- Evaluation of Traditional and Religious Ceremony Meals in Muğla in
Regards to Elderly Nutrition Authors: Fatma Özalp Abstract: In our society, ceremonial meals are organized in vital cycles such as marriage, birth, circumcision, death or in religious rituals such as Ramadan, the Night of Wishes, rain request prayer. Traditional and religious ceremonial meals are extremely valuable in strengthening the cultural and social identity of societies and maintaining intergenerational ties. The interaction between generations enables the transmission of social values, traditions and innovations. This sociological bond can be observed in Muğla's traditional and religious invitations. The elders of the family, neighborhood and village are especially expected and requested to attend these invitations. At the same time, Muğla is considered a 'very old society' with an elderly population rate of 13.8%. Maintaining the nutritional status of the elderly living in the community is important in terms of reducing the risks of age-related diseases and supporting independent living. In this review, it was aimed to evaluate the meals served in traditional/religious ceremonies such as weddings, mevlit, mourning, Ramadan, etc. in Muğla in terms of elderly nutrition. The dishes from the Menteşe region served in traditional and religious ceremonies in Muğla (Muğla Keşkegi, Stew with Chickpeas, White Beans, Rice Pilaf, Yogurtlama, Shepherd Salad, Semolina Halva with Walnuts) were divided into food groups and analyzed according to the Turkey Nutrition Guide (TUBER, 2022). PubDate: Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +030
- A Review on Medicinal Plants with Potential Effect on COVID-19 Pandemic
Authors: Ali Eren Nizamoğlu; Gamze Kökdil Abstract: The new coronavirus disease (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) has caused a pandemic worldwide. This virus, which occurs with sudden respiratory distress, is fatal especially in immunocompromised individuals. The interest of people, who have been using plants to find solutions to health problems since ancient times, has increased with the COVID-19 pandemic. In the search for compounds that may be effective in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19, medicinal plants are valuable resources due to their existing biological activities, that inhibit the activity of this virus, cure or prevent viral infections, and low side effects. Extracts of these plants and/or bioactive compounds isolated from them are considered strong candidates for the development of drug formulations that can control the disease. Thyme (Thymus sp. and Origanum sp.), Linden (Tilia sp.), Sage (Salvia sp), Ginger (Zingiber officinale), Turmeric (Curcuma longa), Garlic (Allium sativum), Licorice (Glycirhiza glabra) and Tea (Camellia sinensis) are medicinal plants with antiviral or immunomodulatory activity. In this review, potential therapetic effectsof these plants against Covid-19 are presented based on recent scientific researches. PubDate: Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +030
- Examination of the Articles Published in the Journals Accessed through
DergiPark on Medical Malpractice Authors: Aykut Yasdı; Serap Torun Abstract: Medical malpractice, which is a subject dating back thousands of years to this day, needs to be examined in a wide range, since it is one of the subjects that professional disciplines such as health and law are interested in today.In this study, the articles published in DergiPark until the end of 2022 on medical malpractice were analyzed numerically according to the year they were published and the publishing disciplines, and it was aimed to reveal the interest of the professional disciplines to the subject with the results obtained.This study was conducted using a retrospective method. As a data collection tool, articles on medical malpractice published in journals accessed through DergiPark were examined. As a result of the scans made on the subject in the titles (Medical error, Malpractice, Medical malpractice, Medical malpractice, Medical malpractice, Implementation error, Malpractice, Malpractice), published article titles and keywords in DergiPark at 01.03.2024, the findings were systematically examined. Statistically, numbers and percentages were used.According to the findings, 300 registered academic publications were found from the earliest academic publication on medical malpractice at 2005 to the end of 2022. It is seen that the most study contribution on this subject is made from the field of nursing. Nursing field is followed by health management and forensic medicine fields respectively. In the analysis made by years, an increase has been observed since 2013, and the increase in the number of academic publications between 2016 and 2018-2022 is striking. PubDate: Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +030
- Fight against Typhus in Turkey (1945-1950)
Authors: Resul Köse Abstract: Objective: The aim of this study is to examine the struggle against typhus, which has been a scourge of humanity for centuries, in Turkey between 1945 and 1950.Method: The data of our study were obtained from archival documents, periodicals of the period and other studies in the literature. In addition, this study is a qualitative study and document analysis method was used.Findings: The fight against typhus, which became epidemic in Turkey during World War II, became one of the most important issues of the post-war period. In the fight against typhus, vaccination had begun in 1943, during the war years. This practice would be accelerated as of 1945. The vaccine produced in large quantities in a short period of time at the Refik Saydam Institute of Public Health played a significant role in this situation. In addition, the effective use of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (D.D.T.) from 1945 onwards constituted one of the most important factors in achieving success.Conclusion: Thanks to the preventive health measures taken between 1945 and 1950, as well as the strict vaccination program and D.D.T. application, Turkey was able to reduce typhus disease, one of the most feared disasters of those years, from the country's agenda. PubDate: Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +030
- Use of Q Methodology in Medical Ethics Research: An Example of Artificial
Intelligence Ethics Research in Radiology Authors: Seçil Özçiftçi; Aslıhan Akpınar, Onur Dönmez Abstract: Aim: This study aims to discuss the appropriateness of the use of Q methodology in medical ethics through the example of a doctoral thesis that aims to investigate the ethical dimension of the use of artificial intelligence in radiology and introduce the method.Method: Q-methodology was identified as the most appropriate methodology to answer the research question posed. The main elements of Q-methodology, namely (i) definition of the communication field (literature review); (ii) development of a set of statements (Q-set); (iii) selection of participants (P-set); and (iv) analysis and interpretation, were explained with examples of how they were practically applied in the study. The study was conducted between November 2023 and March 2024. Snowball sampling method was used to select the sample since a small group was the subject of a new topic.Result: Q methodology was identified as the most appropriate method to answer the research question. Basic values were determined by reviewing the literature on artificaI intelligence ethics in radiology. A list of 52 statements that would meet these values was created by the researchers as a draft item pool. Q set was reduced to 36 questions through language analysis and expert opinions. The research question and the pool of items created and confirmed by expert opinions were digitized with the open source EQ Web Configurator tool. With this tool, the Q set was packaged as a web application. This package was published on https://ethicsqsort.netlify.app. The address was sent to potential participants in an invitation text. The statistical components of the Q-methodology include factor extraction and factor rotation. For factor extraction and factor rotation, we used KADE, a Q-methodology specific program.Conclusion: The Q-set developed in the study to evaluate the perspective of radiologists about the ethical dimension of the use of artificial intelligence in radiology is considered to be a useful tool applicable to medical ethics issues. PubDate: Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +030
- Prevalence of Malocclusion in the Western Black Sea Community
Authors: Yasin Hezenci; Musa Bulut Abstract: Objective: Our study aims to investigate the prevalence of malocclusion types in individuals under 18 due to the increasing demand for orthodontic treatment in society.Methods: A total of 1043 patients (547 females, 496 males) under 18 were studied. Recordings were taken on the same X-ray machine (Pax uni 3D; Vatech, Seoul, Korea) were selected. Cephalometric analyses were made with the computer-aided digital program Nemoceph (Nemotec, Madrid, Spain). The individual was considered skeletal Class I when the ANB (˚) angle was between 0˚- 4˚, Class II when it was greater than 4˚, and Class III when it was less than 0˚.Results: The age range was calculated as 7 years 8 months, and 17 years 10 months. The mean age was lowest in class III girls (12.78±2. 15) and highest in class II boys (13.62± 1.73). Classes I, II, and III were found to be 58.5%-32.5% and 9%, respectively, in women and 53.6%, 36.9% and 9.5% in men. Class I, II, and III incidence rates were calculated as 56.2%-34.6% and 9.2%, respectively, without gender discrimination. There was no significant difference in the incidence of malocclusions between the genders (p>0.05).Conclusion: In this study, in which skeletal malocclusion was examined by lateral cephalometric radiograph, class I malocclusion was observed at a higher rate in boys and girls. Although Class II and III malocclusion types were observed at a higher rate in men, it was not statistically significant. PubDate: Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +030
- Evaluation of Primary School 4th Grade Nature Research and Hygiene
Textbook in the Early Republic Period from Today's Perspective Authors: Ozan Turamanlar; Hanım Selin Turamanlar Abstract: Aim: Textbooks, one of the indispensable elements of education and training, are educational materials that are always emphasized with sensitivity. Because age-appropriate knowledge and skills are gained through these materials, and this is very important for students who will shape and direct the future. Our aim is to comparatively show the changes and developments in education and training in the intervening period of nearly a century by comparing the subjects in the book titled Nature Study and Hygiene for the fourth grade of primary school, published in 1926-1927, with the subjects in today's textbooks taught at primary and secondary school levels.Method: A literary and formal analysis was made of the "Nature Study and Hygiene" textbook written in Ottoman Turkish. The translation of the book, a copy of which is held by the authors, was also carried out by the authors. Using the survey model, one of the qualitative research methods, it was compared with today's textbooks in terms of format and content features.Results: The books have similar characteristics in terms of mentioning information about the content on the front pages, supporting the topics with pictures, asking questions at the end of the topic, explaining the topics with examples at a level that students can understand, and reinforcing the topics with diseases and some clinical cases. The Nature Research and Hygiene book also differs in that it is paid and the source of the visual and written texts is not specified. It is also noteworthy that in terms of content, it is mostly compatible with the content of the 6th grade textbook today.Conclusion: With our research in which the Nature Study and Hygiene textbook is compared with today's textbooks, we believe that in order to design the future accurately and effectively with such analyzes carried out periodically, we need to examine the past and the present. We also believe that this research will provide a bibliography to practitioners and researchers interested in the subject and will shed light on their design and planning. PubDate: Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +030
- Investigation of Mothers' Opinions and Expectations on Breastfeeding
Environments in Social Spaces Authors: Feyza Aktaş Reyhan; Havva Yeşildere Sağlam, Elif Dağlı Abstract: Aim: The study aimed to examine mothers' views and expectations on breastfeeding environments in social areas.Method: This descriptive and cross-sectional research was conducted with 327 women with breastfeeding experience in social areas. The data of the research was collected by online survey method between September and December 2023. Results: The average age of the participants in the study is 31.86+5.053. 84.1% of the participants stated that the breastfeeding environment affects breastfeeding behaviors and stated that privacy should be one of the main features that should be present in the breastfeeding environment (89.6%). When the behaviors of women when breastfeeding in the social arena are examined; 21.7% said, "I do not breastfeed my baby when I go out of the house", 19.9% said, "I do not take my baby with me to places where I will be breastfeeding", 25.1% said, "I prepare formula for my baby", 19.6% said, "I do not go to social areas" answers have been received. Participants stated that they had negative experiences regarding breastfeeding environments, such as the breastfeeding room not being a private area for the mother and baby, privacy not being protected, the location not being accessible, not having a comfortable seating area, and not being clean enough. Conclusion: In the study, it was determined that the breastfeeding environment in social areas affected the breastfeeding behaviors of mothers. It is important to ensure the availability and quality of breastfeeding environments in social areas so that every mother can breastfeed, which is a basic necessity, while feeling safe and comfortable. PubDate: Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +030
- The Effects of Organizational Silence and Organizational Loneliness on the
Mental Well-Being of Nurses Authors: Sabahattin Tekingündüz; Zeliha Yaman, Muazzez Aydın Abstract: Aim: The research was conducted to determine the effects of organizational silence and organizational loneliness on the psychological well-being of nurses.Methods: The research was conducted with 240 nurses working in a public hospital in Siirt province between 02 January and 02 April 2022. The study was designed as descriptive and cross-sectional. Personal Information Form (10 questions), Organizational Silence Scale (15 items), Loneliness at Work Scale (16 items) and Depression, Anxiety, Stress Scale (21 items) were used in the data collection form. The data were evaluated with descriptive analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis. Results: In the study, according to the correlation analysis, no relationship was found between loneliness sub-dimensions and depression and stress (p>0.05). A relationship was determined between protective silence and both depression and stress (p0.05), significant relationships were determined between the anxiety and organizational silence sub-dimensions (p PubDate: Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +030
- Traditional Methods Known and Practiced by Infertile Women for
Infertility:A Descriptive Study Authors: Tuba Güner Emül; Filiz Değirmenci, Duygu Vefikuluçay Yılmaz Abstract: Aim: This study aims to determine the traditional methods known and practiced by infertile women for infertility. Desing: This study was designed as descriptive and cross-sectional type.Materials and method: The study sample consisted of 153 infertile women who visited the in vitro fertilization (IVF) center of a public hospital. The data were collected using a questionnaire to determine the infertile women’s socio-demographic characteristics, duration of infertility, medical treatment for infertility, family support, feelings about having children in the future, and the traditional methods they knew and used for infertility.Results: Among the traditional methods they knew and utilized for infertility, almost all the infertile women reported praying, 52.9% reported drinking herbal remedies, nearly half of them reported drinking onion juice and consuming fig puree, and 46.4% reported drinking carob juice. Considering the relationship between the duration of infertility and traditional practices known by infertile women regarding infertility, there was a significant difference between longer periods of infertility and the status of knowing traditional practices such as drinking onion juice, visiting holy tombs, consulting a hodja/Muslim preacher, going to thermal springs, and using heat plaster on the back (p<0.05).Consclusion: The fact that infertile women knew and used at least one traditional method for infertility in our study shows that their fertility is at risk. In this regard, nurses need to take careful patient histories at every stage of treatment, provide psychological and social support during the long and difficult treatment process, and offer counseling services. Furthermore, comprehensive studies are needed to examine the effects of traditional methods used in infertility treatment. PubDate: Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +030
- Readability Analysis of Information on Restorative Dentistry on the
Websites of Dentistry Faculties Authors: Muhammet Fidan; İlayda Atabek Abstract: Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the comparative readability analysis of the informative texts on the websites of the Faculties of Dentistry of Restorative Dentistry of the universities.Method: In this study, the informative texts of the websites of Restorative Dentistry of public and private dentistry faculties in Turkey were analysed. The websites of the institutions were analysed in 2 categories as private or public dentistry faculties. Patient information texts on 64 included websites were evaluated according to Ateşman Readability Index. Mann-Whitney U test and Spearman Correlation test were used to evaluate the data (p < 0.05).Results: The median value of the Ateşman Readability Index score was 50.75. It was found that 3.1% of the websites were very easy, 14.1% were easy, 37.5% were of medium difficulty, 34.4% were difficult and 10.9% were very difficult. There was no significance between the median values of information about Restorative Dentistry in private dentistry faculties (for all parameters) and the median values of information about Restorative Dentistry in private dentistry faculties (for all parameters). There was a positive correlation between Ateşman readability index score and number of sentences (r=0.547; p < 0.001), a positive correlation between Ateşman readability index score and number of paragraphs (r=0.583; p < 0.001), and a negative correlation between Ateşman readability index score and average word length (r=-0.701; p < 0.001).Conclusion: The readability of university texts on Restorative Dentistry is generally of medium difficulty. Readability programmes can be used to increase the readability of the information conveyed to the patient in information about Restorative Dentistry. PubDate: Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +030
- Bibliometric Analysis of Phytoestrogens in Endometrial Cancer Research
Authors: Cem Yalaza Abstract: Objective: This study aimed to analyze the articles in the Web of Science (WoS) database using bibliometric methods to determine the place of phytoestrogens in endometrial cancer research.Materials and Methods: WoS database was searched with the keywords "endometrial cancer" AND (Phytoestrogen OR "plant estrogen" OR "Phyto-Estrogen"). In this search, the "TOPIC" option was used to search abstract, title and keywords, and the data of articles published between 1998 and 2023 were analysed. Excel, the R software program, and the bibliometric analysis application Biblioshiny were used to perform the bibliometric analysis. In addition, the MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) word bank was used to search the WoS system with the right keywords.Results: As a result of the analyses, a total of 56 studies were found between 1998 and 2023. Among these studies are 41 research articles (73.21%) and 13 reviews (37.5%). Almost all the studies were published in English (n=54, 96.42%). It was determined that the most articles were produced in 2009 (n=6, 10.714%) and the most productive country was the United States of America with 22 studies (39.286%). In the WoS database, no studies on the subject originating from Turkey were identified.Conclusion: Currently, there are few studies on the relationship between endometrial cancer and phytoestrogens. The data obtained from this article will shed light on the research in this field. For our country to take place in the international arena on this current and important issue, studies originating from Turkey should be planned. PubDate: Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +030
- After The COVID-19 Pandemic, Nurses' Attitudes Toward The Use Of Herbs For
Seasonal Influenza in Türkiye Authors: Birsel Molu; Alev Yıldırım Keskin Abstract: Objective: This study aims to examine the attitude of nurses toward the use of herbal therapies for seasonal influenza after the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: This descriptive study was completed with 153 nurses working in shifts at the university hospital. This study was conducted between April 1, 2023, and May 1, 2023. The data were collected in the form of an online questionnaire with the "Introductory Information Form" prepared by the researchers in line with the literature, and the "Attitudes Towards Using Complementary Therapies Scale".Results: The mean age of the participants was 31.84±6.32 years. Among the nurses who participated in the study, 58.2% stated that they had COVID-19 disease in the previous years (2019–2022), and 41.8% had seasonal flu this year (2023). The majority of nurses (91.5%) reported knowing herbal methods, and 39.2% reported using social media as a source of herbal method information. Demographic factors did not significantly affect COVID-19 and seasonal influenza status, herbal treatment knowledge or use. However, gender, education and marital status played a role in participation in herbal treatment. Conclusion: In this study, it was found that nurses who experienced seasonal influenza after the COVID-19 pandemic had positive attitudes toward the use of herbal treatment during influenza. The most frequently used methods for herbal treatment include herbal teas, the use of herbal oils, and mixtures. In the study, it was found that nurses used rosemary tea, chamomile oil, and black cumin honey mixtures the most, respectively. PubDate: Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +030
- A Methodological Problem in the Writing of Medical History: A Study on the
Interpretation and Transmission of Information in Sources Differently Than They Are Authors: Abdullah Yıldız; Ahmet Acıduman, Pınar Aysert Yıldız Abstract: Aim: This study aimed to determine the sources which the sentence in Prof. Dr. Ali Haydar Bayat's book Tıp Tarihi published in 2003, which at first glance suggests a historical "avian influenza" epidemic, "During the period when the Danishmend ruler Melik Muhammed [d. 1143] ruled Malatya, there was an epidemic that first killed poultry and then many people, especially young children" is based and to present and discuss the information obtained.Methods: The study was conducted between March-June 2022. The literature was reviewed, the article by Feda Şamil Arık titled "Plague Epidemics in Anatolia in the Time of the Seljuks" and the Turkish, French, Arabic and English translations of the Chronicle of Patriarch Mihail of the Syriac Orthodox Church were analysed and the findings were discussed.Results: The source of the sentence that prompted us to investigate is most likely Arık's article: "According to the information given by Syriac Michael, in the year 1452'(1141) of the Greeks, the plague epidemic that first broke out in the said city [Malatya (Mélitene)] and devastated poultry such as chickens, etc., then caused the death of many other people, especially young children." Arık cited the French translation of Syriac Mihail's Chronicles as the source of this information. When the French, Arabic and English translations as well as the Turkish translations of this work were analysed, it was seen that the diseases occurring in chickens and humans were included in a way to indicate different diseases. Conclusion: Although both Bayat's work and Arık's work, which is thought to have been a source for Bayat, state that the plague epidemic that broke out in Malatya in 1141 first affected poultry and then many people, especially children, according to the information given by Syriac Mihail, it is understood that there were actually two different epidemics, the first epidemic was described as a plague affecting chickens, and the second epidemic was a smallpox epidemic affecting young children. PubDate: Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +030
- Military Physicians in the Ancient Roman Army BC 27- AD 450: Origin, Age,
Education and Social Status Authors: Sait Özdemir Abstract: Object: In Ancient Rome, which had a militaristic social structure, the treatment of injured soldiers, the place where army camps would be established, unknown diseases in the conquered regions and the determination of the places where treatments would be carried out must have been very important. However, until the reign of the first Emperor Augustus, practices regarding the treatment of soldiers were irregular and neglected. This study sheds light on the often obscure subject of military medicine and the situation in the army through various epigraphic findings dating back to the Roman period and other classical literary sources. Deployed army medical units are examined for social status, education, age and origin.Material and Methods: Although there are some accepted assumptions about how sick and wounded soldiers were treated in the centuries before the imperial period, it is difficult to answer this situation. In the Principate Period, contrary to previous practices, there were many medical personnel with different titles and names in each unit of the Roman army. Physicians are divided into different statuses and ranks throughout the military. In the study, the military aspect of the medical profession in ancient Rome was discussed with its historical sociological dimension.Results: Firstly, comments on military medicine and medicine were examined through literary sources of Livius, Dionysios Halicarnassos, Tacitus, Cicero, Silius Italicus, Caesar and Vegetius. On the other hand, among the 800 inscriptions referring to physicians, there are 108 epipraphic materials that mention military physicians.Conclusion: All archaeological findings and written sources reveal that all the advancements in the medical profession were made through military physicians compared to civilian physicians. PubDate: Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +030
- Women in Radiology from Marie Curie to the Present: The Case of Turkey
Authors: Yüksel Balcı; Ahmet Aksu, Selda Okuyaz Abstract: Introduction: Many theories developed by the pioneering women who taught her, especially Marie Curie, one of the most influential women in the history of radiation, and extending to the present day, have contributed to major developments in the fields of radiation and nuclear medicine.Objective: The aim of the study was to draw attention to women who have been pioneers in the field of radiology in history and to determine the current situation about the distribution of women physicians who have contributed in the field in our country.Method: In this study, a cross-sectional descriptive research method was employed between March 1st and 31st, 2024, conducting document analysis and examining the numbers of theses produced by departments and faculty members in the field of radiology and those pursuing postgraduate education in this field. Theses produced by the Radiology Departments of Medical Faculties were included. A detailed search using "radiology" as the domain name was conducted in the National Thesis Center databases to access the theses related to the field of radiology without any year restrictions. Data were recorded and evaluated using Excel.Results: According to the Higher Education Council website, there are a total of 134 radiology departments in the 2023-2024 academic year. According to the data from the National Thesis Center, between 1971 and 2024, a total of 2321 specialist theses were produced by Radiology Departments, with 1461 (62.95%) male authors and 860 (37.05%) female authors.Discussion and Conclusion: It has been shown that closing gender gaps leads to better performance in healthcare systems and better organizational and clinical outcomes. There is an urgent need for an increase in the number of women in the field of radiology, and both women and men should receive equal treatment and opportunities within this medical field. In conclusion, we conducted a review of the literature on gender inequality to comprehensively assess the current role of women in radiological imaging. In light of the data obtained, it is evident that women are still not adequately represented demographically in the field of radiology, and increasing awareness on this issue is crucial. PubDate: Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +030
- Three Important Figures of Osmaniye's Recent Health History: Aktar Çolak
Şaban, Dr. Mahmut Kobaner, Pharmacist Hüseyin Dartar Authors: Arif Hüdai Köken; Meltem Öztan, Mehmet Gazi Kobaner, Serap Şahinoğlu Abstract: Aim: In this study, Aktar Çolak Şaban, Dr. Mahmut Kobaner, and Pharmacist Hüseyin Dartar, who have played noteworthy roles in the healthcare services of Osmaniye, a relatively less-known region of Çukurova, nourished by the deep-rooted civilizations of history, will be discussed. Within this context, utilizing the sources at hand, the healthcare history of Osmaniye up until the early 2000s will be assessed through the perspective of the evolution of medicine.Methods: The study designed as an oral history research and literature review. It was conducted between May 2023 and September 2023. Accessing primary sources, the first step involved learning the biographies of the figures under investigation and obtaining documents and photographs related to their education and professional lives. To reach secondary sources, archives of Adana and Osmaniye Health Directorates, as well as Medical Chambers, were consulted. Archives of local newspapers in Osmaniye pertaining to the period were also explored by contacting relevant individuals. Additionally, a comprehensive literature review was conducted. Osmaniye's recent healthcare history was evaluated through an evolutionary approach based on the factors of time, space, and individuals.Results: Aktar Çolak Şaban, Dr. Mahmut Kobaner and Pharmacist. Hüseyin Dartar's curriculum vitae was created in the light of the information provided by the reference people. In addition, diplomas, stamps, prescriptions, photographs and relevant documents regarding the education and professional life of the figures subject to the research, obtained through resource persons, were discussed.Conclusion: These three prominent figures, considered as valuable contributors to the region through the healthcare services they provided, have carried the ethical values of healthcare professionals from history to the present day. They have served as role models, exerting a strong influence and collaboration in their professional capacity to improve public health. With their distinctive qualities, they have endeared themselves to the community, leaving their names in the recent healthcare history of Osmaniye. PubDate: Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +030
- Pharmacy Education Of "Efrad-ı Sıhhı̇ye" in The Ottoman Army During
The Second Constitutional Period Authors: Eda Avcı; Cemal Avcı Abstract: Objective: In order to solve the problems experienced in the Ottoman Army, regulations were also made in the field of health. Among these regulations, the training of auxiliary health personnel is an important issue. This study aims to contribute to the history of pharmacy and medicine by illuminating the content and quality of the training received by the auxiliary health personnel for pharmacy services in the Ottoman Army during the Second Constitutional period through the "Efrad-ı Sıhhiye Textbook".Method: In this study conducted in 2023, the "Efrad-ı Sıhhiye Textbook" was analyzed as the main source. The pharmacy topics in the book were compared with today's pharmacy knowledge. Sources in the fields of history and health were utilized for the developments in the field of health of the period and their comparison with today. In our research, which was carried out with a multidisciplinary perspective including the fields of pharmacy, history and education, the survey model was used as the method and document analysis was used as the data collection technique.Findings: When the "Efrad-ı Sıhhiye Textbook" is analyzed, it is understood that it is a detailed textbook that includes the knowledge and skills related to the health field of the period and carries the students beyond being auxiliary health personnel. The content of the textbook in the field of pharmacy is quite comprehensive. In the book, attitudes and behaviors in pharmacy activities, drug raw materials, drug preparation, drug packaging, labeling, and issues to be considered when giving drugs to patients are taught in detail.Conclusion: It is noteworthy that some of the chapters in the Efrad-ı Sıhhiye Textbook are compatible with modern pharmacy science. It gave the auxiliary medics trained in the Ottoman Army the opportunity to apply the knowledge they acquired after leaving the army in their neighborhoods and to overcome the deficiencies in health services. One of the results of our study is that the modernization movements in the Ottoman Empire were not only limited to the political and social spheres but also in the field of health. PubDate: Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +030
- On “Smallpox and Measles” according to works of the Islamic world in
the Middle Ages-Golden Age-II: Was al-Zahrāwī influenced by al-Rāzī’s Kitāb al-Jadarī wa al-Ḥaṣba in his Kitāb al-Taṣrīf' A comparative study Authors: Ahmet Acıduman; Çağatay Aşkit Abstract: Objective: This study aims to translate the chapters titled “Smallpox/al-jadarī” and “Measles/al-ḥaṣba” in Abū al-Qāsim Khalaf b. ʿAbbās al-Zahrāwī’s Kitāb al-Taṣrīf li-man ʿajaza ʿan al-talīf from Arabic into Turkish and to contribute to the literature of Turkish history of medicine and to reveal whether al-Zahrāwī was influenced by al-Rāzī’s Kitāb al-Jadarī wa al-Ḥaṣba in writing these chapters.Material and Method: This study mainly examines an Arabic printed copy of Abū al-Qāsim Khalaf b. ʿAbbās al-Zahrāwī’s Kitāb al-Taṣrīf li-man ʿajaza ʿan al-talīf containing the first two articles, and a printed copy of its Latin translation, and an Arabic printed copy of Abū Bakr Muḥammad b. Zakariyyā al-Rāzī’s Kitāb al-Jadarī wa al-Ḥaṣba. The chapters titled “smallpox/al-jadarī” and “measles/al-ḥaṣba” in the second article of al-Taṣrīf were translated into Turkish by the authors based on the Arabic text and compared with the Latin text. In addition, the relevant sections of al-Taṣrīf and al-Rāzī’s Kitāb al-Jadarī wa al-Ḥaṣba are also compared chapter by chapter. Results: In his Kitāb al-Taṣrīf li-man ʿajaza ʿan al-talīf, al-Zahrāwī, unlike his predecessors, treated the chapters on Smallpox and Measles under separate headings. During the comparison, it is seen that there are significant similarities between the information contained in the chapters on Smallpox and Measles in al-Zahrāwī’s work and the information contained in al-Rāzī’s Kitāb al-Jadarī wa al-Ḥaṣba, and there are also significant sentence similarities between the Arabic texts of both works.Conclusion: It seems possible to say that al-Zahrāwī used Rāzī’s Kitāb al-Jadarī wa al-Ḥaṣba as a source in the chapters titled “Smallpox/al-jadarī” and “Measles/al-ḥaṣba” in al-Taṣrīf, and even directly quoted and evaluated it in his work in many places, in a sense creating an abridged version or, in other words, a mukhtaṣar of al-Rāzī’s work. It is interesting to note that al-Zahrāwī never mentions al-Rāzī and his work Kitāb al-Jadarī wa al-Ḥaṣba in these chapters. PubDate: Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +030
- Human Veins and the Knowledge of Drawing Blood from These Veins in
Firdevsî-i Tavîl's Lost Work Firâset-nâme Authors: Sedat Kardaş Abstract: Aim: The aim of this study is to translate the fourteenth chapter of Firdavsî al-Tawîl’s (Rûmî) Firâset-nâme, which is said to be lost, titled “Der-Beyân-ı ʿUrûk-ı Âdemî Şerh Kerden-i Lokmân Hekîm” and which gives information about the veins in the human body and bloodletting from these veins, from Ottoman Turkish into modern Turkish and to bring it into the literature of the history of medicine.Material and Method: In this study, the fourteenth chapter on veins and bloodletting of the only copy of Firdevsî-i Tavîl's Firâset-nâme, which was previously reported to be lost in the literature, registered in Ankara National Library Manuscripts Collection 06 Mil Yz A 5151, was translated from the Ottoman Turkish text into today's Turkish and presented in the findings section and discussed with the relevant literature.Results: The information on human veins and bloodletting is found in the fourteenth chapter of Firâset-nâme titled “Bâb-ı Çârdehom” under the title “Der-Beyân-ı ʿUrûk-ı Adamî Şerh Kerden-i Lokmân Hekîm”.Conclusion: The Firâset-nâme, written by Firdevsî-i Tavîl between 1499-1501 and presented to Grand Vizier Mesîh Pasha (d. 906/1501) during the reign of Bâyezîd II, is noteworthy for being one of the earliest works of its genre written in the Ottoman period and for providing information about medicine, veins, and bloodletting from the mouth of Lokman Hekim in the relevant chapter of this work. PubDate: Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +030
- Epidemics through the Ages: A Historical Journey of Infectious Diseases
Authors: Elifnaz İlgar; Sevgi Kalkanlı Taş Abstract: Throughout history, infectious diseases with epidemic potential have emerged regularly, causing profound effects on human history, such as major pandemics and epidemics like the plague, cholera, influenza, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV), and Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV). Recently, the world has faced the epidemic of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Many of these infectious diseases leading to epidemics stem from zoonotic pathogens, transferring to humans due to increased interactions with animals through activities such as breeding, hunting, and global trade. The growth of urban areas, heightened mobility, and the consequential effects on natural habitats caused by the expanding human populace have heightened the occurrence and dissemination of infectious illnesses, resulting in widespread epidemics and, at times, global pandemics. The transfer of pathogens from animals to humans, known as zoonotic transmission, is a crucial mechanism through which newfound infections have impacted human populations across historical periods. Understanding the transmission mechanisms of these pathogens to humans has enabled the development of methods for prevention and control. Throughout the ages, the implementation of public health measures, including isolation, quarantine, and border control, has played a crucial role in managing the spread of infectious diseases, preserving societal structures. The historical and social ramifications of infectious diseases, dating back to ancient times, serve as constant reminders of the immense impact these diseases wield. PubDate: Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +030
- Determinatıon of Medical Information in the Novel Titled ‘Nights of
Plague’ by Orhan Pamuk Authors: Osman Açıkgöz Abstract: Aim: Plague, which caused the death of millions of people during three major pandemics throughout history, is distinguished from other epidemics by the horror it inflicted on its victims and their relatives. There are three clinical types of plague: bubonic plague, septicemic plague, and pneumonic plague. Plague is transmitted by infected fleas from rats biting humans. Bubonic plague, the most common form of plague, has also been called ‘black death’ or ‘black plague’. In the rarest type, septicemic plague, the bacteria enters the bloodstream directly and causes rapid death before buboes are seen. In pneumonic plague, the lungs are affected. This type of plague is transmitted directly from person to person in the form of droplet infection through coughs. Plague, which left deep traces on people throughout history, has also been a subject that attracted the attention of literary scholars. The aim of this study is to determine the medical information about the plague in the novel titled ‘Nights of Plague’ by Orhan Pamuk.Method: By reading the novel ‘Nights of Plague’, medical information related to the plague was examined and grouped.Results: Medical information related to the plague in this novel may be grouped into nine groups: the role of mice and rats in the transmission of the plague, other ways of transmission of the plague, symptoms of the plague, the agent of the plague and the discovery of microbes, quarantine and the role of quarantine in preventing the plague, treatment of the plague, plague vaccine, fatality in the plague, epidemiology. Conclusion: Medical information is included extensively in the book ‘Nights of Plague’, which is also described as an encyclopedic novel. Giving examples from literary works while explaining medical lessons may increase interest in the lessons. ‘Nights of Plague’ seems to be one of the books that may fulfill this function. PubDate: Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +030
- The First Medical Journal of the Medical Chamber:
‘Neşter’ Authors: Metin Özer Abstract: “Neşter” is the first medical journal of the Medical Chambers in our country. The founder of the journal is Dr. Arif Atlı. After Mardin Medical Chamber, Balıkesir and Istanbul Medical Chambers also started to print medical journals. When the medical journal named "Neşter", prepared by Mardin and later Diyarbakır Medical Chamber, is examined considering the years it was published; Except for the paper quality, it will be seen that its content is as full of academic information as the publications made in foreign countries in the sameperiod.The study was conducted between March 1, 2024 and April 1, 2024. A total of 18 issues of the "Neşter" journal, including the first fourteen issues published in Mardin between July-August 1957 and July-August 1959 and four issues published in Diyarbakır in 1971, were examined.In the study; While reviewing the journal called "Neşter", it was deemed appropriate to mention Dr. Arif Atlı and Priest Hanna Dolapönü, who worked in Mardin, and Ord. Prof. Dr. Süheyl Ünver, who had valuable works on Mardin medicine. In 1957, Priest Hanna Dolapönü provided the printing house and the paper to be used in the first issues of the journal, and Ord. Prof. Dr. Süheyl Ünver supported him as a doctor and artist.In journal called “Neşter”; In addition to doctors working in Mardin, Diyarbakır and Siirt, various medical and Professional articles from doctors all over Turkey were also included. PubDate: Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +030
- The Conditions of Our House (Specially on Sulfaguanyl)
Authors: Mukadder Gün Abstract: Health professions require professionalism. However, we should not ignore the efforts of practicing health practitioners in the community. During military service, male practitioners are trained in procedures such as short-term injections and dressings. After demobilization, they can perform such procedures in their daily lives. There are also practitioners in the community who are consulted for health problems such as fractures and dislocations. My father was trained as a medical corporal at İzmir Narlıdere Barracks and did his military service in Erzurum between 1959 and 1960. In my memory, in our town of Gümüşçay with a population of 3000, Uncle Abdullah, nicknamed Dr. Abdulllah, Uncle Ibrahim, Uncle Ibrahim, my father, Uncle Sarı İsmail and Aunt Nazife as a woman were there for the injection needs of the people. Moreover, there were also professional health personnel I remember, Şükran Midwife and the health officer Sıhhiye Ramazan. In this short article, through the experiences of the author, the change in the shape of the syringe is mentioned. The implementation of health services in practical life is tried to be conveyed through memories. In addition, as a member of the public, the author's mother's discourses on medical terms that remain in her memory conveyed through narrative method.. PubDate: Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +030
- "Good Clinical Practices Basic Course" organized with the approval of the
Turkish Medicines and Devices Directorate of the Ministry of Health Authors: Sukran Sevimli Abstract: Aim: This correspondence is intended to disseminate the insights and experiences of the Clinical Research Ethics Committee members from Van Yüzüncü Yıl University regarding the "Basic Course on Good Clinical Practices", which was conducted with the approved of the Ministry of Health, Turkish Medicines and Devices Directorate.Method: The presentations prepared by five instructors of the good practices ethics course and approved by the ministry were presented to 29 academics and four civilian participants who have specialized in various fields. Participants in the course were asked to answer the questions by distributing 17 questions prepared with the approval of the ministry and approved by the ministry. The same questions were distributed again after the course and the results of the tests were compared. Additionally, suggestions and wishes were evaluated.Results: Following the pre-test and post-test assessments conducted before and following the course, it was observed that the course enhanced the participants' level of understanding. The pre-test score for the 33 participants was 62.40%, while the post-test results showed an increase of 80.89%. A comparison of the average success rate in the pre-test with that of the post-test revealed an improvement of 11.53%.Conclusion: The basic ethical principles that must be followed in the provision of health care must be applied in much more detail and meticulously during the clinical research process. The purpose and methodology of the research must comply with current legal regulations, good clinical practice guidelines, the Declaration of Helsinki, and clinical ethical concepts and practices. Protecting the rights of volunteer participants by ethical and legal regulations is possible if ethics committees make evaluations by all legal, ethical, and scientific values.The course has contributed to ethics committee members more clearly understanding the importance of the compliance of the research with ethical values and their ethical responsibilities when evaluating research files. PubDate: Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +030