Authors:Suminar Suminar Abstract: Since October 20 2022, Republic of Indonesia Government Regulation no. 36 of 2022 concerning State Universities, Legal Entities, Semarang State University, which was signed directly by the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ir Joko Widodo. Management of a university as a legal entity requires speed and accuracy in processing existing and created archives. Semarang State University, which has transformed from a Public Service Agency College to a Legal Entity State University, consists of eight Faculties and Postgraduate Programs. Archives management is still managed by each processing unit spread across each unit location. Distributed archive processing is something that really needs to be organized and managed in an orderly and systematic manner. Management of dynamic archives and static archives is managed by each unit with models and methods developed by the unit, and with various human resources and available facilities. Fulfillment of archive management which is still decentralized means that the archives stored will depend on the facilities and infrastructure owned by each unit. The aim of this research is to provide a classification of archives that are managed at the level of each unit at Semarang State University and used as data material for integrated archive management. With this data achievement, it is hoped that archive management will become stronger and more agile. The centralized archive storage model in the form of 1 (one) Archives Unit is an effective way to manage and store it well. The renovation of UPT Archives, Semarang State University, which was inaugurated by the UNNES Chancellor on Friday, January 27 2023, is a momentum to be able to integrate the UNNES archives. PubDate: 2023-12-23 DOI: 10.15294/abdimas.v27i2.49015 Issue No:Vol. 27, No. 2 (2023)
Authors:Retma Inayati Fachriz Abstract: Plagiarism is an academic crime that greatly disrupts the performance of a higher education institution. Written works created by the Semarang State University academic community need to be protected for their authenticity. Sometimes the writings of students who are in the process of writing papers in the form of essays, theses and dissertations are required to include other written works as citations to support the novelty of their writing. Since 2021, the Semarang State University Library UPT has been appointed as the gateway for selecting student writing that will be submitted in the Final Assignment Examination. Through the procedures that have been prepared, every student who will take the final exam submits it online in the form of a document file which will be processed by the UPT Library staff and provide the results of the document. From documents that have been sent and uploaded in the Turnitin application, a similarity presentation is produced. These similarity results make it interesting material to examine the percentage level of initial writing and corrections submitted in similarity submissions. This research will look at Turnitin data submitted in 2022. This data is 8000 Turnitin submissions and their improvements. From this data, it can be hoped that this research aims to determine how effective the use of the Turnitin application is in filtering final assignment writing from students before it is tested by the examining committee at the Faculty. After being tested and declared passed, this final assignment will be published in the Unnes repository on the page PubDate: 2023-12-23 DOI: 10.15294/abdimas.v27i2.48986 Issue No:Vol. 27, No. 2 (2023)
Authors:Nur Qudus Abstract: The aim of community service activities from the UNNES Civil Engineering and Chemical Engineering Department Collaboration Team in Patemon is to improve the community's skills in processing rainwater so that it is suitable for consumption using the electrolysis method which has been tested for effectiveness and quality in the laboratory first. The Patemon area is an area where the water source comes from wells, has a slope of 10-45% so that during the dry season there is a shortage of water flow. The very high rainfall in Patemon, an average of 1853 mm/month, has the potential to be processed into clean water as a solution for availability in the dry season. The methods used for this service activity include field observation and coordination, training to improve skills in improving rainwater processing using electrolysis, monitoring and evaluating service results. The results obtained from this activity show that rainwater electrolysis is an appropriate alternative for providing clean water in the Patemon area. The education provided by the UNNES service team has increased the community's knowledge and skills in rainwater processing from 8% to 35%. Increased knowledge regarding rainwater harvesting from the system and working principles of rainwater electrolysis from 0% to 85%. Enthusiasm and interest in implementing activities reached 98%. PubDate: 2023-12-23 DOI: 10.15294/abdimas.v27i2.46012 Issue No:Vol. 27, No. 2 (2023)
Authors:Feri Adriyanto, Muhammad Nizam, Miftahul Anwar, Agus Ramelan, Warindi Warindi, Joko Slamet Saputro, Inayati Inayati Abstract: The purpose of this service program is to introduce coomunity in Magetan Regency to electric vehicle technology. The material presented is basic material covering the meaning, benefits, and components of electric vehicles using developing charging system prototipe. people who visit the Refugia Garden are asked to immediately try the electric vehicle and after completion are asked to carry out the charging process themselves. By observing and trying it directly, it is hoped that the community's main set of electric vehicles will be formed as a way to reduce carbon emissions.The purpose of this service program is to introduce coomunity in Magetan Regency to electric vehicle technology. The material presented is basic material covering the meaning, benefits, and components of electric vehicles using developing charging system prototipe. people who visit the Refugia Garden are asked to immediately try the electric vehicle and after completion are asked to carry out the charging process themselves. By observing and trying it directly, it is hoped that the community's main set of electric vehicles will be formed as a way to reduce carbon emissions. PubDate: 2023-12-23 DOI: 10.15294/abdimas.v27i2.48670 Issue No:Vol. 27, No. 2 (2023)
Authors:Evita Septiana Tyas Utami, Wahyu Setyaningsih, Galih Niken Anggoro Sulaksmi Abstract: This research aims to determine the role, efforts and obstacles experienced by savings and loan cooperatives (KSP) in helping the development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Karanganyar Regency. The type of research used is qualitative descriptive research. The data collection techniques used were observation, interviews and documentation. The number of research informants was 8 people consisting of 2 employees of the Savings and Loans Cooperative in Karanganyar Regency and 5 micro, small and medium business entrepreneurs. The results of this research are 1) savings and loan cooperatives have a role in the development of micro, small and medium enterprises, such as providing business capital, assisting in economic growth, and playing a role in improving the entrepreneurial spirit of cooperative members. 2) The efforts made by savings and loan cooperatives to help the development of micro, small and medium businesses is by providing business development. 3) Obstacles faced by savings and loan cooperatives in helping the development of micro, small and medium enterprises include the low amount of credit given and the occurrence of installment delays for members. PubDate: 2023-12-19 DOI: 10.15294/abdimas.v27i2.48774 Issue No:Vol. 27, No. 2 (2023)
Authors:Budimansyah Budimansyah, Dimas Pratomo, Indry Damayanti Rahma Pages: 88 - 92 Abstract: World Health Organization (WHO) explains that Coronaviruses infect the respiratory system. All activities are limited. Anxiety and panic certainly landed in the hearts of business people when the economic crisis spread to almost all countries in the world due to COVID-19. Consumers will only purchase primary goods and tend to avoid purchasing secondary, let alone tertiary goods, thus having an impact on the demand (supply) side. The slowing pace of the Indonesian economy will affect various economic sectors. So the author wants to tell the people in Pahoman Village, Enggal District, Bandar Lampung City, about the creative economy, so that it can be profitable and provide benefits to other people. The methods used are based on community service, such as socialization/counseling, training, mentoring, and interviews. This writing concludes that making mask connectors will still open up business opportunities after the pandemic. By conducting this training, people can be creative and develop a creative economy so that it can help generate ideas for entrepreneurship. PubDate: 2023-12-18 DOI: 10.15294/abdimas.v27i2.47549 Issue No:Vol. 27, No. 2 (2023)
Authors:Cahyo Yuwono, Supriyono Supriyono, Ranu Baskora, Martin Sudarmono Pages: 103 - 105 Abstract: Problem priorities faced by MGMP SMP partners throughout Magelang City is Lack of knowledge and practice handler injury at school ; Lack of Physical education teachers' concern For handle and care for injury moment Learning . So that solution offered _ is Stage counseling about Prevention and treatment Injuries to MGMP Middle Schools in Magelang City ; Stage socialization knowledge about prevention and treatment injury First moment the learning . By general implementation activity use Aras Mezzo approach , namely empowerment done with use group as an intervention medium : education and training, as well dynamics divided groups _ become three stages , ie stage preparation , stage implementation , and stages evaluation and monitoring. As for effort For program sustainability is through socialization knowledge about prevention and treatment injury. PubDate: 2023-12-24 DOI: 10.15294/abdimas.v27i2.48326 Issue No:Vol. 27, No. 2 (2023)
Authors:Iwan Hardi Saputro, Ruhadi Ruhadi, Nugraheni Arumsari, Didi Pramono, Ahmad Nafi Pages: 132 - 137 Abstract: The challenges of the young generation today are faced with the age of the younger generation itself, where the age of the younger generation is a transitional age from adolescence to adulthood. At this time, of course, the younger generation does not have mature emotional stability, so they are often trapped in situations that lead to deviant behavior, such as drugs, free sex, brawls and other deviant behavior. One solution that can be offered to prevent deviant behavior is through instilling religious values, so this research is urgent to carry out. The aim of this research is to describe how religious organizations implement the cultivation of religious values in an effort to prevent deviant behavior of the younger generation in Wonosobo Regency. The method used in this research is a qualitative research approach which includes stages. The stages of this research method include: (1) preparation; (2) data collection; (3) data analysis; and (4) reflection. The results of this research were that at the beginning of its formation, activities were carried out including joint learning across classes and departments. Through weekly overnight shifts at group members' homes. During these rotating stays, activities include visiting local ulama to gain knowledge. When you return from the gathering, you can study together using discussion or question and answer methods. The peak activity is the joint prayer (mujahadah) after the tahajud at midnight. Apart from routine activities, this group also organizes incidental activities involving the general public such as halal bihalal, seminars and commemoration of other Islamic holidays. Perhaps it was unique for a group of students of that age to have the courage to organize activities featuring religious and youth figures at sub-district level. PubDate: 2023-12-28 DOI: 10.15294/abdimas.v27i2.46849 Issue No:Vol. 27, No. 2 (2023)
Authors:Nana Kariada Tri Martuti, Lutfia Nur Hadiyanti, Amnan Haris, Erry Kariada Tri Affandi, Andri Kariada Tri Simbolon, Mochamad Samsul Arifin Pages: 138 - 142 Abstract: Agriculture agriculture urban with method agriculture organic is A form solution just done _ For face many intervention ingredients synthetic in the world of agriculture. Cultivation vegetables organic on land yard is a worthy alternative considered Because can sufficient need healthy and hygienic food for family, save expenditure consumption food at a time guard sustainability environment. As for goals from activity devotion to public This namely, to : increase KT Tambakrejo knowledge in cultivation friendly organic vegetables environment, and improve KT Tambakrejo knowledge in making organic fertilizers and pesticides with good and right. Activity devotion to community carried out by KT Tambakrejo, Village Tambakrejo Semarang, at l a kuk a n with a number of method approach which is conducted based group, comprehensive and based local potential. Enhancement knowledge partner done through observation field work, interviews, training, mentoring and evaluation activity. From activities dedication that has been done, obtained results increase knowledge partner in technology raised bed as method repairer suitable soil implemented in the region urban with condition land in general arid, increasing knowledge partner in cultivation vegetables organically and friendly environment. Service partners have also get good and correct knowledge in making organic fertilizers and pesticides, with utilise potency source power existing in the environment surroundings. PubDate: 2023-12-28 DOI: 10.15294/abdimas.v27i2.47003 Issue No:Vol. 27, No. 2 (2023)
Authors:Suprapti Suprapti, Anindya Ardiansari, Soleh Adi Waluyo, Lubuk Novi Suryaningrum, Rita Apriyanti, Martinda Intan Permatahati Pages: 143 - 150 Abstract: The development of information systems and technology has certainly changed people's behavior in carrying out their activities which were initially carried out manually and can now be carried out digitally so that they are more effective and efficient. The Service Research Information System (SIPP) is a transformation carried out to digitize research and service services within the Semarang State University (UNNES). As a service provider, to find out whether the UNNES Service Research Information System (SIPP) is running as it should, an evaluation process is needed on the performance of the information system. In carrying out information system analysis and evaluation activities, the PIECES Framework analysis model is used. PIECES framework is a framework that has six categories for classification and problem solving, namely Performance, Information and Data, Economics, Control and Security, Efficiency, and Service. The use of the PIECES framework method is very suitable for analyzing each system variable studied because it can provide real results on the effectiveness of the system used by UNNES. The aim of this research is to measure the level of satisfaction, find out strengths and weaknesses, analyze what components need to be improved in the quality of service at SIPP. PubDate: 2023-12-28 DOI: 10.15294/abdimas.v27i2.48773 Issue No:Vol. 27, No. 2 (2023)
Authors:Ghanis Putra Widhanarto, Titi Prihatin, Haryono Haryono, Seftia Kusumawardani Pages: 151 - 156 Abstract: Public spaces have been prepared for technology-literate human resources. Technology is synonymous with computerized operations, even all applications can be developed through computer devices. This ability is needed to keep pace with the development of technological innovation around the world. Central Java has great potential in contributing to the increase in computerization understanding scores for school students. The target elementary school is considered appropriate, because from the study of developmental psychology has proven that elementary school students are most appropriately taught early talents and interests. This service aims to improve the ability of teachers and elementary school students in digital literacy to master computers. The service was carried out through a zoom meeting with participants of elementary school teachers and students in the Semarang City area. Workshop activities began with analyzing training needs, determining the type of training, delivering materials, and evaluating through practice by participants. As a result, the participants' skills in using computers have improved from the previous one. The participants' understanding of computer operation, especially the use of automation in Microsoft Word, also increased. PubDate: 2023-12-28 DOI: 10.15294/abdimas.v27i2.47837 Issue No:Vol. 27, No. 2 (2023)
Authors:Dwi Gansar Santi Wijayanti, Cahyo Yuwono, Tri Nurharsono, Bhayu Billiandri, Salsabilla Brita Maharani, Muhammad Zufar Hafizh Effendi, Faisal Gosi Fadholi Pages: 157 - 160 Abstract: The aim of this community service activity is to introduce and apply the sports values contained in traditional games to students with special needs. The implementation method used is a demonstration with 5 stages, namely (1) planning, (2) screening, (3) implementation, (4) evaluation, (5) reporting. The result of this activity is that students with special needs are enthusiastic about playing traditional games. The participants carried out every instruction given. So, you don't feel burdened when doing physical activity. The game for mentally retarded students is dakon, this game is used to train students' sense of touch and memory. For deaf and speech impaired students there are Bakian games, rope stilts and beam running, this aims to build solidarity through communication and train coordination of body parts. The games of snakes and ladders and jumping rope are applied to mentally retarded students, so that mentally retarded students are able to train their sense of trust and ultimately be able to socialize with the people around them. Meanwhile, students with physical impairments are introduced to simple educational games, namely sticks and srempeng. And autistic students are given traditional games that honor their imagination. Traditional games are full of sporting values, such as: sportsmanship, respect, cooperation, responsibility, honesty, caring for the rules, ability to overcome problems, understanding, interacting with other people, fair play, sharing, self-respect. So, it can be concluded that traditional game activities can be used as a medium to apply sports values to students with special needs. Because they do it willingly and without any coercion. PubDate: 2023-12-28 DOI: 10.15294/abdimas.v27i2.48430 Issue No:Vol. 27, No. 2 (2023)
Authors:Ghanis Putra Widhanarto, Titi Prihatin, Haryono Haryono, Seftia Kusumawardani Pages: 161 - 166 Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has had a widespread impact on the education and training sector. Central Java, a province with training management resources, is experiencing a crisis in training management today. The large number of training participants from the state civil apparatus (SCA) who come from various regions in Indonesia requires innovation and change despite the various limitations of managers who do not have a special education base. Training managers at BPSDMD for SCA training need to be strengthened by developing distance learning through MOOCs because it can overcome the problems of distance, time, and financing to organize training that is usually done offline. This MOOCs will also increase the trust of other government agencies by making BPSDMD a pilot local government-based MOOCs developer. This service is carried out through mentoring and training that focuses on improving the resources of training managers at BPSDMD Central Java Province. This training and mentoring activity was attended by 38 BPSDMD employees with an In-House Training scheme for two days. As a result, there was an increased understanding of MOOCs and its application, designing training programs, presenting training materials, and evaluating training programs. The skills of the trainees can be seen from the portfolios collected. This service is useful in developing BPSDMD training programs for SCA in Central Java. PubDate: 2023-12-28 DOI: 10.15294/abdimas.v27i2.47838 Issue No:Vol. 27, No. 2 (2023)
Authors:Sudarmini Sudarmini, Arsyad Cahya Subrata, Dhias Cahya Hakika Pages: 185 - 191 Abstract: Modified cassava flour (mocaf) is one of the innovative cassava processed products with high market value and promising business prospects as a substitute for imported wheat flour. The women's farming group (KWT) Ngudi Sari, located in the village of Tanjungsari, Gunungkidul, has processed cassava into mocaf flour and various cassava-based products, including cassava chips, tiwul, gatot, mocaf sticks, and various cookies. During the production process of mocaf flour, one of the common challenges faced is the drying of cassava chips, which has traditionally relied on sunlight and home-based drying methods. With the increasing demand for mocaf flour, large-scale drying of cassava chips becomes necessary. To address this challenge, a technology of rotary dryer is implemented to KWT Ngudi Sari to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the cassava raw material drying process. This outreach project aims to empower KWT Ngudi Sari and boost the production capacity of the resulting mocaf flour. The application of this appropriate technology is expected to improve the quality of cassava as a raw material for mocaf production and enhance its energy efficiency, thus contributing to the economic development of KWT Ngudi Sari. Throughout the project, mentoring, monitoring, and evaluation are also conducted to measure the progress in knowledge and skills of the partners involved. PubDate: 2023-12-22 DOI: 10.15294/abdimas.v27i2.48324 Issue No:Vol. 27, No. 2 (2023)
Authors:Bokiraiya Latuamury, Jusmy D Putuhena, Billy B Sahupala Pages: 192 - 201 Abstract: Using reed land for agriculture and improving productivity is cheaper than clearing forests because clearing new forests negatively impacts environmental quality. Reed control technology combined with an agroecology approach is expected to ensure a sustainable eradication of reed populations followed by technical culture and food crop cultivation patterns throughout the year. This community service program can solve food production problems, land fertility, and other environmental impacts. Community service program solutions can classify reed land based on land quality, educate the community in utilizing reed land reclamation techniques in ready-to-plant land blocks, evaluate the skills of farmers/communities based on crop production in reed reclamation blocks, and involve the community in naming superior and environmentally friendly agricultural varieties in the la block program solutions can classify reed land based on land quality, and educate the community in utilizing reed land reclamation techniques in ready-to-plant land blocks, evaluate farmer/community skills based on crop production in reed reclamation blocks, and involve the community in naming superior and environmentally friendly agricultural varieties in reed reclamation blocks. PubDate: 2023-12-22 DOI: 10.15294/abdimas.v27i2.48320 Issue No:Vol. 27, No. 2 (2023)
Authors:Aditya Marianti, Wulan Christijanti, Safira Chairani Dimarti, Agata Iswiana Diah Wardani, Silvia Faori Maulana, Nurotun Najmatus Tsaniyah Pages: 202 - 209 Abstract: Food preservation with borax and formaldehyde is still widely practiced. The use of borax and formaldehyde as food preservatives has a negative impact on health. Knowledge and skills to identify borax and formaldehyde content using simple, cheap, and easy techniques need to be trained. A simple technique for testing borax uses the turmeric method, while formaldehyde uses young papaya sap. The public also needs to be given an alternative, safe way of preserving food with chitosan. Participatory methods were used in this activity. The activity stages begin with preparation and socialization, training, monitoring, and evaluation. The activity was attended by 23 people on the first day and 17 people on the second day, including cadres of the FKK, PKK, Karang Taruna, Elderly Forum, LPMK, and culinary UKM. There was a significant increase in the knowledge of training participants with an N gain of 0.58, including the moderate or quite effective category. Participants also responded positively. Participants have the skills to detect borax using the turmeric method and formaldehyde using papaya sap. Training participants are also skilled in using liquid chitosan as a natural food preservative. The conclusion of this activity is that the training participants increased their knowledge about dangerous food preservatives, had the skills to detect borax and formaldehyde in food ingredients with simple technology, and applied liquid chitosan as a natural preservative. PubDate: 2023-12-23 DOI: 10.15294/abdimas.v27i2.48307 Issue No:Vol. 27, No. 2 (2023)
Authors:Teng Berlianty, Rory Jeff Akyuwen, Josia Hetharie Pages: 210 - 213 Abstract: The PKM activity with the title " Community Understanding of the Pawn Agreement for Village Products in the West Part of Rumahkay Seram " aims to: (1). Implementing the results of previous research with problems regarding the implementation of hamlet pawn agreements in Laimu Country, Central Maluku and the legal consequences, (2). As a form of education and increasing legal understanding, especially in the field of contracts (agreements) for the people of Rumahkay Country, West Seram Regency . This PKM uses an implementation method in the form of legal education activities carried out in a panel by the presenters, which is then followed by question and answer activities between the community and the presenters. In implementing PKM activities, it was found that the system of pawning hamlet products in Rumahkay Country was carried out in the form of an oral agreement based on trust. This often leads to legal problems because one party can deny the agreement on the grounds that there is no evidence. Therefore, it is recommended to the people of Rumahkay Country to be able to implement a system of pawning village products in the form of a written agreement to avoid various legal problems in the future in the form of default by other parties. PubDate: 2023-12-23 DOI: 10.15294/abdimas.v27i2.48168 Issue No:Vol. 27, No. 2 (2023)
Authors:Musoffan Musoffan, Mohammad Shoimus Sholeh, Helman Suprapto Pages: 214 - 218 Abstract: Fish waste, which includes fish innards, fish heads and bones, as well as remaining fish washing water, if not managed properly, can cause environmental pollution. This waste is increasing day by day. This will have a deadly impact on biota invertebrates Which No with other shells, therefore it is necessary to process fish waste so that it can at least reduce environmental pollution. To control efforts , a service activity program is needed, namely socialization and training on the Implementation of the Blue Economy by Utilizing Fish Waste into Catfish and Petis Feed in Tlesah Village, Tlanakan District, Pamekasan . By holding this training, the community understands how to use fish waste into products that have economic value and understand the stages of making products starting from preparing tools and materials, the length of the production process until it becomes fish food and paste products. Partners' knowledge about the blue economy has increased after the presentation of the material by viewing response to material conclusions empowerment after a demonstration or practice of utilizing fish waste. PubDate: 2023-12-23 DOI: 10.15294/abdimas.v27i2.47985 Issue No:Vol. 27, No. 2 (2023)
Authors:Dyah Mahendrasari Sukendra, Fitri Indrawati, Yunita Dyah Puspita Santik, Dewi Nur Isnaini, Eka Dian Pratiwi, Azizah Nur Abdillah, Muhammad Hasbi Ash Shiddieqy Pages: 219 - 225 Abstract: Klaten Regency has the highest cases in Central Java during the last 3 years. Leptospirosis IR has increased 3-fold compared to 2021. In 2022, there will be 80 cases with CFR of 7.5% & IR of 6.27/100,000 population, this figure exceeds the national maximum target (≤3/100,000 population). Juwiring is one of the sub-districts with a rapid increase in leptospirosis cases. This study aims to determine differences in the level of knowledge of PKK mothers regarding leptospirosis and efforts to prevent the increase in leptospirosis cases in Bulurejo through Pyramid Pest-Control Community-Ecosystem-Management. The research was conducted in July – August 2023. This research used a pre-experimental approach with one group pretest – posttest design. The research sample consisted of PKK mothers in Bulurejo, Juwiring District, Klaten Regency. Data analysis was performed using Wilcoxon test. The results obtained are p-value <0.001 indicating there is a difference in increasing knowledge before and after being given counseling activities. Counseling activities can have a positive effect on increasing the knowledge of PKK mothers regarding leptospirosis prevention. PubDate: 2023-12-23 DOI: 10.15294/abdimas.v27i2.47799 Issue No:Vol. 27, No. 2 (2023)
Authors:Murbangun Nuswowati, Sri Kadarwati, Eko Budi Susatyo, Nuril Huda, Liluk Kolilah, Silmi Dalila Millatina Dewi, Ainu Ilmiatuz Zahro, Yasmin Azzahra Pages: 226 - 234 Abstract: Management of chemistry practicum implementation has become a problem center that must be faced. This is caused by limited equipment and materials available in the laboratory, shortage of laboratory personnel , as well as its height costs required to carry out the practicum. Apart from that, chemistry practicum requires a high level of creativity from Chemistry teachers, well when they have to organize practicums independently and in classical learning for students. Therefore , guidance and mentoring _ from the service team is very important to help Chemistry teachers in developing their learning materials. This assistance takes place from June 22 to August 16 2022, starting with coordination between chairman of the MA Chemistry MGMP with the UNNES service team. The aim of the Community Service Program (PPM) is to build conservation character and environmental literacy among Chemistry teachers, also involving students, and of course MA students in Semarang. To date, there have been 2 environmentally oriented Chemistry Practical Worksheets created successfully , which is the result collaboration between one teacher and one student. At the end of August, we will proceed with further implementation steps . Results _ from this service activity will be published in a national journal accredited SINTA 3-6 . The process of writing the publication is ongoing, as are the manuscripts that will be published published through mass media . Devotion team firmly underlines the cultural importance of implementing environmentally oriented Chemistry Practical Worksheets that use the potential of natural materials available around the home. PubDate: 2023-12-25 DOI: 10.15294/abdimas.v27i2.47382 Issue No:Vol. 27, No. 2 (2023)
Authors:Mukhamad Shokheh, Shinta Okbiantari Soliah, Alexander Dismas Fajar Nugraha, Farras Nafalya Atha Nugroho, Fadia Nur Farikah, Dimas Veri Irfanudin, Nokha Alfiana, Bima Ali Topan, Rina Novita Dewi, Diah Dwi Kurniasari, Apriliana Widiastuti, Ita Nur Janah, Chilmi Nour Aisyah Pages: 235 - 238 Abstract: Village Banjarharjo located at an average altitude of 300 meters on surface sea. By topography village This is plain with land vast rice fields. Village area about 150 hectares and divided into 3 parts ie settlements, moorlands and forests, and rice fields. Village Banjarharjo Still faced with problem rubbish. Still many which citizens throw away rubbish haphazard. Therefore That Student Unnes Enterprising 5 doing socialization management rubbish together Service Environment Life as effort For overcome problem the. Activity program implementation counseling management rubbish for inhabitant Village Banjarharjo is encouraged student Unnes Activity 5 is carried out on the day Monday, July 31 2023 in the Hall Village Banjarharjo. Destination from activity that is the first to appear awareness public For sort waste, manage waste, and make use of it return so that environment they can free from waste and the environment become beautiful. Second, with exists management rubbish so can reduce amount trash is a must stockpiled on site Final Processing (TPA). And third For increase understanding and knowledge public in management rubbish become mark economical through establishment of a waste bank in the village Banjarharjo Method used in study This that is qualitative with do observation or observation in a way direct. Result of devotion This that is public become know better management waste and the formation of waste banks. PubDate: 2023-12-25 DOI: 10.15294/abdimas.v27i2.47000 Issue No:Vol. 27, No. 2 (2023)
Authors:Orin Gusta Andini, Salman Alfarisi, Adit Tiarahman, Arifurrahman Arifurrahman, Nadya Audrey Pages: 239 - 246 Abstract: The aim of the activity to socialize the dangers of drug abuse at Wahidiyah Samarinda Junior High School (SMP) is so that participants can understand the impacts of drug use, both physical, psychological and socio-economic impacts, and what the P4GN Movement is. Socialization activities use participatory methods, lectures and questions and answers. The socialization activity was carried out on July 11 2023 with the number of participants taking part in the socialization activity consisting of 45 students and 2 teachers located in the Wahidiyah Samarinda Middle School hall. For this reason, through this socialization activity on the dangers of drug abuse, it is hoped that it will be able to increase the understanding of Wahidiyah Samarinda Middle School students regarding the types of narcotics that are usually used by teenagers, the impact of narcotics abuse from physical, psychological, educational, social and economic aspects, the P4GN program, as well as ways to prevent and control drug abuse among teenagers. PubDate: 2023-12-26 DOI: 10.15294/abdimas.v27i2.46989 Issue No:Vol. 27, No. 2 (2023)
Authors:Harjito Harjito, Sri Kadarwati, Murbangun Nuswowati, Kasmui Kasmui, Dian Sri Asmorowati, Dinda Halimah Agrifani Mubarak, Yosephine Debbie Damayanti, Rojaa Maysa Rohmah Pages: 273 - 278 Abstract: Students at SMA Negeri 1 Subah, Batang Regency, Central Java, in the post-pandemic era , need auxiliary media that can be widely accessed , are timeless , and are needed to support face-to-face learning in class, such as learning videos . Auxiliary media This can developed and produced alone by the teacher without must relying on digital platforms such as YouTube. However, only a small number of teachers at SMA Negeri I Subah have been able to develop and produce learning videos. Because yes , activities This aim For accompany all the teachers subjects at SMA Negeri 1 Subah for develop and produce learning videos through systematic and comprehensive steps. This activity includes several important stages, namely: (1) recognizing and compiling learning video scripts, (2) practicing the basics of Open Broadcaster Software (OBS), (3) producing videos based on scripts, (4) modifying learning videos into interactive videos using H5P, and (5) dissemination of results. This activity ends with an assessment and evaluation of the learning videos produced at the end of the activity and the overall implementation of the activity. The results of this activity show that the number of teachers is capable develop and produce learning videos experience improvement , though Not yet significant . Learning videos produced by teachers have been fulfil terms , though Still need improved the quality . Motivation and support from schools and parties related need improved so that teachers continue enthusiastic produce quality learning video products. PubDate: 2023-12-19 DOI: 10.15294/abdimas.v27i2.44321 Issue No:Vol. 27, No. 2 (2023)
Authors:Noor Fitri, Wahyudi Budi Pramono, Riskiyatul Maulidiyah, Burhanuddin Burhanuddin Pages: 279 - 290 Abstract: This service activity is the result of a study of the uniqueness of the electrical and chemical engineering field applied to agriculture and fisheries. The application of the system is called Integrated Green Farming (IGF). IGF is an integrated hydroponic fishery and farming system that utilizes fish waste residue as a nutritional supplement for hydroponic plants. Hydroponic plants are essential plants that can be used for essential oil production. The system is supported by a solar power generation system to work without needing an external electrical energy supply. This system is implemented in Islamic boarding school management partners to provide students with entrepreneurial skills. The stages of the activity consist of preparation, implementation and evaluation. The preparatory phase includes delivering materials related to the system to be built and preparing materials needed to implement activities. At the same time, the implementation stage is creating and maintaining a system involving students. Meanwhile, in the evaluation stage, monitoring of system performance and the success of essential plant and fish projects is carried out after three months. The result of this community service activity is the Integrated Green Farming (IGF) system which is implemented at the Miftahunnajah Modern Islamic Boarding School (PPM) partners. The IGF system is functioning properly, the essential plant of mint leaves is thriving, and the catfish is ready to be harvested. The developed IGF system can be applied to other communities/Islamic boarding schools because it is relatively easy to implement and maintain. PubDate: 2023-12-16 DOI: 10.15294/abdimas.v27i2.46449 Issue No:Vol. 27, No. 2 (2023)
Authors:I Made Suidarma, Ni Putu Ratih Noviyanti Pages: 291 - 296 Abstract: Digital marketing has become aspect important in promotion tourism in the Industrial 4.0 era. Government tourism office Regency Badung as responsible institution answer on promotion tourism in the region, too adopt digital technology in effort increase Power pull destination they. This serve analysis about challenges and opportunities facing the Tourism Department Regency Badung in implement digital marketing for promote tourist they. Challenge the covers limitations source Power people and budgets, intense online competition, and change social media platform algorithms. However, through implementation of appropriate strategies, such as increase staff digital skills, creating engaging visual and interactive content, and it works The same with digital influencers, Tourism Department can overcome challenge the. In abstract this is also proposed For utilise technology, do careful data analysis, and interweaving partnership with platforms and actors business local For increase effectiveness digital campaign. With optimizing application of digital marketing, Tourism Department Regency Badung can increase visibility destination tourism, interesting more Lots candidate tourists, and strengthen image destination they as objective attractive tourism in the Industrial 4.0 era. PubDate: 2023-12-16 DOI: 10.15294/abdimas.v27i2.46743 Issue No:Vol. 27, No. 2 (2023)
Authors:Athur Wahyu Wicaksono, Muhammad Yusuf Wibowo, Arlinda Bayu Prastiwi, Bety Sulistyaningrum, Fidya Peni Setyari, Aurora Sylva Brilianta Nurul Azizah, Nely Uswatun Hasanah, Muhammad Hufroni, Juanita T D Rumrapuk, Salma Putri Adani, Ellyta Fernanda Dwi Vallent, Adinda Oktaviani Sakti, Rina Rachmawati Pages: 297 - 303 Abstract: Use plastic in a way continously will become serious problem in Indonesia. Plus, plastic produce a number of dangerous substances for health man. Processing waste plastic is effort For reduce rubbish plastic to the minimum possible done through cycle repeat. Amount big rubbish plastic all around environment give rise to idea For use it become product creative who has mark benefit for residents in Brangkal Village. From the observations that have been made done, known problem that is lack of understanding For manage waste plastic become product useful, therefore That A movement required For educate and provide Skills to public For manage rubbish plastic. The purpose of activity This is For give socialization and giving training to the people of Brangkal Village, especially PKK mothers for recycle repeat rubbish plastic become product craft form ecobricks and flower pots. Implementation activities, ie done Forum Group Discussion, then give socialization and skills practical For make product from rubbish plastic. Expected end result is awareness from public about danger use stack trash and improve Skills For manage rubbish plastic become product beneficial. PubDate: 2023-12-16 DOI: 10.15294/abdimas.v27i2.46897 Issue No:Vol. 27, No. 2 (2023)
Authors:Bernadus Wahyudi Joko Santoso, Mohamad Yusuf Ahmad Hasyim, Anastasia Pujitriherwanti, Veronica Wijaya Pages: 304 - 310 Abstract: The competence to analyze students' language is essential and needs to be improved from year to year. So far, in the syntax course, students have only been trained to analyze functions, categories, and semantic roles. The analysis of transitivity has yet to be provided because the language analysis using the Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) approach is more complex compared to structural-semantic analysis (functions, categories, and semantic roles). Therefore, this community service aims to introduce the transitivity system to Foreign Language Department students at the Faculty of Language and Arts, Semarang State University, and Indonesian Language Teaching Department students at IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon in short narrative texts. Thus, the effort to improve students' ability to analyze narrative texts with the SFL approach is well-targeted and occurs at the right time, which is before they take Discourse Analysis courses. This community service activity was conducted over two days. On day 1, the team provided a general workshop on the topic, explaining that language in SFL theory can perform three metafunctions: the ideational function, interpersonal function, and textual function. On day 2, the community service students were guided to analyze the seven transitivity elements in narrative texts step by step. The result of this community service is that, on average, students' achievement levels in analyzing the transitivity system in non-narrative texts (independent clauses) are better than in narrative texts. However, the difference is not too significant because it is likely that narrative texts are more complex than SFL analysis of free sentences. PubDate: 2023-12-16 DOI: 10.15294/abdimas.v27i2.48772 Issue No:Vol. 27, No. 2 (2023)
Authors:Margunani Margunani, Isti Hidayah, Anindya Ardiansari, Rita Apriyanti, Moch Faizal Rachmadi Pages: 311 - 317 Abstract: Tangan Di Atas (TDA) is a community of young entrepreneurs in Indonesia and spread across various regions, one of which is Semarang City. There are various business fields in the TDA Community of Semarang City such as culinary, fashion and so on, including the creative industry sector. The development of the creative industry presents its own challenges for every individual, namely becoming a producer who is always thinking about creating creative and innovative products. However, there are several obstacles faced, such as 1) Not having knowledge about the importance of partnerships and collaboration; 2) There is no cooperation in running a creative industry business; and 3) The TDA community network is not yet optimal as a medium for collaboration between entrepreneurs. The method used in this service is to carry out socialization as the first stage, then continue with providing comprehensive, integrated and sustainable training. After that, the service team facilitates efforts to increase sales of creative products through business camps, coaching clinics, product promotions and so on. After that, intensive and continuous assistance is carried out. After carrying out this service activity, creative industry players, especially the TDA Community of Semarang City, can intensify and optimize partnership systems, integrated collaboration and other business development efforts. PubDate: 2023-12-18 DOI: 10.15294/abdimas.v27i2.48838 Issue No:Vol. 27, No. 2 (2023)
Authors:Nur Santy Asminaya, Ali Bain, La Aba, Nur Arafah, Takdir Saili, Rusli Badaruddin, Agus Kurniawan Putra Pages: 318 - 324 Abstract: This community service activity aims to increase the knowledge and skills of the people of Opaasi Village, West Ranomeeto District, South Konawe Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province in implementing the LEISA system. Methods for implementing this community service activity include: 1) Socialization of the LEISA system concept; 2. Demonstration on making alternative feed for ruminants; 3. Demonstration of making organic fertilizer; 4. Monitoring and Evaluation. During the activity, the community was very enthusiastic in listening to the presentation of the socialization material and was active in discussions, especially during technical guidance on making animal feed and organic fertilizer. At the end of the activity, the community in Opaasi Village has begun to slowly implement the LEISA system concept on integrated cattle farming land by using organic fertilizer on vegetable and ornamental plants and feeding cattle with ammoniated straw on a small and limited scale. This community service activity can increase the knowledge and skills of the Opaasi Village community in implementing LEISA. The positive impact currently felt by local communities is that they can provide healthy vegetables for consumption and provide animal feed in the dry season PubDate: 2023-12-19 DOI: 10.15294/abdimas.v27i2.48927 Issue No:Vol. 27, No. 2 (2023)
Authors:Lisa Kartika Rahmawati, Jihan Anisak Ulkhafid, Sri Sumaryati Pages: 325 - 330 Abstract: This research aims to determine the role, efforts and obstacles experienced by savings and loan cooperatives (KSP) in helping the development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Karanganyar Regency. The type of research used is qualitative descriptive research. The data collection techniques used were observation, interviews and documentation. The number of research informants was 8 people consisting of 2 employees of the Savings and Loans Cooperative in Karanganyar Regency and 5 micro, small and medium business entrepreneurs. The results of this research are 1) savings and loan cooperatives have a role in the development of micro, small and medium enterprises, such as providing business capital, assisting in economic growth, and playing a role in improving the entrepreneurial spirit of cooperative members. 2) The efforts made by savings and loan cooperatives to help the development of micro, small and medium businesses is by providing business development. 3) Obstacles faced by savings and loan cooperatives in helping the development of micro, small and medium enterprises include the low amount of credit given and the occurrence of installment delays for members. PubDate: 2023-12-19 DOI: 10.15294/abdimas.v27i2.48955 Issue No:Vol. 27, No. 2 (2023)