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Global Food History
Number of Followers: 2 ![]() ISSN (Print) 2054-9547 - ISSN (Online) 2054-9555 Published by Taylor and Francis ![]() |
- Editorial Introduction
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Authors: Jeffrey M. Pilcher Department of Physical; Environmental Sciences, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Pages: 137 - 139
Abstract: Volume 10, Issue 2, July 2024, Page 137-139
Citation: Global Food History
PubDate: 2024-05-27T11:07:52Z
DOI: 10.1080/20549547.2024.2357043
Issue No: Vol. 10, No. 2 (2024)
- Meat on and off the Royal Menu: The Medieval Delight of the Mind & the
Erasure of Meat from Indian Recipe Collections-
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Authors: Andrea Gutiérrez Department of Asian Studies; The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, USAAndrea Gutiérrez divides her time between food history of South Asia translating for her upcoming project: writing a history of the captive elephant in South Asia from medieval times to the present.
Pages: 140 - 158
Abstract: Volume 10, Issue 2, July 2024, Page 140-158
Citation: Global Food History
PubDate: 2024-05-02T05:55:33Z
DOI: 10.1080/20549547.2024.2347180
Issue No: Vol. 10, No. 2 (2024)
- Quality Regulation in the Global “Wine Periphery”: The Case of Late
Imperial Rio de Janeiro (1880–1889)-
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Authors: Sören Brinkmann Willy Brandt Center; University of Wrocław, Wrocław, PolandSören Brinkmann is Professor of History at the Willy Brandt Center of the University of Wrocław, where he researches the author of Leite para os Trópicos! Consumo, produção e políticas públicas no Brasil, 1889–1964 (Rio de Janeiro, 2023).
Pages: 1 - 18
Abstract: .
Citation: Global Food History
PubDate: 2024-07-16T12:05:17Z
DOI: 10.1080/20549547.2024.2377945
- The Black Food Market in the General Government, Poland, 1939–1945
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Authors: Jerzy Kochanowski Faculty of Culture; the Hoover Institution (Stanford University). His books in English include: Through the Back Door: The Black Market in Poland 1944-1989 (Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main – New York 2017); The Other October Revolution: Poland, 1956-57 (BRILL-Schöningh, Paderborn 2023).
Pages: 1 - 18
Abstract: .
Citation: Global Food History
PubDate: 2024-06-05T03:29:02Z
DOI: 10.1080/20549547.2024.2353524
- Colonizing Condiments: Culinary Experimentation and the Politics of
Disgust in Early Modern Britain-
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Authors: Amanda E. Herbert Jack B. Bouchard Julia Fine a History; Durham University, Durham, UKb History, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, USAc History, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USAAmanda E. Herbert is Associate Professor of Early Modern Americas in the History Department at Durham University. She holds the Ph.D. in History from Johns Hopkins University, the World History Association.
Pages: 1 - 30
Abstract: .
Citation: Global Food History
PubDate: 2024-06-03T11:27:31Z
DOI: 10.1080/20549547.2024.2357928
- “I Never Met with a Worse Article in My life”: Disgusting Food and
Repellent Food Habits in the Nineteenth-Century Caribbean Colonies-
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Authors: Ilaria Berti Departamento de Geografia; Historia y Filosofia, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Seville, SpainIlaria Berti is working on her new project Nacionalismo culinario y cuerpo: Cuba entre el dominio de España y Estados Unidos en el siglo XIX financed by the European Union “NextGenerationEU” within the framework of the Maria Zambrano call for the requalification of the Spanish university 2021-2023, Pablo de Olavide University, Seville.She has been the Principal Investigator of her Marie Curie project (H2020) Imperial Recipes, a postdoctoral researcher at the Munich Center for Global History Svriz, American Globalization, 1492-1850 (Routledge, 2021).
Pages: 1 - 21
Abstract: .
Citation: Global Food History
PubDate: 2024-04-26T03:01:26Z
DOI: 10.1080/20549547.2024.2341574
- “What Would We Not Have Eaten'” Animals and Disgust in Colonial
Starvation Narratives-
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Authors: Danielle Alesi History; Millikin University, Decatur, IL, USADanielle Alesi is an Assistant Professor of History at Nazareth University in Rochester, NY. Her research interests include the human-animal relationship in Atlantic World Colonization. Her first book, titled Eating Animals in the Early Modern Atlantic World: Consuming Empire, 1492-1700 is under contract review with Amsterdam University Press.
Pages: 1 - 12
Abstract: .
Citation: Global Food History
PubDate: 2024-04-23T09:59:48Z
DOI: 10.1080/20549547.2024.2342182
- The “Kitchen Debate” Revisited: Abundance and Anti-domesticity
in Cold War America-
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Authors: Justin Nordstrom Department of History; Penn State Hazleton, Hazleton, PA, USAJustin Nordstrom is Professor of History at Penn State’s Hazleton campus, where he teaches surveys of U.S. 2021 respectively).
Pages: 1 - 21
Abstract: .
Citation: Global Food History
PubDate: 2024-04-22T12:51:17Z
DOI: 10.1080/20549547.2024.2344416
- Naturalizing Sugar in the American Diet: Agribusiness, Science, and the
Propaganda Arts-
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Authors: Gail M. Hollander Department of Global; agriculture.
Pages: 1 - 20
Abstract: .
Citation: Global Food History
PubDate: 2024-04-02T12:26:42Z
DOI: 10.1080/20549547.2024.2336406
- Bourbon, Black and White: Bourbon and Race in America, 1935-1975
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Authors: Eric Reed Department of History; Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY, USAEric Reed is Professor of History at Western Kentucky University. His first major research project examined the cultural Commercial History (University of Chicago, 2015). His latest research project explores the history of bourbon whiskey in a global context.
Pages: 1 - 26
Abstract: .
Citation: Global Food History
PubDate: 2024-03-10T04:57:58Z
DOI: 10.1080/20549547.2024.2321848
- Black Market Logic: Meat Supply in Vichy France
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Authors: Kenneth Mouré Department of History; University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, CanadaKenneth Mouré is Professor of History at the University of Alberta Marché Noir: The Economy of Survival in Second World War France (2023).
Pages: 1 - 17
Abstract: .
Citation: Global Food History
PubDate: 2024-02-19T10:13:20Z
DOI: 10.1080/20549547.2024.2313909
- Domesticating Disgust: Food, Labor, and Disgust in Colonial India
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Authors: Meghna Sapui Department of English Language; Victorian Studies. She is currently working on her book, Edible Empire: Tasting & Writing India, which looks at gastro narratives in literatures of British India.
Pages: 1 - 23
Abstract: .
Citation: Global Food History
PubDate: 2024-01-14T08:51:23Z
DOI: 10.1080/20549547.2024.2301890
- Magic of Olive Oil: Sex and Fluid Identities in the Premodern
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Authors: Veronica Menaldi Department of Modern Languages; University of Mississippi, University, MS, USAVeronica Menaldi is an assistant professor of Spanish in the Department of Modern Languages at the University of Mississippi. She received her PhD from the Department of Spanish food.
Pages: 159 - 174
Abstract: Volume 10, Issue 2, July 2024, Page 159-174
Citation: Global Food History
PubDate: 2023-09-05T07:53:06Z
DOI: 10.1080/20549547.2023.2252315
Issue No: Vol. 10, No. 2 (2023)
- The Pioneer’s Feast: Colonial Menus in Italian East Africa
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Authors: Diana Garvin Department of Romance Languages; University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, USADiana Garvin is Assistant Professor of Italian in the Department of Romance Languages other fellowships.
Pages: 175 - 205
Abstract: Volume 10, Issue 2, July 2024, Page 175-205
Citation: Global Food History
PubDate: 2023-06-01T05:35:11Z
DOI: 10.1080/20549547.2023.2213872
Issue No: Vol. 10, No. 2 (2023)
- Menus from the Lotos Club in New York City
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Authors: Paul Freedman Nancy Johnson a Department of History; Yale University, New Haven, CT, USAb Archive, The Lotos Club, New York, NY, USAPaul Freedman is the Chester D. Tripp Professor of History at Yale where he has taught since 1997. Before that he was at Vanderbilt University. His teaching writes a monthly column for the Club newsletter about varied aspects of Lotos history.
Pages: 206 - 223
Abstract: Volume 10, Issue 2, July 2024, Page 206-223
Citation: Global Food History
PubDate: 2023-09-14T11:57:24Z
DOI: 10.1080/20549547.2023.2256605
Issue No: Vol. 10, No. 2 (2023)
- A Taste of Spain: Images of Rioja Wine in Britain and America (1890-1960)
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Authors: Aritz Farwell Ludger Mees a HiTZ – Basque Center for Language Technology; University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Donostia/San Sebastián, Spainb Department of Contemporary History, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Leioa, SpainAritz Farwell received a PhD in History from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). He is currently a researcher at HiTZ – Basque Center for Language Technology at the University of the Basque Country Invention (London: Routledge, 2023).
Pages: 1 - 26
Abstract: .
Citation: Global Food History
PubDate: 2023-10-24T06:31:23Z
DOI: 10.1080/20549547.2023.2267002
- Communist Quality: Dairy Production at the Leningrad Dairy Combine,
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Authors: Donald Morard Department of History; McGill University, Montreal, CanadaDonald Morard III is a PhD student at McGill University whose research is focused on Soviet food production, with a particular focus in the Soviet Northwest in the period of late socialism. His current project focuses on Soviet Estonian agricultural reform in the 1970s how it failed when scaled to an all-union implementation.
Pages: 1 - 20
Abstract: .
Citation: Global Food History
PubDate: 2023-08-24T04:02:01Z
DOI: 10.1080/20549547.2023.2249567
- The Limits of Disgust: Eating the Inedible During Jamestown’s
Starving Time-
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Authors: Rachel Winchcombe Department of History; University of Manchester, Manchester, UKRachel Winchcombe is a Lecturer in Early Modern History at the University of Manchester, specializing in the connections between health, embodiment, the Caribbean.
Pages: 1 - 23
Abstract: .
Citation: Global Food History
PubDate: 2023-07-26T01:57:13Z
DOI: 10.1080/20549547.2023.2234252
- Chinese Tofu in Cold War Taiwan: Gendered Cosmopolitanism and Contested
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Authors: Yanqiu Zheng China; pedagogy of intercultural encounters, he is working on a new book project that examines the fluid meanings of Chinese food the from the perspective of marginalized voices.
Pages: 224 - 243
Abstract: Volume 10, Issue 2, July 2024, Page 224-243
Citation: Global Food History
PubDate: 2022-06-03T12:45:38Z
DOI: 10.1080/20549547.2022.2081018
Issue No: Vol. 10, No. 2 (2022)
- “The Stinkier the Better!”—A Case Study on the Reinvention of River
Snail Noodles and the Transformation of Taste in China-
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Authors: Veronica Mak Sau-Wa Sociology Department; Hong Kong Shue Yan University, North Point, Hong KongVeronica Mak Sau-Wa is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology at the Hong Kong Shue Yan University. Her research interests focus on food, heritage Hope (University of Hawaii Press 2021).
Pages: 244 - 264
Abstract: Volume 10, Issue 2, July 2024, Page 244-264
Citation: Global Food History
PubDate: 2022-04-19T05:50:29Z
DOI: 10.1080/20549547.2022.2061816
Issue No: Vol. 10, No. 2 (2022)