Abstract: Resumo A Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) tem vindo a alertar que os profissionais dos media assumem uma grande responsabilidade quando noticiam suicídios e dezenas de estudos internacionais têm apontado para consequências nos comportamentos suicidários da população na sequência da cobertura noticiosa do suicídio. Pela primeira vez no ano 2000, a OMS divulgou um conjunto de diretrizes para a cobertura mediática do suicídio, tendo vindo a atualizar aquelas orientações. Contudo, o tema do suicídio e as diretrizes internacionais para uma cobertura responsável do tema parecem não constar dos programas de formação dos jornalistas. O presente estudo exploratório teve o objetivo de averiguar a perceção dos estudantes de jornalismo em Portugal, a frequentar as instituições de ensino de Lisboa, relativamente às notícias sobre suicídio, aferir se conhecem as regras para uma cobertura responsável do tema e verificar se existem diferenças entre os alunos do 1º e 3º anos, estes últimos finalistas e prestes a entrar no mercado de trabalho. Foram validados 248 questionários, 157 do 1º ano e 91 do 3º ano. A maioria dos estudantes de jornalismo sondados manifestou desconhecimento das melhores práticas de elaboração de notícias responsáveis sobre suicídio, demonstrando também pouca sensibilidade relativamente às questões que o tema coloca. Neste sentido, será importante consciencializar as instituições de ensino para a necessidade de abordar o assunto e ensinar as diretrizes a seguir aos futuros jornalistas e profissionais dos media.Abstract The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned that media professionals have great responsibility when reporting suicides and dozens of international studies have pointed to consequences on the population's suicidal behavior following news coverage of suicide. For the first time in the year 2000, WHO issued a set of guidelines for media coverage of suicide and has been updating those guidelines. However, the subject of suicide and international guidelines for responsible coverage of the subject seem not to be included in journalist training programs. The aim of the present exploratory study was to investigate the perceptions of journalism students in Portugal, who attend the educational institutions of Lisbon, in relation to the news about suicide, to verify if they know the rules for responsible coverage and to verify if there are differences between the students of the 1st and 3rd years, these last finalists and about to enter in the job market. In total, 248 questionnaires were validated, 157 from the 1st year and 91 from the 3rd year. Most of the probed journalism students were unaware of the best practices for preparing responsible suicide news, as well as showing little sensitivity to the issues raised by the subject. In this sense, it would be important to make educational institutions aware of the need to approach the subject and teach the guidelines to be followed by future journalists and media professionals.
Abstract: Abstract The development of technological and communication platforms generates academic, political and social debates. In the field of Media Studies, there is a special concern with the younger generations, as studies document that they express particular behaviors due to the increased diffusion of digital consumption in their lives (Silveira & Amaral, 2018). In the field of media literacy, news literacy becomes even more relevant today due to the rise of fake news, which is one of the biggest challenges for digital journalism today, because it endangers the truth and instigates misinformation, which could have serious repercussions for society in general and for the youngest more susceptible generations, in particular. Based on these assumptions, this article comprehends and analyses the dynamics of reception of news and social media by university students studying in Portugal, specifically in the Faculty of Design, Technology and Communication - European Unievrsity of Lisbon (in the academic year 2018/2019), located in Lisbon. Through the development of a qualitative methodology, we set to find the participants particular uses of social media for news access and consumption. We intend to define these audiences preference profiles, identify practices, analyse their relationship with the media and find patterns in their use of technology to access information and fake news. The results allow us to conclude that these audiences get their news almost exclusively through online platforms. Some of them distinguish fake news due to format and content, while others share them unknowingly. They seem to rely more on newspaper and TV for reliable sources of information and think that most of fake news are found online. All seem to think that the proliferation of fake news is discrediting journalism and the media in general and both media and citizens should strive to make news literacy a reality for all.
Abstract: Resumo O assunto que esse trabalho se debruça diz respeito ao questionamento: o fato de haver mais mulheres jornalistas alteraria a perspectiva de gênero nas produções noticiosas' O artigo divide-se em três partes; na primeira, o discurso é abordado sobre uma perspectiva de gênero, trazida por Teun van Dijk (2017) e Linda Steiner (2017). Na segunda, é feita uma revisão bibliográfica de trabalhos que tiveram como ênfase a diferenciação de gênero nas redações dos meios de comunicação noticiosos. Alguns deles pontuam diferenças existentes nas representações midiáticas e levam em consideração o número de mulheres presentes nas redações. Entretanto, pesquisas mais recentes contextualizam a inserção sociocultural dos/das profissionais, levando em consideração os papéis de gênero na sociedade. Sendo a feminização das redações um fenômeno que acontece passo a passo com a crise comunicacional neste início de século, são trazidas por último as cinco estratégias propostas por Margaret Gallagher (2004) para que a mudança do cenário atual possa ocorrer. O ponto de vista da autora compreende outros meios de comunicação, além dos noticiosos, e tem como chave a perspectiva de gênero.Abstract The main subject discussed in this paper concerns the question: would more women journalists alter the gender perspective in news productions' The article is divided into three parts. In the first, the discourse is approached from a gender perspective, explained by Teun van Dijk (2017) and Linda Steiner (2017). The second part is reserved for a bibliographical review of some researches which emphasize gender differentiation in newsrooms. Some of them point out differences in media representations and take into account the number of women working as jounalists. However, more recent research contextualizes the socio-cultural insertion of media professionals, considering gender roles in society. Since the feminization of newsrooms is a phenomenon that happens at the same time happens the communicational crisis in the beginning of this century, five strategies proposed by Margaret Gallagher (2004) are presented. It is a manual to change the current scenario. The author's point of view comprises media than other the news and is based on gender perspective.
Abstract: Resumen Esta investigación de enfoque exploratorio aborda una técnica de captación del voto tan escasamente tratada como el microtargeting electoral, desde la exposición de oportunidades que brindan los espacios autosegmentados y el interés de los partidos por el electorado femíneo. Partiendo de la brecha de género que marca la mayor existencia de mujeres indecisas, se observa en las revistas femeninas de alta gama una oportuna plataforma para que los políticos lleguen a un segmento de votantes eminentemente integrado por féminas. En concreto, a través del análisis de más de 5.000 encuestas, este trabajo tiene como objetivo averiguar cuáles son las características del target y ofrecer una definición concreta del mismo que, a la postre, serviría a cualquier candidato a un cargo para personalizar el mensaje en sus entrevistas. Los resultados revelan que es posible extraer de los estudios de mercado una verdadera utilidad política.Abstract This article with exploratory approach addresses a technique of capturing the vote as scarcely treated as electoral microtargeting, from the exposition of opportunities offered by self-segmented spaces and the interest of the parties for the feminine electorate. Starting from the gender gap that marks the greater existence of undecided women, a timely platform is seen in high-end women's magazines for politicians to reach a segment of leaders eminently made up of women. Specifically, through the analysis of more than 5,000 surveys, this work aims to find out the characteristics of the objective and offer a specific definition of the objective that, in the end, will serve any candidate for office to personalize the message in their interviews. The results reveal that it is possible to extract a true political utility from the market studies.
Abstract: Resumen ¿Qué y quién es noticia de portada en los principales medios escritos de Ecuador' Este artículo estudia la agenda mediática del primer año de mandato del presidente Lenín Moreno. Se ha utilizado una metodología cuantitativa, basada en el análisis de contenido de más de 3.500 informaciones de portada publicadas en los periódicos ecuatorianos de tirada nacional durante el período comprendido entre agosto de 2017 y agosto de 2018. Un año que ha estado marcado por el elevado peso en portada de la información política, sustentada en la visión negativa al mandato del expresidente, Rafael Correa. Esta parte de los contenidos se dulcifica con informaciones de entretenimiento, deportes, farándula y espectáculo. Se analizan, además, desde una mirada crítica, los actores y escenarios, mostrando la invisibilización de sectores tan relevantes para el país como los agricultores y mineros. Las mujeres siguen sin apenas representación ni espacio.Abstract What and who is cover story in the main written media of Ecuador' This article focuses on the establishment of the media agenda in the first year of President Lenín Moreno's term. A quantitative methodology has been used, based on the analysis of the content of more than 3,500 cover information published in the Ecuadorian national newspapers during the period between August 2017 and August 2018. A year that has been marked by the high weight on the cover of political information, supported by the negative view of the period of the previous president, Rafael Correa. This part of the agenda is sweetened with entertainment, sports and show business content. The actors and scenarios are also analysed, from a critical point of view, showing the invisibility of sectors as relevant to the country as farmers and miners. Women continue with little representation or space.
Abstract: Abstract Instagram has become an important tool to contact the audiences both in commercial and political communication. Of special interest is the use of this social network by politicians, who can use the image to portray a humanized version of themselves: it is not the candidate but the person who is talking to citizens through impacting images posted on their personal profiles. The present study posits that Instagram is a key tool for self-representation. This paper offers a specific study about the use of Instagram by the five main candidates in the Spanish general elections in 2019. The main aim of this paper is to study if the Spanish candidates showed themselves on Instagram in a more humanized way during the electoral campaign. Departing from Goffman’s theory about the presentation of the self, a content analysis has been carried out as methodology, where Goffman’s concepts have been operationalized. The analysis was applied to a total of 473 Instagram posts, covering both a pre-election period and an election period. Results show that Spanish candidates tend to show themselves as professional politicians, but some candidates of new parties increment their humanization in the elections period.
Abstract: Resumo O artigo debate a relação entre a mediatização e o capitalismo, a partir do conceito de “capitalismo de vigilância” cunhado por Shoshana Zuboff. Este conceito descreve uma nova lógica económica ancorada na monetização de dados comportamentais, em que empresas vendem e compram o acesso em tempo real ao fluxo da vida quotidiana para influenciar e modificar o comportamento dos indivíduos em busca de lucro. Esta subespécie emergente do capitalismo está relacionada com o processo de mediatização social, uma vez que as sociedades contemporâneas podem ser caracterizadas por um aumento geral da importância dos media em variadas dimensões da vida, com as rotinas diárias profundamente entrelaçadas nos media móveis - nomeadamente, smartphones, tablets, redes Wi-Fi e contas em redes sociais. Isto significa que os indivíduos produzem quantidades crescentes de informação sobre si e o seu comportamento, e à medida que mais áreas da vida social dependem de processos de mediação digital, mais sectores da sociedade se adaptam e são dependentes das tecnologias. Ou seja, a vigilância empresarial criou um sistema de extração de lucros constituído por recolha e análise sistemática de dados para capturar o consumidor digital. Este artigo parte do modelo abstrato sobre as dinâmicas do capitalismo, teorizado por Rosa et al. (2017), para debater a indispensabilidade dos media para a estabilização dinâmica do capitalismo. Como a sua estabilidade é precária, o capitalismo precisa de aceleração permanente para atingir novos níveis de estabilidade e neste ensaio teórico defende-se que a mediatização desempenha um papel acelerador na escalada do capitalismo de vigilância, ao mesmo tempo que, deste modo, garante a sua estabilização social. Neste contexto, o termo “acelerador” deve ser entendido como uma condição prévia funcional para uma aceleração contínua. The concept of surveillance capitalism, christened by Shoshone Zuboff, is used in this article to explore the relationship between mediatization and capitalism. The concept describes a new economic logic based upon the monetization of behavioral data. This subspecie of capitalism is related to the mediatization process as contemporary societies may be described by the increasing relevance of media technologies in varies dimensions of life whereby daily routines are profoundly embedded in mobile media - namely, smartphones, tablets, WiFi networks and social media accounts. This means that individuals produce a growing amount of data about themselves and as increasing dimensions of life depend upon digital mediation processes, more economic sectors adapt themselves and are dependent upon technologies. Corporate surveillance created a system of extraction of profit by sistematically collecting and analyzing data to capture the digital consumer. This article departs from the abstract model of dynamics of capitalism, theorized by Rosa et al. (2017), to debate media indispensability to the stabilization of capitalism. As its stability is precarious, capitalism needs permanent acceleration to achieve new levels of stability and in this theoretical essay it is argued that mediatization plays an accelerator role in the escalation of surveillance capitalism at the same time that by doing it capitalism guarantees its social stability. In this context, “accelerator” must be understood as a functional precondition for assuring a continuos acceleration process.