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Soshum : Jurnal Sosial dan Humaniora
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- The Imperative Power of Election Law on Money Politics
Authors: Muhammad Andi Septiadi, Alifa Salsabilla, Bima Bernadib, Luthfie Nugraha
Pages: 112 - 119
Abstract: Election rules have been regulated in Law no. 7 of 2017 where this rule contains imperative norms. The imperative norm talks about the rules that prohibit the practice of money politics during the electoral process. A rule is made to implement the function of controlling behavior in social and political life, when the rules are violated, the perpetrator will face legal proceedings and receive appropriate sanctions. Money politics and elections in Indonesia are commonplace for all people and are even considered to be cultured and inseparable. This research was made with the aim of reviewing imperative norms in the implementation of ineffective elections in preventing money politics practices. This study uses a qualitative research approach with triangulation technique analysis. From this study the authors found that the power of normative law in election activities in Indonesia is still relatively weak and a number of political practices continue to occur so that they can tarnish the democratic process
PubDate: 2021-07-31
DOI: 10.31940/soshum.v11i2.2480
Issue No: Vol. 11, No. 2 (2021)
- Daily Activites of the Sub-Tribe Ethnic Community at the Betang Long
House, West Kalimantan
Authors: Pether Sobian
Pages: 120 - 132
Abstract: This study was conducted to determine the daily lives and social interaction of the Dayak Desa inside and outside Betang Panjai (the long house). This research used a descriptive qualitative approach through the phenomenological method. The study will use semi-structured interviews with three key informants and four other informants. The research data obtained comes from interviews, observation, documentation study and literature study. The theory used in this research is social interaction and social interaction form from Soerjono Soekanto. The results of this study conclude that the Dayak people are active workers, uphold their trust, respect each other and have a high sense of brotherhood. Culture and customs are adhered to in daily practices, including working together in the gardens, fields and rice fields, sharing stories and listening to the conversations of friends and neighbors in the living room. Differences in views on politics, education and technology do not hinder social interaction among residents of Panjang's house.
PubDate: 2021-07-31
DOI: 10.31940/soshum.v11i2.2532
Issue No: Vol. 11, No. 2 (2021)
- Cognitive Behavior of Using Social Media (Instagram) in Bengkayang
Authors: Ester Dita Oktaviani Siregar, Desi -, Michael Bezaleel
Pages: 133 - 142
Abstract: Background social media can be a friend or an easy to use means of communication. Instagram is the most used social media and active users of all ages. Social media (Instagram) affects cognitive behavior which can lead to changes in a person’s behavior, because a person’s behavior is influenced by what is known or understood. Objectives the purpose of this study is to know and describe cognitive behavior and the use of social media (Instagram) in students from Bengkayang, West Kalimantan who received a scholarship from the local government. Method quantitative with a cross sectional study approach. Respondents in the study are students from Bengkayang, West Kalimantan studying in UKSW, who met the research criteria. Research sample used purposive sampling of 39 respondents. The instrument used to collect data was a Cognitive Behavior of the Instagram Use Instruments. The results of the Cronbach alpha test for the cognitive behavior of Instagram users are 0,916 and the use of Instagram has a Cronbach alpha value of 0,664. Analysis of statistical test data using the SPSS version 20 program Pearson Product Moment, the significance value of p-value <0,05. Result the significance value of the research results showed that it was 0,000 < 0,05 with Pearson correlation 0,669 which shows the correlation between variables. Conclusion there is a strong correlation between cognitive behavior and social media use in a positive direction, which indicates that respondents use Instagram positively.
PubDate: 2021-07-31
DOI: 10.31940/soshum.v11i2.2486
Issue No: Vol. 11, No. 2 (2021)
- Questioning Open Government Principle within the Law-Making Process of
Omnibus Law in Indonesia
Authors: Ismail Khozen, Priantoro Budi Saptono, Mifia Septia Ningsih
Pages: 143 - 154
Abstract: The convoluted issuance of permits for opening a new business or the daily process of running a business due to overlapping regulations is one of the reason for the government to take an alternative route in the form of the Omnibus Law, which can replace several rules at once. However, suppose that the alternative option through the omnibus law can work as expected, but it does not mean that every process will be appropriate with the applicable regulations. Using a qualitative approach, this study aims to analyze the fulfilment of open governance principles in omnibus law's promulgation process. Our analysis shows that Indonesia's omnibus law-making process in 2020 still ignores the principle of openness mandated under Law Number 12/2011. The government's neglectful attitude, especially concerning open data and open process, indicates that the government has not paid enough attention to the open governance principle.
PubDate: 2021-07-31
DOI: 10.31940/soshum.v11i2.2483
Issue No: Vol. 11, No. 2 (2021)
- Social Stigma of COVID-19: A Semiotic Analysis of WHO Campaign Posters
Authors: Intan Siti Nugraha, Azka Saeful Haq
Pages: 155 - 168
Abstract: COVID-19 has been reported to be risen in numbers of infected cases and deaths. The massive report by media and social network which focus on the spreading and infection may affect not only physical health but also individual’s and general population’s mental health, isolation and stigma. To eradicate COVID-19-related stigma and discrimination perpetuated by both individual and group of people, WHO exhibits some anti-stigma campaign posters. This study employs qualitative method to acquire deep investigation of meaning and to involve the social context. Thus, by using Roland Barthes’s semiotic approach, analyzing signifiers and signifieds, this study was aimed to unmask both denotative and connotative meanings of the stigma embed within the six health campaign posters of COVID-19 by Southeast Asia WHO. The analysis was focused not only on the verbal sign of posters (linguistic text), but also its relation to their visual sign (imagery messages). From the analysis of the two sign systems of posters, the result shows that the six posters connote acts of discriminatory behaviours, stigmatization, stereotype and blaming. Through the posters, WHO propagates people to work together to fight COVID-19 and to bring out the best humanity, to have better awareness and positive attitudes and appeals governments, citizens, media, key influencers of communities to have a role in preventing and to stop stigma surrounding in South-Asia and specifically in Indonesia which becomes the target of the poster viewers during the pandemic. Those messages are connoted through different font colors and sizes and the illustration on each poster.
PubDate: 2021-07-31
DOI: 10.31940/soshum.v11i2.2489
Issue No: Vol. 11, No. 2 (2021)
- The Effectiveness of Online Teaching and Learning in Polman Bandung
Authors: I Gusti Bagus Rai Utama
Pages: 169 - 182
Abstract: This research was conducted accidentally which included 109 respondents. Data collection was carried out by survey using an online question instrument (google form) distributed on various social media. The level of effectiveness in the form of social distancing to address the development of information related to COVID-19 is effective in reducing the rampant transmission of COVID-19 through human relations by humans by 82%. The relationship between the respondent's work and the impact of the pandemic COVID-19 on the work of the respondent statistically using the Chi-Square Test were not significant. The relationship between the respondent's work and the impact of the pandemic COVID-19 on work from home has been shown to have a significant effect. The relationship between respondents’ work and the impact of the pandemic COVID-19 on out-of-town travel had no significant effect. Relationship between respondents' work and the impact of the pandemic COVID-19 on meetings and meetings did not have a significant effect the relationship between Respondent's Work and the Impact of the pandemic COVID-19 on work activities proved to have a significant effect. The relationship between respondents’ work and the impact of the pandemic COVID-19 on meetings with consumers had no significant effect.
PubDate: 2021-07-31
DOI: 10.31940/soshum.v11i2.1816
Issue No: Vol. 11, No. 2 (2021)
- Effect of Blended Learning on Students Motivation in Civil Engineering of
Department Politeknik Negeri Bali
Authors: IGA Dewi Paramita, Evin Yudhi Setyono, I Wayan Dana Ardika
Pages: 183 - 188
Abstract: This article reports the effectiveness of online teaching and learning in a polytechnic institution. The online teaching and learning during the Covid-19 pandemic have made a challenging situation. Moreover, the subjects or courses at Polman Bandung consist of the Theory course (e.g., Maths, English, Strength of Materials) and Practice course (e.g., Technical Drawing, CNC Machine practical program, Bench-work). What happens in the online classroom and its effectiveness should be known and considered by its academic officer. In general, the target to be achieved in this study is to provide an overview of online learning and measure online learning effectiveness in 2020. The research method used is a descriptive study. Data collection was done by distributing questionnaires to the third-grade students who have had or are currently implementing online learning in Theory and Practice courses. There were 231 questionnaire data collected. Besides, semi-structured interviews with students and lecturers were also carried out. The study results show that the teaching and learning effectivity carried online were scored in 3.25 by students (scale 1- 4), meaning it is still inadequate performance. Both Theory and Practice courses were challenging for students and lecturers, but the practice was considered more challenging. Some departments could not hold Practice courses entirely online due to the laboratory tools and machines needed. Therefore, it is recommended that the lecturer improve their online teaching skills and interact more with students in the Theory course and Practice course. The students should better communicate with the lecturers and, most importantly, handle significant learning challenges. Then, the institution should make a better system and program to help the lecturer to teach online.
PubDate: 2021-08-01
DOI: 10.31940/soshum.v11i2.2502
Issue No: Vol. 11, No. 2 (2021)
- The Sustainability of Community Library and Literacy Culture
Authors: Wahyu Handayani Setyaningsih, Mery Kharismawati
Pages: 189 - 200
Abstract: Community library is an institution that aims to improve the culture of literacy. It is held by several member of the society. However, community library faces several problems that hinder development, including regeneration problems in the organizational management. The library is generally located in the house of a resident, so its accessibility is very dependent on the existence of the homeowner. The homeowner is also the manager of the library. Therefore, regeneration in management is very important. The lack of awareness of community members causes the problem in the regeneration. This paper discusses the problem on sustainability of the community library. The data was taken from one of the community library in Bantul Regency, namely Widuri Pandan. The results of observations and interviews indicate that: 1) collaboration is needed with various parties to be able to develop the community, not only through donations, but also collaboration activities; 2) it is necessary to design forms of routine activities that can stimulate public interest in literacy; 3) sustainability in the human resources development faces some obstacles, so that regeneration and formation of the literacy team need to be formed.
PubDate: 2021-08-01
DOI: 10.31940/soshum.v11i2.2496
Issue No: Vol. 11, No. 2 (2021)
- Public Obedience to Health Protocols during Covid-19 Pandemic in
Indonesia: A Perspective from Health Belief Model Theory
Authors: Alvania Claresta Sarah Christian
Pages: 201 - 210
Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic is a phenomenon which related to the spread of coronavirus disease 2019. This pandemic that hit the entire world is increasing sharply, including in Indonesia. Several policies have been implemented, one of them is about regulations for doing the COVID-19 health protocols to respond this pandemic. This health protocols aim to ensure the public activities safely during this pandemic. Although these regulations have been implemented in Indonesia, the number of individuals who have been confirmed positive is growing rapidly. This rapid increase in positive cases can be caused by several things. One of them is due to the low obedience of the society towards health protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on what has been described, this research aims to find out the reasons behind the low obedience of the society towards health protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic by using the theory of the Health Belief Model. Based on the analysis using six components of Health Belief Model, the results of the low obedience of the society towards health protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic are the perception of society about their low potential to be infected of coronavirus disease 2019 by thinking that the disease will appear just like common flu, society doesn’t really understand about the benefits of implementing health protocols, there are obstacles to get the health facilities, lack of government instructions in guiding society on how to act during the pandemic, and the low of society confidence that they are able to reduce the spread of COVID-19 in Indonesia. Therefore, in the future, the government can improve on planning a better way to make society implementing the health protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic. So it can reduce the spread of COVID-19 in Indonesia.
PubDate: 2021-08-01
DOI: 10.31940/soshum.v11i2.2549
Issue No: Vol. 11, No. 2 (2021)
- Influence of Practical Lesson on Some Morphological Characteristics of
Female Students of Sports Education Department
Authors: Arazw Mahmood
Pages: 211 - 216
Abstract: Through observation of first-year students, the current study found that a group of students does not engage in any physical activity before being admitted to college, whether in clubs or sports teams. Physical lessons have become a new affair for them, and they need good fitness to perform the required duties. The current study aims to know the effect of the practical lesson on some of the morphological characteristics of female students in the Department of Sports Education. The experimental method has been applied for the study (N= 18). Random selection is employed to select study participants from the first-year female students of the Department of Sports Education, Soran University (mean age = 19.5 +-2). Results have shown no statistically significant moral effect between tribal and remote tests of practical lessons in the development of variables, all of which are met by female students. There are differences in mathematical circles in favour of remote but non-moral tests. Practical lessons for the first stage of the Department of Sports Education students are not enough to develop and develop functional variables.
PubDate: 2021-08-01
DOI: 10.31940/soshum.v11i2.2272
Issue No: Vol. 11, No. 2 (2021)