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Commonwealth Essays and Studies
Number of Followers: 4 Open Access journal ISSN (Online) 2534-6695 Published by OpenEdition Journals [457 journals] |
- 23.1 2000 – Reconciliation
Reconciliation: Preface [Full text] Marta Dvorak
T. Gosse’s Foundation of White Australia: The Romantic Bid to Reconcile Civilisation and ‘Aboriginality’ [Full text] Georges-Goulven Le Cam
‘Burdens of Rage and Grief’: Reconciliation in Post-Apartheid Fiction [Full text] Richard Samin
J.M. Coetzee’s Disgrace: Post-Apartheid Questioning of Reconciliation [Full text] Benaouda Lebdai
Impossible Reconciliation in Manju Kapur’s Difficult Daughters [Full text] Geetha Ganapathy-Doré
Guilt, Penance and Reconciliation in Lawrence Scott’s Witchbroom [Full text] Dominique Dubois
Women’s Version and Dub Version: Paradigms of Creolisation of Culture in Erna Brodber’s Jane and Louisa Will Soon Come Home [Full text] Emilia Ippolito
V.S. Naipaul’s Reconciliation with Himself: The Ultimate Enigma of Arrival [Full text] Florence Labaune-Demeule
The Healing Effects of Childhood Narrative in Wayson Choy’s The Jade Peony [Full text] Christine Lorre
Cyril Dabydeen: Reconciling Identities [Full text] Alan McLeod
David Malouf’s ‘Voyaging Imagination’: The Conversations at Curlow Creek [Full text] Hena Maes-Jelinek
A Long Night’s Journey into Day: Matt Cohen’s The Spanish Doctor [Full text] Ingrid Schiro
Marginality, Cosmopolitanism and Postcoloniality [Full text] Gün Orgun
Obituary: Colin Roderick Jacques Leclaire
PubDate: 2022-04-12
- 22.2 2000 – Crossing Borders
Crossing Borders: A Study of Bessie Head’s When Rain Clouds Gather and Maru [Full text] Edward O. Ako
Coetzee the Writer and the Writer of an Autobiography [Full text] Jean Sevry
Gender and the Narrative of Identity in Chinua Achebe’s Arrow of God [Full text] Kwadwo Osei-Nyame Jnr
Flying up for Air: Australian Artists in Exile [Full text] Dominique Hecq
Fat vs. Fate or Why a ‘Woman of Destiny’ Needs to Be Fat [Full text] Chantal Kwast-Greff
Seeing Double in Susan Swan’s The Wives of Bath: Cross-Dressing and Revisions of Identity [Full text] Charlotte Sturgess
The Condition of Life and Art in Anita Desai’s In Custody [Full text] Rosalia Baena Molina
Forms of Creation in A Suitable Boy [Full text] Emilienne Baneth-Nouailhetas
Hybridity and Transgression in Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things [Full text] Cécile Oumhani
The Perils of Expatriation and a ‘Heartless Paradise’: Romesh Gunesekera’s The Sandglass [Full text] Senath Walter Perera
De Chirico Revisited: The Enigma of Creation in V.S. Naipaul’s The Enigma of Arrival [Full text] Florence Labaune-Demeule
Jean-Michel Lacroix, ed., Re-constructing the Fragments of Michael Ondaatje’s Works [Full text] Marta Dvorak
PubDate: 2022-04-12
- 23.2 2001 – Crossways
Exploring the Middle Ground: Ayi Kwei Armah’s The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born [Full text] Amy Staehr
Photography in Ben Okri’s The Famished Road [Full text] Philip Whyte
Before the Beginning: Niyi Osundare’s The Word is an Egg: Poems [Full text] Wole Ogundele
Beyond Biography: Characters and Journeys in Soyinka’s Isara [Full text] Charles Bodunde
The Music under the Stone: A Reading of Alex La Guma’s The Stone Country [Full text] Rosemary Gray
‘Living in Hope’: an Interview with Nadine Gordimer [Full text] Sue Kossew and Nadine Gordimer
‘Why Are You Carrying Books' Don’t You Have Children'’ Sindiwe Magona’s Autobiographies [Full text] Siphokazi Koyana
An Electronic Interview with Sindiwe Magona [Full text] Siphokazi Koyana, Rosemary Gray and Sindiwe Magona
Interviewing Jamal Mahjoub [Full text] Jean Sevry and Jamal Mahjoub
Disrupting the Master Narrative: An Interview with Caryl Phillips [Full text] Renée Schatteman and Caryl Phillips
A Conversation with Cyril Dabydeen [Full text] Judith Misrahi-Barak and Cyril Dabydeen
Europe Seen through Australian Eyes [Full text] Igor Maver
PubDate: 2022-04-11
- 24.1 2001 – Biography, Autobiography and Fiction
Statement from the editors [Full text] Jean-Pierre Durix
Biography, Autobiography and Fiction: Introduction [Full text] Richard Samin
Autobiography as Autrebiography: the Fictionalisation of the Self in J.M. Coetzee’s Boyhood: Scenes from Provincial Life [Full text] Sheila Collingwood-Whittick
The Lever out of Hell Autobiographical Footholds to Read Bessie Head’s A Question of Power [Full text] Vicki Briault Manus
A Mouthful of Stones in a Mango Leaf: History, Womanhood and Language in Sara Suleri’s Meatless Days, a Memoir [Full text] Geetha Ganapathy-Doré
Re-inventing (Auto)-biography: The (Im)possible Quest of Michael Ondaatje in Running in the Family [Full text] Cynthia Carey
Frank Moorhouse and the ‘Oscillation’ between Biography, Autobiography and Fiction: Reconciling Contradictions [Full text] Colette Selles
The Novelist as Ventriloquist: Autobiography and Fiction in Peter Carey’s True History of the Kelly Gang [Full text] Xavier Pons
Evelyn Lau’s Other Women: Speaking Silence [Full text] Charlotte Sturgess
Secrets and Lies, Stories and Truth in Wayson Choy’s Paper Shadows [Full text] Christine Lorre
Autobiografiction: Strategies of (Self) Representation [Full text] Marta Dvorak
The Quest for Personal and National Identity in Shyam Selvadurai’s Funny Boy [Full text] José Santiago Fernández Vázquez
PubDate: 2022-04-10
- 24.2 2002 – A Question of Perspective
African Literature and Theory: The Cart Before the Horse' [Full text] Christiane Fioupou
Taboo or not Taboo' Janet Frame’s Autobiography [Full text] Claire Bazin
The Crisis of Masculinity in Tim Winton’s The Riders [Full text] Bárbara Arizti Martín
Writing as Translation in The Ground Beneath her Feet [Full text] Florence Cabaret
The Abdication of Chronos: The Representation of Time in Salman Rushdie’s Novels [Full text] Stéphanie Ravillon
Mapping Postcolonial Spaces in Catherine Bush’s Minus Time [Full text] Mary Condé
The North in Rudy Wiebe’s A Discovery of Strangers: A Land Beyond Words' [Full text] Claire Omhovère
Mistress of the Tomb, I Fear You: Feminine Archetypes in V.S. Naipaul’s Mr Stone and the Knights Companion [Full text] Sanna Dhahir
Across the ‘Wide Sargasso Sea’: Jean Rhys’s Revision of Charlotte Brontë’s Eurocentric Gothic [Full text] Sylvie Maurel
PubDate: 2022-04-09
- 25.1 2002 – Palimpsests
Palimpsests: Introduction [Full text] Alain Severac
Re-Surfacing Through Palimpsests: a (False) Quest for Repossession in the Works of Mudrooroo and Alexis Wright [Full text] Françoise Král
The Body and the Text Extra and Infra Textual Scars [Full text] Chantal Kwast-Greff
Thomas Keneally’s The Chant of Jimmie Blacksmith and the Palimpsest of Jimmy Governor [Full text] Sue Ryan-Fazilleau
Sally Morgan’s My Place: Exposing the (Ab)original ‘Text’ Behind Whitefellas’ History [Full text] Sheila Collingwood-Whittick
The Right Hand Writing and the Left Hand Erasing in Margaret Atwood’s The Blind Assassin [Full text] Marta Dvorak
‘In an Attempt to Erase’: Breyten Breytenbach’s Prison Writing and the Need to Re-Cover [Full text] Guillaume Cingal
A Palimpsestic Journey Towards Creation and Self-Awareness [Full text] Dominique Dubois
Kipling’s ‘The Miracle of Purun Bhagat’ and the ‘Anxieties of Empire’ [Full text] Cynthia Carey
Re-Membering Personal History in The God of Small Things [Full text] Aïda Balvannanadhan
David Coad, Gender Trouble Down Under [Full text] Xavier Pons
PubDate: 2022-04-08
- 25.2 2003 – Forging Heritage
‘Spirit of Place’: Mungoshi’s Rolling World [Full text] Rosemary Gray
Magic Realism in Two Post-Apartheid Novels by André Brink [Full text] Mélanie Joseph-Vilain
From the Tick to the Brontosaurus: Animal Imagery in Alex La Guma’s Novels [Full text] Baydallaye Kane
Between the Epistemic and the Accursed: U.R. Ananta Murthy’s Samskara [Full text] D. Venkat Rao
‘Author Knows Best’: Revisiting Michael Anthony’s Green Days by the River [Full text] Roydon Salick
Libidinous Landscapes: Sexual Inscriptions of Place in Guyanese Literature [Full text] Mark McWatt
Diasporic Hybridities and the ‘Patchwork Quilt’: Contesting Nationalist History and Other Fictions in Rohinton Mistry’s A Fine Balance [Full text] Sharmani Patricia Gabriel
What the Raven Said: Genealogy and Subjectivity in Mordecai Richler’s Solomon Gursky Was Here [Full text] Tamás Bényei
Patricia Ismond, Abandoning Old Metaphors: The Caribbean Phase of Derek Walcott’s Poetry [Full text] Robert Hamner
PubDate: 2022-04-07
- Special Issue 5 2003 – Places of Memory
Pour notre ‘grand-frère’ Michel Fabre [Full text] Jean-Pierre Durix
Theatre of the Arts [Full text] Wilson Harris
Writing and the Other Arts in Wilson Harris’s Fiction [Full text] Hena Maes-Jelinek
Caliban’s New Masters: Creolizing Archetypes in Kamau Brathwaite’s Arrivants Trilogy [Full text] John Thieme
‘Penned by a Ghost’: Memory and History in Fred D’Aguiar’s Feeding the Ghosts [Full text] Kathie Birat
Naming Reality into Poetical Existence: Derek Walcott’s Another Life [Full text] Jean-Pierre Durix
West African Literature at the Crossroads: the Magical Realism of Ben Okri [Full text] Philip Whyte
The Magic Toronto of Hipsters and Yuppies Overwhelms Toronto The Good in Russell Smith’s Satirical Fiction [Full text] Jacques Leclaire
Framing the Recalcitrance of Mavis Gallant’s ‘The Wedding Ring’ [Full text] Simone Vauthier
Reading Beverley Farmer’s ‘A Man in the Laundrette’: Paradigms of Apprehension [Full text] W.H. New
A vau-l’eau [Full text] Jean Sevry
PubDate: 2022-04-06
- 26.1 2003 – Genre/Gender
Genre/Gender: Introduction [Full text] Sheila Collingwood-Whittick
To Be a Man and to Have a Man: Sex, Gender and Ethnicity in Christos Tsiolkas’ Loaded [Full text] Xavier Pons
The Interaction of ‘Race’ and Gender as Cultural Constructs in Tsitsi Dangarembga’s Nervous Conditions [Full text] Vicki Briault Manus
Genre and Gender in Butterfly Burning: Yvonne Vera’s Elliptical Writing [Full text] Myriam Louviot
White Form, Aboriginal Content: Philip McLaren’s Scream Black Murder [Full text] Sue Ryan-Fazilleau
Gender and Epic in Syl Cheney-Coker’s The Last Harmattan of Alusine Dunbar [Full text] Philip Whyte
Writing Woman Back into History: Magic Realism in André Brink’s Imaginings of Sand [Full text] Mélanie Joseph-Vilain
‘Not His, But Her Story’. The Place of Women in Derek Walcott’s Poetry [Full text] Gilles Macarie
The Songlines: Blurring the Edges of Traditional Genres in Search of a New Nomadic Aesthetics [Full text] Christine Texier-Vandamme
Vicissitude in Hugh MacLennan’s The Watch That Ends the Night [Full text] André Dodeman
Rudy Wiebe and Yvonne Johnson’s Stolen Life: the Journey of a Cree Woman: A Peregrination Through Gender and Genre [Full text] Claire Omhovère
PubDate: 2022-04-05
- 26.2 2004 – Migrating
Order out of Chaos: the Structure of Albert Wendt’s Sons for the Return Home [Full text] Daniela Cavallaro
The Migrant Experience in East African Asian Writing [Full text] Peter Simatei
J.M. Coetzee’s Waiting for the Barbarians and Allegory/ies [Full text] Anne Chantot
Dambudzo Marechera’s Zimbabwe: A Nation of Captives [Full text] Khombe M. Mangwanda
‘Grappling in the Contact Zone’: Acculturation in Buchi Emecheta’s Gwendolen [Full text] Susanne Pichler
Contradiction in E.K. Brathwaite’s The Arrivants: the Healing Rhythms of the Mother [Full text] Dominique Delmaire
Stan’s Grandson, the Lost Boy, and White’s Ars Poetica in The Tree of Man [Full text] John Beston
The Spectral Return of Depths in Kazuo Ishiguro’s The Unconsoled [Full text] Pierre François
Satanic v. Angelic: The World Welterweight Fight: Rushdie Takes on Hegemony! [Full text] Dorritta Fong
‘History Was Wrong-Footed, Caught Off Guard’: Gendered Caste, Class and Manipulation in Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things [Full text] Pumla Dineo Gqola
PubDate: 2022-04-04