Authors:Jedidja van Boven Pages: 2 - 12 Abstract: Abstract. Ever since its conceptualization, the initiators of the European project have struggled to strike the right balance between economic and political spheres. One dimension through which the Union has attempted to instill a sense of belonging is European Union citizenship. However, this paper argues that the governance of EU citizenship in the political-legal sphere have resulted in its continued relegation to economic dimensions, which may adversely impact the democratic health of the European Union. The first section will outline the role of political participation in EU citizenship as expressed in EU law, and point to the ways in which economic dimensions are overemphasized. The second section will describe the ways in which democracy is jeopardized by the depoliticization of EU citizenship, as well as EU policymaking in general. The paper will conclude by pointing to the potential pitfalls implied by an overly economic lens of citizenship when it comes to the democratic future of Europe. Key words: EU citizenship, political participation, democracy, citizenship rights, neoliberalism PubDate: 2021-09-11
Authors:Alina Abramenko Pages: 13 - 34 Abstract: Abstract: Since the 2020 killing of George Floyd, an African American, police brutality against unarmed Black males and females has achieved sustained attention around the problem of racial disparities. The Black Lives Matter Movement 2020, expressed in anti-racism civil rights protests, has become a response to racial injustice. The core goal of this paper is to test whether the frequency of protests against racial oppression is driven by structural racism at the state level within the United States between 2017 and 2020, while shedding some light on the Trump administration. In this study, the quantitative research analysis is being used to run a multiple linear regression that looks at the anti- racism protest activity in 50 American states. I argue that structural racism is an autonomous grievance that accumulates institutionalized racial disparities and, in addition to grievances from different domains, significantly affects the frequency of occurring anti-racism protests. Key words: systemic racism, contentious political tactics, racial oppression, anti-racism protests PubDate: 2021-09-11
Authors:S.L. Staley Pages: 35 - 45 Abstract: Abstract. We review the literature on the threat of religious populism to the health of liberal democracies today. The literature attributes the presence of populism within liberal democracies to socio-economic conditions, the media, and identity politics. In recent years, growing attention has focused on the role of social media driving the success of populism and not enough time on the variable of the institution of religious fundamentalism impacting interpersonal relationships and social conditioning individuals driving the success of populist movements within liberal democracies. There can be little dispute that religious populism is an area of importance in democracy studies. Yet, there have been few literature reviews on this topic. This paper seeks to identify the literature surrounding this field to help inspire research that would help democracy scholars identify whether or not institutions construct socially conditioned cognitive distortions for individuals and drive the success of populist movements. Further research of the mechanism of religious populism and its impact in shaping perceptions of reality on individuals living within democracies is needed. Understanding the mechanism behind religious populism and its intersections would empower citizens to contribute to a collectively healthy democracy. For the scope of this paper, we will review the relevant intersectional literature on populism and religion, focusing on fundamentalism Keywords: Religious Populism, Democracy, Cognitive Distortions, Conspiracy Theories PubDate: 2021-09-11
Authors:Caspar Chan Pages: 46 - 60 Abstract: bstract. In Hong Kong, 2019, during the Anti-Extradition Movement in which the Hong Kongers protested against the controversial proposal of the extradition law by the government, people began to stick notes, posters, photographs, and other visual objects onto walls and façades in common places like tunnels, bridges, flyovers and shopping malls all around Hong Kong. On these walls, one can see news regarding the protest, words of encouragement, voices against the government and even artefacts whose goal is to stir the emotion of the people. Such an artistic-activist movement borrows the concept of the “John Lennon Wall” emerged in Prague during the 1980s, and thus, this collective of walls as well as other public spaces where such a concept is materialised bears the name the Lennon Wall of Hong Kong. By analysing the case of the Lennon Wall in Hong Kong, this project looks into one of the notions resonating the idea of democracy: that of commons and “commoning”. Also reflecting on Jacques Rancière’s understanding of politics and aesthetics, this paper explores the following question: How the Hong Kongers articulated their voices through the Lennon Wall in a political movement' I will take into account the societal background of Hong Kong, the features, as well as the development of the Lennon Wall. The outcomes of this artistic-activist initiative and the political movement also reveal possible challenges of any politically-charged common, which, in turn, allows us to re-think democracy through commoning. Keywords: Aesthetics, Common, The Lennon Wall, Politics. PubDate: 2021-09-11
Authors:Anna Tosetto Pages: 61 - 69 Abstract: Abstract. This article deepens the phenomenon of disinformation, providing an all-encompassing definition (proposed by the EU experts group) and subsequently analysing the actions put in place from 2018 until now by the European Commission to tackle its spread. The EU strategy consists of two opposed instruments: regulation and communication. Both have some opportunities and some challenges that involve the risk of crossing the limits of the freedom of expression and the need of citizens active participation and commitment. The effort by the European Commission of developing a wise regulation will be introduced soon, whereas the media literacy campaign is enforced every year with the support of civil society organisations. The article lists the pros and cons of all the initiatives proposed, together with some reflections of non-EU experts. Keywords: disinformation, Internet, European Union, citizens, freedom of expression PubDate: 2021-09-11
Authors:Mariano Monge Juárez Pages: 70 - 84 Abstract: Resumen. La mecánica público-cultura y democracia ha sufrido una gran transformación tras la llegada de la sociedad interactiva; hemos pasado de una estructura vertical a una horizontal. El objetivo de este artículo es proponer una historia inclusiva. Historiador y público inician un proceso de deconstrucción desde presupuestos glocales, por ello es necesaria una historiografía en forma de rizoma, que supere las rigideces taxonómicas y los grandes modelos etnocéntricos. Es imprescindible analizar heterodoxias y ortodoxias desde la sincronicidad que nos aporte un replanteamiento de tiempo, espacio, dialéctica y etiología, replanteamiento que nos aporte soluciones a los problemas epistemológicos y formales de la postmodernidad. Palabras clave: contemporaneidad, democracia público, glocal, posmodernidad. PubDate: 2021-09-11
Authors:Olga Talantopoulou Pages: 85 - 105 Abstract: bstract. The paper analyzes to what extent the Greek educational system meets the recommendations from the Council of Europe by featuring illustrative examples on the responses of the Greek Constitution. The leading research question consequently explores: How do the Greek State and the Eastern Orthodox Church shape state-sponsored school education in regard to the Recommendation of the Council of Europe' And more analytically: How does this impact religious diversity learning in Greece’s primary and secondary education' Content analysis is formed using the data of the European and the official government documents. Examined dynamics of the daily school setting and specific content of classes like Religious Education are collected and analyzed. The resulting arguments favor consequential reconstructions and the teaching methods in specific subjects. This can be achieved by the State and the Church implementing their aims according to the European recommendations to respond to the students’ present needs. Additionally, by offering subjects as religious studies and school setting examples as a non-religiously binding common school start session. Keywords: Greece; Religious diversity; Secularity; State-Church-Relations; Council of Europe PubDate: 2021-09-11
Authors:Lucas Dijker Pages: 106 - 127 Abstract: Abstract. To conceptualise the European Union (‘EU’) as an empire is controversial. Yet, closer examination of the complex phenomenon of empire actually provides a constructive and a valuable understanding of the EU. This article aims to do away with state-centric approaches and examines the democratic political representation of the EU as an empire. Eric Voegelin’s theory of political representation is chosen to create an understanding of political representation in the EU. Voegelin’s focus goes beyond legal and ‘elemental’ approaches to representation and, therefore, allows for an interesting comparison with early empires, providing valuable angles to examine the political reality and symbols of the EU. This study concludes with a realistic perspective on a known problem, on which, by the use of the empire-analogy and a Voegelinian approach, it sheds a new light: democracy, functioning as the basis for unity in the EU, is fragile, and the distrust of Europeans to their representatives results in complications with unifying Europeans. It is an empire, historically seen, that might allow for a configuration for the EU that provides a good way to mitigate and balance differences since empires have an intrinsic relational and structural plurality that delivers, more than a state, unity in diversity. Keywords: European Union, empire, political representation, European identity, Eric Voegelin PubDate: 2021-09-11
Authors:Mario García Roche Pages: 128 - 147 Abstract: Abstract. Under neoliberalism, the political relevance of citizens has been eroded according to a managerial conception of the state and society. As Jacques Rancière mentions, this is a condition of the current “post-political” time. In this context, UBI has appeared as a means to regain the political signification of individual attending to their material necessities and looking forward to avoiding an increasing level of precarity. However, UBI poses some processual and intrinsic problematizations affecting its emancipatory character resulting in exclusionary social, economic and political attitudes. Thus, this article will analyze the role of UBI in recovering the categories of citizen and democracy and the main problems its implementation would face. This research wants to show that, paradoxically, UBI can provide a substantial improvement for those social groups in risk of exclusion such as immigrants, women or precarious workers. Keywords: Universal Basic Income, post-politics, neoliberalism, political rationality, democracy. PubDate: 2021-09-10
Authors:Guillem Muñoz Mayoral, Oscar Planells Guix Pages: 148 - 160 Abstract: José Luis Moreno Pestaña es profesor de Filosofía moral en la Universidad de Granada. Sus investigaciones se centran entre otras cuestiones en la renovación de la democracia contemporánea a través de procedimientos y mecanismos institucionales de la democracia antigua, la constitución de oligopolios y la acumulación de capital político, y en la moral corporal en relación con los trastornos alimentarios y el capital erótico. Sus últimos libros son Los pocos y los mejores. Localización y crítica del fetichismo político, Retorno a Atenas. La democracia como principio antioligárquico o La cara oscura del capital erótico. Capitalización del cuerpo y trastornos alimentarios. PubDate: 2021-09-11
Authors:Guillem Muñoz Mayoral, Laura Bonastre Farran Pages: 161 - 172 Abstract: Laura vicente es doctora de Historia por la Universidad de Zaragoza y catedrática de historia de la enseñanza secundaria. Es especialista en historia social e historia de la mujer, especialmente de España. En línea con el especial interés que tiene por las iniciativas sociales de raigambre anarcofeminista y por los movimientos sociales, ha publicado obras como Historia del anarquismo en España (2013), Mujer contra mujer en la Cataluña insurgente: Rafaela Torrents (1838-1909) y Teresa Claramunt (1862-1931) (2018) o La revolución de las palabras: La revista Mujeres Libres (2020). Actualmente también imparte algún curso sobre la organización Mujeres Libres en el espacio Crisi de Barcelona y Forma parte del equipo de redacción de la revista Libre Pensamiento que edita CGT y de la revista de historia XIX y veinte. PubDate: 2021-09-11
Authors:Ioan Tulai Pages: 174 - 195 Abstract: En los últimos diez años la industria de juegos de azar ha tenido en España una rápida expansión, lo que ha supuesto un salón de juego por cada 5.545 hogares, ubicados preferentemente en los barrios periféricos de las capitales. El debate público, polarizado en partidos políticos y asociaciones de vecinos, deja en la sombra la opinión del auténtico protagonista: el jugador. El objetivo principal de esta investigación es una aproximación al jugador no patológico, para entender las motivaciones que hay detrás de cada apuesta. Dostoyevski, en su obra El jugador, define el perfil del jugador tradicional: una persona solitaria, con una vida rutinaria, cuyo único objetivo es volver al casino para seguir apostando; los resultados de esta investigación constatan un cambio. Estamos hoy ante un jugador que ha encontrado en el juego una forma de diversión y entretenimiento, una forma de pasar el rato con los amigos, en resumen, una nueva forma de ocio. El presente trabajo no pretende agotar el tema, tan solo plantear la existencia de un cambio de modelo a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas a jugadores jóvenes. Sus testimonios darán cuenta, no solo de las formas de iniciación y las motivaciones detrás de la apuesta, sino también del significado que ésta tiene para el propio jugador. PubDate: 2021-09-11
Authors:Oscar Planells Guix, Guillem Muñoz Mayoral Pages: 196 - 206 Abstract: Laura Huerga es editora y fundadora de Raig Verd / Rayo Verde, una editorial de ensayo y narrativa. Ha escrito dos cuentos para niños y coescrito su primer libro de ensayo «Tú, ¡cállate!» (Rayo Verde, 2018) sobre la libertad de expresión y manifestación, junto a Blanca Busquets. La obra expone y denuncia el marco legal que ampara la censura en el Estado español, agravado por la aprobación de la Ley Mordaza y el endurecimiento del Código Penal en 2015. También escribe opinión en El Nacional. PubDate: 2021-11-08
Authors:Guillem Muñoz Mayoral, Oscar Planells Guix Pages: 207 - 218 Abstract: Maria José trabaja como Directora de Proyectos en el área de movilidad activa en POLIS, una red de ciudades y regiones Europeas trabajando conjuntamente para desarrollar políticas y tecnologías adecuadas para el sistema de transporte local. Actualmente trabaja en diversos proyectos europeos tales como MOMENTUM (modelling of emerging transport solutions), ReVeAL (vehicle access regulation for improved liveability) y SPROUT (sustainable policy response to urban mobility transition). Antes de unirse a POLIS, trabaajó como investigadora en la UPM y en la Universidad de Nueva York, así como planificadora urbana para el United Nations Human Settlements Programme. Maria tiene un doctorado en planificación urbana sostenible, un posgraduado en asentamientos urbanos, y un máster en planificación urbana y arquitectura por la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). PubDate: 2021-12-20