - WOMEN'S INTERESTS (44 journals)
    - WOMEN'S STUDIES (175 journals)

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