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Abstract: Mis comidas cubanas". Fotografía de la autora."Las comidas cubanas podrían empezar por esa piña que Carlos V no come."En Las comidas profundas (1997) de Antonio José Ponte (Matanzas, 1964) se define al sujeto cubano por su relación con las comidas, inscribiéndose así en una vasta tradición que consiste en el empleo de la metáfora culinaria en la literatura y el pensamiento intelectual en Cuba, así como del recurrente tropo de la "exaltación de las frutas tropicales" (De Maeseneer 2010: 11). Basta con pensar en Fernando Ortiz, quien, en "Los factores humanos de la cubanidad" (1939), se sirve del "símil cubano" (Ortiz and Suárez 1996:9) del ajiaco para reconstruir los componentes que han dado su "sabor" en la ... Read More PubDate: 2024-08-23T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: En su artículo de 1962 "La monstruosidad y lo monstruoso", Georges Canguilhem señala que la figura del monstruo está indisolublemente ligada a la pregunta por el valor. "El monstruo es el viviente de valor negativo" (30), escribe, para enfatizar que todo juicio acerca de lo monstruoso refuerza una cierta idea de lo regular, lo normal, lo exitoso, lo positivo.1 Según esta intuición, la reificada noción médica del monstruo sería derivada de la más fundamental noción jurídica de lo monstruoso. Lo que marcamos con el nombre de monstruo no sería otra cosa que el signo de una transgresión, el producto visible de una unión prohibida: "El monstruo es a la vez el efecto de una infracción de la regla de segregación sexual ... Read More PubDate: 2024-08-23T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: As Europe reeled from the ravages of war, Spanish philosopher María Zambrano's writing pulsed with a sense of crisis. She had recently fled Spain at the close of the Civil War, first crossing the border with France and then travelling to Chile, Mexico, and Cuba in 1939. In the first half of 1940, Zambrano was invited to give a series of lectures at various Puerto Rican cultural institutions (Moreno Sanz 2016:597). During this brief stay, a devastating piece of news reached the island: Paris, where her sister and mother had sought refuge, had fallen to the Nazis. Partly as a response to this event, Zambrano produced Isla de Puerto Rico: Nostalgia y esperanza de un mundo mejor, an essay in which the philosopher calls ... Read More PubDate: 2024-08-23T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: Es difícil emprender un trabajo serio sobre el desarrollo económico, político, social y cultural de las Antillas Españolas, a partir de la segunda mitad del siglo XIX, sin toparse constantemente con las faenas de sus masones autóctonos.2 Porque tal masonería ha sido siempre eminentemente de acción social; a veces política, o aún revolucionaria, y las más, puramente cívica y ciudadana.Desde los respectivos "Padres de la Patria": Duarte en la República Dominicana, Céspedes en Cuba, y Betances en Puerto Rico, hasta muchas de las grandes figuras intelectuales, políticas, y literarias, incluyendo a presidentes, generales, educadores, historiadores, periodistas, poetas, escritores, músicos, empresarios científicos ... Read More PubDate: 2024-08-23T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: These days, I constantly grieve for Haiti. I grieve for the countless women, children and men who just want to live in peace and freedom. I think that collectively, many of us are in a state of grief, and we have to acknowledge that. Jamie Anderson says in one of her songs: "Grief is love with nowhere to go." I think some of the grief we are all witnessing these days is connected to our memory and to what we have lost. In her role as Permanent Delegate of the Republic of Haiti to UNESCO, Ambassador Dominique Dupuy gave a very moving speech in which she describes Port-au-Prince as "Une capitale qui se transforme en tombeau béant" [A capital that is turning into an open grave]. But as the Haitian Creole proverb ... Read More PubDate: 2024-08-23T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: Siento que tanto con las citas como delimitadores, como con el contraste que hay entre los poemas con títulos y los poemas sin títulos, tu libro, Sirenas consta de dos partes.1Sí, hay dos partes, aunque no me interesaba demarcarlas. Después del poema 'Leaves'2 hay una ilustración que simula una caída de hojas, y eso marca la transición entre una parte y la otra. Contrario a Versión del viaje,3 Sirenas se fue escribiendo mientras hablaba con Edder [González Palacios], el editor y fundador de la editorial Riel. Al principio, la idea era que el libro solamente incluyera la primera parte, la que corresponde a los poemas cuyos títulos vienen de canciones de Nicolas Jaar. Todos esos poemas surgieron en Nueva York durante ... Read More PubDate: 2024-08-23T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: As is widely known, the post-Columbian Caribbean islands became the epicenter of several major developments that shaped future affairs in the surrounding continents and beyond. It was the first "New World" region to be encountered by medieval-era Iberian conquistadores who lost their way while crossing the Atlantic in search of a route to Asia. They overpowered their original inhabitants before forcibly seizing control of their territories. Considering the notoriety that has been associated with this ill-famed legacy, it comes as no surprise that the first acts of resistance to the European invasion, as well to the successive imposition of various forms of labor compulsion—e.g., the encomienda, repartimiento ... Read More PubDate: 2024-08-23T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: The Museum of the Old Colony (2016-2023) is an ongoing project of artist Pablo Delano, a conceptual installation that includes objects, photographs, videos, and texts encompassing Puerto Rico's history as the oldest colony in the archipelago. Initiated in 2016, the project has been presented in Puerto Rico, Trinidad, Jamaica, Argentina, and the United States, and traveled to the 2024 Venice Biennale as part of the main exhibition, Foreigners Everywhere. According to the critic for ARTNews, Delano's project, "a condemnation against the imperial, colonial project that the United States has imposed on Puerto Rico, which has been a colony for more than 500 years," "might be one of the most talked-about installations in ... Read More PubDate: 2024-08-23T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: Since Fernando Ortiz proposed in 1940 the metaphor of the ajiaco to understand "cubanidad" or Cuban identity as the blending of different cultures cooked in the same pot, scholars have conducted extensive research into the varied "ingredients" that go into this traditional stew—indigenous populations, Europeans, Africans, and Asians. Much less has been said, however, about one specific group of people of who migrated to Cuba en masse in the first half of the twentieth century: inhabitants of the West Indies, particularly Jamaicans. Between 1898 and 1938, more than 150,000 people from the British West Indies settled in the Eastern part of Cuba to work in the booming sugar and fruit industries, railway construction ... Read More PubDate: 2024-08-23T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: Rocío Zambrana's Colonial Debts: The Case of Puerto Rico is a book about the ways in which debt works as a technology of coloniality. At the same time, it theorizes that debt itself holds the possibility to resist indebtedness. Zambrana takes the reader on a journey through the historical origins of Puerto Rico's debt burden, its constitutive relation with coloniality, and its inherent contradictions and possible points of fugue. It is a dense yet exhilarating text and an exemplary decolonial project in which Zambrana takes on far-reaching questions, scrutinizing Aníbal Quijano's concept of coloniality of power and Maurizio Lazzarato's theorization of debt, for instance, through and with the Puerto Rican crisis.One ... Read More PubDate: 2024-08-23T00:00:00-05:00