Authors:Agus Agus Pages: 1 - 5 Abstract: Improving Upper Passing Ability in Volleyball Game Using Teams Games Tournament Learning Model for Class VI SDN 2 Cipakem Students.The purpose of this study is to improve the learning outcomes of passing over in volleyball games through the Teams Games Tournament learning model in class VI SDN 2 Cipakem. This type of research is classroom action research. The subjects in this study were sixth grade students consisting of 16 students with 7 male students and 9 female students. Based on the results of the Upper Passing assessment test in the Volleyball Game through the Teams Games Tournament Learning Model for Class VI SDN 2 Cipakem in the first cycle of 16 students, the scores of students who have reached the KKM are 5 people with a percentage of 31%, while 11 students have not reached the KKM score. KKM with a percentage of 69%. So this research was continued with the implementation of the second cycle and the results increased by the number of 16 students, then the score of students who had reached the KKM were 12 people with a percentage of 75%, while 4 students had not reached the KKM score with a percentage of 25%. PubDate: 2024-05-04 DOI: 10.33222/jpess.v6i1.2267 Issue No:Vol. 6, No. 1 (2024)
Authors:Ferda Maulana Hakim Ferda Pages: 6 - 10 Abstract: In mastering swimming, especially breaststroke, there are many factors that influence it, one of which is leg power. This study aims to determine the relationship between leg power and breaststroke swimming ability of KU 6 Kubang Bali Swimming Club Athletes, Salem District, Brebes Regency. This research is a correlational description research. The research subjects used were KU 6 Kubang Bali Swimming Club Athletes, Salem District, Brebes Regency, totaling 14 athletes. then given tests and measurements on each of the sub-variables. The research instrument is leg power and breaststroke swimming ability. The data analysis technique uses tests and measurements, namely the analysis of correlation coefficient tests, through prerequisite tests, normality tests and linearity tests.The results showed that there was a relationship between leg power and breaststroke swimming ability with rcount of 0.481 and rtable of 0.404. Because rcount is greater than rtable (0.481>0.404). This means that there is a relationship between leg power and breaststroke swimming ability for KU 6 Kubang Bali Swimming Club Athletes, Salem District, Brebes Regency. Thus the alternative hypothesis is accepted. PubDate: 2024-05-04 DOI: 10.33222/jpess.v6i1.2311 Issue No:Vol. 6, No. 1 (2024)
Authors:Opin Opin Pages: 11 - 14 Abstract: Physical Condition Profile of Rowing Athletes Rowing Club West Bandung Regency, Physical Education, Health, and Recreation Study Program (PJKR), 2022. Rowing is a measurable sport with a predominantly aerobic energy system. However, other physical components also become the carrying capacity for the achievement of rowing athletes. Therefore, this study aims to determine the level of physical condition of rowing athletes in rowing clubs in Bandung Regency. This research is a quantitative descriptive study with a survey approach. The sample in this study were male rowing athletes at the Bandung Regency rowing club with the age of 17 years as many as 10 people. Data collection techniques used physical component tests and practices, namely, aerobic endurance test using multistage fitness test, flexibility test using sit and reach test, strength test using 1RMbenchpress test, and power test using vertical jump test. The results of this study indicate that the athlete's endurance level is in the sufficient category with a frequency percentage of 40%, the athlete's flexibility level is in the sufficient category with a frequency percentage of 40%, the athlete's strength level is in the less category with a frequency percentage of 40%, The athlete's leg power is in the very poor category with a frequency percentage of 40%, and the overall level of the athlete's physical condition is in the sufficient category with a frequency percentage of 70%. PubDate: 2024-05-04 DOI: 10.33222/jpess.v6i1.2258 Issue No:Vol. 6, No. 1 (2024)
Authors:ramirez ramirez Pages: 15 - 18 Abstract: Ramirez (NIM : 182223093), with the title "INFLUENCE OF SPRINT ACCELERATION TRAINING METHOD ON THE SPEED OF FOOTBALL PLAYERS IN SSB PESPA PABEDILAN KIDUL" The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of sprint acceleration training on the running speed of football players at SSB Pespa Pabedilan Kidul. This research method uses an experiment with One-Group Pretest-posttest research design with a population and sample of 18 SSB Pespa Pabedilan Kidul players, with sampling technique using saturated sampling so as to obtain a sample of 18 people, research method using quantitative research methods, normality test This data uses the Shapiro Wilk test with a significant value for pretest and posttest data 0.023 and 0.323 is greater than 0.05 then the data is normally distributed. The significant value for levene static is 0.447 > 0.05, then it is normally distributed. Furthermore, the value of Tcount obtained is 27,206 and for Ttable is 1,73961. Because the value of Tcount > Ttable, it can be concluded that there is an effect of sprint acceleration training on the speed of the football players of SSB Pespa Pabedilan Kidul Cirebon. Keywords: sprint acceleration, running speed, soccer PubDate: 2024-05-04 DOI: 10.33222/jpess.v6i1.2230 Issue No:Vol. 6, No. 1 (2024)
Authors:Tio Mahesta Pages: 19 - 22 Abstract: This research is motivated by the number of students who have not been able to do passing down volleyball, therefore there is a need for improvements in the learning model at SD Negeri Penangapan 01. The formulation of the problem in this study is whether there is an effect of the Problem Based Learning learning model on the learning outcomes of passing down the ball. Volleyball for fifth graders at Penanggapan 01. The purpose of this study was to determine the improvement in the learning outcomes of Lower Passing Volleyball for Fifth Grade Elementary School Students at Pen Responding 01 Elementary School.The research method used is a quantitative research method with the type of Pre-Experimental research model. The sample of this research is the fifth grade students of SD Negeri Peng Responding 01 using the purposive sampling technique. Method of data analysis using paired sample-t-test with a significant level of 5%.The conclusion of this research is that there is an increase in learning outcomes at the bottom through the Problem Based Learning learning model at SD Negeri Penanggapan 01 because in using this learning model students are given the freedom to learn PubDate: 2024-05-04 DOI: 10.33222/jpess.v6i1.2297 Issue No:Vol. 6, No. 1 (2024)