Open Access journal ISSN (Print) 2068-6609 - ISSN (Online) 2559-6381 This journal is no longer being updated because: the publisher no longer provides RSS feeds
Authors:Anastasiia SHEVCHENKO, Svitlana LITVYNCHUK Abstract: The purpose of this paper is determination of the effect of rice flour on the conformational transformations in the structure of wheat bread, which contains lecithin, and its quality indicators. In the last decade, inflammatory bowel diseases, which became a global problem in the world, are a serious threat to human health. In the diet therapy of these diseases, it is recommended not to use a large quantity of dietary fiber. Rice flour is a perspective raw material for production of bakery products for people with this disease, as it contains 8.5 times less dietary fiber than premium wheat flour. Analysis of the chemical composition of bread without rice flour and with its addition showed a slight decrease in protein content by 4.4-10.5%, depending on the dosage (10-40% of wheat flour replacement), and fiber content – by 8.7-35.5%. It was confirmed that conformational changes occur in the structure of proteins and other nutrients of the product in bread making process. The changes of structural groups and their redistribution in the dough after kneading at once and after 3.5 hours of its fermentation and in bread when part of the wheat flour is replaced with rice flour were analyzed. The utilitarian coefficient, redundancy coefficient, DKAS and the indicator of biological value indicated that it is rational to make a replacement of wheat flour with 10% or 20% of rice flour. PubDate: 2023-04-11 Issue No:Vol. 22, No. 1 (2023)
Authors:Raghul M Abstract: The increased consumption of chicken eggs results in a tremendous volume of egg shell waste, which has an environmental impact. In the node of waste valorisation, egg shells can be utilized as a source of calcium supplementation in various food products. The purpose of this work was to make wheat biscuits supplemented with (1) egg shell powder and (2) calcium chloride extracted from egg shell. The supplemented biscuits were analysed for sensory and proximate analysis. The calcium content in both sources tends to increase, but much higher in calcium chloride formulated biscuits. From sensory scores, biscuits with egg shell powder in 15% and 20% concentrations have more sandy texture and taste, up to 10% concentration is more acceptable. Whereas biscuits with calcium chloride in all concentrations (0.5, 1, 1.5, 2) does not marks any undesirable sensory properties. Conclusively, fortifying biscuits with either egg shell powder or extracted calcium chloride might be an excellent source of calcium without any significant impact on the quality of biscuits. PubDate: 2023-04-11 Issue No:Vol. 22, No. 1 (2023)
Authors:Med Hicham BOUTELLI, Aziez ZEDDOURI, Tayeb BOULMAIZ Abstract: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the quality of groundwater used for irrigating agricultural areas in the region of Ouargla by using several quality indices and to map the spatial distribution of these indices. This spatial mapping will help create a model for the classification of these resources according to their suitability for irrigation. For this purpose, physicochemical analyses were carried out on samples from 38 wells distributed over the entire territory of the studied region. These include 27 wells that capture Mio-Pliocene groundwater (Terminal Complex) and 11 wells in the Albian groundwater (Intercalary Continental). The thematic maps were developed using a geographic information system (GIS). In this study, we used the following eight indices: potential salinity (PS); residual sodium carbonate (RSC); electrical conductivity (EC); magnesium percent (%Mg2+); sodium percent (%Na+); permeability index (PI); Kelley’s ratio (KR); sodium adsorption ratio (SAR). The global qualitative study of the water used for irrigation shows that these resources fall into three categories (good, permissible, and poor for irrigation). Water quality analysis shows that, based on the magnesium percent (%Mg2+), 18% of the wells can be considered to be of good quality, 74% of the wells are of medium quality (permissible for irrigation), and 8% are of poor quality (unsuitable for irrigation). According to the Wilcox diagram, the waters used in the Ouargla region are of very poor quality. Very excessive mineralization, expressed by the electrical conductivity, was observed for the Mio-Pliocene and Albian waters, where it varies with values in the range of 2340 µS/m to 6520 µS/m and 2330 µS/m to 3840 µS/m, respectively. This conductivity presents a high risk of alkalinization. PubDate: 2023-04-11 Issue No:Vol. 22, No. 1 (2023)
Authors:Valère DANSOU, Paul Ayihadji Ferdinand HOUSSOU, Yannick Sourou Rosanoff KOUKE, Abel Bodéhoussè HOTEGNI, Warou Arnold Cospe SAGUI, Kowiou ABOUDOU, Hugue ZANNOU Abstract: Rice Research program of the National Institute of Agricultural Research of Benin (INRAB) has selected five romising aromatic rice accessions in terms of yield performance, resistance to diseases and climate change but their quality is not yet known for a better utilization, hence the objective of this present study. Thus, five promising aromatic rice accessions ARA-1, ARA-2, ARA-5, ARA-18 and ARA-23 and two released aromatic rice varieties used as check (IR 841 and BRIZ 10B) were collected in three localities (Covê, Glazoué and Malanville). Physico-chemical and nutritional characteristics of the rice samples were evaluated using standard methods. The sensory quality was evaluated by a panel of rice farmers. Results showed that the ash contents of white rice varied significantly (P<0.05) whatever accessions and highest values was obtained for accessions ARA-18 (0.70%) and ARA-23 (0.76%) and the lowest for ARA-1 (0.51%) and IR 841 (0.51%). For parboiled rice, ARA-18 (0.82%) and ARA-23 (0.85%) presented the highest ash contents while (0.55%) and ARA-5 (0 .66%) the lowest one. Protein contents varied from 7.50% to 8.76% for white rice and from 9.5% to 10.9% for parboiled rice. Parboiled type of accessions ARA-1 (3), ARA-2 (3), ARA-5 (4) and ARA-23 (2) are characterized by high gelatinization temperature (75oC -79oC) like that of parboiled type of BRIZ 10B (2). Aromatic rice accessions and checks were characterized by high level of homogeneity rate (>85%) and low (0.1 to 10%) uniformity presence of starch as well as white and parboiled rice. No significant difference (P>0.05) was observed between the swelling rates of the white and parboiled rice samples. Parboiled cooked rice (ARA-2 and ARA-5) and white cooked rice (ARA-2, ARA-18 and ARA-5) were respectively most appreciated by 70% and 65% of the panelist compared to the parboiled and white cooked check varieties, above all because of their high roma, attractive colour, non-sticky appearance and very pleasant taste. PubDate: 2023-03-31 Issue No:Vol. 22, No. 1 (2023)
Authors:Nkonyeasua Kingsley EGUN, Ovbokhan Osavibie IMADONMWINIYI, Vivian Ezighodeomo IYOHA, Ijeoma Patience OBOH Abstract: Fish spoilage is one of the greatest challenges confronting the fishing industry globally, and efforts aimed at its reduction through various food processing methods have impacted on the nutritional composition of fishes. This study investigates the effects of oven-drying and smoke drying methods on the nutritional composition of fish species and their nutrient availability to meeting the required nutritional intake (RNI) for consumers. Results showed a significant variation in the nutritional composition of Clarias gariepinus and Tilapia zillii processed by oven drying and smoke drying. The increase in protein content of C. gariepinus (from 15.79% to 16.62%) and T. zillii (from 16.68% to 17.29%); and mineral contents in oven-dried samples as compared to the reduced protein content in C. gariepinus (from 15.79% to 14.62%) and T. zillii (from 16.68% to 13.76%) of smoked dried samples, makes oven-dried samples good sources of dietary protein and mineral elements for human consumption. Potential contribution to RNI showed that oven-dried and smoke dried C. gariepinus meet ≥ 25% of RNIs for iron and zinc in children. Oven-dried and smoke dried T. zillii meet ≥ 25% of the RNI of iron in pregnant and lactating women (PLW) and children; and meet ≥ 25% of the RNI of zinc in children only. This indicate the need for increased per capital consumption of fish in Nigeria. It is therefore recommended that the traditional method of smoke drying should be discouraged in lieu of its diminutive effect on nutritional composition of fishes, environmental pollution and health risk. PubDate: 2023-03-31 Issue No:Vol. 22, No. 1 (2023)
Authors:Loh Tinndé Charles SABLI, Wohi MANIGA, Souleymane COULIBALY, Eugène Jean Parfait KOUADIO Abstract: The plantain contributes significantly to food security in sub-Saharan Africa. However, the sector is faced with several difficulties, in particular the lack of inexpensive conservation techniques accessible to all. In response, a conservation method combining charcoal and polyethylene bags was tested on the SACI, Big-Ebanga, and Orishélé varieties, harvested at the mature stage. The water and oil absorption capacity and the solubility index were determined according to standard methods. The results indicated a significant increase in these properties during storage. The water and oil absorption capacity and solubility index of fruit flour preserved in a control environment without polythene and charcoal are between 197.35% and 242.21%, 30.56% and 59.80%, and between 29.19% and 43.7 2%, respectively. Plantain bananas stored in a control environment consisting of charcoal-free polyethylene packaging recorded water and oil absorption capacities and solubility index of between 214.12% and 241.19%, 35.86% and 59.21% then between 35.29% and 44.27%, respectively. Fruit flours packed in polythene bags containing dry or moistened solid charcoal or dry or moistened charcoal powder have recorded water and oil absorption capacities and solubility between 215.11% and 241.14%, 35.90% and 59.51% and between 35.32% and 43.72%, respectively. Charcoal preservation can be a solution approach to the problem of post-harvest loss. PubDate: 2023-03-31 Issue No:Vol. 22, No. 1 (2023)
Authors:Olaniyi Alaba OLOPADE, Henry Eyina DIENYE, Glory Chimburuoma DENSON, Vivian Chiemela ONYEKWERE Abstract: This study was designed to determine and compare the effects of smoking processes on the proximal composition, fatty acids profile, minerals, vitamins, total polycyclic aromatric hydrocarbons, and sensory characteristics of culured Clarias gariepinus. Nine fatty acids were identified from the muscule of fish samples, with all nine fatty acids recorded for both smoked samples (hot and cold), while the raw sample had only eight. Furthermore, the most abundant fatty acids in the smoked samples were palmitic acid, oleic acid, stearic acid, and palmitoleic acid. Vitamins A, D, E, and K were higher in smoked samples than in raw samples, while vitamins B1, B2, and B3 were higher in raw samples than insmokesamples. Raw, cold, and hot smoked samples had significantly different mineral profiles (p<0.05), with cold smoked samples having higher mineral values than hot and raw smoked samples. Iron, magnesium, and zinc were found in higher concentrations in the smoked samples examined. Coldsmoking had the highest value in terms of total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, followed by hot smoking. The hot sample performed better in terms of color, flavor, tenderness, juiciness, texture, and overall acceptability, according to sensory evaluation results. Based on the results of the study, hot-smoked C. Gariepinus was nutritionally acceptable. PubDate: 2023-03-31 Issue No:Vol. 22, No. 1 (2023)