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Abstract: Publication date: May 2023 Source:Food Science and Technology Volume 11 Number 2 Ayu Putri Gitanjali Prayudani Budyawan Saputra Made Astawan Tutik Wresdiyati and Ratnaningsih Eko Sardjono Velvet bean (Mucuna pruriens L.) is considered an alternative protein source and functional food, but it contains cyanide and antinutritional factors. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of pre-treatments before the milling step on physicochemical characteristics, functional properties, nutrition value, cyanide content, and antinutritional factor. The six pre-treatments on the beans were raw bean, dehulled bean, dehulled and boiled for 30 minutes, dehulled and steamed for 30 minutes, dehulled and soaked (6, 12, and 24 hours), and germinated bean. Effect of the treatments on proximate, cyanide and total phenolic contents, antioxidant capacity, protein digestibility, and starch digestibility of the velvet bean flour were investigated. The flour with the best treatment according to its protein content and nutritional value was further tested for dietary fiber, minerals (calcium and phosphor), and physical properties. Raw velvet bean contained the highest concentration of cyanide. All treatments reduced cyanide to the recommended safe limit, which is 10 mg per kg of dry weight according to FAO/WHO. The germination process increased phenolic content, while the other treatments decreased it significantly. Decrease of phenolic content followed by an increase in protein digestibility. Soaking dehulled velvet bean for 24 hours was the most effective treatment. The calcium and phosphor content of the flour was 200 and 528 mg/100 g, respectively. The dietary fiber content was 6.7%, while water and oil absorption capacity were 1.67 and 1.3 ml/g, respectively. PubDate: May 2023
Abstract: Publication date: May 2023 Source:Food Science and Technology Volume 11 Number 2 Osuji E. E. Igberi C. O. Balogun O. L. Nwachukwu E. U. Enyia C. O. and Munonye J. O. Food production and security under changing climatic conditions in Nigeria were investigated. A total of 191 food crop producers were chosen using a multi-stage sample technique and a data instrument. Descriptive statistics, the food security index, and the ordinary least squares multiple regression model were used to evaluate the data gathered. The findings indicated that food crop growers were primarily female, married, moderately experienced, and of productive age. Food crop output was dominated by rice, cassava, maize, and fluted pumpkin. The majority, 43% indicated that food production is decreasing rapidly due to external factors. According to the food security index, 16.2% of farmers who grow food crops have access to food, compared to 84% who had no access. The estimated food security index for families with access to food was 4.21 compared to 2.46 for households without access to food. Food production was positively impacted by household size, farm size, education, agricultural experience, and extension connections. Food security was unfavorably impacted by temperature, precipitation, and the frequency of wet days, but favourably impacted by sunlight and relative humidity. Production restrictions were noted as being caused by capital, input costs, pests, and diseases. Food crop farmers were advised to embrace climate change and continually seek for early warning signals and information to increase food production and forestall future negative impacts. PubDate: May 2023
Abstract: Publication date: Mar 2023 Source:Food Science and Technology Volume 11 Number 1 La Choviya Hawa Mohamad Efendi and Hanna Habibah Button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) is the most popular mushroom commodity in the world because of its deliciousness, texture, and nutritional value. However, the high water content in this product makes it perishable so that drying as a preservation method is needed. The present study aims to evaluate the vacuum drying method based on water jet technology by observing the physical quality and drying kinetics of slice button mushrooms. Drying was controlled with a constant pressure of 130 mbar with temperature variations of 50, 60, and 70℃. The sample used was slice button mushroom with a thickness of 5 mm which was blanched in ascorbic acid solution. The results showed that vacuum drying can reduce water content up to 6.01-15.15 % (w.b.) with an average drying rate of 0.17-0.18 % (w.b.)/min. ANOVA test showed that the variation of drying temperature and blanching treatment had a significant effect on all observed physical parameters (moisture content, surface area, hardness, and color). At the end of drying, changes in physical parameters were observed, including surface area (19.98-38.45%), hardness (54.45-536.95 g), and color with indicators L* (25.45-71.01), a* (-2.52-15.44), and b* (5.63-29.38), whiteness (22.11-71.19%), and the best drying kinetics prediction models are the Two-term and Wang-Singh models. PubDate: Mar 2023
Abstract: Publication date: Mar 2023 Source:Food Science and Technology Volume 11 Number 1 Angky W. Putranto Olivia P. Nugroho Wardatul Maulidah Risaldi Ivan H. E. Saputro and Alif W. D. A. Mulyono The fermentation process is the most essential step in the processing of cocoa beans (Theobroma cacao L.) since the chocolate quality is depended from this process. In general, the common conventional fermentation of cocoa beans using Wooden Box Fermentation (WBF) takes 6-8 days. The long duration and no controlling process during fermentation decreased the quality of fermented beans. To overcome this drawback, the Ohmic Reactor Fermentation (ORF) has been investigated for accelerating the fermentation process through an optimum condition for the growth of microorganism. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to design an ohmic heating-assisted reactor and evaluate the fermented beans according to its physical, chemical and biological properties. In this study, fermented beans from the ORF process were also compared with WBF processes, from both the physico-chemical properties and techno-economic aspects. The results showed that the reactor design successfully fermented cocoa beans (99.97%) with a shorter fermentation period than the WBF process. Moreover, the ORF process produces good-quality cocoa beans which are in line with the premium grade standard used in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and globally. The ORF process is also feasible to implement based on the techno-economic aspects. Despite having higher operational costs compared to the WBF process, the good quality cocoa from ORF has a higher selling price and generates a higher total revenue. Therefore, these research findings can be developed on a larger scale and utilized optimally by the small and medium-scale cocoa industry, especially in Indonesia, to produce premium-quality cocoa beans through a good fermentation. PubDate: Mar 2023
Abstract: Publication date: Mar 2023 Source:Food Science and Technology Volume 11 Number 1 Rini Yulianingsih and Shoichi Gohtani The rheological properties of an emulsion are associated with the characteristics and stability of the emulsion. The research aimed to study the influence of oil concentration on the stability and rheological properties of flaxseed oil emulsion stabilized with pregelatinized waxy rice starch (0% amylose). Emulsion with 2.5, 5, 10, and 17.5% oil content contained 5 wt% pregelatinized waxy rice starch were mixed at 8000 then 15000 rpm for 1.5 minutes each. The emulsion was then observed for its stability, microstructure, and rheological characteristics. The results showed that the emulsion was visually stable after two weeks of storage, and there was no visible creaming. The microscopic picture displayed that the changes in droplet diameter were occurred in emulsion containing 10 and 17.5% flaxseed oil. All emulsion shows shear thinning behavior with the flow behavior index, where the higher the oil ratio, the more pseudoplastic the emulsion. At 2.5 and 5% oil concentrations, emulsions' rheological characteristics are thought to be prominently influenced by Pregelatinized Waxy Rice Starch (PWRS) dispersion. At a high shear rate, the emulsions were rheopectic, where the higher the oil content, the less rheopectic properties. At the low shear rate, the emulsions showed a time-independent behavior. PubDate: Mar 2023
Abstract: Publication date: Mar 2023 Source:Food Science and Technology Volume 11 Number 1 Dimas Firmanda Al Riza Angky Wahyu Putranto Zaqlul Iqbal Hendy Firmanto and Clara Dwi Anggraini Post-harvest processes such as the fermentation stage are important parameters to determine the quality and price of cocoa beans. The color change of cocoa beans from dark purple to brown is an indicator of success in the cocoa fermentation process. So far, farmers use an estimation system and use laboratory equipment which has many shortcomings and is difficult to apply to farmer groups. The application of technology to measure the rate of fermentation quickly and accurately encourages several scientists to build a predictive model that is used as the initial stage of making a technology. The purpose of this study was to determine the prediction results of the Fermentation Index and pH of cocoa beans using a partial least square regression model and to determine the relationship between the image of cocoa beans (cutting test) with the pH and fermentation index of cocoa beans. The method uses primary data from research in the laboratory for pH and cocoa fermentation index measurements and cocoa bean image processing to develop a predictive model. The result of this study is a partial least square regression model for predicting the cocoa bean fermentation index with cross validation 5 times shown that, partial least square regression model for pH prediction shows an accuracy of 99% and the error value is only 0.007. PubDate: Mar 2023
Abstract: Publication date: Mar 2023 Source:Food Science and Technology Volume 11 Number 1 Adhima Adhamatika Erni Sofia Murtini Wenny Bekti Sunarharum Pavalee Chompoorat and Destiana Adinda Putri Pandan leaves (Pandanus amaryllifolius) have been popularly used as a natural colorant in food and beverage production. In this research, we applied the zero-waste concept. Following the zero-waste concept, this research was carried out to evaluate the changes in the phsyco-characteristics of steamed bun with the addition of pandan leaves powder (PLP) as a natural coloring. The study was done by Randomized Block Design (α = 0.05) with pandan leaves age (young and old), PLP concentration (0%, 1%, 3%, and 5%), and the storage time (1, 3, and 5 days) as the factors. The results showed that the pandan leaves age and PLP concentrations significantly affected the water content and color of the dough. They also significantly affected the physical characteristics (weight, volume, diameter, & height) and texture profile (hardness, springiness, cohesiveness, gumminess, chewiness, & resilience) of the steamed bun. The old pandan leaves and higher concentration of PLP significantly increase the green color of the dough and bun, weight, and diameter but reduce the height and volume of the bun. It also impacts the increase in the hardness of the steamed bun texture. The longer storage time of the steamed bun significantly reduces its size but will increase its hardness. PubDate: Mar 2023
Abstract: Publication date: Mar 2023 Source:Food Science and Technology Volume 11 Number 1 Made Astawan Sulaiman Akbar Mahdi Alfan Setya Budi Tutik Wresdiyati and Andi Early Febrinda Tempe is a fermented soybean product that is rich in antioxidants and has high protein bioavailability, so it is good for consumption for public health. However, tempe has a short shelf life of only two days at room temperature. One of the ways to extend the shelf-life of tempe is to process it into defatted tempe flour (DTF). DTF production began with milling process and continued with fat extraction using n-hexane as solvent. The resulting DTF contains a protein of 75.68±0.13%, thus meeting the Codex requirements regarding soy protein concentrates. Furthermore, DTF was formulated with maltodextrin, xanthan gum, and stevia sweetener using Mixture Design (MD) to produce tempe beverage powder (TBP). The composition of the TBP formula recommended by the MD consisted of DTF 64.65%, maltodextrin 21.16%, sweetener 13.50%, and xanthan gum 0.19%. TBP sensory test with the addition of various concentrations (0.4, 0.5, 0.6% w/w) of vanilla milk flavor showed that the panelists highly preferred the dose of 0.6%. The selected TBP optimum formula had good physical, chemical, microbiological, and sensory characteristics and met all of the Indonesian National Standard (SNI 7612, 2011) requirements, except for fat content. PubDate: Mar 2023
Abstract: Publication date: Mar 2023 Source:Food Science and Technology Volume 11 Number 1 Kakali Priyam Goswami and G. Pugazhenthi With technological advancements, membrane filtration is becoming increasingly popular in removing harmful microorganisms from milk and this article discusses many such efforts in a detailed manner. Retention of bacteria, vegetative spores and cells, even greater than 99% in most cases, is a clear indication of how efficient membrane technology is in removing these microorganisms from milk. It has been observed that in most of the cases, size exclusion acts as the dominant mechanism for achieving the desired separation. However, there are few studies that also reported about successful retention of bacterial cells from milk through the mechanism of electrostatic and hydrophilic/ hydrophobic interaction. An important aspect of implementing membrane for milk purification is that the presence of proteins and fat globules in milk causes severe membrane fouling and hence, this should be taken care of either by maintaining high cross flow velocity or generating back pulses during filtration. Besides, the microfiltration should also be carried out up to the critical microfiltration time so that the spores cannot germinate and contaminate the milk again. Moreover, an optimum pore size of the membrane is of the utmost importance for a proper balance between the membrane’s rejection efficiency and the quantity of permeate produced, without compromising in milk’s sensory and organoleptic attributes. It is worth mentioning that the use of third generation membranes with narrow pore size distribution is found to be fruitful in achieving good bacterial rejection from milk. Therefore, it can be inferred that with proper maintenance of all the above-mentioned factors, membrane filtration can definitely become a good alternative to conventional milk pasteurization process. PubDate: Mar 2023
Abstract: Publication date: Mar 2023 Source:Food Science and Technology Volume 11 Number 1 Surfiana Udin Hasanudin Siti Nurdjanah and Tanto Pratondo Utomo A wide range of cassava derivative products, such as starch and flour, was applied in various food products. Therefore, this research investigated the processing techniques of cassava starch and flour, each with the aim of extracting the superior properties and characteristics for a specific end product. By modifying the existing procedures with integrated cassava processing technology, the production of both products could occur simultaneously. This was renewal processing as unified technology, which implied that one single processing could generate two products at a time. In addition to producing a superior characteristic, the integrated method also saved time and cost. In this research, two factors of Completely Randomized Design (CRD) were used in three replications. The first factor was soaking in the flowing water/continuous system (P1) and static water/batch system (P2). The second was the fermentation time (T) of 24 hours (T1), 48 hours (T2), and 72 hours (T3). Furthermore, the steps conducted include weighing, brown and white skin peeling, washing, size reduction, immersion in continuous and batch systems, fermentation for 24, 48, and 72 hours, refining/milling, and starch extraction, followed by the pressing process. The existing slurry was deposited for 8 hours, then the starch was extracted. The starch and flour were dried in the oven at 60℃ until reaching a maximum moisture content of 13%. They were milled and sifted in a 100-mesh sieve. The results showed that the spontaneous fermentation process in the integrated cassava technology produces the superior characteristics of modified cassava starch and flour to the point of being recommended as a model. The yield whiteness value, and swelling power (g/g) of modified cassava starch and flour range from 9.0-12.5% and 30.58-35.44%, 91.34-94.04, and 90.41-91.56, as well as 13.28-14.35 and 14.43-17.44 (w/w), respectively. The amylograph characteristics of the starch paste included longer fermentation, increasing pasting temperature, increasing maximum viscosity (value> 600), decreasing breakdown, and increasing setback value. Meanwhile, for flour paste, it includes longer fermentation, increasing pasting temperature, decreasing peak viscosity (value> 500), decreasing breakdown, and increasing setback value. PubDate: Mar 2023
Abstract: Publication date: Mar 2023 Source:Food Science and Technology Volume 11 Number 1 Daimon Syukri Dita Fitriani Jaswandi and Kurnia Harlina Dewi Kemojo cake is one of the traditional foods in Riau Province, Indonesia, which is highly favored by the public, especially teenagers. It is known for its shape that resembles frangipani flower and its specific green color. This food has a very sweet flavor. For the development of food products from kemojo cake, the use of low-calorie sugar as the sweetener was developed, which can make this food more functional. In this study, the utilization of stevia for the sweetener of Kemojo cake was carried out. The research aimed to evaluate the effect of stevia low calorie sweetener on the physicochemical and sensory properties of traditional Kemojo cake. This research covered the optimization of sweetener extraction techniques from stevia and the formulation of the use of stevia for the production of more functional kemojo cake. The concentration of stevia was added sequentially at 0%, 0.5%, 1%, 1.5%, and 2%. The result showed as follows: in physicochemical properties, it had a significant effect on several aspects such as moisture, ash, carbohydrate, calories, texture and color value. But, it does not have a significant effect on protein and fat content. Sensory evaluation had a significant effect on color and texture parameters. However, it does not have a significant effect on aroma, sweetness and aftertaste. The best treatment based on chemical analysis, physical analysis and sensory evaluation was the addition of 1% stevia with moisture content (40.46%), ash (1.27%), protein (4.96%), fat (39.72%), carbohydrate (13.59%), texture (21.29 N/m2), color index (dark green). The utilization of stevia as a low-calorie sweetener for the development of a more functional kemojo cake is very promising for the public society application. PubDate: Mar 2023
Abstract: Publication date: Nov 2022 Source:Food Science and Technology Volume 10 Number 4 Chiedu Eseadi and Vera Victor-Aigbodion The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of a learner-centred nutritional counselling program on eating behaviours of Nigerian students at the middle basic education level. This research is a pretest–posttest control group study that was conducted among 102 students in middle basic education classes with poor eating behaviours. These students were assigned to the treatment group (number of participants=51) and the no-contact control group (number of participants=51). A quantitative assessment tool – the Child Eating Behaviour Questionnaire –facilitated the data gathering process at three different time points. Results indicate that the eating behaviours of students in the treatment group (learner-centred nutritional counselling group) improved positively after the program, t(100)= -35.121, p PubDate: Nov 2022
Abstract: Publication date: Nov 2022 Source:Food Science and Technology Volume 10 Number 4 Lenimfa P. Molina Loryn G. Amog Eunice S. Daluddung Simeon R. Rabanal, Jr. and Raschil M. Battung The study generally aimed to formulate noodles enriched with aramang powder and evaluate the acceptability. It specifically aimed to determine the sensory qualities of the formulated noodles as to the color, odor, and taste, and determine the consumer's acceptability. Three noodles formulations were prepared as follows: treatment 1 (with the addition of 5 grams aramang powder), treatment 2 (with the addition of 10 grams aramang powder and treatment 3 (with the addition of 15 grams aramang powder). Sensory evaluation was done using 10 semi-trained laboratory panelists to evaluate the quality of the product. Consumer acceptability was also conducted using 50 consumer respondents to determine the acceptability of the product. Results of the study revealed that there is a significant difference in color, odor, taste and general acceptability of the noodles enriched with aramang powder using the three (3) concentrations of aramang powder. Based on the result of the sensory test (sensory evaluation), treatment 3 using 15 grams of aramang powder was the best having the following qualities/ attributes slightly dark cream in color, slightly strong aramang odor, and moderately strong aramang taste with overall acceptability of "liked very much" with a likeness score of 6.92. The level of acceptability of the newly formulated protein-enriched noodles was evaluated as "liked very much", with a mean score of 6.92. PubDate: Nov 2022
Abstract: Publication date: May 2022 Source:Food Science and Technology Volume 10 Number 2 Eram S Rao Roshanlal Yadav Rizwana C. Lalmuanpuia Ankita Marwaha Richa Bharti and Prem Lata Meena Imparting nutrition education in schools is an effective tool for inculcating healthy eating behavior in early childhood, which will bestow lifelong positive health implications. Ignorance, illiteracy, lack of nutrition knowledge, and inappropriate nutritional practices and dietary traditions influence the nutritional status of children. This study assesses the existing knowledge, attitude, and practices prevalent amongst the school children (6-14 years) in the consumption of whole grains and examines the impact of nutritional intervention on them. 22% of participants were from primary school in the age group of 6-10 years, and 78% were from middle school between the ages of 11-14 years. Total percentage of girl students was 84% against boys, which was 16%. Nutrition education was imparted to the school children through visual presentation on the importance of consuming whole grains, structure and composition of whole grains, difference between refined and whole grains, food sources, nutritional importance, rich sources of dietary and soluble fibre, besides promoting digestive health and wellness. Self-designed fun nutrition games and food quizzes were employed to engage with the school students. In the pre-assessment survey, the middle school students showed significantly (p≤0.05) higher knowledge than primary school students. Although after implementing the nutrition education program in the post-assessment survey, an increase in knowledge about whole grains was observed both in primary as well as middle school students. However, no significant difference was seen in the knowledge acquisition between male and female students in pre or post-nutrition intervention assessment. The present study showed an incremental rise in the knowledge and attitude of primary and secondary school children in the age group of 6-14 years in all aspects of whole-grain education. Therefore, this intervention showed that in order to bridge the gap of nutrition literacy among school-going children, integrating nutrition education into the school curriculum can be an effective tool for inculcating healthy eating behavior in early childhood. PubDate: May 2022
Abstract: Publication date: May 2022 Source:Food Science and Technology Volume 10 Number 2 Roby Setiadi Retno Setyowati Khalid Iskandar Muhammad Syaifulloh Asriyatun Abadiyah Andi Yulianto and Syariefful Ikhwan Among the problems faced by a company, one is not being able to pay attention to the price in a product and the quality of service. It is a challenge to create customer satisfaction with superior service quality and competitive prices. Maintaining customer satisfaction is very important because it can lead to repeat customers and increase sales where customer satisfaction is the relationship between individual expectations of product or service performance with personal expectations. This study aims to examine whether the perceived value of price and service quality affect consumer satisfaction in healthy baby food counters, a case study of Rabbani Babyfood Brebes. This research was conducted at the healthy baby food counters of Rabbani Babyfood Brebes using a quantitative method by distributing questionnaires to consumers via the Google Form link and the questions on the questionnaire paper, with 100 respondents through a questionnaire, consists of 16 questions. Then the data were collected and processed using SPSS version 22 to see the effect of each variable. The results of this study indicate that the variable price and service quality have a positive effect on the level of customer satisfaction. PubDate: May 2022
Abstract: Publication date: Feb 2022 Source:Food Science and Technology Volume 10 Number 1 Michelle D. Enriquez and Christine Joy I. Ballo The Philippines, being surrounded by water has an abundant source of fish; making fish processing one of the established industries in the country. Fish paste-making provides an opportunity to make the unsold fish useful and saleable. Traditionally, the method of fish paste making is manually processed as it involves the use of bare hands; hygiene, sanitation, and increasing labor cost hinder the profitability of the business. This study employed developmental research to produce a machine that can provide a solution to the fish paste industry. Since bare hands are mostly used during mixing, squeezing, and straining of salt and fish; the mechanized fish paste maker combines the mixing and straining process in one compartment to prevent the manual handling of raw materials. The developed machine was evaluated to determine the operation's performance based on functionality, durability, efficiency, and safety. The grand mean of 4.57 defined that the product met the intended purpose, had durable design and materials, was efficient and consistent in providing ease of operation and safe to use. The time and motion study further proved that the use of the machine lessens the production process by almost half of the normal duration and can guarantee an increase in the number of bottles produced. More importantly, the cost-benefit analysis showed that the machine is capable to increase the production benefits as it lessens the manual cost and other production costs. PubDate: Feb 2022
Abstract: Publication date: Feb 2022 Source:Food Science and Technology Volume 10 Number 1 Riya Malushte Sammita Jadhav and Radhika Hedaoo Background: The nutrition transition has commercialized fast foods worldwide despite of the evinced health hazards. This necessitates a scientific appraisal of the factors leading to fast food consumption and its associated Body Mass Index (BMI) status amongst adolescents. Objectives: The objectives of the present study were to assess the pattern of fast food consumption, factors affecting the consumption, and correlate the fast foods intake with the BMI of adolescents (16-19 years). Methodology: This cross-sectional study was conducted on a randomly selected sample of 219 adolescents across the gender, pursuing higher secondary education in an urban city of India. A structured questionnaire was administered on understanding consumption pattern and their reasons for consumption of fast foods. Anthropometric measurements included height (cms), weight (kgs) and BMI. Descriptive statistics, spearman correlation, and factor analysis method were used for statistical analysis. Results: 14% and 24% of adolescents consumed fast foods once a day and three to four times a week respectively. Sweets and confectionary, burger, pizza, fried snacks, dairy desserts, and high fat sandwiches consumption showed a positive correlation with BMI (p PubDate: Feb 2022
Abstract: Publication date: Aug 2022 Source:Food Science and Technology Volume 10 Number 3 Adewole E. Ogola-Emma E. Ojo A. and Adegbite S. Phaseolus vulgaris is one of the most widely used traditional remedies for diabetes mellitus. Over a thousand medicinal plants have been found to contain anti-diabetic chemicals, the bulk of which have long been used in traditional medicine. The pharmacological significance of eating Phaseolus vulgaris in diabetics has been intensively explored in order to identify the several bioactive components responsible for their diabetes-controlling benefits. Researchers have previously linked the eating of P. vulgaris as a possible protective factor against cataract surgery based on their findings on the evaluation of beans and other vegetables. This study was driven by the need to find more bioactive chemicals that are active in the management of diabetes and the prevention of cataract, which is one of the disease's consequences. In Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria, Phaseolus vulgaris is a leguminous crop that is widely consumed. Phaseolus vulgaris was purchased from two different sources, pulverized with a Sumeet CM/L 2128945 grinder, and extracted with methanol and ethanol. The extracts were concentrated. The bioactive components in the extracts were identified using GC-MS. The ethanolic extract includes twelve bioactive compounds, while the methanolic extract contains ten. The ethanol extract contains neophytadiene, β-amyrin, and squalene, among other chemicals. Neophytadiene, 1,2-benzisothiazol-3-amine, TBDMS derivative, and 1-Methyl-3-phenylindole were found in methanol extract. Both extracts contain bioactive chemicals that have been shown to have anti-diabetic and cataract-prevention properties in humans. Finally, the discovery of these various beneficial components lends credence to scientific proof that Phaseolus vulgaris can be consumed by diabetics. PubDate: Aug 2022
Abstract: Publication date: Aug 2022 Source:Food Science and Technology Volume 10 Number 3 Adewole E. Olori H. Ojo A. Adewumi F. Ogunmodede O. Oludoro T. Peters O. Akinwale H. Agboola K. and Adegbite S. The scotch bonnet pepper (Capsicum chinense), which is grown in Ado Ekiti, Nigeria, is frequently used to spice up foods and soups in addition to a variety of therapeutic benefits. They contain vitamins and amino acids and can be used to treat pain disorders including headaches, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and severe diabetic neuropathy. The concentration of amino acids and vitamins B1, B2, and B6 in the flesh and seed of red and green scotch bonnet peppers, on the other hand, remains unknown, which prompts this inquiry. On a nearby farm in Ado Ekiti, Nigeria, red and green scotch bonnet peppers were picked, split into flesh and seed, mixed, air-dried at room temperature and then ground into powder. With the aid of an HPLC-UV detector, the samples were tested for their amino acid content and vitamin B1, B2, and B6 identification. For the red scotch bonnet pepper, 17 amino acids were identified at different retention times and classified as essential and non-essential. Eighteen amino acids were discovered in the seed and eighteen in the flesh. However, serine was only found in the seed and not in the flesh. Furthermore, eighteen acids were identified in the flesh and seed of green pepper, eighteen in the flesh, and fifteen in the seed. Serine has only been detected in the flesh and in the flesh and seed. The vitamins B1, B2, and B6 were all present in the seed and flesh of the red and green peppers studied with varying heights and retention times. The abundance of serine in the green pepper seed and flesh, as well as the availability of eighteen amino acids shows that it is more nutritious than the red pepper. PubDate: Aug 2022
Abstract: Publication date: Aug 2022 Source:Food Science and Technology Volume 10 Number 3 Oscar Jiménez-González and José Ángel Guerrero-Beltrán Pitaya (Stenocereus pruinosus) is a Mexican endemic and highly nutritive fruit, but it is very perishable. Juice contains high amounts of beneficial compounds, especially betalains; however, the viscosity, due to the mucilage, limits its use as pigment in foods. In order to obtain the pitaya pigments to be encapsulated, a simplex-lattice-design was used. Pitaya fermented juices were mixed with mesquite gum (MG), gum arabic (GA), maltodextrin (MDX) or their combinations (5% w/v) and then encapsulated by spray drying at an inner temperature of 160℃. Microcapsules were analyzed in color, bioactive compounds and some physicochemical characteristics. The results showed that three single agents and their combinations (binary and ternary) allowed the obtention of powders. The use of the simplex lattice design revealed the differences in the combination of carrier agents for encapsulation. All yields varied in the range of 64-84%. All powders had moisture content below 6% and water activity around 0.208. Powders showed a pale-red color (Hue and Chroma around 16 and 32, respectively). Powders with MG and GA had the highest red index values. The MG-GA combination retained the higher amount of betalains (3.28± 0.09 mg of total betalains/g powder, particularly betaxanthins). The phenolic compounds content of powders ranged from 8.01-10.77 mg Gallic acid equivalents/g powder and a maximum antioxidant activity of 15.05 mg Trolox equivalents/g powder, particularly the ternary blend (MG-GA-MDX). The antioxidant activity was dominated by other phenolic compounds rather than betalains. Microencapsulated pigments from red pitaya could be used as natural colorants in the food industry. However, further studies should be performed to estimate the potential use of powders as colorants in food systems. PubDate: Aug 2022
Abstract: Publication date: Aug 2022 Source:Food Science and Technology Volume 10 Number 3 Gaspard Bizimungu Roger Houêchéné Ahouansou Clarence Semassou and Jean Claude Dusabumuremyi Coffee is an important source of income for African smallholder farmers. The world is predominated by three coffee varieties, namely Arabica, Robusta, and Liberica originated in the African countries. However, the low coffee quality attributes can affect the coffee beans' price due to the improper post-harvesting processes. Therefore, this work is aimed to review the physical and mechanical properties of the African coffee cherries and beans on the country-wise level, and review the methods used to measure quality parameters and compare the key coffee quality parameters. This work was qualitatively conducted using secondary data on African Arabica and Robusta coffee from journals, conference proceedings, and reports. Methods used for determining the coffee beans' properties were explored country wise. The coffee attributes of the two coffee varieties were compared through statistical analysis using ANOVA. The review found that the coffee quality depends on geographical characteristics, agronomic factors, and post-harvesting processes. The coffee cherries de-pulping process is linked to the coffee quality to avoid the damage of parchment coffee beans based particularly on the size and shape of coffee cherries and beans. The analysed quality parameters showed that the Ethiopian Arabica coffee beans were larger than the Ghanaian Robusta coffee beans. While the size of Robusta coffee in Eastern African countries, particularly Uganda, is bigger than those in Western countries, especially Ghana. Therefore, the information on the coffee quality attributes can help to improve the performance parameters of the coffee de-pulping machine and enhance the price of African coffee. PubDate: Aug 2022