Open Access journal ISSN (Print) 2285-830X - ISSN (Online) 2285-830X This journal is no longer being updated because: the publisher no longer provides RSS feeds
Authors:Corina Dulceanu, Narcis Julien Herlo, Claudiu Octavian Bulzan Pages: 8 - 17 Abstract: In the field of school sports, emphasis has been placed on the use of general physical development exercises, due to their high degree of accessibility and the relative simplicity with which they can be transmitted to the student by the teacher, and mobility and local strength exercises, in order to prevent, or at least slowness, deterioration of students' physical abilities . Our study is intended to make a statistical analysis of the results obtained by the students of the Sagu-Fiscut juetul Arad Middle School in two standing long jump tests, before and after the interruption of the face-to-face didactic activity. 94 rural students between the ages of 8 and 14 participated in the tests between 2020 and 2021. The goal is that practicing any kind of physical training, whether in person or online, will result in less change of the performance in a sports test than stopping any physical training. The final conclusion is that at present, the transition to an education system via the Internet is not a reliable approach. PubDate: 2023-06-27
Authors:Victor Augusto Ramos Fernandes, Vinicius Barroso Hirota, Pereira De Paula Rodrigo, Garcia De Paula Marcia, Marcelo Rodrigues da Cunha, Iatecola Amilton, Claudson Lincoln Beggiato, Carlos Eduardo Lopes Verardi Pages: 18 - 40 Abstract: Understanding the biological factors of an injury is beyond the aspects that caused this condition in the athlete. Thus, the aim of this study is to develop a solid understanding of the biology associated with the development of an injury derived from the practice of physical exercise and its related aspects. It is verified that the harmful processes affect countless strength training practitioners throughout their periodizations. These injuries lead to departures from the training routine and delays in the development of the practitioners' goals. Lesions mainly affect joint structures, with synovial joints being among the most affected. Reduced muscle strength and impaired mobility are among the factors that contribute to the development of joint damage. Bone injuries are also among the most present in the population practicing physical training, and these are caused by microfractures derived from shear loads common in contact sports. Muscle strengthening, including training variables and biomechanical techniques, help to reduce the incidence of injuries and in their treatment when they are already installed in the physical exercise practitioner. PubDate: 2023-06-27
Authors:Andrei Bitang, Teodor Grosu Vlad, Anca Macarie, Lucian Rodica, Viorel Bitang Pages: 41 - 51 Abstract: Introduction. Artistic gymnastics is one of the most beautiful sports disciplines, offering a show of great virtuosity, mastery and art. She helped to get to know our country, taking the fame of this discipline to the farthest corners of the world, raising Romanian sport to the highest heights of glory. The goal. The purpose of the paper is to promote the application of the algorithmic program, which I have created, in order to learn and perfect the acrobatic element of the lateral jump, lateral Danilova in female artistic gymnastics. The hypothesis. Using the methods and means proposed by me in this work, I believe that this can lead to a faster, correct and effective acquisition of the lateral jump, lateral Danilova. Work methodology. The study was carried out during the 2022-2023 school year, between September and February, including female athletes who practice artistic gymnastics from the 3rd grade. We applied the experiment on the group of children who participated in artistic gymnastics training nine times a week. Results. From the analysis indicators statistically looking performances experimental when scoring the technical execution of the technical element - lateral Danilova, lateral jump (with marks from 1-10), the conclusion can be formulated that been stabilized arithmetic mean, for TEST initially it was 3.71, and for the final test of 6.21. When scoring the technical execution - Danilova lateral, lateral jump from the point of view of the amplitude (height) of the jump (with marks from 1-10) , the conclusion can be formulated that been stabilized arithmetic mean, for test initially it was 2.71, and for the final test of 6. From the analysis indicators statistically looking PERFORMANCE experimental when scoring the technical execution-lateral Danilova, lateral jump from an artistic point of view (with marks from 1-10), it is possible form the conclusion that been stabilized arithmetic mean, for test initially it was 2.92, and for the final test of 5.71. Conclusions. The work approached can be considered up-to-date due to the methodical line approached, which capitalizes on the experience of the gymnasts who are part of the Olympic team. PubDate: 2023-06-27
Authors:Carmen Magdalena Camenidis, Vlad Adrian GEANTA Pages: 52 - 66 Abstract: Introduction: In the sports field, the use of proprioceptive training is an effective method in optimizing athletes' performances. For this reason, we thought also to try this method also in the field of physical education, namely in the physical education lesson in a public school. Our intention was to organize an intervention through a physical exercise program that would stimulate the proprioceptors in order to improve the sensory-motor function of children. We wanted to observe and highlight whether students can express what they feel when they do exercise. Before starting to practice, the students were instructed by the physical education teacher to focus on the signals received from the external and internal environment of the body, e.g., proprioceptive, or tactile information in the absence of visual information. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to highlight the level of awareness in children during physical exercise in order to evaluate and compare it with other children. Methods: bibliographic study; observation method; the Likert scale tool; the method of comparing the results; data collection; graphing and data analysis and interpretation. Results: The subjects of this research were a total of 74 students, of which 48 children from the 4th grade and 26 children from the 7th grade, enrolled in a public school in Bucharest. We created a chart, which we have distributed to the students, and measured their level of awareness immediately after they finished their exercise. Conclusions: There are large differences between the 4th grade and the 7th grade students in terms of the results obtained. Thus, the 4th grade children aged 10 were much more aware of what they were feeling than the 7th grade children aged 13. PubDate: 2023-06-27
Authors:Arben Bozaxhiu, Natasha Dako, Elton Bano, Edison Ikonomi, Artan Agalliu Pages: 67 - 81 Abstract: Introduction: Physical exercise, as an application of body exercises, is an adapted process, which during the application of movement activities causes changes in human abilities, from the initial ones to the desired ones. Physical exercise is an adapted, thought-out and organized process with the application of certain exercises and methods, which cause changes in the exerciser's physical condition. The purpose of this paper review is to analyze the literature and understand every movement or every physical activity that in a correct and harmonious manner with legalities, is carried out for the achievement of concrete actions of physical education. In fact, it has an important impact on physical exercise is: - creation of certain skills and habits; - development and improvement of movement and functional skills; - satisfaction of personality needs (creative, recreational and human needs, entertainment needs). Methodology: In order to fulfill this review are using methods of literature analysis, and is made combination and comparison of data from various works of authors varied. To successfully realize this review paper we studied and analyzed the contemporary scientific literature. The methods used are: literature analysis, physical activity and recommendations. Recommendations: In the literature used, one can clearly see the importance of understanding that, the higher quality level of pupil movement culture, the higher level of mastery of teaching tasks and the higher level of movement skills education. PubDate: 2023-06-27
Authors:Marconi Roberto Gabriel, Liviu Vasile Andrei Pages: 82 - 89 Abstract: Movement games used both with technical elements from handball in physical education lessons with primary school children will manage to optimize the instructional-educational process and consequently will favor the faster and quality acquisition of skills and motor skills, the development of morpho- functional and basic motor skills of students. The purpose of the research it is the optimization of the physical education teaching process by using movement games with technical handball elements in physical education lessons with primary school students. The objective is to argue and experimentally verify the effectiveness of the methodology regarding the use of movement games with technical handball elements within physical education lessons with primary school students. The basic direction of the research was the learning of some elements and procedures from the game of handball through movement games, adapted to the psychomotor peculiarities of the age of students from the 4th grade (10-11 years). The independent variable, used in the experimental group, was the introduction, within the thematic planning, of handball elements in the form of movement games. PubDate: 2023-06-27
Authors:Andrei Bitang, Vlad Teodor Grosu, Anca Macarie, Rodica Lucian, Viorel Bitang Pages: 90 - 100 Abstract: Introduction. The new requirements and conditions formulated by the development of society impose on the didactic process of physical education its enrollment in the idea of modernizing the activity, imposing a richer content and a complex methodology based on a deep knowledge of the level of development and growth of the organism at a given moment. The goal. In the paper, I set out to investigate whether the effort made in systematic and correctly dosed physical education lessons has the role of optimizing and perfecting the development process (physical, motor and mental) of the students' bodies, as well as to find out whether the consistent practice of games of movement in the school activity (class and optional lessons) and independent activity contribute to strengthening the spirit of discipline and organization, to the easy practice of physical exercises performed with a greater effort in the lesson, as well as to the faster development of qualities motor skills (speed, skill, endurance, strength and mobility). The hypothesis. By using movement games in a rhythmic way within physical education lessons, after a judiciously elaborated planning, I believe that they will contribute essentially to the faster development of motor qualities (speed, skill, resistance, strength and mobility), to strengthening the spirit of discipline and organization, to a faster adaptation to the effort in the physical education lesson. Work methodology. The subjects are between 7-8 years old. The research took place over a period of 6 months, using two experimental and control groups. The initial measurements were carried out in the first semester (September 2022), and the final tests took place in February 2023. During the experiment, we used movement games, which gave a pleasant character to the physical education lessons. Results . Through the use movement games, lessons have become may pleasure and efficient, increasing the interest manifested by children in the the process instructive-educational. Conclusions. The movement games used in the physical education activity had a positive influence in obtaining the results of the experiment. PubDate: 2023-06-27
Authors: Vlad Adrian Geanta, Carmen Magdalena Camenidis Pages: 101 - 115 Abstract: Introduction: Fitness in relation to health is a contemporary topic, which is topical due to the diversity of methods and programmes to support and improve health and is increasingly being addressed by the sports and medical scientific community. Regular physical activity and exercise are the actuators of our whole body's well-being, both somatic, functional, and cognitive. Purpose: Through this article, we wish to highlight the use of a personalized aerobic fitness program conducted collectively that can generate significant results based on transforming the perception of how participants look and feel good in their own bodies. Materials & Methods: The research sample consisted of nineteen young adult female subjects (N=19, age = 35,4 ± 5,02 years, Weight(i) 66,7 ± 12,61 kg, Height= 166 ± 6,69 cm) clients of a fitness center. They trained following a personalized program of an aerobic fitness class for 4 weeks, with a frequency of 2 workouts per week. The results indicate a significant improvement in the somatic parameters of the research participants, but in order to maintain the results obtained, physical activity should be continued after the end of the research. Conlusions: Within the limits of our study, we conclude that significant changes in body composition indices can be produced in adult women by performing an exercise routine under systematic and continuous conditions. PubDate: 2023-06-27
Authors:Mihai Kunszabo Pages: 116 - 128 Abstract: Introduction. Physical training plays a decisive role in forming a solid base for high performance in judo. In the first year of preparation of the Judokans, there is a special emphasis on the development of the basic motor qualities: strength, speed, resistance, skill and mobility. The physical training of the judokan is a continuous process, a relatively long period of achievement at a high level is required. With children aged 6-10 years, no emphasis will be placed on strength and resistance, the activity being oriented on the development of speed and skill. The planning of the process of improving the motor qualities for a long period is imposed by the uneven development of the motor qualities of the Judokans. Also, age particularities must be taken into account. For the development of motor qualities, general and specific exercises are used. General physical exercises are selected from complementary sports, being adapted to the specific judo. The purpose of the preliminary research is to identify the suspicious appeals of optimization and operationalization in the national programs of the FRJ "Judo in schools" and "Judo in villages" in order to develop an efficient implementation strategy and to evaluate their effects or a mix- Judo in schools in rural areas. Hypothesis. In this paper I started from the premise that the implementation of training and training programs of children between the ages of 6-10 must take into account the level of general physical training. This will lead to the crystallization of a national judo strategy in rural areas from a technical and tactical point of view. Working methodology. In order to carry out the investigation I developed a questionnaire with 10 items that I distributed to the 14 specialists involved in the national program "Judo La Sate", considering that they best know the aspects that a program to promote the judo in schools from the rural area. Results. From the analysis of the answers to those questioned, we have detached the fact that at the level of the local communities there is openness and support for the successful organization and implementation of the "Judo La Village" program. The support comes from the parents but also from the schools, and the coaches are supported by the local councils. Conclusions. The final conclusion is that the training program applied by us was effective, beneficial for creating the premises of the future performances of the little judoka in the village (rural) environment. PubDate: 2023-06-27