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Sri Lanka Journal of Advanced Social Studies
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- Paradigm Shifts in Demographic Components in the New Millennium and
Possible Implications: A Case Study of Sri Lanka
Abstract: This paper, using Demographic and Health Surveys, population censuses, and results of two population projections, attempts assess future population dynamics of Sri Lanka. Since the turn of the new millennium, fertility demonstrated an increasing trend where the average number of live births per woman increased from 1.9 in 1995-2000 to 2.4 in 2012. Although there was an increase in life expectancy of both sexes, after the cessation of civil war in 2009, male life expectancy increased significantly. At the same time departures of labour migrants dropped from 300,000 in 2014 to 200,000 in 2019. As per the population projection of 2015, which captured fertility upturn, the size of the population of the country was expected to increase significantly to 24 and 25 million by 2032 and 2042 respectively. On the other hand, the population projection of 2007, which did not capture the fertility upturn, indicated that the country was reaching population stability by the early 2030s with a population even below 22 million. However, with the increase in fertility and life expectancy, and drop in labour migration, significant growth of the country’s population is now expected to be eminent. The aging process and the unexpected fertility upturn have contributed to overall dependency on these increases significantly, which would generate more pressure on the working age population and the State. It is not only that Sri Lanka at present stands at the last phase of the demographic dividend, other factors required for economic take-off such as political stability, investment, savings, and productivity, also not demonstrating an adequate improvement to harness this window of opportunity. Failing to implement appropriate policies and programmes, the rapid growth of the population and aging would also create serious socio-economic and environmental issues in the near future. Published on 2020-12-30 00:00:00
- Urban consumers' choice of optimal and suboptimal products: Organic and
Non-Organic Food Choices
Abstract: This paper aims to investigate consumer choices among different segments of people when purchasing fresh products and it further explores how visual appeal, price, and information play a role in consumer choice. A quantitative study with an online choice experiment was carried out on a convenience sample of 90 respondents. A chi-square test for independence was used to find if the product choice is dependent upon visual appeal and price, a McNemar Test to find if an information nudge can change a consumers’ choice, finally, a linear regression analysis was performed to see how purchase decision varies between the segment groups of age, gender, education, income, and household composition. This study reveals that Sri Lankan consumer preferences for optimal products over sub-optimal products. Further, the price (discount) of fresh produce has an impact on the consumers' choice and consumers can be influenced (nudged) to make certain purchase decisions. Moreover, consumers' purchase decisions of optimal or sub-optimal products are not influenced by certain socio-demographics (gender, age, income, household composition). These findings provide an important insight into the choice of fresh produce among organic produce and offer useful suggestions in designing marketing strategies for that particular product. Further, the study also shows how nudges can be used to make consumers choose better options. This is one of the first studies done in Sri Lanka that looks at consumer choices among different segments of people when purchasing fresh produce. The study has the potential to make an impact in consumer choices in encouraging organic consumption and sets the platform to the broader subject, wastage of fresh produce. Published on 2020-12-30 00:00:00
- Construct of Social Capital on Perceived Decision Making Effectiveness in
Strategic Supply Chain Decisions: With Special Reference to Selected
Apparel Sector International Entities in Sri Lanka
Abstract: Strategic supply chain management is one of the key business functions in almost every manufacturing organization. The research expecting to explore the relationship between social capital and the perceived effectiveness of strategic supply chain decisions in Sri Lankan apparel sector organizations. With respect to the positivism paradox research has been organized in line with the deductive approach. Further survey strategy through a pre-tested questionnaire has been imbedded with the sample of 122 participants from the apparel sector supply chain professionals, which is regulated by Krejcie & Morgan. This study can be recognized as a validation of the past studies within the Sri Lankan context. The statistical analysis depicts an existence of a direct positive linkage between perceived effectiveness and individual decision maker’s social capital which approves the existing literature in the Western context. The study has contributed to the knowledge domain of strategic management, supply chain management, and organizational behavior by identifying the factors and how they influence strategic decision making. Published on 2020-12-30 00:00:00
- Trade Elasticities and the Marshall Lerner Condition: Evidence from Sri
Abstract: Sri Lanka is the pioneer in adopting market-friendly policies in South Asia and has gone through different foreign exchange rate regimes since 1977. Since then, the country has experienced rapid fluctuations in the trade balance and the exchange rate. The empirical studies on Marshall Lerner condition have suggested mixed results in the global context. However, this paper aims to estimate the import and export price elasticity to determine the validity of the Marshall Lerner condition in the Sri Lankan context. For this purpose, annual time series data for the period from 1980 to 2018 were used in estimating the elasticities. The results suggest that the addition of overall export price elasticity and overall import price elasticity as a ratio of export expenditure over import expenditure is less than one, which indicates that the trade balance of Sri Lanka deteriorates when the domestic currency depreciates against foreign currency. Hence, the findings of the study revealed that the Marshall Lerner condition is satisfied in the Sri Lankan context. Published on 2020-12-30 00:00:00
- The Impact of Reference Groups’ Recommendations on Attitude towards
Organic Foods and Purchase Intention with Health Consciousness as a
Abstract: Previous research has explored different aspects of reference groups, health consciousness, consumer attitude towards organic foods, and purchase intentions, but no research evidence is available on theoretical relationships among those said constructs. This research aims to investigate the impact of reference groups’ recommendations of health advice on health consciousness, attitude towards organic foods, and finally on purchase intention of organic foods. Besides, it investigates the mediation role of health consciousness on the relationship between reference groups’ recommendations and attitudes towards organic foods. This research is a positivistic study and uses a questionnaire to collect the data using a convenience sample of 126. A structural equation analysis is used to analyze the data based on SPSS and Amos 23. According to the findings, reference groups’ recommendation of health advice has a significant positive impact on health consciousness and also on attitude towards organic foods. Finally, attitude towards organic foods impacts purchase intention of organic foods. Further, it is found that health consciousness partially mediates the relationship between reference groups’ recommendations on health advice and attitude towards organic foods. The present research has bridged the theoretical and empirical gaps that existed in the literature on the said relationships. The research provides a significant original contribution to organic food marketing by shedding light on how to increase the purchase intention of organic foods. Published on 2020-12-30 00:00:00
- Impact of Green Practices on Behavioral Intentions of Tourists: A Study in
Sri Lankan Hotels
Abstract: At present, tourists are more concerned about the environment than in the past, and it has become a trend across the world. The hotel industry already understands these environmentally-friendly trends and, therefore, is implementing green practices in hotels worldwide. In Sri Lanka, more hotels are engaging in green practices, but there is no systematic study deone to understand whether it is really beneficial for the hotels relative to the additional cost that has to be incurred in converting the hotels to be green. The major objective of this study is to address this gap. Therefore, this study aimed at investigating the impact of green practices on the behavioral intentions of tourists. This study is a positivistic research that used a survey method to collect the data based on a convenient sample of tourists who had visited and stayed in green hotels. The data were analyzed using a structural equation model. The finding of the research shows that the green practices of hotels have a significant influence on the behavioral intentions of tourists. Further, the research measured the magnitude of different indicators that contribute to the green practice construct. The Published on 2020-06-30 00:00:00
- How does COVID-19 Influence the Micro Small and Medium Enterprise Sector
in Sri Lanka'
Abstract: Micro Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) sector is considered to be the backbone of an economy where a strong MSME sector contributes towards the economic stability and well-being of a country. More importantly, technology plays a critical role in the development of business performance as technological know-how is vital for business to survive amidst COVID-19 outbreak. Hence, it encourage the entrepreneurs to improve their awareness of technology and thereby to use new technology to improve the business performance. Further, it has been identified that entrepreneurial competencies are important to ensure higher business performance where most successful entrepreneurs utilize their competencies to improve business performance. Hence, the purpose of this study is to investigate the changes that have taken place in relation technological literacy, entrepreneurial competency, and business performance amidst the COVID-19 pandemic in Sri Lanka. The study is a quantitative, cross-sectional study and the data was collected from 48 entrepreneurs of micro and small enterprises. The result of the study reveal that signicant change have taken place through a structured questionnaire in relation technological literacy, business performance, and entrepreneurial competency amidst COVID-19. The level of commitment of the entrepreneurs found to have improved significantly after the COVID-19 pandemic. However, there has been a learn improvet in the technological literacy among micro and small entrepreneurs. Therefore, the policy makers need to focus on developing suitable strategies to improve the technological know-how by the micro and small entrepreneurs. Published on 2020-06-30 00:00:00
- Government Budgeting and Consensual Spaces: The Case of Sri Lanka Railway
Abstract: This paper argues that subjectivities occurring within consensual spaces, which are formed by constraints enforced by control systems of organisations. The paper uses a case study on the budgeting practices of Sri Lanka Railways Department (SLRD), owner a state entity of Sri Lanka, to demonstrate the phenomenon. The notion of consensual space is constructed drawing drawing on the Labour Processes Theory and Gramsci's Hegemonic Analysis provides the analytical lens for the study. The research is an ethnographic case study, generating empirical materials mainly through semi-structured interviews, content analysis of documents and secondary data from historical studies. Findings add to the LDC accounting studies and bring an explanation to the common finding in these studies that formal control systems such as budgeting systems become rituals in the face of socio-cultural and political conditions. Finally, this study shows how such organisations continue to be governed by idiosyncratic controls formed within consensual spaces. Published on 2020-06-30 00:00:00
- Impact of Japanese Official Development Assistance on Economic Growth and
Development in Sri Lanka
Abstract: Debt burden over foreign loans and economic impact of foreign-funded development projects have been much discussed and debated issue in the recent past. The debate on debt burden is mostly centered on the sheer size of the debt owned by development partners, not specifically on the generosity and impact of Official Development Assistance (ODA) offered by different development partners. Addressing these gaps, this study analyses generosity of Japanese ODA and its impact on economic growth and development in Sri Lanka. This study employs both descriptive and regression analyses for data analysis. Japanese ODA to Sri Lanka has grown at an average annual rate of around 6 per cent (in current US$ terms). Sri Lanka has been one of the priority countries for Japanese ODA largely due to the cordial relationship the two countries has maintained over the last several decades. Reflecting the unique future of Japanese ODA, a greater majority of assistance has channeled into economic infrastructure development/improvements in the country. More importantly, Japanese ODA has contained higher grant element compared to ODA offered by other major development partners such as ADB, World Bank, and China. The regression analysis of the study clearly indicates that there is a strong positive relationship between Japanese ODA and economic growth and development in the country. The findings are consistent with the finding of previous research studies. These imply that social and economic infrastructures developed with assistance of Japanese ODA has contributed to economic growth and development in the country. This impact was further supported through the micro-level evidence found in ex-post impact evaluations and third party impact evaluations. Overall evidences clearly reflect that Japanese ODA has not contributed to current foreign debt burden faced by the country. Published on 2020-06-30 00:00:00
- Intellectual Property Rights for Tourism-Related Traditional Knowledge: A
Case Study of Sri Lanka
Abstract: Sri Lanka is blessed with a century-old treasure trove of traditional knowledge and tourism is a key to unlock the hidden potential of Sri Lankan traditional knowledge for socio-economic and cultural development of the country. A prime example in this regard is the indigenous medical system that has existed for centuries. In today’s competitive business environment, intellectual property is the lifeblood of any industry, and protecting intellectual property assets is imperative to business success. In this sense, the intellectual property system offers the much-needed credibility for Sri Lankan traditional knowledge-based products and services. Undeniably, Ayurveda and indigenous medical systems have the potential to create unique experiences to attract tourists with a higher spending power. Moreover, historical monuments and heritage sites, cultural events, museums and other traditional knowledge-related activities are vital for promoting cultural tourism in Sri Lanka, just as traditional cultural performances constitute a source of tourist attraction and interest. Most significantly, intellectual property tools can help improve competitiveness in wellness tourism and other traditional knowledge-based sectors. It is, therefore, argued that linking intellectual property, traditional knowledge and tourism will significantly help Sri Lanka to become a 365-day tourist destination and ensure repeat visits by overcoming the elements of seasonality. Taking cognizance of the practical insights, this paper explores as to how best a carefully crafted intellectual property strategy can be utilized by traditional knowledge stakeholders to capitalize on business opportunities in the Sri Lankan tourism sector. It also highlights some of the important ways in which the intellectual property system can help position Sri Lanka as a global wellness tourism destination. Published on 2020-06-30 00:00:00