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Coaching Psykologi : The Danish Journal of Coaching Psychology
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  This is an Open Access Journal Open Access journal
ISSN (Print) 2244-9698
Published by Aalborg University Homepage  [18 journals]
  • Introduktion til klassiske studier og nyeste forskning

    • Authors: Ole Michael Spaten
      Pages: 5 - 8
      PubDate: 2020-12-30
      DOI: 10.5278/ojs.cp.v9i1.6405
      Issue No: Vol. 9, No. 1 (2020)
  • Exploring coaching style preference through conversations about coaching
           and personality

    • Authors: Farheen Jeelani, Gregory Fantham , Marais Bester
      Pages: 9 - 22
      Abstract: This paper presents the results of a mixed method study exploring coachees’ perspectives on the impact and helpfulness of personality theory and assessments in applying different coaching styles. Participants included 20 individuals who had been coached in the past, of different nationalities and from various industries, who took part in both the qualitative and the quantitative studies. The following consistent themes emerged from the qualitative study: the importance of personality validity, the impact of the coaching relationship, the perceived effectiveness of coaching, reflecting on past experiences and moving forward toward the future, while the quantitative results showed that individuals with certain Big Five personality traits preferred certain coaching styles over others. The study provides preliminary insights for coaches seeking to apply personality theory and personality assessments in their coaching practices and may assist them to make informed decisions about the coaching style to adopt in order to improve coaching relationships and coaching effectiveness.
      PubDate: 2020-12-30
      DOI: 10.5278/ojs.cp.v9i1.6406
      Issue No: Vol. 9, No. 1 (2020)
  • Executive coaching

    • Authors: Tanja Ryberg Jensen, Anne Dalgsgaard Keis , Ole Michael Spaten
      Pages: 23 - 35
      Abstract: Executive coaching er en disciplin, som over de sidste tre årtier er blevet mere og mere populær. Alligevel er empirisk litteratur på området mangelfuld. Efter at have udført et systematisk review siden af kvalitative studier som undersøgte effekterne af executive coaching, blev det fundet, at kun 7 studier over en periode på 10 år levede op til de opstillede kriterier. Formålet med denne fænomenologiske undersøgelse er derfor at undersøge hvordan seks danske ledere oplever det at modtage executive coaching. Undersøgelsen er baseret på interviews med seks danske mellem- og topledere, som er ansat hhv. i en større dansk region og ved en større privat virksomhed. Dataene er blevet analyseret ved hjælp af den kvalitative analysemetode Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA).
      PubDate: 2020-12-30
      DOI: 10.5278/ojs.cp.v9i1.6407
      Issue No: Vol. 9, No. 1 (2020)
  • Mentoring. Rådgivning eller hjælp-til-selvhjælp'

    • Authors: Louise Bak Søndergaard , Poul Nørgård Dahl
      Pages: 37 - 48
      Abstract: Workplace mentoring programmes for new employees are time limited and aim to end with the mentee continuing on the job without the help of a mentor. But how can a mentor both give professional advice and experience-based instructions and at the same time facilitate the mentee’s own problem understanding and problem solving' This would entail helping both as an expert adviser and as a coach, which – according to Schein’s (1999; 2010) theory on helper conversations – cannot happen simultaneously. However, through analysis of a video-observed mentoring conversation and through interviews, this article shows how this can be done in practice when mentoring conversations are scheduled, when participants respect mutual confidentiality, when the mentor has knowledge of and is skilled in facilitating helper conversations, and when inputs and professional advice are given from a standpoint of genuine interest in the mentee, so that both emotional and cognitive recognition of the newly employed person is possible (Honneth, 2006).
      PubDate: 2020-12-30
      DOI: 10.5278/ojs.cp.v9i1.6408
      Issue No: Vol. 9, No. 1 (2020)
  • Dependent on trust and improved by transparency

    • Authors: Stephen Palmer
      Pages: 42 - 51
      Abstract: Ole Michael Spaten interviews Professor Stephen Palmer on the coaching relationship, newer findings and future research. In this interview, Palmer stated that there is no consensus in the precise definition of the coaching relationship. However, Palmer mentions his previous definition of the coaching relationship: ‘a unique, co-created, evolving relationship comprising the coaching alliance plus additional client and coach contributions.’ Likewise, Palmer pointed out that a fruitful coaching relationship is essential for coachees to accomplish their goals. According to Palmer, some of his key findings is that coaching relationship is dependent on trust and is improved by transparency. Additionally, Palmer declares that striving towards goals and enhancing performance are essential factors in coaching. Moreover, he acknowledged that the phenomena of virtual coaching that we encounter would benefit from further research.
      PubDate: 2020-12-30
      DOI: 10.5278/ojs.cp.v9i1.6409
      Issue No: Vol. 9, No. 1 (2020)
  • Relationship as one of the most important active ingredients in therapy
           and coaching psychology

    • Authors: Ole Michael Spaten
      Pages: 53 - 59
      Abstract: This article seeks to gain a clearer understanding of the coaching relationship through a specific question: “Is (the concept of) relationship one of the most important active ingredients in therapy and coaching psychology'” Firstly, a short introduction to the research field is presented, followed by a short timeline of how Palmer, (O’Broin) Henderson and Gyllensten found their way into researching in the coaching relationship field. This leads to a discussion of the definition of the coaching relationship and the notion that a more consistent definition would be very valuable. Lastly, the article points out that the coaching relationship is an important ingredient with respect to the effectiveness and outcome of coaching. However, the complexity of the coaching relationship construct calls for a new synthesis of theoretical ideas, and thus further research should be conducted.
      PubDate: 2020-12-30
      DOI: 10.5278/ojs.cp.v9i1.6410
      Issue No: Vol. 9, No. 1 (2020)
  • The importance of a working alliance between coach and coachee

    • Authors: Alanna Henderson, Ole Michael Spaten
      Pages: 61 - 66
      Abstract: Ole Michael Spaten interviews Dr Alanna Henderson on the coaching relationship, newer findings and future research. In this interview, Henderson advocated that defining coaching alliance is useful since it emphasizes the coach and coachee engagement in collaborative and purposive work. Moreover, she pointed out four of her essential findings concerning coaching relationship, which includes; Collaboration, engagement, adapting to the individual coachee and measuring the Coaching Alliance. Lastly, she mentions two areas of research as critical for further investigation; coaching relationship as a mediating variable and video-mediated coaching relationship.
      PubDate: 2020-12-30
      DOI: 10.5278/ojs.cp.v9i1.6415
      Issue No: Vol. 9, No. 1 (2020)
  • Naturen som en vigtig part i coaching

    • Authors: Liselotte Bak, Ole Michael Spaten
      Pages: 67 - 82
      Abstract: This article investigates if coaching sessions in the nature have a positive impact on a small group of people in relation to stress, belongingness and wellbeing. Thirty-five participants took part of the study, 15 men and 20 women aged 18-65. A Likert scale questionnaire – measuring participant’s level of stress, belongingness and wellbeing was completed before and after the coaching session. Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test were conducted and the results shows that coaching in the nature was not significant, although the results indicates that the coaching session have had a positive impact on the participants level of stress.
      PubDate: 2020-12-30
      DOI: 10.5278/ojs.cp.v9i1.6412
      Issue No: Vol. 9, No. 1 (2020)
  • The role of the coaching relationship in the coaching process

    • Authors: Kristina Gyllensten, Ole Michael Spaten
      Pages: 83 - 85
      Abstract: Ole Michael Spaten interviews Dr Kristina Gyllensten on the coaching relationship, newer findings and future research. In this interview, Gyllensten emphasizes the importance of coaches being aware of and working with the coaching relationship since it is valuable to coachee’s perception of the coaching process. Additionally, she states that Coaching relationship dependents on trust and is improved by transparency. Moreover, Gyllensten defines coaching relationship as a unique, co-created and evolving relationship that consists of the coaching alliance and additional client and coach contributions. Finally, she suggested that future research could focus on the negative effect of coaching.
      PubDate: 2020-12-30
      DOI: 10.5278/ojs.cp.v9i1.6413
      Issue No: Vol. 9, No. 1 (2020)
  • Visualisering

    • Authors: Stephen Palmer
      Pages: 87 - 88
      Abstract: I en kort og fyndig form præsenterer denne artikel ”coping imagery”, som er en anerkendt visualiseringsteknik. På dansk kan udtrykket visualiseret mestring anvendes, som er en enkel og brugbar metode, der kan reducere stress og forøge selvtillid samt præstationsevne før udfordrende situationer.
      PubDate: 2020-12-30
      DOI: 10.5278/ojs.cp.v9i1.6414
      Issue No: Vol. 9, No. 1 (2020)
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