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  Subjects -> SPORTS AND GAMES (Total: 199 journals)
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International Journal of Science Culture and Sport
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ISSN (Print) 2148-1148
Published by DergiPark Homepage  [185 journals]
  • An Analysis of the Potential of Philippine Sports as a Tool For Public

    • Authors: Christoper Ponio
      Abstract: With the growing lapses of sports-based strategies in the Philippine setting, the gap between its theoretical foundation and its praxis has ballooned, predominantly attributed to the need for more academic work in this area. Correspondingly, this study provides implications for sports-related strategies for predicting a positive public image of the Philippines and harboring peaceful state cooperation through the merits of soft power. To achieve this, this paper has contrived the objectives, including (1) identifying the implications of hosting the SEA Games 2019 for the country by examining the management of the Philippine government, (2) determining the implications of the elite sporting success of Filipino athletes in sports tournaments, and, lastly, (3) identifying the potential of sports through the implementation of sports-related strategy by the Philippines. Moreover, this paper implements qualitative methods, including document review and key informant interviews, to gather pertinent testimonials from various sub-sectors in sports, including national elite athletes, professional coaches, and sports experts, to assess the state of Philippine sports and significantly determine its potential as a serious form of public diplomacy, particularly in achieving its intended outcomes. This study infers that Philippine sports have the capability to influence the country's stature with consideration of the global media as well as advance its foreign policy of international cooperation.
      PubDate: Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +030
  • An Analysis of the Potential of Philippine Sports as a Tool For Public

    • Authors: Christoper Ponio
      Abstract: With the growing lapses of sports-based strategies in the Philippine setting, the gap between its theoretical foundation and its praxis has ballooned, predominantly attributed to the need for more academic work in this area. Correspondingly, this study provides implications for sports-related strategies for predicting a positive public image of the Philippines and harboring peaceful state cooperation through the merits of soft power. To achieve this, this paper has contrived the objectives, including (1) identifying the implications of hosting the SEA Games 2019 for the country by examining the management of the Philippine government, (2) determining the implications of the elite sporting success of Filipino athletes in sports tournaments, and, lastly, (3) identifying the potential of sports through the implementation of sports-related strategy by the Philippines. Moreover, this paper implements qualitative methods, including document review and key informant interviews, to gather pertinent testimonials from various sub-sectors in sports, including national elite athletes, professional coaches, and sports experts, to assess the state of Philippine sports and significantly determine its potential as a serious form of public diplomacy, particularly in achieving its intended outcomes. This study infers that Philippine sports have the capability to influence the country's stature with consideration of the global media as well as advance its foreign policy of international cooperation.
      PubDate: Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +030
  • Examining the Relationship Between Individual Innovativeness and Positive
           Future Expectation Levels of Physical Education Teacher Candidates

    • Authors: Tansu Kurtuldu; İsa Doğan, Mehmet İnan, Mehmet Yıldırım
      Abstract: In this study, it has been aimed to examine the effect of teacher candidates' individual innovativeness levels on their positive future expectations. A total of 412 teacher candidates, 194 women and 218 men, studying at sports science faculties of universities in Ankara, participated in the research. “Personal Information Form”, “Individual Innovativeness Scale” and “Positive Future Expectation Scale” were used in the data collection process. During the data analysis phase, Independent Samples T test, One Way ANOVA analysis, Pearson correlation analysis and Multiple Linear Regression Analysis were used in the SPSS 25.0 program. In the research, it was found that the individual innovativeness levels and positive future expectations of the teacher candidates were above the medium level. It was found that the individual innovativeness levels and positive expectations of teacher candidates differ according to the type of university (public, private) and the class they study in (p
      PubDate: Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +030
  • Reflective and critical thinking as determinants of academic achievement:
           A study in physical education and sport teacher candidates

    • Authors: Fatih Salman; Ender Şenel
      Abstract: This study examined the relationship between reflective thinking and academic achievement in physical education and sports teaching students. The research aims to investigate to what extent the reflective and critical thinking tendencies of prospective physical education and sports teachers explain academic achievement. Based on John Dewey's vital and reflective thinking approaches, considered among thinking skills, an answer to this question was sought. A traditional and positivist paradigm was adopted as the research model, and a quantitative research approach was used. The study was designed with the relational method, and the relationship between critical and reflective thinking dispositions of physical education and sports teacher candidates and their academic achievement was analysed. The study group consisted of 200 participants studying in the first, second, third and fourth grades of the physical education and sports teaching program. The mean age of the participants was 22.20±2.98; 44.5% exercised regularly, and 49% were licensed athletes. Data collection tools included personal information forms, academic achievement grouping, the Critical Thinking Scale, and the Reflective Thinking Scale. The Critical Thinking Scale was adapted to Turkish using a two-dimensional model. The Reflective Thinking Scale has four sub-dimensions. Research findings show that reflective thinking can potentially increase academic achievement in prospective physical education and sports teachers. These findings emphasize that developing thinking skills should be a priority in education programs.
      PubDate: Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +030

    • Authors: Onur Akyüz; Serhat Bilen
      Abstract: In the research, it is purposed to analyze the sportsmanship orientation of the Z generation individuals born between 2000-2004 in terms of some variables. This research is a study that aims to examine some demographic characteristics (gender, age, sports club membership, regular exercise) and sportsmanship orientation of the Z generation individuals born between 2000-2004. The sample of the study consists of 233 Z generation individuals, 115 women and 118 men. As it is a means of collected information in the research; Developed by Vallerand, Briere, Blanchart and Provencher (1997), the original Development and Validation of the Multidimensional Sportspersonship Orientations Scale (MSOS) and the Turkish adaptation of Gülfem Sezen Balçıkanlı (2010) was applied. The obtained data were examined by using the SPSS 22 package program. Percentage, frequency and mean values were used in the descriptive analyzes of the demographic characteristics of the participants in our study. “T-Test” was used for samples in the analysis of paired groups, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) tests were used in the comparative analysis of three or more groups, and Post-Hoc tests were used to determine which groups the differences originated from. As a result of the tests, it was seen that the sportsmanship orientation of the Z generation individuals born between the years 2000-2004 was at the "Medium" (79,36) level. In the base dimensions of "conforming to social norms, obedience to rules and management and showing respect for the other competitors", "Medium" sportsmanship orientations of the Z generation individuals were observed, and "High" level of sportsmanship orientation was observed in the "responsibility in sports" sub-dimension.
      PubDate: Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +030
  • Child Abuse in Schools from the Perspective of Physical Education and
           Sports Teachers

    • Authors: Yağmur Güler; Damla Güler
      Abstract: The aim of this study is to reveal child abuse in schools from the perspectives of physical education and sports teachers and to provide suggestions for preventing abuse. Case study approach, one of the qualitative research methods, was used in the study. The participants of the study consisted of 7 physical education and sports teachers. In this study, semi-structured interview was used as a data collection tool and the data obtained were analysed by content analysis method. As a result of the research, the opinions of physical education and sport teachers were grouped under four categories: types of abuse, signs of abuse, areas open to abuse and suggestions for preventing abuse. Types of abuse were divided into 4 subcategories as physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse and neglect. The types of abuse were determined as hitting by the teacher, performance pressure, nicknaming the student, secretly watching, making fun of each other's bodies, ignoring the students' desire to participate in competitions, and neglecting their nutritional needs in tournaments. Symptoms of abuse include quitting the branch, temper tantrums, unkempt appearance, need for love and attention, withdrawal and desire to be alone. Areas open to abuse were identified as changing rooms, out-of-school activities, toilets, areas not seen by the camera, basements and empty classrooms. Suggestions for preventing abuse include educational programmes, physical environment safety and ensuring safety in sports activities. Teachers emphasised that university level courses should be added to increase child protection awareness in the field of sport and in-service trainings should be organised for existing educators.
      PubDate: Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +030

    • Authors: Sultan Üşenmez; Görkem Turaç
      Abstract: Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the sports habits of pilot candidates.Method: The survey prepared by the researcher as a quantitative research method was applied to 60 pilot candidates studying at a flight school providing pilot training in the Aegean Region. During the data collection process, percentage and frequency methods were used to determine the socio-demographic characteristics of the participants and cross-tables were created. The data were analyzed in the SPSS 25 package program.Result: According to the results of this research, which focuses on the sports habits of pilot candidates, which is an important factor in protecting both their physical and mental health and preparing for their aviation careers, 78.7% of the participants do sports regularly, while 21.3% do not do sports. Accordingly, it is seen that the majority of pilot candidates have regular sports habits, most of the pilot candidates who do sports have been doing sports 2-3 days a week for 4 years or more, and a significant portion of them have been doing sports from past to present. It has been understood that the most preferred sport among the sports types is fitness. It has been concluded that the most prominent reason for pilot candidates to do sports is to be healthy and fit. Those who do not do sports stated that they could not find the time, which was put forward as the reason for not doing sports.
      PubDate: Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +030
  • Evaluation of Sustainable University Campuses and Sports Facilities from
           the Perspective of Administrators and Students: A Multiple Case Study

    • Authors: Kadir Çalışkan; Veli Onur Çelik
      Abstract: Sustainable higher education institutions contribute to the building of a sustainable society at regional and global levels by raising individuals with environmental awareness. Universities can also offer their stakeholders the opportunity to lead a healthy life with the sports fields on their campuses In this context, the “campuses” and “sports fields” of 6 Turkish universities which are in the top ten of the UI GreenMetric list (ranked by country), were analyzed in a holistic structure with a qualitative paradigm in terms of sustainability officers, sports facilities managers and students. The research was designed in a case study pattern and supported by in-depth interviews and document analysis. In this direction, it was analyzed within the scope of themes and sub-themes with the descriptive analysis method. As a result of the findings, it has been found that the sustainability studies in the examined universities are mainly carried out on environmental sustainability such as energy, water and waste management. It has been revealed that the reason for this for legal obligations. In addition, it has been determined that the sustainability initiatives of private universities are carried out both with various sustainability rating systems (STARS, THE, etc.) and within the framework of an integrated program with students. The inclusion of the opinions of the participants of different statuses in the study enabled us to reach multi-dimensional findings and results in the research fields.
      PubDate: Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +030
  • Sportmanship As One Of The Character Buildings For Football Athletes

    • Authors: Narto Narto
      Abstract: Sportsmanship is an individual's attitude and behavior in sports in respecting rules, officials, social conventions, and respect for opponents carried out with a high commitment to sports. The aim of this research is to determine the attitude of sportsmanship as a form of character for football athletes. This research design uses literary research methods. The steps taken to review the literature are by exploring previous research related to sportsmanship to continue or criticize. The initial stage in the form of ideas or theories related to professionalism will be collected and grouped based on predetermined subthemes, after that separating data that supports the subtheme and separating information that is not directly related to the subtheme. Then the data analysis continues and it is narrated in detail according to the needs of this research. The data sources in this research are based on documentation and indexed WEB journals in the form of scientific research journals, dissertations, theses, research reports, textbooks, papers, seminars, official writings that discuss sportsmanship in character building in football athletes. The results of this research prove that one of the elements that supports sportsmanship in forming the character of football athletes is a sports environment that is created and aimed at developing the athlete's character, which is supported by coaches, parents, spectators, administrators, and the athletes themselves. The fundamental element of sportsmanship comes from the internalization of sportsmanship that has been instilled from an early age until the athlete is an adult.
      PubDate: Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +030
  • The Relationship Between Youth Perception of Social Support in Physical
           Activities and Leisure Time Management Attitude

    • Authors: Rafet Resul Doğan; Gamze Aksoy, Sevda Almacı, Şeyma Demir, Mustafa Ertan Tabuk
      Abstract: Participation in social and physical activities contributes to the social, physical and psychological development of youth. With the increasing importance of participation in physical activity in the fight against obesity, social support to direct youth to physical and social activities and the existence of programmes covering such activities gain importance. Social support for youth to participate in physical activities is related to their leisure time management planning. The main aim of the research is to identify the relationships between youth perceptions of social support for participation in physical activity and their leisure use and attitudes towards it. The study used a relational screening model. The questionnaire form designed to measure the perception of social support in physical activities and leisure time management attitude was applied face-to-face to high school graduated youth (n=1012). In the demographic data of the research, the findings that 92.2% of the participants are overweight, 71.1% (n=720) do not exercise regularly, 70.6% do not have membership to clubs, etc. that organize music, art or sports activities, and although they know that various activities are held in the living space (n=542, 53.6%), they are not aware of the activities (n=591, 58.4%) come to the fore. According to the results of the study, it was found that there was a positive relationship between peers and parents in the perception of social support. It was also found that perceptions of social support from parents and peers positively predicted leisure time management attitudes at a weak level. It is suggested that practices and activities to support the physical activity of youth should be increased and institutional solutions should be produced within the Ministry of Youth and Sports.
      PubDate: Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +030
  • The Impact of Sport on Disaster, Development and Humanitarian Aid

    • Authors: Rüstem Orhan; Buğra Akay
      Abstract: In this study, it was descriptively investigated how humanitarian aid can be provided through sports in cases such as natural disasters, migration, war and conflict, which can affect people physiologically, psychologically and economically. In addition to the literature review on the subject, an attempt was made to explain the financial and moral support provided by the sports community to the disaster that occurred because of the earthquakes that deeply affected Kahramanmaraş and its surroundings on February 6, 2023, which was described as the disaster of the century. In the modern world, sports are not considered just as sports. Sports is considered an important tool in many areas, from health to economy, from gender to the cosmetics industry, from the development of countries to climate change, from humanitarian aid to the solution of social problems. As a result of this research, it was seen that sports is one of the tools preferred by countries in foreign policy and diplomatic relations. In addition, it has been determined that it is among the tools used by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and international organizations in carrying out their educational, psychological, health, missionary and economic activities and creating their image and social perception. In the research, sports philanthropy, sports aid campaigns and the effects of sports on humanitarian aid were stated, and how the sports world should act in case of future disasters, how aid should be provided and the measures to be taken within this framework were tried to be stated.
      PubDate: Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +030
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