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HISTORY (859 journals)

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Cultural Heritage and Science
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  • Ram-head Tombstones in and around Iğdır and their place in art

    • Authors: Ali KAYA
      Abstract: In this research, a total of 16 ram tombstones, including 6 ram headstones in the open-air museum of the Karakoyunlu district municipality, which is 15 km away from Iğdır, and 10 ram-head tombstones in the Kadim Çaybaşı Cemetery in Melekli town, 6 km away from the city center of Iğdır, has been studied. Since many of the tombstones have suffered various destructions over time, only those that have survived to the present day and are in readable condition have been identified and studies have been carried out on them. A total of 37 tombstones were identified during the field survey. Only 16 of these tombstones have been studied. The research started with a literature review in order to create a source for the study, then the ram-head tombstones in Iğdır and its surroundings were seen in person, the photographs of these tombstones were taken and their measurements were taken. In line with the available data, the tombstones were marked and read. As a result, the materials used in the construction of the ram headstones seen in and around Iğdır, the stamps, depictions and embroideries on the shaping techniques are documents that clearly show that they were created by the Turkish communities who settled in Anatolia and dominated these regions.
      PubDate: Thu, 29 Dec 2022 00:00:00 +030
  • Negotiating the urban space: Unlocking the development of the historic
           center in the modern city

    • Authors: Carlo SANTORO
      Abstract: The paper introduces a brief analysis of the historical processes that have contributed to the paralysis and degradation of downtown Phnom Penh (capital of Cambodia). It shows the impossibility of implementing stringent regulation in favor of negotiating practices among various urban actors based on relationships established by social and economic subordination and culturally embedded in the population. It seems that these unavoidable mechanisms should be explored to devise strategies aimed instead at the redevelopment of green space and the consequent valorization of historic real estate, creating a stimulus for the emergence of public-private cooperation capable of supporting the necessary investments. The paper discusses the actual situation in the city of Phnom Penh and tries to indicate possible solution in order to make a compromise between the conservation of the historical centers, or what is left of it, and a socially useful rehabilitation of the districts. A more pragmatic and sustainable operation will mitigate the risk of fragmentation or worse the disappearance of the historic fabric, focusing on the once-recognized identity of the city, considered a "green garden" and the "pearl of Asia." To support the analysis carried out in the paper some reference from other similar experiences in other city in the world are presented.
      PubDate: Thu, 29 Dec 2022 00:00:00 +030
  • Tracing the cultural heritage values of a traditional Antakya house

    • Authors: Mert Nezih RİFAİOĞLU
      Abstract: Defining the cultural heritage values of the houses in the historical urban fabric of Antakya, which has traditional houses with courtyards and culs-de-sac, is important for the conservation of the buildings. Traditional Antakya houses have reached the present day by undergoing changes in the historical process. The traces of the change are crucial important to understand and appreciate the original physical formations of the buildings. Houses have special heritage values that need to be protected. In order to determine the heritage values, it is important to determine the original features of the buildings. In this study, Gali Mansion, located in the north of Antakya's historical urban fabric, is examined. Within the scope of the study, the physical characteristic of the mansion is defined, historical and comparative analysis are presented, and cultural heritage values determined in the light of the restitution study.
      PubDate: Thu, 29 Dec 2022 00:00:00 +030
  • A GIS-based method for researching the historical and architectural

    • Authors: Figen KIVILCIM ÇORAKBAŞ; Emre Mustafa BEKTÖRE
      Abstract: Uludağ / Mount Olympus is a mountainscape where natural and cultural values coexist. One of the under-researched cultural layers of Uludağ is the remains of the Byzantine Period monasteries, which are considered to compose one of the unique cultural landscapes of the Byzantine world. The site surveys realized by the Bursa Metropolitan Municipality Research Team proved that some remains still exist in the current Uludağ mountainscape. This study aims to understand the monasteries’ cultural landscape by integrating qualitative, quantitative, historical, and current data on the Uludağ monasteries in a Geographical Information Systems (GIS) model. Various analysis tools that GIS provides are utilized in order to estimate the approximate locations of the monasteries’ remains. In addition, the relationships of the monasteries with topography, city, and landscape are discussed through relevant GIS maps. As a result, it is observed that the Uludağ monasteries were located in hard-to-access locations and were well-integrated into nature. The cultural heritage of monasteries requires a multidisciplinary approach that can be managed by the utilization of GIS.
      PubDate: Thu, 29 Dec 2022 00:00:00 +030
  • Conservation status of intangible cultural heritage after restoration:
           Case study of Mardin Spice Bazaar

    • Authors: Lale KARATAŞ
      Abstract: When the bazaars lose their traditional functions, characters, and identities through urban development, they also lose their importance as the element of intangible cultural heritage defining the behaviors and life styles of the local people traditionally, and as the channel of human interaction. Within this context, this article aims to research what the sustainable architectural elements of historical bazaars are after restoration and their relationship with the social and cultural components critically by addressing the historical Mardin Spice Bazaar as a case study. Qualitative research method was used in the study. The primary data was collected through the observations in Mardin Bazaar and in-depth interviews with the shop owners and customers. In the results of the study, it is seen that the restoration applications carried out in Mardin Spice Bazaar were intended for improving only the physical conditions of the bazaar, and has focused on the spatial statuses and have not considered the human activities. The study is significant for investigating the pros and cons of the restoration projects, which were applied to make the traditional bazaars more attractive as the touristic attraction centers, over the intangible cultural heritage values.
      PubDate: Thu, 29 Dec 2022 00:00:00 +030
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JournalTOCs © 2009-
  Subjects -> HISTORY (Total: 1540 journals)
    - HISTORY (859 journals)
    - History (General) (45 journals)
    - HISTORY OF AFRICA (72 journals)
    - HISTORY OF ASIA (67 journals)
    - HISTORY OF EUROPE (256 journals)
    - HISTORY OF THE AMERICAS (183 journals)
    - HISTORY OF THE NEAR EAST (48 journals)

HISTORY (859 journals)

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