- Effectivity of oral ginger supplementation for chemotherapy induced nausea
and vomiting (CINV) in children: A systematic review of clinical trials Abstract: Publication date: July–August 2024Source: Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, Volume 15, Issue 4Author(s): Harri Hardi, Geraldine Kenyo Estuworo, Melva Louisa
- Indian Ayurvedic medicine: Overview and application to brain cancer
Abstract: Publication date: July–August 2024Source: Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, Volume 15, Issue 4Author(s): Herbert B. Newton
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chronic low back pain: A randomized controlled trial Abstract: Publication date: July–August 2024Source: Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, Volume 15, Issue 4Author(s): Maheshwor Bhatta, Suchitra S. Patil, Sunil Singh Yadav, Sangeeth Somanadhapai, Rita Thapa
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streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats Abstract: Publication date: July–August 2024Source: Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, Volume 15, Issue 4Author(s): Hisham Al-Matubsi, Luay Rashan, Walid Aburayyan, Othman Al Hanbali, Duaa Abuarqoub, Thomas Efferth
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randomized double blind controlled clinical trial Abstract: Publication date: July–August 2024Source: Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, Volume 15, Issue 4Author(s): Soujanya Chandake, Basavaraj R. Tubaki, Varsha Gonugade, Oshin Sharma
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case report Abstract: Publication date: July–August 2024Source: Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, Volume 15, Issue 4Author(s): Reshma R, Unnikrishnan K
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intoxication: An in-vivo study focusing on antioxidant perspective Abstract: Publication date: July–August 2024Source: Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, Volume 15, Issue 4Author(s): Meesala Guru Sekhar, Kondeti Ramudu Shanmugam, Inavolu Srinivasa Chakrapani
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Study on testicular germ cell dynamics, steroidogenesis modulation, and Nrf-2/Keap-1 signaling Abstract: Publication date: July–August 2024Source: Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, Volume 15, Issue 4Author(s): Arti Rajpoot, Kiran Yadav, Anupam Yadav, Raghav Kumar Mishra
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disorders Abstract: Publication date: July–August 2024Source: Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, Volume 15, Issue 4Author(s): Anil Kumar Sahu, Drishya Dinesh, Vipin Kumar Verma, Vaishali Prajapati, Jagriti Bhatia, Dharamvir Singh Arya
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Abstract: Publication date: July–August 2024Source: Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, Volume 15, Issue 4Author(s): Asha Sreedhar, Aswini Mohan L, S. Parvathy
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anti-ulcer activity and associated complications Abstract: Publication date: July–August 2024Source: Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, Volume 15, Issue 4Author(s): Aakash Kumar Jaiswal, Yasheshwar, Sapna Salar, Shamim, Dinesh Kumar Yadav, Mansi Aggarwal, Shalini Sharma, Rustam Ekbbal, Gaurav
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balsamifera on streptozotocin-nicotinamide induced diabetic rats Abstract: Publication date: July–August 2024Source: Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, Volume 15, Issue 4Author(s): I Made Wisnu Adhi Putra, Nanang Fakhrudin, Arief Nurrochmad, Subagus Wahyuono
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protocol – A case report Abstract: Publication date: July–August 2024Source: Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, Volume 15, Issue 4Author(s): Suketha Kumari, Basavaraj R. Tubaki, Rekha S. Patil, S.D. Laxmikant
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related risks – An exploratory single arm open label trial Abstract: Publication date: July–August 2024Source: Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, Volume 15, Issue 4Author(s): Srikanta Pandit, Tuhin Kanti Biswas, Sayantan Bera, Sumana Saha, Utpalenedu Jana, Tapas Kumar Sur
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3, stage 2, Malignant Spindle Cell Melanoma treated with Ayurvedic medicines: A case report Abstract: Publication date: July–August 2024Source: Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, Volume 15, Issue 4Author(s): Ranjit G. Nimbalkar, Anil T. Pawar, Amol A. Tagalpallewar, Akshay M. Baheti, Satish Chapadgaonkar, Manasi R. Nimbalkar
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silver lining to systems biology and personalized medicine Abstract: Publication date: July–August 2024Source: Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, Volume 15, Issue 4Author(s): Pratibha P. Nair, V Krishnakumar, Parvathy G. Nair
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radiation induced grade 2 oral mucositis - an open label pilot clinical trial Abstract: Publication date: July–August 2024Source: Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, Volume 15, Issue 4Author(s): A.R. Anuja, R. Anoop, Arun Mohanan, N.V. Ramesh
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submucous fibrosis management - A systematic review and meta-analysis Abstract: Publication date: July–August 2024Source: Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, Volume 15, Issue 4Author(s): Mandavi Waghmare, Sandeep Pagare, Ketaki Bhor, Richa Srivastava, Reema Manoj, Kapil Gavand
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lowering mechanism Abstract: Publication date: July–August 2024Source: Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, Volume 15, Issue 4Author(s): Gao Ling chao, Li Xiang shen, Pan Li, Peng Xiao hua, Mo Ling ling, Zhou Yuan yuan, Chen Chuang
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 4 July 2024Source: Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative MedicineAuthor(s): Bhushan Patwardhan, Sarika Chaturvedi, Girish Tillu, Sharad Deshpande, Belle Monappa Hegde
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doctoral studies in ayurveda Abstract: Publication date: July–August 2024Source: Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, Volume 15, Issue 4Author(s): Sathya N. Dornala, Snehalatha SN. Dornala
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receiving ayurvedic whole system intervention Abstract: Publication date: July–August 2024Source: Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, Volume 15, Issue 4Author(s): Sanjeev Rastogi, Ankita Verma, Rimjhim Trivedi, Anuj Shukla, Dinesh Kumar
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writing, and publication ethics: An invigorating training for improving research aptitudes in southern Indian biomedical institutions Abstract: Publication date: July–August 2024Source: Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, Volume 15, Issue 4Author(s): Pitchai Balakumar, Shubhada Nagarkar, Gangaboriah Bilagumba, Ramesh Alluri, Gowraganahalli Jagadeesh
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management of premenstrual syndrome in adolescent girl: A case report Abstract: Publication date: July–August 2024Source: Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, Volume 15, Issue 4Author(s): Ankita Abhijeet Shirkande, Madhuri Pawar, Abhijeet Sarjerao Shirkande, Gunvant Yeola
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in Brazil: trends from a quasi experimental study Abstract: Publication date: July–August 2024Source: Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, Volume 15, Issue 4Author(s): Barbara Esteves das Neves, Nina Claudia Barboza da Silva
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of infertility Abstract: Publication date: Available online 13 June 2024Source: Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative MedicineAuthor(s): Mahesh P. Jadhav, Priyanka D. Patil, Pooja D. Dhone
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review Abstract: Publication date: Available online 13 June 2024Source: Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative MedicineAuthor(s): Suhrud Pathak, Jeyaram Bharathi Jeyabalan, Keyi Liu, Preston Cook, Bennett Lange, Shannon Kim, Rishi Nadar, Kiersten Ward, Courtney S. Watts Alexander, Ashwani Kumar, Kamal Dua, Timothy Moore, Jeyabalan Govindasamy, Muralikrishnan Dhanasekaran
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analysis of edible mushroom- C
ordyceps militaris Abstract: Publication date: Available online 12 June 2024Source: Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative MedicineAuthor(s): Pradeep Gandhale, Rupesh Chikhale, Pukar Khanal, Vashkar Biswa, Raju Ali, Mohd Shahnawaz Khan, Nilambari Gurav, Muniappan Ayyanar, Sandeep Das, Shailendra Gurav
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treatment of Metabolic Syndrome Abstract: Publication date: May–June 2024Source: Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): Prashant Dongre, Anuradha Majumdar
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treatment and prevention of nasopharyngeal cancer Abstract: Publication date: May–June 2024Source: Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): Saketh Ram Thrigulla, Gagandeep Singh, Hemant Soni, Smriti Tandon, Shruti Koulgi, Mallikarjunachari V.N. Uppuladinne, Vinod Jani, Uddhavesh Sonavane, Rajendra Joshi, Yashika Gandhi, Vijay Kumar, Vaibhav Charde, Sujeet K. Mishra, Mukesh Chincholikar, Rakesh Narayan, Vinod Lavaniya, Ch Venkata Narasimhaji, Narayanam Srikanth, Rabinarayan Acharya
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technologies: A conference report Abstract: Publication date: May–June 2024Source: Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): Ashwani Kumar, Vedpriya Arya
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aspect. Abstract: Publication date: May–June 2024Source: Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): M.K. Deepthi, A.S. Deepak, Rajni Sharma
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virginica: A case report Abstract: Publication date: May–June 2024Source: Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): Baidurjya Bhattacharjee, Abhijit Dutta
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through ayurveda: A case report Abstract: Publication date: May–June 2024Source: Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): Sanjeev Rastogi
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report Abstract: Publication date: May–June 2024Source: Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): Archana Sreedharan, Vijaya lekshmi R, Vishnu B
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– A case report Abstract: Publication date: Available online 17 May 2024Source: Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative MedicineAuthor(s): Ranjani Karthik Pandit
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ameliorates hyperglycemia and oxidative stress in streptozotocin-nicotinamide induced diabetic rats Abstract: Publication date: May–June 2024Source: Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): Puspanjali Khound, Prashanta Kumar Deb, Swarnali Bhattacharjee, Karla Damián Medina, Partha Pratim Sarma, Biswatrish Sarkar, Rajlakshmi Devi
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Mark the 150th Birth Anniversary of Vaidyaratnam P.S. Varier, T.S. Muraleedharan (Ed.). Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal (2022), Pages 399, Rs.1700/- Abstract: Publication date: May–June 2024Source: Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): Leena Abraham
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patients of hereditary pancreatitis Abstract: Publication date: May–June 2024Source: Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): Vaidya Balendu Prakash, Shikha Prakash, Neha Negi, Sneha Tiwari Sati
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management of tennis elbow - A randomised controlled preliminary study Abstract: Publication date: May–June 2024Source: Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, Volume 15, Issue 3Author(s): R Sreelekshmi, Shaithya Raj, P N Rajeshwari, Rabinarayan Tripathy