Authors:Edgar R. Eslit, Edgar R. Eslit Abstract: Language acquisition and learning are cognitive processes that attracted the interest of scholars from different fields. Transformational-Generative Grammar, Cognitive Aspects of Language, and Sociolinguistics are the frameworks that the research work examines to understand their bearing on acquisition and learning given the trends in the digital and technological development. Thus, by using the qualitative research method, the study addresses the prevailing gaps and looks at the language learning and acquisition perspectives and the use of technology enhanced learning into blended learning. The results present significant responses to the outstanding questions regarding integration of cultural and language features, impact of socioeconomic factors on the equity in education, and use of technological resources. There are suggestions for derivational and adaptive educational approaches aimed at increasing the level of learners’ language proficiency. Overall, this study holds useful information for improving language learning and teaching practices in the post-pandemic educational context.
Authors:Vikram Kshirsagar, Dr. Bharatkumar D. Patel Abstract: Este estudo tem como objetivo examinar os efeitos da pandemia de COVID-19 nas bibliotecas das faculdades de enfermagem no estado indiano de Maharashtra. Ao todo, 669 faculdades de enfermagem foram encontradas no estado de Maharashtra. Selecionadas aleatoriamente 130 faculdades de enfermagem para coleta de dados. Usamos o Formulários Google, e-mail e WhatsApp para entrar em contato com bibliotecas universitárias e obter feedback. Recebemos 110 respostas ao todo, mas analisamos apenas 110 delas. Os resultados mostram que a COVID-19 afetou os materiais que as bibliotecas universitárias tinham em mãos. Dezesseis vírgula três por cento das bibliotecas ainda estão fechadas. As vendas de documentos em papel caíram, enquanto as vendas de documentos eletrônicos aumentaram. A razão por trás disso foi que a proporção de empréstimo e entrega de material entre bibliotecas caiu abaixo de 50%. Além disso, o consumo de recursos electrónicos aumentou enquanto a utilização de recursos físicos diminuiu. Muito material de leitura estava disponível durante o período em que a pandemia estava acontecendo. Os entrevistados da pesquisa insistiram que a biblioteca usa desinfetante para as mãos, faz leituras de temperatura e segue padrões de distanciamento social. Os funcionários da biblioteca passavam seu tempo livre engajados em uma ampla gama de oportunidades de desenvolvimento profissional. Google Meet, Zoom e WebEx foram as três plataformas usadas para fornecer serviços de biblioteca. Este relatório será útil de várias maneiras para descobrir como o COVID-19 afetou as escolas de enfermagem em Maharashtra.
Authors:Vikram Kshirsagar, Dr.Bharatkkumar D. Patel Abstract: This study aims to examine the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on nursing college libraries in the Indian state of Maharashtra. In all, 669 nursing colleges found in the Maharashtra state. Randomly selected 130 nursing colleges for collection of data. We used Google Forms, email, and WhatsApp to reach out to college libraries and get their feedback. We received 110 responses in all, but we only looked at 110 of them. The results show that the COVID-19 affected the materials that university libraries had on hand. Sixteen point three percent of libraries are still closed. Paper document sales fell, whereas electronic document sales rose. The reason behind this was that the ratio of library-to-library material lending and delivery fell below 50%. Additionally, electronic resource consumption increased while physical resource utilisation declined. Quite a bit of reading material was available throughout the time the pandemic was happening. Respondents to the survey insisted that the library uses hand sanitizer, takes temperature readings, and follows social distance standards. Library employees spent their leisure time engaging in a wide range of professional development opportunities. Google Meet, Zoom, and WebEx were the three platforms used to deliver library services. This report will be useful in a lot of ways for figuring out how COVID-19 affected nursing schools in Maharashtra.