Open Access journal ISSN (Print) 2614-7424 - ISSN (Online) 2614-8927 This journal is no longer being updated because: the publisher no longer provides RSS feeds
Authors:vit neru satrah, Rahayu M, halim halim, Azhar Ansi, Samsul Alam Fyka, Muhammad Botek, Muhammad Syahrul, Sangkurian Sangkurian, Elfiana Seti Pages: 1190 - 1197 Abstract: Pertanian berkelanjutan merupakan upaya menghasilkan produk pertanian yang aman dalam segi kuantitas, kualitas dan kontiniutas. Pupuk organik cair dan pestisida nabati yang dapat dibuat dari vegetasi sekunder yang ada di Kecamatan Poasia sebagai penerapan pertanian berkelanjutan. Tujuan program pengabdian kepada masyarakat terintegrasi KKN-Tematik adalah meningkatkan partisipasi masyarakat menggunakan pupuk organik dan pestisida nabati yang berbahan dasar vegetasi sekunder. Kegiatan terdiri dari tiga tahapan yaitu survei lokasi, identifikasi masalah dan pelatihan. Petani antusias dan mampu membuat pupuk organik cair dan pestisida nabati dari bahan dasar vegetasi sekunder. Aplikasi pupuk organik cair dan pestisida nabati dapat mengurangi ketergatungan terhadap pupuk anorganik dan pestisida kimia sintetis. PubDate: 2023-10-26 DOI: 10.31849/dinamisia.v7i5.11558 Issue No:Vol. 7, No. 5 (2023)
Authors:Lesi Hertati, Asmawati Asharie, Lili Syafitri Pages: 1198 - 1208 Abstract: This service examines the role of students in Merdeka Learning Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) activities in order to create creativity, innovation, superior information technology in creating competitive advantage and new learning patterns in exchange of campus learning with a new atmosphere. The government's policy of creating MBKM encourages students to develop themselves, new ideas, a new atmosphere can form a new academic atmosphere as well as knowledge and skills that can motivate students to learn and share knowledge to enrich knowledge and creative ideas. This dedication activity was taken from 300 students who were active in the Indo Global Mandiri University accounting study program. The results of community service activities show that students who take part in the MBKM program can provide considerable benefits such as competence, comprehension, innovation challenges, soft skills and hard skills, skills using competent hardware and software. Students are expected to be able to create new ideas in broader socialization of MBKM such as apprenticeships at companies and exchange of learning between campuses that already have an MOU PubDate: 2023-09-04 DOI: 10.31849/dinamisia.v7i5.12609 Issue No:Vol. 7, No. 5 (2023)
Authors:Aldi Budi Riyanta, Inur Tivani, Heru Nurcahyo Pages: 1209 - 1216 Abstract: Law No. 18 of 2008 was enacted by the Government in the context of waste management. One of the waste in question is organic waste such as orange peel. In order to realize the activities of the tri darma and environmental-based “adiwiyat”a schools at SMA N 1 Larangan, community service activities related to the manufacture of eco-enzymes were held. This community service activity aims to increase knowledge about the processing of organic waste from orange peel into eco-enzymes in the form of training on making eco-enzymes to improve eco-enzyme-based waste treatment skills. The method of activities carried out includes preparation in the form of activities in the laboratory of DIII pharmacy Politeknik Harapan Bersama, implementation in the form of providing education and training to students and evaluation in the form of pre-tests and post tests to measure the increase in student knowledge. The results of this community service activity have been adjusted to the purpose of this service, namely to increase students' knowledge and skills by 58.6% based on a questionnaire survey shortly before and after the training activity for making eco-enzymes and processed products. PubDate: 2023-09-04 DOI: 10.31849/dinamisia.v7i5.13044 Issue No:Vol. 7, No. 5 (2023)
Authors:La Ode Nashar Nashar, Novianita Achmad Novianita, Nisky Imansyah Yahya Nisky Pages: 1217 - 1224 Abstract: Geographically Tihu village is located on the coast where the majority of its residents work as fishermen. Skipjack tuna is a type of fish that is abundant in Tihu village. The habit of fishermen distributing their catch to consumers causes the economic value of sales to be less than optimal. Processing skipjack tuna into shredded fish and nuggets will support the increased income of the society of Tihu village. This society service provides training to the Tihu village society to make floss, nuggets and coconut cookies according to BPOM standards as well as packaging and online marketing method. This training was carried out so that the Tihu village society could optimize their natural resources to increase their income. PubDate: 2023-09-04 DOI: 10.31849/dinamisia.v7i5.13290 Issue No:Vol. 7, No. 5 (2023)
Authors:Hery Medianto Kurniawan, Ellyta Ellyta, Donna Youlla Pages: 1225 - 1231 Abstract: Biofortification technology is an intervention activity that has an effort to increase the concentration of micronutrients in food. The adoption of farmers is very good, indicated by the increasing biofortified farming activities in Kuala Dua Village. Thisincrease can be seen from the achievement of the cropping index from 200 to 300 and production from 4 tonnes per hectare to an average of between 6 -tonnes per hectare. It also can be concluded that the farmer’s adoption is very good, indicated by the increasing biofortified farming activities in Kuala Dua Village. It can be seen from the achievement of a cropping index from 200 to 300 and production from 4 tonnes per hectare to between 6 -7 tonnes per hectare. The results of this can be used for the prevention of stunting in Kuala Dua Village, Sungai Raya District, Kubu Raya Regency PubDate: 2023-09-04 DOI: 10.31849/dinamisia.v7i5.14793 Issue No:Vol. 7, No. 5 (2023)
Authors:Syafruddin, Refisa Ananda, Rahma Dewi Hartati, Murni Maulina, Ratu Badriyah, Mohammad Yunus, Teguh Prakoso Pages: 1232 - 1240 Abstract: Effective speaking skills are a crucial aspect in the world of education, especially for teachers as learning facilitators. However, there is a problem in terms of the lack of speaking skills that can attract the attention of the public and students in the class. This Community Service aims to overcome this problem by organizing formal emcee training for teachers. The solving method is carried out through intensive training that focuses on developing persuasive speaking skills, setting clear presentation structures, and increasing confidence when speaking in public. The training involves the active participation of teachers who wish to improve their speaking skills. The results of the service activities showed a significant increase in the speaking skills of the teachers after attending the training. They are able to captivate the public's attention with an attractive presentation style, deliver messages more effectively, and maintain positive interactions with listeners. In addition, the teachers also experienced an increase in self-confidence when appearing in public. In conclusion, formal presenter training is an effective method of improving speaking skills for teachers. Public speaking skills help create a more interactive learning environment and inspire students. It is hoped that the development of speaking skills will have a positive impact on the learning process and enhance the school's reputation in the educational community. PubDate: 2023-10-20 DOI: 10.31849/dinamisia.v7i5.15675 Issue No:Vol. 7, No. 5 (2023)
Authors:Eni Suhesti, Hadino Hadinoto*, Sri Utami Lestari Pages: 1241 - 1247 Abstract: Abstract Breeding the kelulut honey bee (Heterotrigona itama) is relatively easy, not difficult to breed and care for, and produces quite a lot of honey. Breeding kelulut can be done on land that is not large, as long as the feed source in the form of sufficient nectar, pollen and resin. The Ash-Shiddiq Mosque in Umban Sari Village, Rumbai District, Pekanbaru City fulfills these requirements. The problem is that mosque DKM members do not have the knowledge and skills to do this business. The service team provides counseling, training and evaluation of activities and results. The results of partner activities have knowledge, skills in kelulut beekeeping and have obtained results in the form of honey which is one of the sources of income for the mosque. This activity has succeeded in empowering the mosque's DKM, so that it is expected to contribute to the smooth operation of the mosque. Keywords: Beekeeping, kelulut bees (Heterotrigona itama), mosque's DKM empowerment Abstak Budidaya lebah madu kelulut (Heterotrigona itama) tidak asing lagi bagi sebagian masyarakat Indonesia, relatif lebih mudah dibudidayakan karena tidak menyengat dan jinak, tidak sulit perbanyakan dan perawatannya, serta dapat menghasilkan madu yang cukup banyak. Kegiatan budidaya kelulut dapat dilakukan pada lahan yang tidak terlalu luas, asalkan sumber pakan mencukupi berupa tanaman sumber nektar, pollen dan resin. Masjid Ash-Shiddiq di Kelurahan Umban Sari, Kecamatan Rumbai, Kota Pekanbaru Riau memenuhi persyaratan tersebut. Permasalahannya adalah anggota DKM masjid belum memiliki pengetahuan dan keterampilan untuk melakukan usaha budidaya lebah madu kelulut. Tim pengabdian memberikan pelatihan dan pendampingan dengan melakukan 3 tahapan kegiatan, yaitu: penyuluhan, pelatihan dan evaluasi kegiatan dan hasilnya. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian ini, mitra telah memiliki pengetahuan, keterampilan dalam budidaya lebah kelulut dan telah memperoleh hasil berupa madu yang menjadi salah satu sumber pamasukan masjid. Kegiatan ini telah berhasil memberdayakan DKM masjid, sehingga diharapkan dapat berkontribusi untuk kelancaran operasional masjid. Kata kunci: Budidaya lebah, Lebah kelulut (Heterotrigona itama), pemberdayaan DKM Masjid. PubDate: 2023-10-27 DOI: 10.31849/dinamisia.v7i5.15937 Issue No:Vol. 7, No. 5 (2023)
Authors:Yulia Anita Siregar*, Anas Munandar Matondang, Fitriani, Putri Maisyarah Ammy, Muhammad Yusuf Harahap, Rossiah Rossiah, Ahir Manuddin Siregar, Rahmat Sholih, Elviza Nabila Pohan Pages: 1248 - 1255 Abstract: Tujuan diadakannya kegiatan Pengabdian Pelatihan dan pendampingan ini yaitu untuk mengembangkan kemampuan: 1) Penerapan mengenai literasi numerasi dalam pembelajaran di SD 101243 Muhammadiyah Sipirok, 2) Penggunaan teknologi berbasis digital SD 101243 Muhammadiyah Sipirok, 3) Self efficacy resiliensi guru di SD 101243 Muhammadiyah Sipirok. Metode Pelatihan dan pendampingan dilaksanakan secara blended learning meliputi kegiatan sinkron dengan zoom atau google meet dan asinkron melalui google form dan Whatsapp group dan juga tatap muka secara langsung sesuai situasi dan kondisi yang diatur dalam kegiatan pelatihan dan pendampingan. Untuk tahap akhir dilakukan proses review serta pemberian feedback yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 16 Februari 2023. Berdasarkan hasil pelatihan dan pendampingan ini dapat mengembangkan kemampuan penerapan mengenai literasi numerasi dalam pembelajaran di SD 101243 Muhammadiyah Sipirok, mengembangkan kemampuan penggunaan teknologi berbasis digital SD 101243 Muhammadiyah Sipirok, dan meningkatkan self efficacy resiliensi guru di SD 101243 Muhammadiyah Sipirok PubDate: 2023-10-27 DOI: 10.31849/dinamisia.v7i5.14431 Issue No:Vol. 7, No. 5 (2023)
Authors:Iwan Fakhruddin, Dwi Winarni*, Luthfi Zamakhsyari Pages: 1256 - 1263 Abstract: Good family financial management can create household prosperity and harmony. A prosperous household has a positive impact on its members and ultimately has an impact on the welfare of society at large. The role of women in the household is not only as wives and mothers but also as financial role models and decision-makers in managing daily finances. If you don't have expertise in managing finances, you are prone to experiencing domestic conflict. This community service aims to provide training and understanding of family financial management to members of the 'Aisyiyah Kembaran. The method used is training with the PRA approach, which aims to involve participants in the process of identifying problems, implementing solutions, and analyzing evaluations. The result is an increase in skills and understanding of family financial management that can be applied to every family. Thus, household conflicts can be avoided due to poor financial management. PubDate: 2023-10-27 DOI: 10.31849/dinamisia.v7i5.14725 Issue No:Vol. 7, No. 5 (2023)
Authors:Kiki Joesyiana*, Haznil Zainal, Arief Rifa’i Harahap, roza mildawati, Nanik Yuzalmi, Sri Wahyuni Pages: 1264 - 1272 Abstract: Jejaring sosial adalah jenis teknologi yang memungkinkan orang untuk secara instan berinteraksi satu sama lain melalui jaringan internet melalui berbagai media sosial yang dapat diakses oleh setiap orang yang memiliki akun media sosial. Dengan media sosial, para pelaku usaha tidak lagi mempermasalahkan keterbatasan jarak, tempat, dan waktu. Komunikasi pemasaran sekarang menggunakan media sosial. Anggota kelompok wanita tani dapat menggunakan media sosial sebagai strategi pemasaran untuk memasarkan produk pertanian mereka. Media sosial seperti Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, dan yang lainnya dengan banyak pengguna telah menjadi tempat di mana setiap orang dapat masuk dan memposting apa pun yang mereka inginkan. Kelompok Wanita Tani Beringin Indah merupakan salah satu Kelompok yang di bentuk untuk memfasilitasi para ibu-ibu di perumahan beringin indah (terutama yang sudah pensiun dan berusia) agar tetap produktif dan memiliki kegiatan di hari tua mereka. KWT Beringin Indah baru berusia 1 tahun, banyak yang bisa di hasilkan dari kegiatan KWT ini. Meskipun cenderung baru, namun semangat ibu-ibu anggota KWT. Untuk memperkenalkan produk hasil pertanian dari KWT beringin indah. Dari fenomena permasalahan mitra, maka tim pengabdian masyarakat yang beranggotakan dosen-dosen program studi manajemen memutuskan untuk memberikan pelatihan tentang bagaimana strategi promosi dengan pemanfaatan media sosial bagi kelompok wanita tani beringin indah. PubDate: 2023-10-27 DOI: 10.31849/dinamisia.v7i5.15369 Issue No:Vol. 7, No. 5 (2023)