Subjects -> NUTRITION AND DIETETICS (Total: 201 journals)
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- Effects of cooking techniques on phenolic content and sensory profiles of
cauliflower Authors: Özge Seçmeler; Merve Yavuz Düzgün, Murat Muhammet Dülger, Gökhan Taşpınar Abstract: In this study, the effects of the cooking methods (frying, stir-frying, air-frying, boiling, steaming, baking and sous-vide, and microwaving) on total phenolic content (TPC) and sensory profile of cauliflower have been investigated. Higher cooking temperatures have resulted in higher TPC values, which can be attributed to the generation of new phenolics by the Maillard reaction and cleavage of bound phenolics. The highest TPC and bitterness were obtained when steaming and baking (180°C for 20 min) were applied. While the boiling procedure results in low bitterness and sweetness due to the loss of related compounds in boiling water, the taste of cooked cauliflower was higher when steamed (12 min) and stir-fried (4.5 min). Overall acceptability of the boiled, steamed, and fried samples was higher than in baked and sous-vide treated samples. Steaming was determined as the best technique regarding TPC content and sensory properties. PubDate: Mon, 15 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +030
- A study on the knowledge and attitudes of dietitians and their clients
about collagen Authors: Armin Amanpour; Sevde Kahraman, Elif Tutar Hatipoğlu, Fatma Çelik Abstract: This study aimed to assess the opinions of dietitians and their clients regarding their knowledge and use of collagen and to determine their level of knowledge regarding the use of collagen supplements. It was conducted on 30 dietitians and 125 clients in Istanbul, Balıkesir, Antalya and Hatay provinces between March and April 2023. Online data was collected from participants via Google Forms. 56.7% (n=17) of dietitians and 54.4% (n=68) of their clients use collagen (P>0.05). While 36.7% (n=11) of dietitians said, it was beneficial for the skin, 23.3% (n=7) used it for weight control and digestive regulation, 38.4% (n=48) said it was beneficial for the skin and 34.4% (n=43) for joint density and pain relief. There was also no statistically significant difference (P>0.05) between dietitians' and clients' information about collagen use. However, while 17.5% (n=3) of dietitians were concerned about the reliability, certification, and brand of collagen, 22.1% (n=15) of consumers were concerned about its reliability. In addition, the opinions of the dietitians and clients participating in the study regarding the use of collagen were not found to be statistically significant (P>0.05). PubDate: Mon, 15 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +030
- Investigating the aflatoxin M1 level in butter samples collected from
markets in winter and spring Authors: Damla Dönmez; Meltem Uzun Abstract: Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) found in animal feeds is converted to M1 (AFM1) in animals. It contaminates all dairy products made from the milk of these animals. In this study, AFM1 levels were investigated by competitive ELISA, which is a highly sensitive method in 84 butter samples collected from various markets based on the legal toxin limit of 0.05 μg/kg (50 ng/L) in Turkey. While the presence of AFM1 at different levels was detected in 79 (94%) of the 84 butter samples examined, it was determined that the legal limit was exceeded in 67 (79.7%) of these samples. When the results are evaluated from a seasonal perspective, 37 (88.1%) of 42 butter samples collected in January-February and all (100%) in May were contaminated with AFM1 at various levels. As a result of the study, it was thought that the AFM1 levels determined in butter samples may be a severe public health problem and that the AFB1 levels of animal feeds and store conditions should be controlled regularly. The fact that toxin levels were higher in the spring than in the winter was interpreted as the animals being unable to go to the pasture due to weather conditions and continuing to feed on store feed. PubDate: Mon, 15 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +030
- Examination of nutrient content, dietary antioxidant capacity, dietary
quality and dietary inflammatory load of some popular diet Authors: Fatmanur Hümeyra Zengin; Aleyna Çevik Abstract: This study aimed to examine some popular diets' nutrient content, dietary antioxidant capacity, diet quality, and dietary inflammatory load. Materials and Method: Literature was reviewed to identify popular diets, and Atkins, vegan, Zone, Dukan, Mediterranean, alkaline, ketogenic, and Paleo diets were included in the study. Nutrient contents, antioxidant capacity, and oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) values of popular diets were determined using the Ebispro for Windows (BeBIS) program. Diet Quality Index-I (DQI-I) and Dietary Inflammatory Index were calculated. Results: When the antioxidant amounts of all dietary models were compared, the diet with the highest antioxidant content was the Paleo diet (6.0 mmol), and the lowest was the classic ketogenic diet (1.9 mmol). When the ORAC values of the dietary patterns were compared, the diet with the highest antioxidant capacity was the Paleo diet (23670), and the diet with the lowest antioxidant capacity was the Dukan cruise diet (1828). The diet with the lowest DII score was the vegan diet (-1.5), and the diet with the highest DII score was the classic ketogenic diet (5.9). According to the DII scores, vegan, Dukan, and Mediterranean diets have anti-inflammatory properties. Vegan diet had the highest DQI-I score (74). Zone (73) and Mediterranean (68) had the highest scoring diets. The diets with the lowest DQI-I scores were the Dukan (attack phase) (43) and the classic ketogenic diet (46). Conclusion: These findings provide valuable information on the nutritional adequacy of popular diets. Plant-based and balanced diets have better quality and nutrient profiles than low-carbohydrate diets. PubDate: Mon, 15 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +030
- Determination of the cyto-genotoxic effects of sodium acetate and sodium
sulfite by MTT and comet assays Authors: Ece Avuloğlu Yılmaz; Sevcan Mamur, Esra Erikel, Deniz Yüzbaşıoğlu, Fatma Ünal Abstract: Sodium acetate (NaA) and sodium sulfite (NaS) are two food additives in the class of preservatives. In this study, 3-(4,5-dimethyl thiazolyl-2)-2,5 diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay was established to detect the cytotoxicity, and comet assay was used to determine the genotoxicity of NaA and NaS. For the MTT assay, human hepatocellular carcinoma (HepG2) cells were treated with different concentrations of each preservative (15.63, 31.25, 62.50, 125, 250, 500, 1000 and 2000 µg/mL for NaA; 3.91, 7.81, 15.62, 31.25, 62.50, 125, 250 and 500 µg/mL for NaS, respectively) for 24-h. non-treated wells used as control (only medium) were included. Comet assay was performed on lymphocytes isolated from healthy donors with multiple concentrations of NaA (15.63, 31.25, 62.50, 125, 250 µg/mL) and NaS (3.91, 7.81, 15.62, 31.25, 62.50 µg/mL) for 1 h. A negative (distilled water) and a positive control (100 µM H2O2) were also included. Significant cytotoxic activity was detected for NaA and NaS only at the highest concentration. Besides, both substances significantly increased DNA damage compared to the control at almost all concentrations (except at low concentrations). In general, both food preservatives exhibited weak cytotoxic effects in HepG2 cells. These food preservatives showed genotoxic activity, especially at higher concentrations. PubDate: Mon, 15 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +030
- Examination of front-of-packaged (FOP) labelling systems and
nutrition-health statements on packaged foods in Türkiye Authors: Necattin Cihat İçyer; Hicran Doğan Abstract: There is a growing trend worldwide towards greater awareness of food labelling systems in the fight against global challenges such as unhealthy nutrition and obesity. Nearly 30 governments have approved various front-of-package (FOP) labelling systems, and many countries plan to adopt them. However, since there is no legal regulation regarding FOP labelling systems in Türkiye, nutrition and health-related statements appear on many packaged food products. Although these statements enable consumers to make healthy food choices, they also have the potential to mislead consumers by supporting the perception that foods lacking essential nutritional components or containing potentially harmful substances are healthy. This study examined FOP labelling systems used worldwide, and nutrition and health-related statements on the front of 1336 packaged foods in 6 categories in Türkiye were analysed. Although it varies in each category, the most common expressions are generally recommended daily amount (%14.5), fat (%16), sugar (%9.9), vitamin-mineral (%5.1), and protein (%9.4). Additionally, salt (%0,9), vegan (%2), additive (%11.6) and fibre content (%6.8) information is also commonly declared. As a result, the implementation of effective labeling regulations in Turkey can enhance public health and mitigate the adverse effects of unhealthy nutrition on society. PubDate: Mon, 15 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +030
- Increased expression of GLUT4, catalase and nitric oxide by a crystalised
fraction from ethanolic extracts of oak leaf lettuce and okra seed in C2C12 cell line Authors: Jasadee Kaewsrichan; Ashara Pengnoo Abstract: The fractions obtained from low temperature-induced crystallisation of ethanolic extracts of green- and red-oak leaf and okra seed were accounted for total polyphenol content and the DPPH antioxidant activity, resulting in 5.99, 4.44, and 12.35 mg gallic acid equivalent per g sample, and 0.45, 0.35, and 0.99 mg Trolox equivalent per g sample, respectively. Insulin resistance was the result after incubating C2C12 skeletal muscle cells in high glucose DMEM for 20 h. Oxidative stress and inflammation were triggered by re-incubating these resistant cells with insulin. The expression of p-p38 MAPK and NF-B proteins and the NF-B p65 transcription factor activity were enhanced. Such inflammatory protein markers were reduced when the crystalised extracts replaced insulin. Increased catalase activity and NO production were also determined for the incubations using the crystalised extracts. It was suitable to include these vegetables in the daily diets of prediabetic individuals for better management of the patient’s health status by increasing insulin sensitivity and decreasing inflammation. PubDate: Mon, 15 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +030