- Insurance for clinical trials in ASU drugs: An area that needs attention
Authors: Subarna Roy, Manish Barvaliya, N Chandan Pages: 57 - 59 Abstract: Subarna Roy, Manish Barvaliya, N Chandan INDIAN JOURNAL OF AYURVEDA & INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE KLEU 2022 3(2):57-59
Citation: INDIAN JOURNAL OF AYURVEDA & INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE KLEU 2022 3(2):57-59 PubDate: Mon,12 Dec 2022 DOI: 10.4103/ijaim.ijaim_43_22 Issue No: Vol. 3, No. 2 (2022)
- Kleine − Levin syndrome: An ayurvedic perspective
Authors: Prasad Mamidi, Kshama Gupta Pages: 60 - 68 Abstract: Prasad Mamidi, Kshama Gupta INDIAN JOURNAL OF AYURVEDA & INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE KLEU 2022 3(2):60-68 Kleine − Levin syndrome (KLS), also known as sleeping beauty syndrome, is characterized by the classic triad of hypersomnia, hyperphagia, and hypersexuality. It is an intriguing and severe disease with no clear etiology or management. The present study aims for better understanding of KLS according to Ayurveda and to propose an Ayurvedic management protocol for it. The present study has explored the similarity between KLS and an Ayurvedic diagnostic entity, Bhutonmada, or Grahonmada. Bhutonmada is the most suitable provisional diagnosis for the patients of primary KLS. Yaksha Grahonmada is the most perfect match for KLS though some of the clinical features are dissimilar. Bhutonmada Chikitsa as explained in Ayurvedic texts could be implemented to manage KLS. Panchakarma (Ayurvedic detoxification) procedures, Daiva Vyapashraya Chikitsa, Sattvavajaya Chikitsa, Achara Rasayana along with medications may play an important role in the management of KLS. Hypersomina episodes of KLS could be managed with Ati Nidra Chikitsa. The present work provides new insights and also paves the path for future research works for better understanding and managing the KLS in Ayurveda. Citation: INDIAN JOURNAL OF AYURVEDA & INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE KLEU 2022 3(2):60-68 PubDate: Mon,12 Dec 2022 DOI: 10.4103/ijaim.ijaim_22_22 Issue No: Vol. 3, No. 2 (2022)
- Comparative analytical profile of Benincasa hispida thumb. and Cucurbita
maxima duchesne Authors: Sheetal Sharma, Anjali Upadhyay, Pramod R Yadav, R Galib, Pradeep Kumar Prajapati Pages: 69 - 77 Abstract: Sheetal Sharma, Anjali Upadhyay, Pramod R Yadav, R Galib, Pradeep Kumar Prajapati INDIAN JOURNAL OF AYURVEDA & INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE KLEU 2022 3(2):69-77 Background: Cucurbitaceae is a family of health-promoting plants due to their compounds with beneficial effects. This is a family of about 130 genera and about 800 species. Seeds or fruit parts of some cucurbits are reported to possess many therapeutic activities. Benincasa hispida Thumb. familiarly known as Kushmanda and Cucurbita maxima Duchesne as Kashiphala are two varieties of Cucurbitaceae family. Thus, comparative analysis of both these varieties is done to evaluate the analytical profile.Aim: To evaluate the analytical profile of B. hispida and C. maxima.Materials and Methods: Fresh juice, semi-solid, dried powder of both the samples were prepared in the laboratory, and comparative analytical profiles were developed by following standard guidelines of Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India (API).Results and Conclusion: The organoleptic parameters include changes in color, taste, and odor of both samples. In physico-chemical parameters, slight changes in loss on drying, Ph, and Total solid content was mentioned. Total ash value and extractive values have found within the limit as mentioned in API. Phyto-chemical analysis shows the presence of alkaloids, carbohydrates, reducing sugars, flavonoids, and steroids in both varieties. Powder microscopy of both samples showed parenchymatous cells, xylem fibers, xylem tracheid's, epidermal cells, and starch grains which were found sparse in B. hispida and dense in C. maxima. High-performance thin-layer chromatography revealed similarity of 3,4,3 bands at 254 nm and 4,3,4 bands at 366 nm ultraviolet detection in methanolic extract, aqueous, hydro-alcoholic extract, respectively, and fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy study of B. hispida and C. maxima showed the presence of amines, methylene group and alcohols, phenols, and methylene group, respectively. Citation: INDIAN JOURNAL OF AYURVEDA & INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE KLEU 2022 3(2):69-77 PubDate: Mon,12 Dec 2022 DOI: 10.4103/ijaim.ijaim_11_22 Issue No: Vol. 3, No. 2 (2022)
- The effect of ashwagandhadi granules on physical performance in healthy
individuals Authors: NK Ashitha, Bargale Sushant Sukumar Pages: 78 - 82 Abstract: NK Ashitha, Bargale Sushant Sukumar INDIAN JOURNAL OF AYURVEDA & INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE KLEU 2022 3(2):78-82 Introduction: Physical fitness is a state of health and well-being and more specifically, the ability to perform the aspects of sports, occupations, and daily activities. A higher fitness level indicates a better long-term effect of health. Physical fitness is generally achieved through a proper nutrition, moderate physical exercise, hygiene, and sufficient rest. Considering the nutritional aspect of physical fitness, supplements are required to bridge the nutritional gap due to busy work schedule and faulty food habits. Hence, a health supplement is the need for the hour which is tasty, will meet the daily requirements, and provide optimum nutrients for improving the physical fitness.Materials and Methods: Ashwagandhadi granules, formulated with a combination of food and Rasayana dravyas, consisting of Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), Ragi (Eleusine coracana), Mudga (Vigna radiata), Jeeraka (E. coracana), and Shunti (Zingiber officinale), can be a promising health supplement. An open-label double-arm control clinical study with convenient sampling and modified wait-listed crossover design was conducted among 23 individuals. While in the study group, they were administered with 20 g of Ashwagandhadi granules with 150 ml milk for a month.Results: The result revealed a statistically significant change in the Harvard Step Score and VO2 max (z = 3.83, P < 0.001).Conclusion: The administration of Ashwagandhadi granules has a statistically significant effect on physical fitness. Citation: INDIAN JOURNAL OF AYURVEDA & INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE KLEU 2022 3(2):78-82 PubDate: Mon,12 Dec 2022 DOI: 10.4103/ijaim.ijaim_13_22 Issue No: Vol. 3, No. 2 (2022)
- Quality assessment of market samples of ashokarishta: A polyherbal
formulation Authors: Soumya S Fadnis, Rajeshwari V Kamat Pages: 83 - 87 Abstract: Soumya S Fadnis, Rajeshwari V Kamat INDIAN JOURNAL OF AYURVEDA & INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE KLEU 2022 3(2):83-87 Background: Ashokarista is an Ayurvedic herbal remedy with Ashoka as the main ingredient for rejuvenating the female reproductive system and blood. Because of the rapid commercialization of Ayurvedic products, assurances of their safety and efficacy have become critical. Therefore, to achieve this, the Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India advocates the implementation of various Quality Control Parameters, such as Organoleptic Characters, Physico-chemical characteristics, Qualitative analysis, Quantitative analysis, and Microbial tests.Aim and Objective: To evaluate the quality standards of Ashokarishta's selected marketed samples. Materials and Methods: Quality control parameters such as organoleptic characteristics, physicochemical analysis, and microbial contamination studies were applied to all samples collected.Results: The current findings show that the samples differ in several analytical parameters.Conclusion: Sample A was found to be safe and had the highest concentration of gallic acid of the five samples tested. Citation: INDIAN JOURNAL OF AYURVEDA & INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE KLEU 2022 3(2):83-87 PubDate: Mon,12 Dec 2022 DOI: 10.4103/ijaim.ijaim_18_22 Issue No: Vol. 3, No. 2 (2022)
- Stage-wise management of Pakshaghata (Ischemic stroke with left
hemiplegia) through ayurveda - A case report Authors: Govardhan Belaguli, SA Nithin Pages: 88 - 93 Abstract: Govardhan Belaguli, SA Nithin INDIAN JOURNAL OF AYURVEDA & INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE KLEU 2022 3(2):88-93 In the context of Ayurveda, the condition Pakshaghata counters with hemiplegia and its variety of characteristic symptoms. The causes, pathogenesis and its management are well elucidated in Ayurveda. The following is a case report of an elderly male patient with Pakshaghata (Ischemic stroke with left hemiplegia) that was effectively treated on two different stages for nearly 56 days. His condition was divided into two stages, a) Margavaranajanya (~obstruction and adherence of other Doshas by the aggravated Dosha) stage, and b) Vatanulomana (~controlling of vitiated Vata dosha, bringing back to its normalcy) stage. The drugs that had the properties of Agnideepana (~neutralizers of the impaired metabolic fire), Amapachana (~metabolizers of undigested toxins), Srotoshodana (~evacuators of obstructed channels) and Vatanulomana were found effective in the first stage. As Vata Dosha (~one of bodily humors), is considered as the master controller of nervous system, and in order to bring it back to normal from the vitiated state, a set of drugs that had the property of Vatanulomana, Balya (~strength promoters) and Rasayana (~rejuvenators) were induced in the second stage. There was a significant improvement in his degree of disability as per Scandinavian stroke score, Barthel Index score and Modified Rankin Scale; it measured 51, 65 and 3 respectively after the intervention (from 16, 0 and 5 prior to intervention). Through this study, it can be planned that, the treatment protocol of Pakshaghata can be judged by the acute and chronic phase of the condition based on its association with Vata dosha. The wise selection of the appropriate drugs and therapies in the present case secured the optimistic outcome of the intervention. Although his concluding magnetic resonance imaging of brain notified “no” modifications, at the time of discharge he was privileged with refurbished gait; sensory and motor deficits with increased quality of life, which prompted us to document it. Citation: INDIAN JOURNAL OF AYURVEDA & INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE KLEU 2022 3(2):88-93 PubDate: Mon,12 Dec 2022 DOI: 10.4103/ijaim.ijaim_25_21 Issue No: Vol. 3, No. 2 (2022)
- Ayurveda management of vatahata vartma - A case report
Authors: Chidanand Naganna Kalburgi, Azizahmed Imamsab Arbar, Kaveri N Hulyalkar, V Geothsona Pages: 94 - 98 Abstract: Chidanand Naganna Kalburgi, Azizahmed Imamsab Arbar, Kaveri N Hulyalkar, V Geothsona INDIAN JOURNAL OF AYURVEDA & INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE KLEU 2022 3(2):94-98 Lagophthalmos is a condition characterized by incomplete or abnormal closure of eyelids along with the evaporation of tear film. If left untreated, it progresses to corneal ulceration, perforation, and visual loss. Conservative nonsurgical treatment includes the use of artificial tears, ointments, and therapeutic contact lenses. However, if nonsurgical approaches are not effective, surgical procedures such as tarsorrhaphy and gold/platinum implantation are used which are expensive with risks of poor cosmetic appearance. The current case was diagnosed as lagophthalmos which can be clinically correlated to Vatahata vartma described in Ayurveda. Amapachana followed by Panchakarma and Kriyakarmas along with Vata shamana chikitsa were adopted which are cost-effective, less invasive, and cosmetic friendly when compared with conventional science. This article highlights the successful reduction in core symptoms of lagophthalmos with the Ayurveda line of treatment. Citation: INDIAN JOURNAL OF AYURVEDA & INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE KLEU 2022 3(2):94-98 PubDate: Mon,12 Dec 2022 DOI: 10.4103/ijaim.ijaim_8_22 Issue No: Vol. 3, No. 2 (2022)
- Role of ayurveda in the management of hypothyroidism - A case report
Authors: Alka (Babbar) (Babbar) Kapoor, Shweta Raturi Pages: 99 - 103 Abstract: Alka (Babbar) (Babbar) Kapoor, Shweta Raturi INDIAN JOURNAL OF AYURVEDA & INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE KLEU 2022 3(2):99-103 Compromised daily habits such as more sugar intake, lack of exercise, stress, familial tendencies, etc., lead to various lifestyle diseases impacting the normal functioning of the human body systems. Hypothyroidism is one such disease that is caused due to inadequate production of thyroid hormones. The thyroid gland regulates the body's metabolism and growth. In Ayurveda, this is attributed to a function of Agni. Clinical symptoms of this disease closely resemble Agnimandya and symptoms precipitated consequentially. A 24-year-old female patient visited the hospital with complaints of irregular menstruation, heaviness all over the body, gradual weight gain, and constipation. After thorough examination and investigations, she was diagnosed with a case of hypothyroidism with increased thyroid-stimulating hormone levels. Her ultrasound findings also showed a polycystic ovary syndrome-like presentation with mildly enlarged bilateral ovaries with multiple small follicles and increased ovarian stroma. She was effectively treated with an Ayurvedic treatment approach for 5 months (five cycles). Citation: INDIAN JOURNAL OF AYURVEDA & INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE KLEU 2022 3(2):99-103 PubDate: Mon,12 Dec 2022 DOI: 10.4103/ijaim.ijaim_24_22 Issue No: Vol. 3, No. 2 (2022)