Authors:Mochammmad Meddy Danial Abstract: Permasalahan daerah pesisir di Desa Sungai Itik adalah belum adanya ketersedian air bersih dan ketidakberdayaan masyarakat pesisir terhadap teknologi pengolahan air laut menjadi air minum, di tengah-tengah kemajuan teknologi pengolahan air laut. Penerapan pengolahan air laut menjadi air tawar skala kecil sangat penting untuk masyarakat yang tinggal di kawasan pesisir, tidak hanya untuk kepentingan sanitasi dan kebutuhan air minum, namun juga bisa dijadikan sebagai multiplier effect untuk membuka bisnis air minum isi ulang berbahan baku air laut, serta bisnis turunannya, yaitu cuci motor dan laundry. Solusi permasalahan kekurangan air bersih adalah dengan desalinisasi air laut menjadi air tawar. Solusi kedua adalah dengan memberdayakan air minum yang diolah dengan membuka bisnis air minum isi ulang yang dikelola oleh badan umum milik desa (BUMDes). Dampak dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini kepada pengurus BUMDes dan pengurus masjid serta pesantren adalah pemahaman pengetahuan tentang teknologi pengolahan air laut dan indikator kualitas air seperti salinitas, TDS, kandungan mineral seperti Fe, dan Mn. Selain itu, BUMDes Serati Desa Sungai Itik mulai memasuki tahap awal dalam pengetahuan bisnis air minum isi ulang dari hasil olahan reverse osmosis. Kata Kunci: pengolahan air laut, reverse osmosis, bisnis air minum, BUMDes PubDate: 2023-04-28 DOI: 10.26418/jplp2km.v6i1.58852 Issue No:Vol. 6, No. 1 (2023)
Authors:Wolly Candramila, Suhara Suhara, Asriah Nurdini Mardiyyaningsih, Siti Zubaidah, Mahfut Mahfut, Marinda Sari Sofiana Abstract: Kajian tentang miskonsepsi yang ditemukan pada buku ajar pernah dilaporkan dalam berbagai penelitian. Ajang pertemuan ilmiah yang diikuti oleh guru dan calon guru bisa mendukung peningkatan kompetensi keilmuan sehingga bisa memperkuat pengetahuan yang diperlukan untuk menyaring buku ajar yang baik untuk digunakan dalam pembelajarannya. Kegiatan pengabdian ini menggunakan bentuk bedah buku pada materi genetika dalam tiga buku Biologi untuk siswa di kelas XII SMA yang banyak digunakan di Kota Pontianak menurut hasil survei di 27 SMA pada semester gazal TA 2021/2022. Aspek yang dikaji dari ketiga buku ajar meliputi 1) kesesuaian dengan kurikulum dan kompetensi dasar, 2) urutan/ sistematika dalam memahami konsep, 3) konten/ kebenaran konsep, 4) tata bahasa dan penulisan, 5) tampilan dan kemenarikan, dan 6) tuntutan dalam soal latihan. Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh 34 peserta yang terdiri atas 6 orang dosen, 16 guru, 11 mahasiswa, dan 1 umum. Pemaparan materi berjalan dengan lancar oleh keempat narasumber. Peserta menilai bahwa kegiatan ini penting untuk menggali pengetahuan yang lebih dalam dan lebih luas dalam memahami konsep pada materi genetika yang sebenarnya. PubDate: 2023-04-28 DOI: 10.26418/jplp2km.v6i1.59262 Issue No:Vol. 6, No. 1 (2023)
Authors:Simon Marsholl Picaulima Abstract: Catching efforts in the small-scale lift net raft floating business in Ohoi Namar, Southeast Maluku Regency, continues to increase in quantity, information obtained in the field shows that there was an additional 5 units of small-scale lift nets raft floating fleets from 2012 to 2022, but the increase in fishing effort has not been able to increase the income of small fishermen, these problems are generally influenced by internal and external factors. Therefore, the right step that needs to be taken to increase income is to provide counseling and implement a strategy for developing a small-scale floating raft business using lecture and discussion methods followed by evaluation and monitoring of these small fishing businesses. The strategy for developing the lift net raft floating business can be conveyed well and based on the evaluation results of the participants it shows that the material presented can be well understood, this is evidenced by the number of participants included in the sufficient category of 20 people with a value range of 76-100, the sufficient category is 5 people with the value range is 60-75 and no one is in the less category with a value range <60. Monitoring of the fishing business is not carried out because the fishing business is not operating and it is the west season. however, to further increase income, additional capital is needed and assistance from academics, bureaucracy and private/BUMN. PubDate: 2023-04-28 DOI: 10.26418/jplp2km.v6i1.61285 Issue No:Vol. 6, No. 1 (2023)
Authors:Pratiwi - Apridamayanti, Sabina - Heryani, Murniati - Murniati, Sisilia - Grasella, Desta Arilia Syafitri Abstract: Mental health is a form of balance between mental functions and the creation of adjustments between humans and themselves and their surroundings. Awareness of the importance of mental health, especially in Indonesia, is still very low, people should educate each other to increase understanding and knowledge and awareness of mental health. So that real work lecture activities are carried out which are community service activities in certain areas with the aim of helping the community in increasing the level of knowledge and skills with the hope of increasing people's welfare. The implementation of this service is in Sungai Rengas Village, Sungai Kakap District, Kubu Raya Regency, West Kalimantan Province with a program that places more emphasis on the theme of mental health. The programs carried out include providing education to the children of Rengas Hamlet, assisting in the implementation of Posyandu, planting family medicinal plants (TOGA), exercising & playing with children, and making aromatherapy candle products from used cooking oil. In general, community service activities in Sungai Rengas Village went very well and smoothly. This is because the enthusiasm of the community is very good, so that the implementation runs smoothly and what we hope is that these programs can be of benefit to the local community. PubDate: 2023-04-28 DOI: 10.26418/jplp2km.v6i1.61884 Issue No:Vol. 6, No. 1 (2023)
Authors:Kadek Adyatna Wedananta, arsita suradnyani Abstract: The younger generation is said to be the backbone of the country and the future of the nation is said to be in the hands of the younger generation. The large number of adolescent populations resulted in the emergence of juvenile delinquency problems. Adolescence is a period of transition, which is a phase of development between childhood and adulthood. The main problem of adolescents in general is the search for identity. They have an identity crisis. This is a problem for every teenager. Therefore, they often have the urge to present themselves as a separate group. However, this encouragement often leads teenagers to serious problems, one of which is drug use. Drugs or narcotics is an abbreviation of Narcotics, Alcohol, Psychotropics and Addictive Substances. Narcotics are a group of psychoactive substances/drugs that are widely used and needed for healing efforts and health services as well as for the development of science. Today many cases of drug abuse are found, one group of people who are prone to being exposed to drug abuse are those in the age range of 15-35 years or the millennial generation. Because drug cases are always increasing every day, education or outreach about the dangers of drugs must always be carried out, especially among adolescents who are vulnerable to trying illegal drugs. In implementing the community service program, which is assisting the government by providing education to the younger generation with the theme "Socialization of Recognizing the Types, Dangers, and Impacts of Drug Abuse in Youth in Tengkudak Village" it is hoped that this will help educate the younger generation so they don't fall prey to drug abuse. Keywords: Drugs, Education, abuse PubDate: 2023-04-28 DOI: 10.26418/jplp2km.v6i1.63088 Issue No:Vol. 6, No. 1 (2023)
Authors:Gusi Putu Lestara Permana, Sefia Subrata, I Made Wirya Darma, I Wayan Sutama Abstract: Elementary education or elementary school is the initial momentum for children to improve their abilities, from elementary school they get learning immunity which then becomes a habit for them to do in the future. Learning language in elementary schools is an activity to equip students from the start on an ongoing basis so that students have discipline in thinking and speaking, most language teachers are not very aware of the importance of coaching writing training so that it causes students to have low writing creativity. Based on the results of observations at SDN 4 Tiga, Bangli, it was found that students in grade I had low creativity and writing skills. Keywords: Education, Elementary School, Students PubDate: 2023-04-28 DOI: 10.26418/jplp2km.v6i1.63140 Issue No:Vol. 6, No. 1 (2023)
Authors:Esty Pan Pangesty, Romiaty Romiaty, Nofi Feronika, Mimi Suratie, Oktamia Karuniaty Sangalang Abstract: Guidance and counseling cannot be separated from the influence of advances in information technology. This means that in the planning process, the activity reaches the evaluation and follow-up stage of the guidance and counseling service activities to use information technology. One of the counseling services that cannot be separated from technological advances is information services. One application that can generate student activity and participation is the classpoint application. The classpoint application is a media that is integrated with Microsoft PowerPoint which in its application encourages interactions that occur between the presenter and the audience. The objectives of community service for those carried out at Palangka Raya State Junior High School are, 1) To find out the description of the ability of BK teachers in Palangka Raya in utilizing information technology. 2). To develop a training design for using the Classpoint Application for BK teachers in Palangka Raya. 3). To see the effectiveness of training on the use of the Classpoint Application for BK teachers in Palangka Raya. The method used in community service is by using a participatory action research (PAR) model. PAR is research to define a problem or apply information into action as a solution to a problem that has been defined. The principle of PAR implementation uses the to know, to understanding, to plan, to action and to reflection (KUPAR) cycle. The details of service activities in each of the steps are as follows, 1). To find out, it is done by identifying problems in the use of IT media in making BK media. 2). To Plan where researchers and communities plan actions to review plans from various relevant sources such as books and research articles to solve problems with the most effective and efficient solutions. 3). Actions where the researcher implements the plan that has been planned in the previous step, 4). Reflection where researchers find and monitor actions that have been taken for reflection. The targeted outputs of this activity are videos uploaded on YouTube, scientific articles to be published in Sinta 4 accredited scientific journals, and IPR scientific articles. PubDate: 2023-04-28 DOI: 10.26418/jplp2km.v6i1.63290 Issue No:Vol. 6, No. 1 (2023)
Authors:Ivan sujana, Fitri imansyah, Noveicalistus h djanggu, Eka priadi Abstract: Salah satu kelompok masyarakat yang ada di Desa Sungai Kupah yang berusaha dibidang perkebunan pinang adalah Kelompok Tani Teluk Pinang yang fokus pada kegiatan produksi berupa komoditas biji buah pinang kering. Buah pinang hasil panen yang dimiliki oleh Kelompok Tani Teluk Pinang tersebut sampai saat ini belum diolah dengan optimal, begitu juga dengan limbah berupa pelepah pinang dan serabut buah pinangnya belum dimanfaatkan menjadi produk yang memiliki nilai tambah untuk peningkatan perekonomian mereka. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut maka kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini perlu dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat Kelompok Petani Teluk Pinang khususnya dan masyarakat Desa Sungai Kupah pada umumnya, melalui penerapan dan hibah teknologi tepat guna berupa mesin pengering buah pinang dan pengolahan limbah pelepah pinang dan limbah sabut buah pinang menjadi arang briket menggunakan mesin pres pencetak arang briket. Berdasarkan hasil pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dan evaluasi tindak lanjut, terekam beberapa manfaat yang diperoleh oleh Kelompok Petani Teluk Pinang. Mereka mendapatkan informasi yang jelas dan utuh mengenai hakekat pemberdayaan masyarakat dari segi pengetahuan dan keterampilan, proses pengeringan buah pinang menjadi lebih cepat dan efektif. Selain itu limbah pelepah pinang dan limbah sabut buah pinang tidak lagi mengotori lingkungan pekarangan rumah dan kebun masyarakat karena telah dapat diolah menjadi produk yang memiliki nilai tambah berupa arang briket, sehingga bermanfaat untuk pengembangan industri rumah tanggga dan peningkatan perekonomian mereka. PubDate: 2023-04-28 DOI: 10.26418/jplp2km.v6i1.64391 Issue No:Vol. 6, No. 1 (2023)