Subjects -> SOCIAL SCIENCES (Total: 1648 journals)
    - BIRTH CONTROL (22 journals)
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    - MEN'S INTERESTS (16 journals)
    - MEN'S STUDIES (90 journals)
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    - SOCIAL SCIENCES (937 journals)
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SOCIAL SCIENCES (937 journals)

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Social Inquiry : Journal of Social Science Research
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  This is an Open Access Journal Open Access journal
ISSN (Print) 2705-4853 - ISSN (Online) 2705-4861
Published by Nepal Journals Online Homepage  [155 journals]
  • Politicization Everywhere - Trigger of Our Country's Depression

    • Authors: Shree Prasad Devkota
      Pages: 1 - 7
      Abstract: Not available.
      PubDate: 2023-12-31
      DOI: 10.3126/sijssr.v5i1.65405
      Issue No: Vol. 5, No. 1 (2023)
  • Living and Learning With Integrity: A Pushing and Pulling Ground for

    • Authors: Rupa Munakarmi
      Pages: 8 - 28
      Abstract: Teacher integrity is crucial for maintaining their own sense of ethical identity, professionalism, developing institutional culture of learning and sustainable development of schools. However, there are several elements related to socio-cultural norms, values and practices that support or resist the effective adoption of integrity at schools and in day to day life. This study explores how teachers’ professional integrity is shaped and practised at schools. Following the qualitative study design, I employed mostly literature review substantiated by in-depth interviews with six teachers from two schools in Kavre district. The findings reveal that school culture determines integrity of teachers. School environment, prescribed rights and duties of teachers and headteacher’s leadership shape the integrity of teachers. The social settings and its ingredients are pushing and pulling grounds that teachers address duly for effective implementation of integrity at schools. Since integrity is a social phenomenon deeply rooted in socio-cultural practices, the state needs to come up with more sensitive and inclusive code of conduct for responsive behaviours and better results that are contextually developed through the continuous participation of the concerned stakeholders of the schools.
      PubDate: 2023-12-31
      DOI: 10.3126/sijssr.v5i1.65406
      Issue No: Vol. 5, No. 1 (2023)
  • Need for Newer Perspectives on Violence: A Subaltern View

    • Authors: Avaniendra Chakravartty
      Pages: 29 - 55
      Abstract: This article explains the intricate relationship between violence and health, aiming to transcend the conventional and restricted perspectives through which violence is typically perceived and conceptualized. The limitation regarding the conceptualisation of violence, by researchers, when the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis is taken into consideration, leads us to think that those researching violence and health are limited to the WHO definition and conceptualisation of violence due to various historical processes of knowledge production and flows, which leads to a ‘violence of closure’. I follow a reflexive approach and identify several types of violence from which I focus on cognitive violence, epistemic violence, ontological violence, and neoliberal violence. Understanding of violence needs to acknowledge that multiple forms of violence overlap entangle and intersect in a rhizomatic manner. Only sticking to the WHO definition of violence leads to a condition that creates a condition of ‘violence of closure’ that neglects various systemic and structural processes through which violence is experienced at the individual micro-level.
      PubDate: 2023-12-31
      DOI: 10.3126/sijssr.v5i1.65408
      Issue No: Vol. 5, No. 1 (2023)
  • Youth in Local Level Planning Processes: Review of Local Impressions

    • Authors: Uddhab Pyakurel
      Pages: 56 - 72
      Abstract: Federalisation is one of the leading political setups for the participatory involvement of all citizens in and accountability for governance; it generally offers numerous opportunities to engage in planning, policy-making, decision-making, and implementation in development initiatives and social movements. On the one hand, Nepal has a youth population, and youths are considered both products and producers of the settings in which they engage. These reciprocal processes provide a basis for self-development and others in the community. On the other hand, not much effort has been put into enhancing the youth’s capacity for meaningful participation in the development process, especially in the new federal setup. Given the background, this paper presents a critical reflection of planners and decision-makers on policies and programmes related to youth, economic empowerment of young women and youth participation in the planning process at state and local levels. Data were collected from five local governments focusing on all planning levels, from Tole consultation to Ward Assembly to Rural Municipality/Municipality to State and Federal levels. Primary data were collected at the grassroots level, where the perspective of youths, especially those from marginalised groups, about their involvement in planning processes, was captured through eight focused group discussions. Also, eight key informants, at least two elected representatives, were interviewed from the same study area.
      PubDate: 2023-12-31
      DOI: 10.3126/sijssr.v5i1.65410
      Issue No: Vol. 5, No. 1 (2023)
  • Effectiveness of the Implementation of Fiscal Federalism at the Local

    • Authors: Bhagawan Khanal
      Pages: 73 - 90
      Abstract: This study was carried out in the initial stage of the implementation of federalism which has adopted fiscal federalism. The current public   finance management system adheres to intergovernmental fiscal transfer. During the study, civil servant adjustment by the federal government was ongoing. This study examines effectiveness of the implementation of fiscal federalism at the local level. It further analyses local level’s own source revenue. Following the Constitution of Nepal (2015), Local Government Operations Act (2017) defined Metropolitan, Sub-Metropolitan, Municipality, and Rural Municipality as Local Levels as well as Local Governments. The qualitative method was adopted to accomplish the study for fulfilling the effectiveness of implementation of fiscal federalism. Available literature and data were analysed and interpreted with relevant themes. Besides, some quantitative data have been presented for analysing the own source revenue of the local levels. The study found it interesting that not only the federal, and province governments transfer the budget to the local government, but the local governments also collect and share the budget for province governments. It seems top down transfer and bottom up sharing. Besides some confusion, conflict, and mismanagement, the effectiveness of implementation of the fiscal federalism seems positive because local governments are the nearest and dearest for people. Moreover, the own source revenue collection practice and tendency show that it will increase in future.
      PubDate: 2023-12-31
      DOI: 10.3126/sijssr.v5i1.65412
      Issue No: Vol. 5, No. 1 (2023)
  • Students' Enrollment Decision in Technical Education in Community
           Schools Modality

    • Authors: Arjun Prasad Tiwari
      Pages: 91 - 105
      Abstract: Enrollment of the students or the participants in any institution or training can directly determine the prosperity of the schools and the institutions. Institutions are working hard primarily for their survival and gradually for their stability and long-run businesses for the future. The education and training existing in urban areas and it is in rural areas differ in many respects. Technical Education in urban areas and it is in rural as well as remote rural has diversified thoughts in terms of enrollment issues of the students. It is urgent to know the interests of the students and participants, as well as why and how they are attracted to go for technical education or the general stream in the community. It is realized that there are relatively not only fewer students but also a smaller proportion of students in the enrollment. It seems like there are various areas that the current government should focus on for the sake of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) development regarding the enrollment issues in the Technical Education in Community Schools (TECS) modality program. The number of TECS modalities accredited is increasing trend in the country, but it is not realized as it should be by enrolling a higher number of students each year in multiple folds. Or the students are becoming self-driven, having their core interest to enroll for the course. The issues are very closely studied by going through the secondary data in education, papers, magazines, journal articles, books and many similar other resources through the internet and the informal pool.
      PubDate: 2023-12-31
      DOI: 10.3126/sijssr.v5i1.65413
      Issue No: Vol. 5, No. 1 (2023)
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JournalTOCs © 2009-
  Subjects -> SOCIAL SCIENCES (Total: 1648 journals)
    - BIRTH CONTROL (22 journals)
    - CHILDREN AND YOUTH (262 journals)
    - FOLKLORE (30 journals)
    - MATRIMONY (16 journals)
    - MEN'S INTERESTS (16 journals)
    - MEN'S STUDIES (90 journals)
    - SEXUALITY (56 journals)
    - SOCIAL SCIENCES (937 journals)
    - WOMEN'S INTERESTS (44 journals)
    - WOMEN'S STUDIES (175 journals)

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