- Efficacy of Homoeopathic Ultra High Dilutions in management of
Dysmenorrhoea: A Review Authors: DR PARTH APHALE, Dr. Dharmendra Sharma, Himanshu Shekhar Pages: 1 - 15 Abstract: Introduction: Dysmenorrhea, or painful menstruation, affects a substantial portion of women worldwide, with prevalence rates reaching up to 67 to 90% among young women. This condition, characterized by intense lower abdominal cramps and associated symptoms, has a significant impact on women's quality of life. Conventional treatments like non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) have limitations, leading many to explore alternative therapies such as homeopathy. Objective: This article reviews the effects of homeopathic treatments on dysmenorrhea patients and examines seven studies conducted in this context. Methods: Studies which meet the specific required criteria; involving dysmenorrhea and Homoeopathy and being published in peer-reviewed English-language scientific journals were only included. Various parameters, such as disease intensity scales, the Menstrual Distress Questionnaire (MDQ), Pain Rating Scale (PRS), Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), and quality of life (QoL) using the World Health Organization Quality of Life: Brief Version (WHOQOL-BREF) scale, numerical rating scale (NRS), and verbal multidimensional scoring system (VMSS), were evaluated. The results before and after treatment with homoeopathic high dilutions have been compared and summarized. Results: Clinical analysis and statistical data of reviewed studies reveal homeopathic high dilutions as effective for Primary Dysmenorrhea, reducing pain (VAS), improving quality of life (WHOQOL), and demonstrating safety, emphasizing their holistic potential. PubDate: 2024-03-08 DOI: 10.51910/ijhdr.v23icf.1388 Issue No: Vol. 23, No. cf (2024)
- Utility of Kent's Repertory in the treatment of candidiasis: An open
labelled, Single arm, interventional clinical trial Authors: Nitin Kumar Saklani, Ramkripal Prajapati Pages: 16 - 28 Abstract: ABSTRACT Background: Candidiasis is the most significant opportunistic infection impacting the Quality of life. Objective: This study assess the effectiveness of individualized homoeopathy (IH) in centesimal scale selected from the Kent’s repertory in cases of Candidiasis. Methods: This is open – label, prospective, Single-arm, non-randomized, non-controlled clinical trial of pre-post comparison design was conducted at the Repertory outpatient department (OPD) of National Institute of Homoeopathy, Kolkata, India. Result: Calculated t29 value is 8.04 OR 9.17 by using NRS and MCAQ scoring scale and on referring t-table at degree of freedom 29, it is found that the t-value is 2.05 at p=0.05. However our calculated value 8.04 or 9.17 is > 2.05 (t at p=0.05). As the calculated t-value is greater than the table value at α = 0.05 . So the result is significant at p ≤ 0.05. There is statically significant improvement in pre and post intervention status of patients enrolled in this clinical study. Conclusion: This study provides a positive trend to support the effect of IH (Individualized Homoeopathy) selected on the basis of principal of Kent’s repertory in patients with different variety of candidiasis and warrants further evaluation in RCT (Randomized control trial) with higher sample size. PubDate: 2024-03-14 DOI: 10.51910/ijhdr.v23icf.1294 Issue No: Vol. 23, No. cf (2024)
- A Randomized, Placebo-controlled Homeopathic Drug-proving of SARS CoV-2
nosode (BiosimCovex) in healthy volunteers Authors: Rajesh Shah, Gitanjali Talele Pages: 29 - 45 Abstract: Introduction The Homeopathic Pathogenetic Trial (HPT, Drug-proving) is a systematic examination and recording of the symptoms experienced by healthy volunteers after an administration of an investigational medicinal substance. Randomized, placebo-controlled HPT was conducted using BiosimCovex (SARS CoV-2 nosode) in healthy volunteers. Materials and methods BiosimCovex 30c was given orally in a randomized, placebo-controlled trial to examine the safety and pathogenetic effects of 30 volunteers (18- 65 years of age and both genders). Volunteers were administered a dose of 6 pills of the nosode once a day for two weeks followed by 30 days observation period. Pre and post-examination (physical), vital signs, and laboratory investigations were done with a run-in period of 7 days. Symptoms experienced by the volunteers were recorded and analyzed, and Qualitative and Quantitative indices per volunteer were reported. Trial registered at http://ctri.nic.in (CTRI/2022/06/043392). Results BiosimCovex nosode exhibited quantitatively distinct symptoms, which can be applied in clinical practice. The number of symptoms reported in the verum arm was 73 (placebo 11). The incidence of the Pathogenetic effect per volunteer in the verum group was 8.1 vs that of the placebo 5.5. The Qualitative Pathogenetic Index was 0.295 in the verum group as compared to the placebo 0.193. The symptoms observed matched with the symptoms produced in an open-label Phase 1 study conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic and also with that of the viral infection. There were no serious/fatal adverse events during the study. Safe use was documented. Conclusion BiosimCovex nosode developed during a pandemic condition produced specific symptoms in the homeopathic pathogenetic trial which could be used in clinical practice. PubDate: 2024-04-01 DOI: 10.51910/ijhdr.v23icf.1386 Issue No: Vol. 23, No. cf (2024)
- Repurposing the anti-angiogenic activity of homoeopathic medicines by
employing Chick embryo model- An In-Ovo Study Authors: Parth Aphale, Chinmay Gawade, Dharmendra Sharma, Dr. Ramesh Bhonde, Dr. Avinash Sanap Pages: 46 - 54 Abstract: Background: Homoeopathic medicines have the potential in treatment of patients suffering from cancers, Diabetic Retinopathy, and hemorrhagic disorders wherein anti- angiogenesis plays a vital role. Homoeopathic medicines have been used to treat haemorrhagic disorders. For example, Hamamelis is used in haemorrhages, varicose veins and in venous congestion. Thalaspi bursa is used in flabby condition of uterus, haemorrhagic conditions of uterine fibroid. This been said, their mechanism of action remains unknown. Therefore, this study was intended to establish angiogenic/anti-angiogenic effect of the selected homoeopathic medicines employing chick embryo model. Objective: To study the anti-angiogenic properties of selected homoeopathic medicines employing YSM assay in the chick embryo model. To test the toxicity of selected homoeopathic medicines through Chick embryo model. Materials and Method: Yolk Sac Membrane is widely utilized as an in vivo system to study angiogenesis and anti-angiogenesis. The images for all YSMs were captured and were analyzed for angiogenic/anti-angiogenic effect. Results: Significant anti-angiogenic effects were observed in 10% concentrations of Hamamelis200cH, Thalaspi bursa 200cH and Thalaspi bursa 1M. Reduction of vessel density and total vessel network length, total branching points, total nets and total segment symbolizes that these medicines have anti-angiogenic potential and so they help in treating menstrual disorders, which is followed with cramps and discharge of clots. Conclusion: The mechanism of action of selected homoeopathic medicines as anti- angiogenic agent is proved which can be used to combat various diseases like haemorrhages, varicose veins, in venous congestion and problems related to haemorrhagic disorders. This will further help to study the action of these Homoeopathic medicines as potential line of treatment in patients suffering from cancers, Diabetic Retinopathy, hemorrhagic disorders wherein anti- angiogenesis plays a vital role. PubDate: 2024-04-01 DOI: 10.51910/ijhdr.v23icf.1317 Issue No: Vol. 23, No. cf (2024)
- The Crucial Role of Prognostic Factor Research Models in Guiding
Homeopathic Prescriptions: An Evidence Based Medicine perspective. Authors: Aditya Dilipkumar Patil, Sargam Ramesh Singh Pages: 55 - 60 PubDate: 2024-04-01 DOI: 10.51910/ijhdr.v23icf.1425 Issue No: Vol. 23, No. cf (2024)
- “Exploring the potential of Homoeopathy: A detailed examination of
Systematic Review and Meta- analysis procedure- weighing the Pros and Cons” Authors: Nitin Kumar Saklani Pages: 61 - 73 Abstract: This article delves into the realm of homeopathy, scrutinizing its potential through a comprehensive exploration of systematic review and meta-analysis procedures. The objective is to provide a nuanced understanding of the advantages and disadvantages associated with these research methodologies in the context of homeopathic studies. Through a detailed examination, the article aims to shed light on the reliability and validity of evidence generated through systematic reviews and meta-analyses within the realm of homeopathy. By weighing the pros and cons, this study contributes to the ongoing discourse surrounding the efficacy and credibility of homeopathic treatments, offering valuable insights for researchers, practitioners, and healthcare professionals. PubDate: 2024-04-21 DOI: 10.51910/ijhdr.v23icf.1406 Issue No: Vol. 23, No. cf (2024)
- An Acute, subacute, repeat dose toxicity and safety studies of BiosimCovex
(COVID-19 Nosode) in animal model Authors: Rajesh Shah, Gitanjali Talele Pages: 78 - 101 Abstract: Introduction: BiosimCovex, a coronavirus nosode’s biological preparation was sourced from preclinical samples. The study needs to investigate the acute, subacute oral toxicity of different homeopathic drugs. The acute, subacute, repeat dose toxicity and safety testing of this newly developed nosode were conducted as per the OECD and New Drug and Clinical Trial (NDCT 19) rules. Material and methods In acute, subacute, repeat dose toxicity study, the homeopathic drug was administered orally at body weight, and animals were observed for toxic symptoms for 14 days. The study design consisted of 10 animals (05 males and 05 females) in acute mice and rats, 48 animals (24 males and 24 females) in subacute/repeat dose rats, and 24 (12 males/12 females) in repeat dose rabbit studies. Results Results indicate that in the acute and subacute studies of the rat and mice, no mortalities or clinical signs were found. The body weight and body weight gain in rats were normal and decreased in mice in the acute study. The feed consumption was normal for rats and mice. In male rabbits’ body weight was decreased and in other groups body weight gain observed was normal. The clinical signs were found to be normal in rats and rabbits. Histopathology results reveal that the BiosimCovex has not produced any major reactive and toxic changes in all the systemic organs when administered by an oral route up to a high dose. Conclusion No toxicity was documented using acute, subacute, and repeat dose studies using BiosimCovex, a coronavirus nosode. PubDate: 2024-05-02 DOI: 10.51910/ijhdr.v23icf.1328 Issue No: Vol. 23, No. cf (2024)
- Case report: use of conium maculatum as an aid to lower limb pain and
paresia in type 1 neurofibromatosis in treatment of optic pathway glioma Authors: Bruno Coutinho de Oliveira Pages: 88 - 91 Abstract: Neurofibromatosis type 1 is one of the most common autosomal dominant disorders, presenting a higher risk of developing plexiform tumors and neurofibromas, whose conventional treatment, based on surgical, chemotherapy or radiotherapy procedures, still has limitations. Comorbidities such as neuralgic, muscular or paretic and paralytic pain may occur depending on the tumor situation or the plexiform neurofibroma. Given the difficult approach to these patients, and with the aim of expanding research and homeopathic knowledge about these cases, we present a case of pain associated with lumbosacral plexiform neurofibroma during oncological treatment for Glioma of the Optic Pathways, without surgical indication, but with difficult pain. control, even when using analgesics and antidepressants. Chemotherapy oncological treatment, due to crises and maintenance of pain, had been postponed. As an aid in controlling the symptoms, considering the ascending paretic pain syndrome of the left lower limb, the homeopathic medicine Conium maculatum was used as a complementary aid to the therapy. The patient's symptoms improved and she was able to continue with the chemotherapy treatment indicated, with a progressive reduction in the use of analgesics until they were discontinued. PubDate: 2024-04-01 DOI: 10.51910/ijhdr.v23icf.1331 Issue No: Vol. 23, No. cf (2024)
- Efficacy of Homeopathic Higher Dilutions in management of Sleep Disorders:
A Review Authors: Parth Aphale, Dharmendra Sharma, Himanshu Shekhar Pages: 102 - 121 Abstract: Background: Sleep disorders, including insomnia, have diverse causes and can significantly impact physical and mental health. Homeopathy is explored as an alternative treatment for these disorders, but its efficacy remains uncertain. Aim/Objective: This study reviews clinical research on the efficacy of homeopathic higher dilutions remedies for sleep disorders. The goal is to provide insights into the progress in clinical and preclinical investigations on homeopathy for sleep disorders. Methodology: We conducted a comprehensive database search for original clinical studies on homeopathy and sleep disorders and its related terminology published until September 2023, applying exclusion criteria to select relevant studies. Results: We identified 11 studies meeting our criteria. These studies explored the use of homeopathic remedies for managing sleep disorders with the help of various assessment tools, like Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A), STAI questionnaire, Jenkins Sleep Scale (JSS), Insomnia Severity Index (ISI), Sleep Diary (SD), Sleep Impairment Index (SII), Visual Analogic Scale (VAS), and Trait of Anxiety Scale (TAS). Findings included reduced anxiety and improved sleep quality with Passiflora Compose, potential benefits of individualized homeopathic treatment for insomnia, and positive outcomes in children and young adults with sleep issues. Homeopathy also showed potential effects on sleep patterns in a rat study. Conclusion: The reviewed studies suggest the potential benefits of homeopathic treatments for sleep-related conditions. Passiflora Compose, individualized homeopathic treatment, and homeopathic similimum demonstrated promise in improving sleep quality and reducing anxiety. More research and larger trials are needed for wider acceptance, but these findings highlight their value for diverse populations. PubDate: 2024-05-05 DOI: 10.51910/ijhdr.v23icf.1400 Issue No: Vol. 23, No. cf (2024)
- Antiadipogenic activity of homoeopathic preparation of Chelidonium Majus
employing3T3-L1 cell line as a model. Authors: Parth Aphale, Chinmay Gawade, Dharmendra Sharma, Ramesh Bhonde, Avinash Sanap, Avinash Kharat Pages: 121 - 127 Abstract: Adipocytes are derived from mesenchymal stem cells through the process of adipogenesis. Adipocyte metabolism is abnormal in a range of disorders like obesity, nutritional insufficiency and diabetes. The 3T3-L1 preadipocytes are most often used to create adipocyte models, and they can be differentiated into adipocyte cells under the right conditions. Homeopathic preparation of Chelidonium majus (HPCM) in management of Obesity and T2DM has many evidences in clinical practice.3T3-L1 preadipocyte cells were differentiated into adipocytes by using differentiation cocktail. Cell were treated with HPCM attenuation at the concentration of 0.5%, 1% and 2% for 15 days. Oil O Red Staining was used to assess LD accumulation. In order to determine the lipid content in 3T3-L1 adipocytes, cells were dissolved in isopropanol and the absorbance values were measured. Images were captured and analysed using software imageJ.We investigated the action of Homeopathic preparations of Chelidonium majus (HPCM) in obesity using the 3T3-L1 adipogenesis model employing huMSC’s.After differentiation of adipocytes many LDs were formed in 3T3-L1 preadipocytes which can be compared with no lipid droplet in 3T3-L1nondifferentiated cells. Further, area of differentiated adipocytes was mapped and then compared for LD accumulation in control and HPCM for checking its antiadipogenic activity.A significant reduction in accumulation of lipid droplets was seen in 0.5%, 1% and 2% concentration of HPCM as compared to control during the differentiation of 3T3-L1 preadipocytes into adipocytes. Excessive differentiation of cells and high fat accumulation in the adipose tissue are closely linked to obesity. Preadipocyte differentiation inhibitors may have preventive and therapeutic potential as anti-obesity drugs. HPCM has potential to act as an antiadipogenic agent which can be used to combat various diseases like obesity, T2DM and cardiovascular diseases PubDate: 2024-05-05 DOI: 10.51910/ijhdr.v23icf.1336 Issue No: Vol. 23, No. cf (2024)
- Homoeopathic treatment for chronic cough – a multicentric,
prospective, exploratory trial Authors: Harleen Kaur, Lex Rutten, Chetna Deep Lamba, Shalini Rao, Anurag Bajpai, Jyoti Sachdeva, Sonia Raizada, Sujata Choudhury, Vaishali Shinde, Vinitha ER, Chittarajan Kundu, Partha Pratim Pal, Rompicherla GR Kiranmayee, Amulya Ratna Sahoo, Bodankar Rajashekhar, Ratan Chandra Shil, Nidhi Mahajan, Anil Khurana, Praveen Oberai, Raj K. Manchanda Pages: 146 - 160 Abstract: Context Cough is a major symptom of respiratory and some non-respiratory ailments for which patients usually seek primary medical care. Homoeopathy is frequently used for treatment of chronic cough. Objective This study aims to assess whether homoeopathy is useful for treating chronic cough resulting from Upper airway cough syndrome (UACS), Asthma and related syndromes, or Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Study Design A multi‑centre, exploratory, prospective trial. Study setting The study was conducted in the outpatient departments of 10 centres of CCRH, India from May 2018 – June 2020. Patients Patients of any gender, between 7-65 years of age, presenting with cough lasting >8 weeks, were enrolled. Main Outcome Measure(s) Cough Severity Index (CSI) and EQ-5D-5L scales were used to analyse the outcomes. Results Out of 2397 patients screened only 706 cases, with minimum four follow ups were analysed, on modified Intention to Treat (mITT) basis. CSI and EQ-5D-5L scores were used to analyse the outcomes of the study. The mean of the CSI score at baseline was 19.09 whereas it reduced to 3.89 in the eighth follow-up with p value <0.01. The mean of the EQ-5D-5L score at baseline was 50.59 which increased to 73.79 in the last follow-up, with p-value<0.05. Phosphorus, Arsenic album, Pulsatilla, Sulphur, Lycopodium and Silica were found to be the most frequently prescribed medicines. PubDate: 2024-05-18 DOI: 10.51910/ijhdr.v23icf.1304 Issue No: Vol. 23, No. cf (2024)
- Potential of agrohomoeopathy in agricultural evolution: A scoping review
Authors: Varsha Ghate, Ragini Chintalwar, Anupam Mukherjee, Suresh Jagtap, Arulmozhi S Pages: 161 - 180 Abstract: Agrohomoeopathy is a new era of homoeopathy that aims to revolutionize the agricultural sector by enabling organic farming and chemical-free crop production. This scoping study investigates the potential of agrohomoeopathy in agriculture and examines its benefits and limitations. A comprehensive scoping review of 76 published research articles was conducted to explore the effects of agrohomoeopathy on crop development, antifungal toxicity, and stress conditions. The included research papers showed more positive results towards lower potency, with only 5 showing negative results after the homoeopathic intervention. However, some studies found limitations such as non-relevant or difficult-to-follow studies, sub-standard methodology, lack of replication, lack of negative controls, and no use of statistical analysis. There were no standard operating procedures or specific guidelines for agrohomoeopathic experiments. The authors present the details of agrohomoeopathic studies in Table 3 and critically appraise individual papers in the discussion section. The agrohomoeopathic practice will lead to cost-effective farming and beneficial effects on human health. The authors suggest developing standard operating procedures for agrohomoeopathic experiments and enabling the switch from conventional to agroecological farming. PubDate: 2024-06-30 DOI: 10.51910/ijhdr.v23icf.1397 Issue No: Vol. 23, No. cf (2024)
- Significance of Tissue Culture in Medicinal Plant Conservation and
enhancement of Secondary metabolites by Homoeopathic intervention: A Narrative review Authors: Dr. Chetan Shinde, Dr.Sweta Sahoo, Dr. Ajay G. Namdeo, Dr. Neelambika T. Meti Pages: 181 - 192 Abstract: Aim: The objective of this study is to explore the potential of homoeopathic remedies in enhancing the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites in endangered medicinal plants. Background: Plants serve as a valuable source of medicine. Plant-based medicines are known for their simplicity, efficiency, and a broad range of activity with well-documented preventative or therapeutic effects. Secondary metabolites are active chemical components found in plants that are responsible for their medicinal properties. However, population growth, increased demand, illicit trafficking is driving the depletion of medicinal plants, and many are on the verge of extinction. The synthesis of phytochemicals in plants for medicinal purpose can be improved through various tissue culture techniques and homoeopathic remedies have been found to boost the generation of secondary metabolites. Methodology and Results: A comprehensive review of the scientific literature was carried out by searching through various databases, including Scopus, PubMed, Wiley, Google Scholar. Numerous investigations were conducted to assess the impact of homoeopathic remedies on the growth, phytochemical composition, and essential oil production of various medicinal plants. The most studied homoeopathic preparations were Phosphorus, Sulphur, and Silicea. Homoeopathic preparations were observed to improve photosynthetic rates by distributing greater amounts of photo-assimilated substances in the leaves, ultimately leading to enhanced growth. Homoeopathic medications work on the initial substances like pyruvic acid, ornithine and proline that contribute to the formation of shikimic acid and acetate, while providing the vital energy needed for plants to grow and flourish. These processes generate organic compounds that serve as precursors for various categories of secondary metabolites. Conclusion, Significance, and Impact of the study: Overall, the results suggest that homoeopathic preparations can positively impact the essential oil yield, growth, phytochemical profile of medicinal plants and expanded possibilities for the synthesis of pharmacologically and biologically active compounds. Research into applying homoeopathy to grow medicinal plants is highly relevant, as it's a long-standing practice aiming to optimize production and improve chemical constituent quality. PubDate: 2024-06-30 DOI: 10.51910/ijhdr.v23icf.1403 Issue No: Vol. 23, No. cf (2024)
- Homeopathy as an alternative in PFAPA: case report
Authors: Bruno Coutinho de Oliveira Pages: 193 - 198 Abstract: Periodic aphthous pharyngitis with cervical adenitis (PFAPA) is a clinical entity recognized since 1987, relatively common in children and usually presents a self-limited course. Its mainstay treatment consists of exceptional use of corticosteroids and antibiotics, as well as follow-up, with selective surgical conduct. The persistence of the syndrome can, over time, impair the activities and day-to-day lives of patients, even leading to reassessment by specialists and routine complementary exams. Homeopathy has been used in cases of tonsillitis and pharyngitis, as a complementary and alternative aid, and in this study we transcribe a case of periodic pharyngitis in a six-year-old child treated with homeopathic medicines, successively, Mercurius solubillis, Belladonna, Arsenicum album and Phosphorus, based on Characteristic Symptomatic Totality and syphilinic diathesis. Initially, the result was a considerable spacing of febrile crises, a reduction in the number of complementary exams and use of medication, with remission of the condition occurring between the fourth and fifth month of treatment. PubDate: 2024-06-30 DOI: 10.51910/ijhdr.v23icf.1332 Issue No: Vol. 23, No. cf (2024)
- A case of fibrous dysplasia treated with homoeopathic medicine Symphytum-a
evidence-based approach Authors: Sibin R. A Pages: 199 - 206 Abstract: Fibrous dysplasia is typically a benign bone lesion characterized by intramedullary fibro-osseous proliferation secondary to altered osteogenesis which can be present in monostotic and polystotic. The polyostotic form often presents in childhood. Multiple fibrous dysplasias, cutaneous pigmentation, and endocrine abnormalities may be present (Albright syndrome or McCune-Albright syndrome). Incidence has been estimated at 1 in 5,000 to 10,000. Case of a 6-year-old female patient who came with already diagnosed fibrous dysplasia and has already had surgery but the complaint persists. Based on the analysis, this patient was treated with homoeopathic medicine, and Symphytum 200C was prescribed. After the administration of Symphytum 200C, this case was assessed by radiological findings. This suggests that the use of Symphytum 200C was selected based on the patient’s characteristic symptoms and pathological action of Symphytum. PubDate: 2024-07-31 DOI: 10.51910/ijhdr.v23icf.1439 Issue No: Vol. 23, No. cf (2024)
- Homeopathy as an Emerging Alternative for GERD Management: A Comprehensive
Review Authors: Parth Aphale, Dharmendra Sharma, Himanshu Shekhar Pages: 128 - 145 Abstract: Background: Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a common condition characterized by stomach contents flowing into the esophagus, causing distressing symptoms and potential complications. GERD is primarily linked to lower esophageal sphincter dysfunction, and its symptoms can impact quality of life. Treatment options include lifestyle changes, medications, and surgery, with concerns about prolonged medication use. Homeopathy is an alternative approach gaining recognition and interest as an alternative to conventional orally administered drugs for GERD. Aim/Objective: This review examines the clinical evaluation of homeopathic treatments for GERD, highlighting their potential role by analysing existing clinical studies. Methodology: We conducted a comprehensive database search for clinical studies on homeopathic treatments for GERD, adhering to inclusion criteria related to homeopathy in GERD treatment. Results: Eight clinical studies were identified. Renu Mittal's study demonstrated significant symptom improvement and enhanced quality of life with homeopathic treatment. Dr. Leena Dighe's study reinforced the effectiveness of homeopathic medicines in GERD, Acid-Peptic Disorder (APD), and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Dossett et al. highlighted the significance of patient-provider interactions, while Sitharthan's retrospective analysis supported the potential of homeopathy for gastrointestinal disorders. A study exploring Robinia pseudoacacia in GERD treatment showed positive results. Conclusion: These studies suggest the potential of homeopathic treatments in managing GERD and related gastrointestinal disorders. These findings encourage future studies and applications of homeopathic interventions in GERD management. Further research, including randomized trials, is needed to solidify homeopathy's role in gastroenterological care. PubDate: 2023-05-18 DOI: 10.51910/ijhdr.v23icf.1414 Issue No: Vol. 23, No. cf (2023)